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December 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…t RY 1A CHRISTMAS Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 3Iat. HAPP NEW YEA N 1 . ,.. 77 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1957 FIVE CENTS Conference Accep Defer -'AND WITH A WINK'-Santa overshadows the Christmas season with the spirit of giving. -Daily--Charles C3rtiss . "" I i 1 41" 1 1 .r. . viation' ty Be Seen r Dorms LANE VANDERSLICE dence halls may be less d than they have been in years, according to early...…

December 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…TlE MICHIGAN DAILY BOOTLEGGING EMPIR Moonshine,. By RONALD KOTULAK If you have been everywhere, seen everything, and are wonder- ing where to go on your Christmas vacation, then why not go to Hell? Hell is a popular gathering place for people 'who have retired from active life, but the Mayor of Hell, Erdly VanSickle, invites St udents Bine Walter Anicka Design A'wards James A. Van Sweden, '59A&D and Robert J. Landman, '58A&D were announced w...…

December 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE M'Ice Squad Hosts Colorado in Weeen Serie perB Jcommet BY JIM BAAD Wrestlers Prepare (PLAY BUTLER TOMORROW: Cagers Face Five Holiday Road Games Michigan Sports 1957 AS THE YEAR draws to a close and The Daily goes to press for the last time in 1957, it is ofily fitting that we turn through the pages and look, in quick summary fashion, at what was important 'locally in athletics over the past 354 days. During th...…

December 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…"Isn't There Some Other Way?" * 4r g£td~igan 43aiIZ Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Vhen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRID...…

December 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 77) • Page Image 5

…TSE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING U- BUSINESS SERVICES. BALSAM TREES AND BOUGHS OREGON HOLLY CUT GREENS AND ROPING YOUR GARDEN CENTER 215 S. Fifth St. NO 3-5616 )J72 ANN ARBOR EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL 504 First National Bldg. BUSINESS SERVICES Here's the Perfect Gift SUNBEAM Now at these reduced prices! Fry Pan (in colors) . .$17.20 Reg. $21.50 Mix-Master ... NOW $36.46 Complete with bowls-Reg. $45.50 Steam Iron .........$13.95 2 3 4...…

December 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 77) • Page Image 6

…> THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOW19 rryiore Be Heard DAILY COLLEGE ROUNDUP OFFICIAL Scrooge means .ns "A nany. s Dick- tAlevi- but it seems there a more convincing the late Lionel Bar, annual radio drama- arrymore is dead, he again in his familiar on CBS radio. By SELMA SAWAYA GETT'YSBURG - The newly- installed, honor system at Gettys- burg College will cover all exami- nations, term papers, reports, lab- oratory work and all homework, acc...…

November 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…GOVERNOR IS KEY )EDUCATION ACTION See page 4 IY . Sixty-Sevin Years of Editorial Freedom ~ait4gP SNOW FLURIES N.. 55 ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1957 FIVE CENTS EIGHT S q. p MlI IIIIAOI IIr trictions w Rocket Landlady Rents 250 Rooms; Development Ex-Research Boss Asks Less Secrecy WASHINGTON (I)-House in- vestgators were told yesterday the I Statesamight be develop- igmssiles, faster if exchange of information we...…

November 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…TU I MCMGAN DAILY -Daily-Wesley Kar FINAL .PREPARATIONS-University Symphony Orchestra stu- dent conductor Robert Hatxse holds the music for tomorrow's concert as Lawrence Hurst, orchestra manager, plays the group's new Italian bass. 'U Orchestra To. Perform, 'Symhonie Fanatqe …

November 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…putWY meF A Alff Assembly Elects Brake is More' >duction Landlady's Job Difficult -Mrs. Lueck Prof. William Haber of the eco- mics department said yesterday at greater productivity is the nited States' best weapon for ;hting inflation. He told the Michigan Welfare inference in Grand Rapids that amitenance of stable price levels ould be made an objective of na- mal policy, and should be given ual importance with continued 11 employment. Pr...…

