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February 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… '01 $ 1e50 1Om he MAIL $2.00 Michigan D i i7 LOCAL $1.50 MAIL $2.00 I' hi 4 I, No. 95. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS ECURE FOR THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Unsettled weather, snow or rain insouthern por- tion, warmer. Unjiversity Observatory-Wednesday, 7:00 p. m., temperature 49.0; maximum temperature 24 hours preceding, 58.8; minimum temperature 24 hours pre- ceding, 30.0; ave...…

February 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY mplete Line of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for. Your Inspection, 0. H. WILD, CO. 311 S. State Street1 The IC deal Loose LeaftDNote Book-The Original LUose Leaf '0-o301k G t Our Prices Before You Purchase-Yoe r Name in G(Thl~n Cover. WF RERE OF CHARGE SHEEHAN Aft CO. THE M''ICHIGAN DAILY11 Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igani. Published every morning except Monday du- ing the unive...…

February 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…°' TILE MICHLIGAN DAILY. You lose if. youI miss the big C LEANUPSALE OF BROKEN SIZES AT SEE WINDOW FOR PRICES 'Purfield 's"l '119 South Main "Street Pe:.ace of. Sweets Down Town LET fir TRUBEY 1 -, rr- Furniash the Ice ekndSororitieas ON MAIN STREET SENIOR LAWS NOMINATE OFFICERS FOR CLASS DAY Seniors Place Contract For Over 100 Canes to be Class Souvenirs. At a meeting of the senior law class yesterday, afternoon, office...…

February 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…THE "'ICHIGAN DAILY COMPLETE PLANS y sr .,- THE .1 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HEAR MESSAGE SENT TO 0. S. U. FOR INITIAL MEET r f Wireless Messages Sent by Stationi Are Picked Up on Coast. LocalI Billiard Recordi Smuashers ii New Whitiley Theatre Pitst Records of Contestants Promise of Some Close Contests. Give OFFICIALS ARE ANNOUNCED. * q: . T hi k yi "Cue" to come in and order some Spring o hes. ( Tiierd is t ) tine like the pres...…

March 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

… LOCAL $$1.50 MAIL $2.40 The Michigan Daily LOCAL $1.50 MAIL $2.00 fi me ff yl I - __-" - -- _ _ __ _ _. r,. r an ,., *'.TLIIJJU I VE1 R ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1913. RIOR lFAl XXIII, No. 119. * * * * * * * * * * * * * LIMIT IS IMPOSED UPON MEET ENTRIES Both Cornell and Michigan May Place, Any Number of Men in Com- petition for Saturday's. Contest. THIRD PLACES WILL COUNT FOR POINTS IN CONFLICT. THE WEATHER ...…

March 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY p:r ne of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, ILD CO. 3 S. sate Street t TNIS -- -- The season will soonbe here. Have your Racket ready for use. Bring it in now and let us re-string it. We guaran- tee all our work. Do not delay but do it now. Stizde nts' HEEHANk t CO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ...…

March 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ION OPERAS DATE ( TO SPRING OF 1908 enda" was Initial Show Staged; ire," "Koanzaland," "Crimson Chest," and "Awakened Rameses's Since. .TY OF ANN ARBOR HAS )VED POPULAR IN SETTINGS , Union Steward, Thinks That Contrarie Mary" Will Be Best to Date. is only five years ago that the chigan Union opera was offered public. The name of the pro-, 1 was "Michigenda," and it was 1 entirely by Donal Hamilton '09, who has since attai...…

March 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…- ; .. 2TE MICV1IC*AN -D.L TION OF OPERA REVOLVES IP Li FITi El~ I~14m OPUtAS. a/. ... . _--. vw:... .. ..r..a:cs- r. .rn......r. -<: ,, r..a.+Y+_-ae.... r. .~ ~ x- :.e +m .y.m n.. n -t.4 . . ..v ...a.'.w . .._. *..aa . W .e . .. ,... ... "CONTRARIE MARY" WILL BE EST EVER ACCORDING TO EARLY PROGNOSTICATIONS UT OLD ENGLISH SCHOOLI of College Student s Daughter Supplies ,me For 1913 Show. and I coat, which ...…

March 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 119) • Page Image 5

….THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 9 ion Sale Things Different EASTER CLOTHII For Men, Young Men and Boys BY ire Shoe C.lilpally FORM$RIY P. PURFIELD, Incorporated CHARLES . BUNNELL Men's Clothes BRITISH WOOLENS, $55.00 AND UPWARD 69 West Fort Street. Detroit rts Friday orning 119 Souti Main Street PGiace of Sweets Down Town LET TRUBEY Fuarnish the Ice Creamrn Attention to Fraternities and Sororities ON MAIN STREET padriir Phone 1r-re ta pric...…

March 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…THE A'ICHIGAN DAILY Going Away? Vacation ? Go away like a Prince. You can do it for a Moderate price. A suit shaped and d-aped to fit only you and tailored-to-measure in accord with your own ideas by our expert tai- lormen, will contibute to your pleasure and profit. That very best girl at home has an eye for the fellow with smart tailored clothes. It is none too early to order if you don't want to B disappointed when the train pulls out. :...…

April 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…VA MOR-NI-Nfk PAPER IN ANN AIRBOR The Mi higan Daily READ DAILY BY I 5,000 STUDENTS. a o. 139. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1913. PRICE FIVE Cl I . I TEST IN SEVENTH WINS FROMRESERV-E Clevelanders Blow-up After Being on Long End of Score for Five In- nings and Lose Game by 11 to 3 Count. QUAINTANCE TIGHTENS UP, AFTER SET BACK IN THIRD. Sisler and Webber Crack Out First Home Runs of Season on Ferry Field. One inning of th...…

