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December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…_The Michiga nDaily Vol . XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MIICHJGA-, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1907. N.7 No. 7r. MICHIGAN NOT TO GIVE ULTIMIATUM Patterson Talks on Athletic Sit- uation-Will Leave Conference Only as Last Resort. 4. Whtat awill hbeAtichigaiis attitd at te inex fmeeting oftho\Western Con- frence on Jan. 4 io? this i the qilstionh which i at pes- cut beiiig askeotlinily alotithtie n- pus, ut by nearly all le football aiiii other atlletie interest...…

December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…T-1 rl M TC ICA 11)A I ,Y _________ 0. H. Wild Comlpanly The Largest Sock in tne City of Exclsive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required o Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and Troeuserings, and of high las fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits al Specialty G. IH. Wild Colipally 311 Suth State Street SHEEHIAN & C.'S Michigacn Ca .1ende .r Is by far the fneal of the kind ever ptbihed for the price. It contains nearly...…

December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…TlIr 'ICII tIAN TN. I Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfield Q, ( 10 6 &JG CO* EAST HURON ST. Holiday Goods Now on sale at BROWN"S Drug Store 1201 i. Liberty St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00) $1.50 $1.75 X11 tie e- sto makoes-anoitt iai e MICIIAN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.01) FINE WATCH IREPAIRINGi A SPECIAL'TY. Watch Inspectorftorthe An. Arbe oriliroadi J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. WE H...…

December 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…mEMlCHut& DILY Slook to your Looks If you would be looked up to, not down on. Our tailoring is essentially and pre-enminently for the young man of the period, who likes a bit of 'swagger" in his dress. For Autumn let us lend YOU that ease and t4 *" poise that will put you among "Who's Who." Premier tailoring-emphatic style-n-oderate prices. Merchant Tailors 118 E. ILl.brty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. CAL TDA.IxI F4-. 1_}cc ?(--- S5'it)...…

November 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…]ichiganDal VN\, RBORMIICHIG\ N. W.lDYPFSI)\Y, OVFM!BER. 20s,1907. Vor. XVIII, No. 9(,. VACATION CIHANGES ARE BENEFICLA Prof. Demmon Explains Action Senate and Regents in Sho ening and Changing Vacatio -'lioneceini changes- in lthn o io peri 0oilo0000ods w r alo tn heo'intor.s0s noon Moolv " o wr lmot n 0 imtOt opted00 byl oothe lloa ofoool I g;te lo 000 00 nil onr leadiin.ol -rio-oexneptoPricto, 0oichg aono two000lays. olIt astoo ughbot o...…

November 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…CW~ !C1!QA~ 9A._ 0. IH. Wild Comfpally TeLargs t Sock inithe Cty of Exclusive Styles i WOOLENS For Getlemen's Wear Yv 'ir« reuirediissfoi Suit, ifs si (sts, Iansv C stisg- and 1i~j- ilt- ad of high clas falti isandfspeial 1style,. C-7 Full Dress Soits a Specalty G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South Sate Sree Run A Michigan Flag Upa iai you iihousetil)the dayi Ii lgaiiipluys I siis. Weare (ffer so.tiebst-o Sale in the t oiiacnvs ib ound its se-slitd...…

November 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…Sam Burchifield' Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfiekl 106 &Co a EAST HURON ST. Do youw~~7 worth O for $1.00 -all at our htor'Ote tl1 atthe aarticeelars of t ieeSan tec ..' t)cal Ceaceacany's greatixccc cr ei-,th4ac greatest offer ev.r.: i a Ic. prepare arlns. BKOWN'S DILVO STORE 120 E. LIberty St. ALARI1 CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Ali thie het make-s andecull3e eiee ee d.cee MICIGAN PINS AND) FOES 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH...…

November 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…CLLviEGE STY LES W here wilt yoo hind ste'le at its top-most pitch' In the great universities, to he sore Tfhe college vixttl knowvs fashion as the small toy kniows the firtliest corner of the e Jain closet. "College Clothes"is a phrase which falts trippiiigly from scres of tongues. Many tailors claim them--mighty few prodtuce ttxeni. We inv ite ionl to"size"its tip--your jugmnti hers.4uun andI Winter woolens ready in f the freshest wveaves an...…