November 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…-t -You Retiring From Pry '" Thee i f i gan Daily Sixty-Eighth.Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS Of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS al" . STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 d~in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I- 1V 1RJ11 1 L A llA . L ' . L J . i ew outterners F...…

November 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 55) • Page Image 5

…________THE MICHIGAN DAILY Gives "A Balloon Debate," which will decide which of seven prominent people from history and litera- ture is most worthy to be saved, will be held by the International Students Association at 7:45 p.m. today in the Hussey Room of the. League. The idea behind the debate is that seven people are traveling in an air-balloon which begins to leak, says David Bunker, Grad., chairman of the ISA debates.. In order to save ...…

November 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

…THE Lions Receive Acclaim From Beaten 'Frisco' £4 By PAUL BORMAN San Fr a n c i s ca Forty-Niner coach Frankie Albert sat glumly in a corner of his dressing room wtih the San Francisco writers not saying a word. He was apparently still in par- tial shock. The writers were not themselves yet either after the humbling hung on the visitors by ,the Detroit Lions, 31-10. The first thing Albert said summed up the game: "Even if we knew each play...…

November 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 55) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY POOR SHOWING: Janham Hits Training CLASSIFIED AD VERTISIN 1 By AL JONES igan's sixth-place finish in urday's Big Ten cross coun- ils rates as the poorest per- ce by a recent Wolverine n Conference play. lly, the harriers' finish looks orse when the fact that only nplete teams were entered, State, Purdue, and North- i had no teams, and Wis- didn't enter enter a full or the failure of am, which earlier I fondled possibl...…

November 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 55) • Page Image 8

…TIM MICMGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NON TILE MIChIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NO, .i I 11 I. 1' "I 1 II I I S I KOOLER COVER r I1 The 4-gallon Skotch Kooler dons a cover of white vinyl plas- tic emblazoned with the emblem and colors of the University of Michigan and is perfect for Michigan parties at home or on campus. The Cover and white handle -$5.75. Complete with Kooler-$14.50 p.p. included. Send check or money order g to 1 III...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…h 9 A+' ; S.. 34 Iowa ..... .. 21 Ohio State . . Mnno . . . Minnesota 0 State 13 ... 13 Wisconsin .. . 7 Aw.. Oklahoma . . . 4 Kansas . .. . Indiant.a 7 Arm.. . . . .29 Texas A&M . . .o7 UCLA 0 Pittsburgh . . . 13 Texas Christian 0 Oregon State . p i I I NGHWAY AID 'NEFITS NATION 1 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom ait FAIR, COOL See page 4 No. 29, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1957 FIVE CENTS SIX ,.....…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 1

…i ... _ ...:.. ,v .. F.. . . .v. . , . ,. ,.,.. ..,. , .c: ..., .h.; . .,vr. ..;;.:: . HVV,:.:;nv v.... : } ": v %:v.r" . ' b°"fisrx yzy, s y 9 ,yg .,.r.w. 7i ,, v^e .s. .. Yaps :ka4yzt , ./ srv }5, . .s 1. ,v 4 S : >;:sk",5,;:; r.:'.: :' "' ",'..,f. ,,y. .,'."x ," ', t ??" pAM W ".:.. r r9 R}F1x 4/*1e" 3.fieY.'.N. .P' 7FZO.Y +a .lt .. ... . Nlx K'"" .^<.. J. : S??Tii TfF.%n .::SY:!^'l V. .Y. i."2 R.. .. :. ..... .. . ,: "}/.:. T '4".~ 5::i,. ...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ARTS DAY fyIIU DIAL NO 2-2513 Minnesota Upset as 'Al' Wi ; rAlliftft'Ims, , , - - - -, - D AL /1,Z,' I 'l for 1 f, EXCITING YOUNG STARS! Boilermaker' Illini Sweep] By The Associated Press EAST LANSING, Mich. - In- jured, ailing and underrated Pur due pulled a stunning football up set yesterday by knocking of Michigan State, the top rated col legiate team in the nation, bya convincing 20-13 score, Gothic Film ...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 2

