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February 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…= S.. " h,1_" }}^ e aW ma , ni f .. >.:... " n r: r' mrsy ~ _ , fl4 1 -K~N y _ i ti _ l ~S~ 4 ti C UA~r~{ _. ." .. ,ti i ° ' _ r t \Yoit'll ry 5 purtiaV $10.0 BOX FOGS THEff1 I have m r ev,: l a.1}mys: iN axu: r u THE SMOG.F THE DELMOf 100t F RED L .)E. GIiL BE-,7T ONGH ~on Arbr Con~r~i~idev 1. Ai ~ tiOU; COMING Mr Charles Frohmnan's excellent productio"l 1DAVID) HARUM.' Mr. Carl llaswin's -A LION'S HEART." S. Kent Miller. P : 4.~,yRING; ST , ...…

February 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

….t~, ..- 4 CLU t5jN V~t .; ..4 L .14 .. . 4 t1 4 . ..tY 1'+ +i .. ..i '... . A4 y . 4 r 4 _4 ..4 4 . " 4 Fr _ _ ! j I+ C l - .. y STE -El C CI C--S EE r NG tO 7 f Kedfe. NO l KK , t . ., - ,.. , -.. 5 s _. ,r a' r , . - - 6-^ } "r .fit qf1 ... ... :7 FUTL:i LKCY 'e~ tut .a, ' ,. . ~ L r i -. r ~N I( th ps--t 3 r . - ______ A I AUNjS RS .., . " .. .. ., 1 , . . ". . , .:i, . S i.l F 'eI iti .a t.1.Y.1 ~ BURN ~VOR , (tot it it -0 Toi thout o 4 N...…

February 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…x ..~.~O KU rf2~f j~ ,\V IN S9 'rK G i ,. .* v - s . ... .,, .., w ._ . ,.-_.. ..,:-' , ; . i . _ a , .. ,, . . v - -.. t. d )4 ia!1 ~r. , J t, a re-. ( r ~ L AMA:7 I: I j ? l i l I I ' li i ' 'i l~ a AIS\iE\ 1 2 Pictures in Set. LOVE LLS CORNER T HERB JOHNI"SON - I I. Ii'~\ p II II ,'.S. Lr, . _sbrrt . i: __t _...:Z _, y'i u . :., ... a '; .s. , 'i .w."t i;. . . :i-1 '": .. __ . _ -,OFC O OL T F- - -'~?TEFE S 29E.WAiI S.:51 .STA STv _ _ % A'?...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…h f t 5*: t d ". 6 : .. ... SEARS-TO RUN Battle Royal Betweenztahn and Sears in 140 Yd. to he 1,ost Excitin; E'vent of'ou 'N1 1i 3;j ttxiC i + t 'i t " ii i j t I t t , i ' tt . +l!1in 1inr}:jle;l 1 tit \i: ii}1"it:~1it ]t ,j v ANN ARB3OR, :MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 20O OFFICIAL CORNELL TEAM PLUNKETT GREE I>) o Iit i i. t iino i) 0) tuncuished Irish Befit 111--Nin itili-i 014,t I o in. l e iz,' It . 1 :at 1Y+ IIt t 50n_ 4 Re ta Etlend Aus ...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…THE I (N OLY-NEWS z.No ZA j w U5 0 -. Avv4H I7.)N, a0- Qr" DILY4NwS PB.CO TMIhIB'AN 'I c .. . INT2'' 1' ''l. TI ON : INI hI' IN' " N14, 1 I I~i'C ltfl ih : 1 111 liT-NI 'NINN IIt. II 3i~t ll E 3 a I 111 NIl,' lN I ( ) lt' i 1'' F tt i 11 ' II+> ttt 1 '; II rv t ;I' l I '};~ lil tl,.II Il I I . II It Isc 'i t .. - . I l i S ( 1 ' ; r ' I+ ' II i ',l I: l i l. 'l } It . : ; I: .I ?ll i>l "il: \ iI .l IN,'-NNt; 2. N II +1t 'f * l iI' 511+ ' t]:lf...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…THE MICJIHxA DAILY--NEWS Th 1 MopA Gun IGGiHlO TWII that we (odd1r do that would tend to induce you to b,y +4 STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHES 4+ 'ot .0 tontrodur s yogi to a rman who has worn them. 'e ar o:tcrr.::_nd tire ian~gtaewith whhch to tein voa hoax + fodta ®ous are-. thre rarataaihrtheirrlabel ha- + nea:)filar of th'-cr a s, anti} -s a>a r OPrord lof .+y .,,. te rjr btotat -rot r eir e 1 e t .L:-ther of s~t ' T C Of :l ror t he r ; o -ty2 v t t.:...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…THIE '4fjCjj(-AN DAILY NEWt HOE CREAMI ,SOA WATE R b C ~bINS' Fresh Strawberries for Crushes and Sundays. CALKN'PHAIRMAC Y 324 SOJ. S~TAT S-t. riGkwIGKBiIIard rarlors find BowIinUa 707 NCORTIH L N(\RS ix XV-U'- THE HOCKING VALLEY Y. ii 'glt(Gr TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS 'ft, ie . W.IANIIAN" eneral-i r el e ~ nt, LINEN PAPER 15, 20.,15 ,and 3()c ,a Ih. SOHALLER'S ;BOOKSTORE, 1 16 S MAIN STREET FULDE ,iq S. M~ain -it. Amn Arbor CA LENDAR AND READING NOT...…

