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November 20, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…Ij II. of. . WII. VOL. II.-No. 45. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1891. 1PRICE, THREE CENTS. A Glimpse of Life at Northwestern. The following was received by one of the editors of the DAILY, from a former student of the U. of M. As it may be of interest to our readers, we publish it: "1 You have probably heard of the new order of things that has been introduced here under Dr. Roger's supervision. low he has changed the curric...…

October 20, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…i Ik. of AT. aiijj. VoL. II.-No. 1S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. MICHIUAN 18, OLIVET 6. very pluckygame. He neverplayed centre before, and he was more than Our Eleven improves in Team Work but is Still Weak at Centre. a match for Olivet's centre. Powers The foot-ball team left Ann Arbor at 7:40 o'clock yesterday morning, and araived at Olivet at s o'clock. The game was commenced at 2:30 o'clock,...…

May 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…*ij U.Of #tn, ai 1p. Vo'. I.-Nv. 161. UN\IVERSITY OF AIICIIIGAN., AVEDNESD AX, iAl1_V t) 1 i. Plic, Toi-iCENT'S. German at the U. of M. antd at Har- in 's I-its in BalcteriologyITuesday yard. m torning tirnonti other thin-s hej Ia recent issue of th tu a saitat iialairia is tiut to a firoto- comptaratice statemoent regtaringte hepamdu mlra o study of Latin at H arvard anthe iers theitreattmetnt if malariia tithlt 11. of Ml was published. ft ca...…

March 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…'o, I.-No.120. UNIN ElIaSTiX 01 IGIII-A FlUDXAY, \IR(II 2, I191. PtizciTHloot's C ', N, COMPLETE SCHEDULE. The Base Bell Outlook. in viesw of this fact, there is a "row-I ing demuand~ that menmbershlip tickets to the A. A. admit to the gamses. tig or a str ii~er teaml this col-xihh probby effect a1 compro1011ise. l~g season0 ttian ' c, vr hefore inithe jTie followring is the schednle as it isoyof tetic i irsity. Mnc 11(1ot standll nlin(ath~n n...…

February 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…'s ±oIJ L- o , ;. I IVEIL'ITY OF MICIIIGAN I-N i Nt\EbIIa 1 MI 1k \i 'Ii DAY,11I111111 TARP 20"111. lRIG,:,Toatot ('CENS. T V FT T DR. WINCHELL. What he Was, and W hat he has Done ''What Some of his Colleagues Have to Say of Him. The Dramatic and Glee Club Enter- President Roger's Installation. tainment. -- The Otini ier alliositil st se Vester(hais-was a great lay- for thei I orthwestersi liiirersitr7 it not issli i I i lh 1 tbeeniiia ii rnos...…

January 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…~JcIZof n. Wailjj. VOZ"----No. 75. U POLITICAL ECONOMY. A Letter From Dr. Adams. oEM .' 0A- hi c EE: It gives me pleasure tate ply with your request, and the nature of the work which will be Undertaken in Political Eco- he suring the Second Semester. ht usual courses will be offered, betai wthsome slight inodilication in First ' ey are as follow s: Eico - Unsettled questions in Po- hipr' E unomy." This course will prise three lectures a week. ...…

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