…Rage Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE t tnA^-kt I }rf.ll+.esr Irl 1 OIZ'7 _.. ...... ., <.,FL- .unauy, vctouer lv, IJj) 2g 4IThdigau Uait# MAGAZINE OPERA: Vol. IV, No. 2 Sunday, October 20, 1957 CONTENTS OPERA By Harry Dunscombe SIBELIUS By David Kessel BRAINWASHING By John B. Dalbor 'VOSS' _ By Roy Akers THE MIGHTY MESABI By James Bow 'EXILES & MARRIAGES' - By R. C. Gregory THE FOLK SONG -__ By Rose Perlberg RACE PROBLEMS - .By John We...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…T, OCTOBER 20, 1957 'I HE MICHIGAN DAILY T, OCTOBER 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY £fp2/t4 COntneht BY JIM BAAD Sooners Extend Long Win Streak Wolverines Come Alive IT TOOK UNTIL the fourth quarter but Michigan regained the spirit of old yesterday. It appeared as though it were present early in the game, but even with the two touchdowns, fumbleitis and general laggardness on defense crept in to let an outplayed Northwestern tie the score. O...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 3

…Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE PageThvn The Universities Have Played a Rig Part In Its Growing Acceptance Among Americans By HARRY DU.SCOMBE The responsibility for cultural life 47PERA WAS, in the first place, did not become an integral part an accident. Like so many in- of our government as it did in ventions that turn out to be some- Europe; therefore we cannot count thing entirely different from what on state support f...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…s Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 24, 1957 _ . .. 'Yy -4 U H IBLIe His Permanence Seems Assured UB U U U U u By DAVID RESSEL 'j-El DEATH of Jean Sibelius last month removed from the scene one of the most powerful and indiridualistic figures of music. Certainly no musician has ever developed a more individual style; regardless of which of his com- positions one hrars, of whatever form, the Sibelius idiom is alway...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY man 'U Sing Here tudent Madrigal Choir of versity of Munster, Ger- Ill give a concert at 8:30 turday, Oct. 26 at Hill um. 4-voice choir 'directed by rma Reuter is sponsored Men's Glee Club and is the public free of charge. sill sing selections from :s of Mozart, Bach. Bruck- Distler and will conclude e Don Cossack song by :in, Italy, in the spring of t an international con- the group was awarded a dal for proficiency in vo...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 5

…Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Page Five coeds cheer for our good sports A. Quilted water-repellent poplin "Tibetan Toaster" by White Stag, with snug convertible hood collar. Natural, black, red or blue. Sizes 10 to 16 C 19.95 B. Bateau-neckline sweater of fine gauge cable knit zephyr wool. Red, white, black, light blue, navy or maize. Sizes 36 to 40. 12.98 C. Lined water-repellent poplin zip-front jacket with rib knit co...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY (Use of this col ments of meeting icially recognized dent organization Undergraduate meeting, Oct. 21, gell Hall. Speaker: Unitarian Stude Oct. 20, 7:00 p. Church, Dr. Cut Fromm's Psycho-A Contemporary L cussion and short ing, Oct. 22, 7:30 cussion of Keat's copies of poems s Wesleyan Guild gram, Oct. 20, 6:45 Program, "Christ Amid Confused TJ -Daily-Charles Curtiss LOUIS ELBEL Rifle Club, pract ., Hail to the Victors' Rif...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October Wit?, 1957 Page~ ~~ ,_ Six THIHGDIY AAIESna, coe ,15 Brainwashing BRattle for the Mind' Tells How It's Done Once - -Year Special! PERFUME nd and EAU 1DE 1ANVIN ,A RIPF (,J $ S.5 0 \IY SI\7 S5 .00 74e0 Q( C!N tncr. BATTLE FOR THE MIND. By how r (1a t i v e Iy uncomplicated' William Sargant. Garden physiological aiid mechanistic methods - rather than intellee- City, Nw York: Doubleday...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

