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February 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…tl* . In E AL . VOL. V. N . }.48, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WED)NESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1895. P RICE-THREE CENTS. T H so Ser GY 441J ill4 4'Ea 41411F e P410 1OO d.111 '1 Jim. A AiWt'SC01NSIN LE}'iTTER. Contestants forOratorical Honors. JNORLW OTE . ' - -'I'l( ol~ l 444l".'114s 1 41401-tt141 1114 ('4111- [ATU'gVERITYIS USYWIT t14111 14il ill l, 11'14 oraitorical ;"SIX SPEAKERS IN THE ORATOI ATcontSTeIstSsWTH111411 wIith t11111r41114.14144 11...…

March 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…Voz. V. No. 12 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1895. .PRICE-TiIREE CENTS, VO.V.N.12.UNVRIT FMIHGAWDNSA, ACH2,185 RIETasE CNS A OV CT IpT(AM Ifp1T A lfdec to pr evelit the spread of the dis-I 11. JXJAl ou t11 11il 11voii'JkJ us DR. VICTOR C. VAUGHN STATES HIS VIEWS ON THE SUBJECT. Bacilli Not in the Breath But in the Sputum-Consumptives Should be Taught to Avoid Infeoting Others -The Hospital a Fine Investment. There are an...…

May 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…je . o VOL., V. No. 163- UNIVERSITY OF ,11ICHIGA . MONNDAY, MAY 20, 1895. PRICE-THREE GENTS. VOL.'V.No.1t3.U~iER~TY O MIHIGN. MNDA, MY 20 185. RICETHRE CNTS MAY FESTIVAL WAS ' A BRILLIANT SUCCESS PROGRAMS PERFECTLY T, REN- DERED TO LARGE AUDIENCES. UNIVERSITY HALL CROWDEDAT EACH ENTERTAINMENT. All Was Appreciation and Applause From 4,000 Auditors-Detals of the _Programs tn- ' dered Saturday. The aigl rowdlof Ilite(oleinfg oi- c('rt of th...…

June 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V. No. 181. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1895. PRICE THREE CENTS. SEE OUR WINDOW!1 "T'HERE MAY BE SOfDE'THINGD I1N IT." 51 SouthI Nain St. FASHIONABLETAILORING Elegant Graduating or light Suit made from Imported or Finest .no~.estio +*Woolens for $22.00 and up, Full Dress Suit $27.00, work made at homne hears inspection by any High Class Tailor and Cutter. Will be pleased to have yon call and be convinced., JOS. W. KOLLAUF,...…

November 20, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…tt. At. Wailn. VOL. VI. No. 45. UNI ERlS TY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1895. FoUn PAGES-3 CENTS. till ~DONE GUITAR g Is enough for one person to S play on at one time. One tl guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- P dents. That's why we have t constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OURt O. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. " HE -AA ARBOR ORGAN 00.,9 S. MAIN ST....…

February 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…THlE U. OF' M. I)AlY. t Cj , Hobart Guild Lectures. 'be lt. It. :N lscn A. I tljol. 1). DITSON MUSIC. SHOES._SHOES.. I'lbli-h.Daiily (Sunday e'ceptedIduring I).ISistailt b ishop ~tof CentralIlEn- ! Vtt(A.Ili)t I 1'Clt,(Jos a the College6 year, by sy«na st eie'l illll Six Love Songs'' THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, 1100 ithe S. C. A. next Sunda" t Joi }.YliFr'tk F '.ooye 1 Iio ..t Six Eed Prce (lei~o T i bildagN. ai e., ppnie ....…

March 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF Published Duily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, by THEO. UOf M IODENENDJASSIAIOIIN OrelcE: Times buIling N. Main St., opposite . post ofce. EDITORS. 11, COLEMNua, Lit. '17, Managing Editor. G. B. iloais, Lan '6, Assistant. A. W. SusTH, Lit. Spel., Assistant. IV. A. SPILL, Law ', Assistant. J. A. Lokoyv, idt. 'SO. Athleic Editor. J. S. PEAnL, Law '1, Business Manager. ILIV . Lvy, Lose'0, Assistant. Asociato Eitor. S. B. S...…

May 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAIL.k - PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADDLES. r VICTOR LEAGUE SALL__ A ~ r l~f The Perfect" Inflatable -adice, prevets' "htnNnlne's and Saddle Soretness. The ~ Th VitorLeaue all tChea osi FEaaest Riding the ttortd. 1 ", x¢r ,The ictr LegueBall I~olot TbWomen and titdties (Cicar iso made of the finest ma terrtts and wi11ll C Adt-s gtveeatrstsato than any other PNEUMATIC SADDLE CO., a v~~~r 5 r . h~~ati on the imanhni17 la brsS. ewV...…

June 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 184) • Page Image 2

…yy THE U. 01? M. DAILY. (f f i. vanryue, li, wdtco s a Ne (( f I , (Vl01 . ijia iicycto'tour lo~gb C .uy N +i'. ai-ietra! sen sible Se CC CJJ -itzeilanis, Fran 'ci.! Stou. PI____H,____________ PbihdDatiy(Sunday excepted) during RThe societyhi or organization;urn' - the College yar, t ppr.' -Tesceyo raiain- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, wic hs t OFrICE: Times building N. Mitst, opposite ..6PR GR MS Pst office. a~;P ® R I S EDITORS., ¢M N C R S J....…