October 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The MNichigan Daily Vol-. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SLI Y, Y. CTOBE R 20. 1907, No. 24. WABASH TROUNCED IN POORLY PLAYED GAME SATURDAY'S FOO'TBALLt SCORES. 'Contest Marred by Frequent Fumbling, Michigan Chief Offender; Forward Passes Fail Completely. ('pedai ro TceIicicr ily.)it tIndianapolis, Oct. i.- n agame marked by freqett ftiiblescan(1 faiur of foriard pass pythe tM 1ichiga foottall temi dfeted tot 'it ii oh220trO Tie Hoseir rr'...…

October 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…X13 BARI r_ _.._ - are a G. H. Wild Com'lpan'y The Largest stock in the CityJ of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Genlemfen's Wear E verythinigtequied lor Stits, OvercoatsIFanesyNVestingsand hrouseriegs' ad of high clts fabricsanddspecial stsles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G, He Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street If You Play Class Football. this year we want to remind you gently that you can find the best line of football pants, jerseys...…

October 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…'f ~ Itf t ,A" f"l- to Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trae Can* Deliver' The Goods Sam Burchifiel & Co. EAST HURON ST. Do youwan . 70 for 1 Call atour ,toe andlearn the particulars of the Sanitol Chemical Company's great inttrod'uctory crforr rh( greatest offer ever made in . ilet preparations. Ten articles for the price o f4 BROWN'S DWUG SWORE; 120 E. Liberty St. ALARFI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Allth hi-test icale5 antIaly urIG nic d MICIGA...…

October 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…'raZ MleffAW W1ALY - ALL MEN ARE WELCOME' HERE // 1b But the young man gets an extra squeeze of the hand. He's punctilious, knows what he wants, won't take one iota less. We delighted in tailoring gar- ment for young men, because they're style-skeptics and our satisfaction of bringing them into the fold is all the keener. Our -Autumn and Winter gathering of modish woolens is brilliantly distintive. Come to see and you'll stay to praise. r...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XVII. Ntt . r .. _ _... _ _ t _ __ - I NUMERAL QUESTION IS FINALLY DECIDED Jn y'1iiis in Semi-Finals Will Get Insignia-Sets Cut Down From 600 to 160. Drstc imtaio soil thteaward igt the boardiof di rctior of te -Aheti Underla thent 1 ethoda abolit- sxhn andl sixt sts iwill h gient oit. lThe egulaions cntain io retratvtea- tue nd aiise litv taliilra tla-e u liii-rals iiaytgearatthre inIpea. The onlylvlimit titist ...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

