May 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 1
…*ij U.Of #tn, ai 1p. Vo'. I.-Nv. 161. UN\IVERSITY OF AIICIIIGAN., AVEDNESD AX, iAl1_V t) 1 i. Plic, Toi-iCENT'S. German at the U. of M. antd at Har- in 's I-its in BalcteriologyITuesday yard. m torning tirnonti other thin-s hej Ia recent issue of th tu a saitat iialairia is tiut to a firoto- comptaratice statemoent regtaringte hepamdu mlra o study of Latin at H arvard anthe iers theitreattmetnt if malariia tithlt 11. of Ml was published. ft ca...…