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December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED- 1890 i e Air 46P .itltr4t 0 a U, #ailg MEMBER SASSOCIATED PRESS 'VOL. XL. NO, 7. ANN ARBIOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT 3 OPERA COMENE TOUR WITH, SHOW IN CHI CO TODAY! Annual Production Has 100 R4 NE IUINTmto T and Comnmittecs. SPECIJAL TRAIN ENGAGED ' Merrie-Go-Rounid' to be Givens in Detroit Starting Next Friday. More than 100 students, membersI of the cast, choruses, and commit-!...…

December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…T H E, C- A N 1,-ATE- .HE. T - -AN I. Statesman-,Is President Elected of Greece Torn Mooney Case, Pending for Ten Years, TV D ENT Y,,Will Go"Before California Parwole Board LINS OO eN TO FAECOCES O TEJI ETS rEvidence Compiled for Defense uwa: convicted. In the Grand Jury Lowry mnd Cook to be Delegates; -it Lehind Staniford. Man W\as Fgamed. ilr t.W5dirun' h h F~or <t period of ten years, the ?two o'elod{ in the a ft en 1 o ,i car , ...…

December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…TR I T-, AT-, - -- -, T 1-1 F,- M I 1 ('71 A-N- D-ATEY rx rm Tnnrt s. Y 1. .MA .V r . * w1 f.u. A l.!-VFl6"L.A .-(P F~VT~t f" ° - °v ",-ra .: - , l : ,' -, r°- ; . " , _ , Wit.. 40 I III II j d es d ' t J pOr e x t r / c F" r . a ta, r , 't _ rt t ti .'{,t4r+,""?_s',rr s.._ _ ... .> . .. v ' .. fir' ,+ e sij A. i f a /i - <laye e, I _M e~iI~ A'9 J/ -, ,§ 42: 332 South Main St. Department Store 222 South Main Stj l ...…

December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…~PAGE woM THE MI(A-zICAN DAILY ;4t aggessive war to be obligatory, let her first withdraw from all such Published every morning except MondayI agreements as the Kellogg pact, in inuring the University year by the Board ini C:ontrol of Student Publications, order that future hypocrisy may Member of Western Conference Edtra be avoided. Association. ;I 301 +,i NFJD 0 I The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use, for republic...…

December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…FPRIDA"Y, D CFEM13EJ1 0, 1929 " 1-1 F. NI I("f-IIC, N ,'- . rAGE n flA t! V ~Afl1~! wrtrw - as J~t .t ~ A A ~ A S t~ ~ A. A A 1.4 A. .c= - ,. WILL BE PRIESENI1 AT 9STUDE[NTME Discussion of Student P oblem Wifl Promote Spirit of Coopcratiazn. NOTED MEN TO SPEAK Universities and Co ge Unitc jf Fro m Various S-ctions of (Country. 'Tickets to California 1re 110 often given as Chiistinas gifts, but this year Eleanor Cooke, '31, ha, been ...…

December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…A... Ti- .H TM1i,- H CAN Do' A L1 _ !Icxa+: 1)!t_:!, 4CEBi 2 1) ; .. .,- .. ,. . .... .. . t .. .. ._.. .. . VARSITI CAGERS TO- RESUME DRILLS DECEMBER 26 I no WILL1 PREPARE FURH MINNESOTA SET To. No Games Scheduled During Vacation Period to Give Chaice for Practice, MINNESOTA IS STRONG Terminating their pre-holiday basketball activities with the Albion game last night, the Michigan var- sity cagers will not hold practice session...…

December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…i 'ti,! 1 1 Y , Lr:l ld;.1V'lYSL;tG iJ, f ! i1 L Ti-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - AhTi' -n T'n~i -, 4~3~J '54*i - T .IA HOOSIERS \TO MEET' QAKR STRA' GIANT ITALIAN IS CONTENDER ALL CAMPUS GRAPPLER TOURNEY FOR TUNNEY'S VACANT TITLE;-;LL J RLVEALS VARSITY POTENTIALV LuUl} (Continued From Page 6) 1upper hand ,for the rest UThS oi the Indiana Will Follow Michigan in Invasion of Philadelphia to Play Pentxsylvania. WILL MAKE COMPARISON Probably the outsta...…

December 20, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…VAC E; EIGHT 'IFH MICHI A DAILY .1iVIDAY, PECEMBER 20, 19'"'9 PAOE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1~RIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 19~9 k 9 DAILY OFF[ICIAL BULLETIN SIXNEW CARUINALS Publication in the fBulletin is constructive notice to all members n of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- ;.I N ISG 19 B ' dent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. in. Saturday) ff Y01. il__A\ruPEay I AT CEREMONY,29Sl 0 4 C H MNColiegc of L~itera ture, S*r...…

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