October 21, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 21) • Page Image 1
…VA- 1 ~> y1 Y 46 VOL. I. No.21. VoL. . No 21. UNIVEPSITY OF .MICIIG.AN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, I1890. PIE3CNS PRICE 3 CENTS. NEW LAW BUILDING. The Needs of the Unvasity Pr lct - cally Unimito. Tlie Dotroit ,Joulrilal of last eve- lirng quoted l'r. Xuooell as saying tihat the two sp~eciail ieeds of thie 111estat present, ale a g)'iii- Basuin and a newV Law bnildillg. Tis mlay be conlsideredi as ilius- trative of tile great growth of the 1J, of M....…