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March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…h f t 5*: t d ". 6 : .. ... SEARS-TO RUN Battle Royal Betweenztahn and Sears in 140 Yd. to he 1,ost Excitin; E'vent of'ou 'N1 1i 3;j ttxiC i + t 'i t " ii i j t I t t , i ' tt . +l!1in 1inr}:jle;l 1 tit \i: ii}1"it:~1it ]t ,j v ANN ARB3OR, :MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 20O OFFICIAL CORNELL TEAM PLUNKETT GREE I>) o Iit i i. t iino i) 0) tuncuished Irish Befit 111--Nin itili-i 014,t I o in. l e iz,' It . 1 :at 1Y+ IIt t 50n_ 4 Re ta Etlend Aus ...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…THE I (N OLY-NEWS z.No ZA j w U5 0 -. Avv4H I7.)N, a0- Qr" DILY4NwS PB.CO TMIhIB'AN 'I c .. . INT2'' 1' ''l. TI ON : INI hI' IN' " N14, 1 I I~i'C ltfl ih : 1 111 liT-NI 'NINN IIt. II 3i~t ll E 3 a I 111 NIl,' lN I ( ) lt' i 1'' F tt i 11 ' II+> ttt 1 '; II rv t ;I' l I '};~ lil tl,.II Il I I . II It Isc 'i t .. - . I l i S ( 1 ' ; r ' I+ ' II i ',l I: l i l. 'l } It . : ; I: .I ?ll i>l "il: \ iI .l IN,'-NNt; 2. N II +1t 'f * l iI' 511+ ' t]:lf...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…THE MICJIHxA DAILY--NEWS Th 1 MopA Gun IGGiHlO TWII that we (odd1r do that would tend to induce you to b,y +4 STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHES 4+ 'ot .0 tontrodur s yogi to a rman who has worn them. 'e ar o:tcrr.::_nd tire ian~gtaewith whhch to tein voa hoax + fodta ®ous are-. thre rarataaihrtheirrlabel ha- + nea:)filar of th'-cr a s, anti} -s a>a r OPrord lof .+y .,,. te rjr btotat -rot r eir e 1 e t .L:-ther of s~t ' T C Of :l ror t he r ; o -ty2 v t t.:...…

March 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…THIE '4fjCjj(-AN DAILY NEWt HOE CREAMI ,SOA WATE R b C ~bINS' Fresh Strawberries for Crushes and Sundays. CALKN'PHAIRMAC Y 324 SOJ. S~TAT S-t. riGkwIGKBiIIard rarlors find BowIinUa 707 NCORTIH L N(\RS ix XV-U'- THE HOCKING VALLEY Y. ii 'glt(Gr TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS 'ft, ie . W.IANIIAN" eneral-i r el e ~ nt, LINEN PAPER 15, 20.,15 ,and 3()c ,a Ih. SOHALLER'S ;BOOKSTORE, 1 16 S MAIN STREET FULDE ,iq S. M~ain -it. Amn Arbor CA LENDAR AND READING NOT...…

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