May 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

….,4 YA?4 N' LLit MiI. J4 h>4 l 1dA,, F_ Yvt 1 2 No. I1;6 COOLEY DAY BANQUET HANS DEFENDS THE DAILY MICHIGAN 6. OBERLIN 4 HON- LUTHER LAFLN MILLS eI' lae tohkePis Sacs T iat, Aictanu..s Article is osed vz,, ria ooa the Eastern ''rip, Deliveredi a Brilliant and Digallied Ad- is L icr e a:,ti .cso on Theories Not Facts -tjls4 ionre R11 adress-Subject: 'Back to the Land'' 1 1'fjI*rII4to, :1 't' I 4,1 14444444 '44 1r344 ,4 444,444 t 1 : 11 tl tr. 1...…

May 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

….. + E j f ' 77 4 O 7 C/J "-- bA , _ _. .. j n ..- .. _ : r-. _, - _. _ _ -- J __ .. . . _r. - .__ r. .. ., -4 t c : - a i ..r I r r . . ; I ^ 'f I U r': n; P~J w 1d 'e'7 f {-y- i / y " .- I CM . .e . - rte' +" - . . _ ,.: . - _ . . - _ - r - .- ...- s ~ 1. . 'i _ y t. ... 'r_ .-, ' _ ;,} . . I. ... t/i ®:° . -,: . -- .:_' r. . :.; .., v, ;: .. .-+ m . . ,. t , n _ , _, .. .-. . r .J . . f e r r r. ,f" - r _- _f y' f - .r f _t _ - . - . . +: -...…

May 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…wl 0I -J Cs. t ... L, 0 WU z WU UIm tu wir 'MO *O Engravedt Visiting Cards i f0 tore the anxt prionp, 1Ot 100 CARDS AND PLACE Scipt 1 0; SI' iiii Ps t 3.0 Waher's B5ooKstores' FAMOUS TUTTI FRUTTI SILVERED CHOCOLATE '" MAPLE FROST...+.; QuARRYS CAMPUS DRU( FTORE - (10 TO - t''.'t-f-t1- t t.t R: E. JOLLY'S t11t> ;tlapp, For Fine Lunches, Chocolate, Ban Buns, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos and 308 S. State St. iL: BANKRUPTCY LAW FORMS AN!) ORD)ERS...…

May 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…ri 1IPI MI(IiP7ANL)AIL :f -N E\VS~t ;LA 0I LA ... 7, 1) LL 2 Ji WU A 'ANN rril4 774i~0. Enraved Cards t Our i0 f. Il~~te, n01est sl ll I.~Ti~@i i S r rn t crx 1is. 1 MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PU GO, (Inc.) 1l' tik0N iE1 ; 0, s 3 4;S' .5=i 07 it xt:. J11 2 g; 4 FAMOUS lviii FROTTh SILVERED CHOCOLATE MAPLE FROST I e .olt1 1i ORIHINAL and BES'TH. IQVARRY'S CAMPUS lDRUG STORE -(1() 1- l: E. JOLLY'S For Fine Lunches, Chocolate, Bon Guns, Cigars, Cigarett...…

May 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…TIL MAIiiANDAILY--NEWS ++ " + + thatsswe 0ou t etw. , tenato iii "ce '":toL: y + + W~xh STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES' + ev cantcormmiatd the languag.e with swhich to' " « Sgood thxese clothes are. The makers attach tnet e- + Sneath the coa collar ot their coats, and they are so r c o 1' their reputation, that not the slightest ilefect e 'ierof yit- , S fabrics or tailoring, is permsitted to enter any ar o 3 er + Yioitin\on don't knownbox cheap .... + S...…

May 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…TIlE IC {III( A-N D.AILY-NEWS "+i*++++++++++++++++++++"+++++++-+*+ 1 +++1-)++++++4-++l 4 -1 ++++++++++++4-++4+ 44 I Among the Small eComthiseek $1.0 t2$0.4 -~.~4+++++44++++44+4+44+++444+4+++44+D ter Things of Life i~ HS SORE lffxDQt CRILR IOR M'WVS IRI S1l\G'- 0. S2,50- 8 I 2.75. FP-,I -l-, MfN & l 1LUL[t. i0 0 51.,50. S4) ,82 .1 S3 - 25c inn350 f' f f f JLAL11Z11 SSALZ" .W, i F! 14 1 F-I 14 1+4-+4+i++++++++++f 1 1 1-1141-11-1 1 1+4-"4p++4""++...…