… New New oft Base Bal HlEHAN &CO S ontiey Loaned THE MICliI iAN )AIL.Y. 122 St el i 011 so s 1.'2.rr. J. Earl OIl e Jr Ha'rol .1dI'Sr tl. WVilli'amnA 'M jlhern 1 I l Janoes' ... 1 11 ) '5 > lake Your, Spalding 'and Reach Baseball l ; t 53f50 Stt( 2,2 1 5 11 <iilt #t't'ti 2 1.11.c u t~ t r1 ; We larry the urost QC"Ot" pleeassortment 'Af (Pox s, Base Bails, Mitlts, Bats. Masks, ts..d oohesr supplies in it h hcPrices Always the 111 f . WAU...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…:damf Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HVIION STREET NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S?. Cluiett &. ih yCtldy's [amoius line isanow displayed and int- cludeN cc ery new anid natty fad of the seasoni to white ,1nd X11lnrcd Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 4k, $1.00, $1.50 MACK (a CO. IL + ww r ra r rsw w n s ro rriiiii rw r o Ammunition and Fire Arms MEILIG &SCIIMID'S HA...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…THE 3 (i S7 tS 15 CLOSING THEM OUT Wat? Schleede's Note Books To too this Nve otfer them at 2 5 / lDiscount, tt HIAG'S 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. Occidental Hotel NWe Cater to Btanquets, Etc. Wvalnut Chocolate Candy The 40c Kind for 20c per 1b. DEAN (U CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mai St. .... .., PmRICE AmCUTTING I ~SPIECIAL Hiceeare a few of thecver good things we hare left for you: Lo'13ico rer pice- 2.00, n 110W ---------- $19.50 Lot 2----ormter pri...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… U? d :': rat" J , " J O r '' W ,,, C} E-{ . .. o Q bA c wow . ,f - v . fC/) f f E' r~ .- f ,_, '/. r, (7I7 C7- v^r _ (-)r H ^ ii v ^ f . y f , .."^ - .- . r J. T J . - . 034 -or Ki ra z r. ? i _ ..' !f. ... f f ._ E~ ~ (~) - ~ - - C,) ~----~ -- - ~ ~< -~ - ~ r ~I-~ ? H J o CLO W W (j cn p ..a ocbc i C Ica CS4 °' b U W r,'^.. 7.7 77 L- 7 v r. r ! r ~ .' v ^ ;r 77, ...... f. _ ..- 'f. J _ J i' J ^J . r. = .: '.' f , ,_., l r: ~ ...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY New Sprilig Woolells 1907 4. N. Wild Co. 11 South State Street If You Need a Base Ball Glove or mitt, or in fact if you are going to buy anything in the way of Base Ball goods, youll find the largest st o ck and the best selec- tion at SHE EHAN & CO.' iThe Stueolts' Booksor Money Loaned 5)o Watches, Ditiotto.Lain titosli. or otiens rtsoal Propet'y Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargain; in Watches, lDiamods Office at rsidenc...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1, Ii I R Sam,. Burchfileld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 MAST HURON STREET LL HAVO YOU SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in.- eludes every new and natty fad of flhe season in white and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK (" CO. i 4 E i TH[ FARlMItS AND M[CHIANICS BANK MAIN A...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…rTHE MICHIGAN DA IL Y GRABS Al HOAG'TS Th is, is yout chatncet get te nit)s mserchtandtise for 25c litt you1 e-ver have Ihad. Five hundred l oxes filled wit good, clelii desirale goodls from all tleIartnltuit. D~ry (is)ois, China, Fancy Ar- ticles, Jewelry, Stationery, M tisical hIs itt iuttis. In the lot are to /Z0iters woth uttltto $ 2.5tt each. If ntlotstisfiedyott nay have your imontec vbtck. IHOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Butter Cup Candy Wh...…

January 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, \i'if\S i\ ~ R 20, ltfil7 VOL.. XVII. "'(_). 8;. MICHIGAN SCORES I«\'l l'isrr } t iii lfit' DOUBLE VICTORY Ci ifffSiiS'iFO'FiF'ERs - - -. A ntcts'tgttwas ittid last seveininIt Championship of Central Debating the \\'e1ster literarys soctvtss rai)1sn iII League Was Decided by Con- telaf,'t itiisitic. Thiiicstiisa'w"asellch tests of Friday Night. ittenit c, as Ithe maintttpurpse wnas it~ - - - ele~~cict officer; s...…

January 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…MIC iG AILY __ Fancy Vesting and Trollseringl Window Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction G. H. WILL) Co. 311 S. State St. How to Play Basket-Ball Fist get agide of is and incidentally rake alook t the Spalin hg Official Ball at 5,00 iandltie Petic1Ball at $3~50,1(1dif yoi 11eed Shoes we havie them too Gym Su ...…

January 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…'THE MIClIIG~k DAILY a , in, 11 Samu Burchield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET CooKjINGIn Mack's Tea Room H ' rdd lin tea wiaid ii t-\, 1 - Notsta 'r itrl.'pniti. i itititti ittiti.ppianitretp and)ti 1 LUNCHES SERVED A LA CARTE At Most Reasonable Prices Mack (I ,Co. i WE SELL Suit1 Cases Suit Cases Suit Cases A AA 1 ( We are showing this week a large assortment. $ 0 C U T E R AL L...…

January 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GRABS Al HOAG'S Thits i yo(ur1chancee'to get the ot mi vi haldse fei 2,t that volt eve have hadl svith goodtclean, (li rahile goodls fromn allhdelartmenlts. I~iry (Goods, China laniy Ar ticles, J etiert Stationerv, Msical Instrments In the lot are I) /Zitheis wrth eip to $2.5 each.t If not satifieid sNolltay have yue moeyno)la HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Occidental Hot el We Cater to Banquets, Etc. ixsoll Lunch Ypsilanti D...…

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