… A ' 4 -a Au 0 r A . .& ,b--31, _ *- Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20, 1957 ' 7i.°h r i l ' '... r tnG:". :.rff.} .5..?.} r..' v'f.:°{r'A. 9.1+"".: 3: :9 i:;5'+}5Y.?} .'r :=R °.:Ni z34: II . ti ...... r....... . .. .. .. n:+e : ............ '.ti> .. ...:+.a .......:," " .' Q .,,,,.> .,.,. :.> ,Lti >'i > , ., >,".," o~r;?- Sh: y$e} 1 {"s..f1 'ari .'+a v';.y 'y1 .t v'hv tiiti>¢"..>il?.;i,",> ..":{ ""? 'v ...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 7

…Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE Mi 41GAN DAILY MAGAZINE --- ---Oomqm - 9 Paae Seven] u y c ,,,IV-- v %: r i I 'voss, To Conquer a Continent VOSS. By Patrick White. New precision. He is, obviously, a stu- life for that most elusive and York, 1957: Viking Press, dent of the human race, and not fragile of all human tributes-the 422 pp. $5. its savior. And the reader cannot thing called fame. Voss was fully aware that, by conquering a conti- ...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 8

… AW -4 .r _ .. .. . ..- i . .4. - .,- ,:.,, r 4- -.r -.?, . I 4 a 4 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday,-October 20, 1957 Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE I7 Aclrpgan hal MAGAZINE OPERA: STATE STREET Race Problei Vol. IV, No. 2 5unday, October 20, 1957 CONTENTS - OPERA By Harry Dunscombe SIBELIUS By David Kessel BRAINWASHING By John B. Dalbor 'VOSS' By Roy Akers THE MIGHTY MESABI By James ...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY M ,AZINF "5A Inc"? Vage-ight I IM'I-1 f- L .-l V A- Iungay, crober 10, 195 I .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . 1 e °. ,. BEHIND THE BALL because of cleaning bills? YOU CAN SAVE 25% by leaving your clothes with us for 7 days. 48-hour shirt service. Wash and dry. Westn ouse Laundromat 510 Williams THE DWINDLING MESABI-Soon this iron pit will become just another man-made canyon, filled with evergreens an...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 9

…4 'Exiles & Marriages' An Exceptional First Book RUSSIA A GRAND TOUR r 4U, 15I I I l1IUAIN UAISY MAGALI'NE The Universities Have Played a lig Part In Its Growing Acceptance Among Americans j (Continued from Page 9) His dogs will whimper through the webby barn, Where spiders close his tools " in a pale gauze And wait for flies..'.. When next October's frosts harden the earth, And fasten in the year's catastrophe, The farm will lie like dr...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 9

…Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Poos N"n 'Exiles & Marriages Hall Realizes His Responsibilities to a Demanding Art I EXILES AND MARRIAGES.'Poet By Donald Hall. New York, A P e 1956: Viking Press, 118 pp. Who Ca $3. By R. C. GREGORY B OCCASIONALLY there comes a poet who writes such good He returns to the scenes and pos- poems that nothing else matters: sessions of a boy ("A Relic of the' Donald hall is. I think, such a...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 10

…SIBE IUS spar e xplains 0, U his Permanence Seems Assured I Why Two Michigan Professors Weren't Welcome Last Year at Waseda University V 0 a U0 0 U 5 By DAVID KESSEL THE DEATH of Jean Sibelius last month removed from the scene one of the most powerful and individualistic figures of music. Certainly no musician has ever developed a more individual style; regardless of which of his com- positions one hears, of whatever form, the ...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 10

…etiO (VI IW l.,l I 53SIN M/A I LNMW "-- I 715s\L.IC n1 sudy ( nnue 2119 r ry I n' I Nk M I -nI UAN aU IL, MAaAL I N C Sunday. October 20, 195 7 THE FOLK SONG: . By ROSE PERLBERG Daily Activities Editor SWING LOW, sweet chariot, Coming for to carry me home .,.. You sit elbow to elbow in the dim, smoky Fireside Room of Lane Hall, with the melancholy strains of the Negro Spiritual swelling around you. A fireplace at one end casts the only ...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 11

