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January 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom VOLUME XCVII-- NO.78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - TUESDAY, JANUARY 20,1987 COPYRIGHT 1987, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Macs sell despite new. By STEVE BLONDER The University's "Computer Weekend" already appears to be a success despite short notice of the sale and recent publicity about a new line of Apple computers, ac - cording to a University official. As of Friday, 1,170 computers had already been ordered through ...…

February 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…In Weken Ma azine: East Coast meets Midwest " Tom Monaghan The List (with campus cinema for spring break) Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom 0 VOLUME XCVII - NO. 101 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1987 COPYRIGHT 1987 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Shapiro minority By REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN create new prog and EUGENE PAK just throw mone University President Harold range from racisn Shapiro publicly announced a $1 "This is as million i...…

March 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…In Weekend Magazine: Special issue: Spring Style 1987 " John Logie Interview: Professor Vivian Shapiro 9 The List e t t tX Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom VOLUME XCVII-- NO. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1987 COPYRIGHT 1987, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Weine, Felton win MSA Iandslide By MARTHA SEVETSON The Students First party, led by LSA juniors Ken Weine and Becca Felton, won a sweeping victory in this week's Michigan Stude...…

April 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom L 1- F VLUM XTPCVII - NO 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - MONDAY. APRIL 20,1987 COPYRIGHT 1987, THE MICHIGAN DAILY i fVLV1Y11i A\. Y 11 Research restrictions relaxed By STEVE KNOPPER The University's Board of Reg- ents approved new guidelines Friday which impose almost no restric- tions on any research done at the University. The new policy passed with a 5-2 vote, and is effective immediately. Suppo...…

October 20, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…1£ rE uu 4&J Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 20, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily U.S. warships destroy Iranian oil platforms ran vows war in response MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) - U.S. warships destroyed two Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf yesterday, and Navy commandos raided a third. Iran said the Americans had begun a "full-fledged war" to which it promised...…

November 20, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…I Weeken Magazine: " Basketball Tip-Off " John Logie . The List . Interview: Sean Higgins Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 20, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily North hindered Contra probes WASHINGTON (AP) - National Security aides John Poindexter and Oliver North inter- fered with seven criminal investiga- tions when the probes threatened to expose the Reagan admini...…

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