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March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… of S tr- !1 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, TMARCH 20, 1900 No. 129. Sprin~g Announcement 0. H. WILD & Co. We have jst received) our ine of spring woolens for men's wear t incluides eirth ing i staples ticat 5re siaile sd ds- sirible for the Saor . is ar also shiow igful at s in-n n oo-i eties in qiiality ndstyolei.t) suit the mst cexacting- tati, consioting(ofITopiCotsitoSuit ings linc es\sre iiil (Gol T eri I s . Weo i noite syoii t...…

March 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…Cn of O h t VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH I20 1901. No. 129 ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for insiection. We have the largest a- sor nent in the city, 6. H. WILD CO.1 wo8 E. Washington St. ADAMS' SALTED PEANUTS received fresh every day: .. . WI LDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE~ K. E. Jolly, 308 S State Street. IA GENUINE BOON A...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…h f t 5*: t d ". 6 : .. ... SEARS-TO RUN Battle Royal Betweenztahn and Sears in 140 Yd. to he 1,ost Excitin; E'vent of'ou 'N1 1i 3;j ttxiC i + t 'i t " ii i j t I t t , i ' tt . +l!1in 1inr}:jle;l 1 tit \i: ii}1"it:~1it ]t ,j v ANN ARB3OR, :MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 20O OFFICIAL CORNELL TEAM PLUNKETT GREE I>) o Iit i i. t iino i) 0) tuncuished Irish Befit 111--Nin itili-i 014,t I o in. l e iz,' It . 1 :at 1Y+ IIt t 50n_ 4 Re ta Etlend Aus ...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…THE 0.01F N. DAILY. V OL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, AIRCII'20, 1903 No. 1263 OUTDOOR RECORDS A Football Disagreement HAIR-CUTTING STRIFE A New Magazine Thle break in foni all betiwen Pari- A Wnli, on pond largely of Hleston and Maddock are Doing rood doeailldai wllieynwent Friendly War of Freshmen and Sopho- rleegaoi~,inie uybe WrWihHmeanDics il the ;;iitoe inest yriiibiililiyed Ifrmed io pbilish a weekly illstraei WokWthHmeradDics at li...…

March 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1904. No. 122 [RESMEN WON. TUIOMPSON WINS. ANNUAL TOURNAMENT. "PARSIWAL." Defeat D. U. S. Track Team 45 to 18- Whole Ticket Pulls Through by, a Fencers Club Will Hold Their Annual Prof. Stanley's Lecture Repeated-lI Rose Breaks World's 12-lb. Shot Large Vote-Office of Secretary Tournament April 2-New Men lustrations From the Score-A Record-1906 Engineers Win Contested-Large Vote C...…

March 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail AN ARBOR, \lIII(0VN TIAISDAN, 1I \RCII 20. 1906. trOL. XVI. MIHIANTAMCHSN m lenefit Concert T 'hursdaty NightRUETAMCON RULES GOVERNING ANNUAL BIG SHOW TRYOUTS TO FOR WISCONSIN MEET MICHIGANENSIAN ELECTION' BE HELD WEDNESDAY Dunlap, Waldeck and Marker Are the R legulations Which Govern the Eflec- Anybody and Everybody Is Eligibe Additional Entries-Bishop tion of Business Manager and -All to be Givena Thor . - - ,...... M nai...…

March 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XVII. Ntt . r .. _ _... _ _ t _ __ - I NUMERAL QUESTION IS FINALLY DECIDED Jn y'1iiis in Semi-Finals Will Get Insignia-Sets Cut Down From 600 to 160. Drstc imtaio soil thteaward igt the boardiof di rctior of te -Aheti Underla thent 1 ethoda abolit- sxhn andl sixt sts iwill h gient oit. lThe egulaions cntain io retratvtea- tue nd aiise litv taliilra tla-e u liii-rals iiaytgearatthre inIpea. The onlylvlimit titist ...…

March 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.., XVIII. Fzr. _ . A*7AR 3O T-. fJTrANRfI)AY, NARCH :2, 1908 0. 1 27. __._._. ..w,_..._,-..._..._..... . r.. FITZPATRICK NOT QYBRGONFIDIENT- Only Hopes to Win First Regi* mgnt Meet-Chicago Squad to Arrive- Tomorrow. I The team wvhich the First Regiment t will send -to represent it tomorrow is an dark horse. The Chicagoans are verya reticent about lettinig their opponenots know what they nmnst face, bitt it is a t...…

March 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily 1: \ A \RiMI 011C uG N\, S.N ' l ) \N N1 v~tI N Ii( I20. 10. Nuof-.1X1X. DULL AND MAY WILL; LEAD RIVAL TEAMS5 Records Will Suffer in Tonight's G Mect--Dull Expected to Lower Mark in Mile Event. i the yeir lbefoe thei Varsity inet cc l-tt riiiti-at- %iit ouiittside teamstt Te ic 1 il alts clitati(ii in this- meect may piay a large par t in diatcriiail i thetakec. ip of tihe -ea thtat wiill faceath l f- Cli *kio tlciic *kAss...…

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