May 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…TIlE ' I I(4AN lAI ho.NE t 4.4 GINGEAL BEiTTER T'IHAN THE I7IPOFE[D c .,... ~CALKJNS'pHABMACY324 so*SA ST. Pirckwick Biliard PavlotsdBd woiIin THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.! ~ ~TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS WXrite J. '4".LANDIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICIGAN LINEN PAPER - 15, 2(0, 25 and .30c a lb. ___AT ___ ISOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, II6S. MAIN STREET FULDE ....The Tailor.... 119g S. Main St. Ann Arbor By Calling <)m P-archfieldsrie tailoring trade. ...…

May 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…T 11E !V1 I C 111(4 A N LAIL) - N EW Better Than Ever, Better Stock, &tter Trimmings, 'Better Workmanship. A few yearis ao diveollars x the staindard pric for a hat. To- clonesrcan be had for THRwE E, :HHAWES Fully guarainte'ed--A hat mrade.with pairticular care for particular ien WAGNER & CO., L ATEST~ SHPES lUST IN, _ = oleiAgents Ia riGkmIakBiIaridFriors and Bo~Iog E 707 N()R'TH U.NIVERSIlToYl.o tNt.. THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!!1 Ti :it i i, ...…

November 20, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…TA r I Poo ~ _ __ 77 0 ' iit' ti (1!{7t 'lii +> 1'E1i 1 3111"t l' (I1" .irl' " f ill( itt t +i t++ irllt ii Illr i" .t +lrii+';iti+rn 7F+rC [ '+ l"' u c: ;y+,r"+ . W rit+" ll;illlr' ' I l+ i i i ;li tlt"+ : "; +21 t l: , E'l+}E+i' 3tt'ti. 'ii+ 4j ;; v ,III fi 11'i'. J > ' 1 i1t" 1' rili j r + l +'i't'ilr +" +'ii ;l+ ,' _ ,+ t {+; " 4 II p 1' I II, i I4 t. 'I 11' I 37 I i > 3 i 1- 'wdti/'zol 1 I Ili) _ 1 4 1fea' the1 Iil-Nc 44. …

November 20, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…J .1 t L 14 11 t ^ 1 I s 4 rs} K:, t T 17 u to Mzcxt F> rj r , 4 , ; t yak,. b re -yr <rr STEEL iPrNS, 10C adoz., 5CSo ) 1 a ross GOLD) PENS. .-$1.25 10 $5.00 eachl Xc esell Fountalin pellsI he bst W'iuannlideal -, 050to $9.00 sakesl~lj~ ea00~ch1 zaI the ths ek olil 4tTSt } C \V~\boko 1LML 1,eiV i V ,,o ice to DC made u1) for the XI inn iocr 0 F 11t ill 1)m cenlest. \You still haclve a Chaince to Winl out ic 1 ia AILUtrt ,,."()s GOODSpEED'S I ...…

November 20, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGtAN D)ATLY--NEWti IN~ If you want tognaw~ hsi otyYU TETO hi s o d hat smartly dressed men will wear this sea- I1 vaft. : ,t r. jt Ctar son ask to see BAC~~OLOY.BIOLOGV -tin I-i 'OLOJY or PA[HOLOGY [ Branch Store on StteSt.:: J Ai1VKPARISIAN }.a '41) St. NVr -v 5o 2-2 24 JK) & 6 r1 i New Arias Sweletrea= t p[ rLIt l uj t_ rg V I-A-I I-0 ~I' }! (ftt i lOT P THE U.,. ItM tOTF Ik 1 t 1x3'UGKt f 4- CaliooousI~r soe HEEr tn I ti 3E i - - ...…

November 20, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…TINE MICHlIGAN DAILY--NEWS - _ \ \ 1 . ' i.. i r .._ ,! ."1 , ". , ..i. , Ey r.. - N Or'.y:hINyu~f T TE..C - r -...a _. ".d- .="" RlAndw. .',a - -+ .[ l YPRiCEaiLt..1'.mc~~ < +ra £ ""' "K 1 - Lkn191 ii u.AT.KID, Itt' ,0 Ai ";SC[ n :1v "4 . rti 1 21 l " i LoCk ci rn, c itn L:. B1ok~~i-s, Peibisliers and iiiortrs. And (t I X01'% I114) it iT1 Er I 1;, 1 'I Trl Y . 11i :ljd 1h A111101 N. Univefrsity Ave, ii X;l . ' 1f tt1t".-.. v ~~~x r mawa-° ==e...…

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