… .:.A - Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20, 1957 n Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE _ ;l I / I A RIOT? I I r season ticket for winter-time fun! P.F. "Cozy-Coed" By AKIRA "TEDDY" EBUCHI IT WAS an invaluable and un- forgettable experience that I was privileged to attend the 10th N a t io n a 1 Student Association Congress and see for myself American students' ways of think- ing to...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 11

…Sunday, October 20, 1957 THEC kAirui/ A AI nA Ii tt Y.- I tMIC.IC^N DAIL Y M AA 1 r% _ r. f_ Sunday, OctoberTM,1l957II L Page Eleven I At Michigan and Elsewhere, The Ages-Old Entertainment Form Is Undergoing New Interest and Popularity {Cont hued from Page(, 10) discusses two: Negro and Southern Mountai Ballads. Negro music finds its roots in West African culture. The banjo- essential to Negro folk instru- mentation-is a supposed descen...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 12

…rr. ! e , , , tea ...-r , ...{?.. - ','.'. +c. . t -#, ..e, . . s;. .-x. , .. ,At. Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE -Sunday, October 2), 1957 Sundav. October 20. :1957 1HE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE S IBrainwashing Battle for the Mind' Tells How It's Done ,Jul luuyf LANVIIN Once-a-Year Special' PERFUME and EAU DE LANVIN AI{PEGE MY SIN $5.50 BATTLE FOR THE MIND. By William Sargant. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20, 1957, THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sundeiw Octoher 20 1957 STRATFORD:O By JEAN WIT LOLTIihIY THE SMALL towns and cities in North America have, for many years, threatened to become a vanishing institution. Surpassed by Suburbia in leisuse and con- veniencr, the closely knit, crack- er-barret co imuitie~is of our rural forehbearslihtve all but eisap- peared. Some ot these have stir...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 13

…and our Through Russ A Student's Eye View of Eight Days in the USSR To Conquer a Continent :; S 3 - By LEWIS ENGMAN WHEN travelers have visited - out-of-the-way places they are especially prone to subject us to their pronouncements on the state of affairs abroad. First- hand accounts are relatively rare and the visitor to a nation such as the Soviet Union finds he does not need to look far for someone to listen to his tales. It is tempt- i...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 13

….C.i.. auoo , ._ctol _r LU tncO I .,..._ . , .r _...KRAC_7 M, .agrurre Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGA MNDAII Y M cA ;A s fl I fIvi I-%I LI a..1-..,# -. IL L L ./\. P IVCPg Thre en it uicis rroaiems Despite the Success Of the Past Few Years THE WISE AOL OWL SAYS: your ., Clothes SUN CLEANERS Pay only $1.20 per suit Up to 40% can be saved if one person brings down several suits. For information, call NO 2-3488 SUN CLEANERS 201 East...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 14

…-IND THE BALL e the Success :ause of cleaning bills? I Of the Past Few Years I' 11 r r ""'' a !f 4. . , a, 44 sj. C SUN CLI Pay only $14 YOU CAN SAVE 25% by leaving your clothes with us for 7 days. 48-hour shirt service. Wash and dry. Up to 40% c if one person brings For information, ESUN CLI 201 East W I Westinghouse Laundromat THE DWINDLING MESABI-Soon this iron pit will become just another man-made canyon, filed with everg...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 14

…., .. Page Fourteen By LEWIS E WHEN travelers out-of-the-way are especially prone to their pronounce: state of affairs a hand accounts arej and the visitor to as the Soviet Union not need to look fa to listen to his tale: ing to draw gener, from personal ex view of this, I must impressions are th dent who is neither pert nor impartial i of the Soviet regim I entered the Sov a group of fifteen. tour was sponsored avian student trav addition t...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 15