April 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY mie of Spring Woolens Largest Assortmrent in the City Ready for Your Inspection, I D CO. 311 S. State Street t~ 'Tennis Rackets Ptents for the 11. C. Lu Slotted, Tennis Rackets. We now models worth looking; at before making~your purchase. TENNIS BAL tson Championship, A3ycrs Ctlclbrat( d Balls,Goodrich Balls 'npionship Balls. All goodsi guaranteed.' EHAN (e nCO 1-1 THlE MICHIGAN IDAILYI Official newspaper at...…

April 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAW D.AILY. t if .f in style. offer you stylish clothing asy for us but would soon )ubting the value of our FFRTRNT JEWELERS AN]) STATIONERS PHOTOGRAPHY study the difference between and correct style so that you feel secur in any selection nay make here. re is an individuality in the, of Stein =Bloch .Smart Clothes pleases the critical buyer==a e at yourself in a Stein-Bloch g suit, before our big m-irrors, ns why. mitt, Apfc...…

April 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHJGAN DAILY 1W R =1 I. ' The Largest and Most Expensive PictureEverShown 1! i tA HOES Our J. & M. Oxfords are exact reproduc- tions of the English Flat Last $14 Bench made Shoes, and sell for $6.00. See them. I "FROM THE MANGER TO THE CROSS" A Kalem Bibical Masterpiece Wagner ( Co State Street Sigrn of the BT White Sho a forest a n Uea iRoom Orders Taken for Banquets )rest Avenue. Phone 1238-J ant to start an appetite boo...…

May 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…, x- ' nu Arbor: settled, fitful gustsI le M~hig Daily ONLY MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR east. In ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MAY 20, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS 1I, No. 164. A - ST EASTERN GAME IS WON- BY BG SCORE Mlichilgan Finds Nichols for 18 Hits and Wins Big Swatfest From Syracuse by Timely Hitting. 1ARIBEAU PLTCHES AIRTIGHT GAME YIELDING BUT 4 HITS. fwo Teams Will Meet Tomorrow in Final Contest of the Season. (Special to The Mic...…

May 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Spring Woolens r t Assortmient in the, City for Your Inspection,' r D CO. 311 S. State Street 1 Tennis Rackets for the H. C. Lu Slotted Throat Tennis Rackets. We' nodels worth looking at before mnaking your purchase. TENNIS BALLS -Thanmpionship, Ayers Celebrated Balls,Goodrich Balls nship Balls. All goods guaranteed. HIAN (tCo 'So hto. kst r@ and APPAR9L raumust PLAY ether fellow's i,,OTHUS.f iberty Street tea) k ...…

May 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…._TBE MICHIGAN DAILY. N~eil as Style am. Try :s Gilmore Shoe Go,- 119 S. Main. We carry AA to E in de'sand Women's. Pin gree Made is our leader %-- Palace of Sweets / Dowry Town, LET TRUEY Frnish the Ice Creeam Atterntiou to rwktergities mnzd Sororities oN 4m AIN STREET UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Soph Prom committee meeting at the Union tonight at 7:00. A senior law sing will be held to- night on the steps of the law building at 7:00 o'clock...…

May 20, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY w Now 16 the Season for ite Serge and Flannel TROUSERS We have a'1 the patterns shown by most woolen houses. It A ill B to your advantage to se e tlm.(. They are priced right, avd when Malcolm makes you a trouser, the fit and style is assured. We are sbclirg a fine Summer Blue Serge at twent) -three dollas--fo tl.v hot days. Drop in and see the line.. Karl Malcolm, East Liberty St. Malcolm Block CARDS -PROGRAMS -S...…

November 20, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…I e Michigan Daily SOMETIMES A PALLBEA SMILES BIW BROAD SM i . a. i y a.n . . .. LXIV, No. 45. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913. PRICE FIVE 1 ; _ MICHIGAN HAS ALL-AMERICAN POSSIBILITIES Craig, Ponlius, Paterson and Hughitt Will Figure in Selection of Mythical Elevens. SAME MEN IN LINE FOR ECKERSALL'S ALLWESTERN Tost May Pick All-Western; Also Said He Will Confer With Camp li His Choice. With the 1913 football seaso...…

November 20, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…! 1 1 G.. ............... . i W N. WILD co. THE LEADING IRCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the t tailored suit possible he most suitable price. >rkmanship the best. :ry suit built to fit. r stock of woolens of highest quality. The ;est assortment in the to select from. 31 S. State St. ii Special This Week A fancy box of Initial stationery with your initials in gold. I 25c Former price 40c OIT UNITED LINES N ARBOR TIME TABLE d Expres...…

November 20, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…I ITMNSCNY Have you looked at our winter footwear and our large assortment of house slippers? We have rub= bers with heels wide e= When you buy candy buy the best. It does not cost much more and it gives much more pleasure. Whitman's Candy always pleases. The prices vary according to the assortments, 6oc, Soc and $1i.00 a pound. We have all the new packages and assort- ments-up to $5.00 a box. I Society Brand Clothes Have "that different ...…

November 20, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. GREAT OVERCOAT WEATHER Fr ii U Kodak LYNDON "At the Sign of The Kodak " Finishing Flashlights and Groups ITNYTE Films 1, And this is a great overcoat shop. You'll be delighted with the 1913 fashions in overcoats we are showing. New weaves from Europe and A- merica. The most wonderful fab- rics ever produced. We're still working at our choseni task of giving our customers full value and money back if they'd rather ...…

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