January 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 79) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Dail Vol- XX. OBSERVATORY GETS LARGEDONATIONS y Chicago Alumnus (lives Deed to $17,000 Piece of Propery- Also Money for Telescope. Professoxir \. J. 1 cxxv, i Ic(>ixvvixr f the observatxiv iftsoxreciduig xthe $20,00 omi Svxx R . 1'. I ,xxiiixiii, xa iiixcxx ilxiixiu. Ax\N AR[O. TTI -hAN, TI fiUiSiiA lx JANUARY T,010.x lbe usediiitoi male it apl to sni or meniiixi morei vh i ni formri year," saixiio itie xixiiiiiiiii oil sci ecxv...…