… IS 11 In 0 a -, 0 0t I- v4 3 0 0 m I- M -I I m '77 74 CC7- no C) m 0 U) CL~ Co 3 G0 CD o< a -0 3 0o 0n -1 d r -< 'oi A4 m -C' C 0n Q 0 Z m m 0 C 2> A4 ZI a, As N w" In 0 z -4 -c m _n L. 01 CD C+ aD 0 0M C+ CA (D CD CD ' &0 W p ocno(D -0CD CD 0 p 0 O0 s '.«rt0 0 r t00j ? t 020 pi C C+ C+ 0 0 C5 C - C Ca CD r I N C1 CDr& .1 '-4 P I' ' F, 0 C) Fl Iow 0 C >"s '"a i w''p CDD rC-C ~CD CDD 1. f a CD m { C+C- CD 1C pt C-i 1D a° CD ...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 15

…Sunday, October 20, 1957 ('HE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Page Fifteen~ RUSSIAOPR can hiterasture. The list of aot)- In h e l m c ''~1 1 ~ H l e 01, cas fantastic in its scope: e~t~ J wk London, Theodore Dicisec, and 0J Henry. To this one mil (1i" r I" r ',e 3) "eiie)) sae) l) Roy, too. tosef Bailt wcas brougtu to cmpes EWERE) "ice i'satter itch- to bil)) aii operat1)icool, in))a Y s oae4teve flin touci of since that1 time Michtigan stuidents ther...…

October 20, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 29) • Page Image 16

…- p .9. ~ Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE . Sundy October 20, 1957 Sunday, October 20, 1957 kr ,THE MICHlGAN DAILY MAGAZINE - ; THE FOLK SONG: At Michigan and Elsewhere, The Ages-Old Entertainment Form Is Undergoing New Interest and Popularity By ROSE PERLBERG Daily Activities Editor S WING LOW, sweet chariot, Coming for to carry me home . ... You sit elbow to elbow in the dim, smoky Fireside Room of Lane Hall, with the melanch...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20, 195' Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20. 195' For the LATEST and BEST in BOOKS visit SLATER'S YOUR COLLEGE BOOKSTORE season ticket for winter-time fun! P.F. "Cozy-Coed' By AKIRA "TEDDY" EBUCHI IT WAS an invaluable and un- forgettable experience that I was privileged to attend the 10th N a t i o n a l Student Association Congress and see for myself Amet...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 17

…Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Page Seventeen A Japanese Student Explains Why Two Michigan Professors Weren't Welcome Last Year at Waseda University DEMONSTRATING STUDENTS waited in vain for Professors Gordy and Page to arrive at the International Airport. PLACARDS RAISED on high in front of the Memorial Auditorium at Waseda University. folt) of 4"N/ JUN~o 'o such truly feminine fashions in such a luxurious sweate...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 18

…Page Eighteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20, 1957 'Exiles & Marriages An Exceptional First Book d reading. "Six "f n niNa 'Ja r RUSSIA A GRAND TOUR (Continued from Page 9.) His degs will whimper through the webby barn, Where spiders close his tools ' in a pale gauze And wait for flies. When next October's frosts harden the earth,: Y And fasten in the yeas's catastrophe, The farm will lie like driftwood, The farmer dead, ...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 19

…undoy, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Page Nineteen i., Sunday, October 20, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Poqe Nineteen m STATE STREET (Continued from Page 11) placing merchandise in reachable (Continued fromI rought below. For those seeking locations and installing mid-twen- seems to move sou roght bnelow.aFor tonseekingytieth century lighting. Frighten- eastward continually: -the intellectual stimulation they tg! is set ...…

October 20, 1957 • Page Image 20

…Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20, 1957 I r Sunday, October 20, 1957 3 to suit your fancy (or his) '00 L See our eye-catching selections of casual wear and accessories, attractively de- tailed with YOU in mind. And, if it's a gift, we know you'll find an appealing array of fashion that will be certain to please its recipient, such as. .. 1 ., 4 8 4 . 4 ' 1212 SOUTH UNIVER...…

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