November 20, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…THlE U. 0?FIAl DAILY Pattu*- WHAT THE EAST THINKS. fI+f ? They Hold Us in Respect--The-West Not to Be Despised. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) daringi the College year, at Tehe Yale cor respondent of the t'"i THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ver' ity of Wisconsin Cardinal lhis tih' OFFICE: Times taildieg N. Matns t., opposite following to Oly roiis'ei'ning) Eastern peost offie.feeling abont western titletes: EDITORS. J. A. LEtioy, '9t6,lMlasa...…

February 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF Al DAILY. 711G IGA At the Grand Opera House. The exaiminatieii in Agency witll be HISTORY. Mj§Hi AN GENrT L ! H____ eld net vv0k In the law lecure Air. Dews lI ectres in ourse I will Tinne Table lReise-d)Nov. 18 81.0 S i p-tO dl ciiiomedy dranti of met- room as follows: See. 3 (A and Il Mo- be given Tuesda ys and hursdays eans too olxIta ifIe by the welIlIknowtplay- tday at 8; Sec. v (A and IP} Tesday at and in Course 2 Mndays anti W...…

March 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF Al. DAILY. IHGi6C T AL uorl.ALNA. COS1MT v ISI . Tmn Table (Revised Nov. 18, 1894. Thors. and Fri., ?lurch 21-22.-Leg D 1lL IWABAHII EAST. WEST. isatnre visits the University. CONTINUED FROM tIR.T PAGE. Malland Ex_-03150Mall-......8 4 Fri. Mareb 22. Iotus Glee club adIlo1(w,.an11(1tthfileacoeis letter Of i-f___ N. Y. Special....- 5 15 N. Y. Special.... 7 3 tro. ('lark e Iins. L. A. course. til 01 peoiple do die. sil111111 this1o11O,7...…

May 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. .MJGHGA ~~'fAL ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS. 'YOU1R OUTING 90 TUOPiGT R T TueTteRvsd o.1,19. Regents Made Several at Satur-iKN ~IS . EAST. WEST. day's Meeting P. M. A. M ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE SIDE 1'T1U hL [ SMall and Es_-.3 50 Mai------- 8 43 N. Y. special-- 5 10 N. Y. Specil---7.30 Alt the lotjgsin'OOses-401ofth9117 3117 AT SMALL EXPENSE. Eastern Es---10 25 N. S. Lilnitell 59 25 AN-- A. Pacific Ex ___12 15 m 10 lng of thie Bo...…

June 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 184) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. I 1 MICHIGAN CGnTIA1i Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894 Msaland Ex-..3 50 Mal ---- 8 4 N. Y. Special.. 5 00 N. Y. Secial. 7 30 Eastern En...10 12 N. S. Liited.-_ 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ex..--11 57 Atlantic Ex-__7 47 P. M. D. N.Express -- 5 40 Western Es--2 00 G. R. Express --..11 0 Ci. Nt. Ma-- 7 0 2 G. R.Ex ----557 . W. RIGlES, H. W.Y HAYES GP. & T. At., Chicago. Ag.,An Arbo T., A. A. & N. Ti. ]RY. Taking effect Sunday, Apri...…

November 20, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICjHIGAN GYjYFu-k] Time Table (Revesed) May 19, 194 MallandEx--3M50 Mail -------8 43 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y'. Speclal---- 7 30 Eastern Ex----10 1:2 N. S. Limited.--1925 A. M. Pacific Ex---1 7 AtlanticRE--- 7 47 P M. D. N. Expres---- 5 40 =Wetern Ex--2 (M G. 5R. axpresa ---1105 (Chi. NI. t. ---1028 GR.Ex .-----5 57 0. W. RULESnn, 11. W. ilAYnS, G. P. co T. Agt., Chicago. Act., Ace Arbsor 1$ 9 NORTH MIHGAN AN 737 a. m....…

February 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…- Till,: Ut. taF M. I)AL.: e 0leS8 ksoc oidBc ORE&WTOEGYM S"UITS lI] C. Mai t.,stand State St., ear- ~ _______All Bristle ter of William St., have I iFartnerly with Georeo tWahr, 191Wh egttem E.W'ashington st. Hteadquar rs for -t~ every thing a Student nedsin the H air Br ush i s !UIVES11T[HT gooks r Line of Text-Books, Stationery-endI _ LEAST MONEY, Miscellaneous Stock in general. n -NwadScnHnd- Orgynsitcat MARTIN SCHALLERyun WENi-FVEmade-...…

March 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…THE ,U. OF M. DAILY. SchaIr's Bookstore! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and MliseHaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALTLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. '95 xLAWS ! HAVE YOUR CAN~E ENGRAVED IfM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. SCIENTIFIC! SUPERB! TRIBUNE BICYCLES LEAD. See the Tribune Cycloidal Sproket. 1. E. NE...…

May 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 163) • Page Image 4


June 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 184) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. A. 0.SPALDING&,BROS. Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINO BICYCLES-~ THE LEADER FOR 1895. .ANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st. and State st., cor- ner of William st., have full lines of BASE BALL AND TENNIS GOODS AND HAMMOCKS - AND OF- Gift Books for Commencement. Ball and see us before purchasing. G. H....…

November 20, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL Is unquestionably the finest ball on the market today. It's light- ness and durability make it a favorite with all players. Price complete with inflator, $5.00. Victor Foot-Ball Guide, containing the new rules, and chapters on the game by Dseland and others, 25 cents. Also a complete line of finest foot ball clothing. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Victor icycles. Boston. New York. Detroit....…

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