December 20, 1910

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December 20, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…Vl I.ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, NIlh AD1171\lIMId 1' 0, 1010. Cii Vol. XXI. MAGAZINE PRAISES o ,l tI l k1lCl\I (-1II THREE WOLVERIiNES 1111 11 111111trip ate11uivalnt1t Outlook Praises Benbrook,Wells 2ldets wes o 1111 ri. ol- and Magidsohn on Football ee(<tswl rtof l11011 fare11 Fl onor oll 'hii faculties of d1ic various 11' lot- 010012 are.c tiililtg 2stu1ents 1to 1ea1e tonit 11 in ordcto tal111 1 it011(o NOTED COACHES MAKE CHOICE 111020rtes 041...…

December 20, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _________ Gil ;-i :, Ope I THx MICHIGAN DAILY. WILD CO.,,Jngn dio-LizAWi S _ .E.TREET.....o . Hlroid Titus ~~ ....... Wlt .LTwIs j . ie., . Fi ed Is. wI oe DI 9irama... I.arl V. Moor g isplay o an it 1.1 S. ire d'V inr tI rIj3 Abbtt G CS aIer Styles A.J Woilgel :'I. Harold McGee. ii 1 1. Edward Robie. 'l ttsol1 Robert Gillette. DRESS SUITS I'.coax. I. I.Sitaw, Jr. ioch. Oscar IBeckmani. SPECILTYt 1 ii to u 1....…

December 20, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…?HlE MICHICAN DAILY ABlueSerge Sui 0oc11011nat 0han110 of attire lExcellet clti to y Nour F. W.GRS A.(.SPALI)ING& BR05. The (Spalding CIIek2;'''-i->inl Trcde--Merk OfMIIAL EIP-t~ MENTfor sI~at leti C,^ ° -'j No thl oboiopC Qoaao tch1, ityo 2i v-IIO ivtIII Atve. lietroit,(Mich. 110NlO o"VP 5l101 1. ._ .1, i 100.iiT. > - , Asst.0 1 N 0 1 1 -, oo '1000o A (Uenera1 Banking P TralC.nsacted11 O icl'lo-. (ha..L'... Pr. os ;, IN E) Hltrrimal...…

December 20, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DP% i- - x' "All"Al YOUR FULL I)RESS ANI) TUXH)DO $ 3 P upIU UNIVE3RSITY NOTICES 50 'lrc rofom [2:45IMI 101Y. .i(11(,1111111 wown i 111 1 111111 - 1efo11 115 5:12011.11. (11. ;MeetigOf(11150 51' f o lak1(11' (Ml 1115A I)i 1111151Who 01151 to1 a 11 11 51(1 'cl1ock. 5 1115 I Vt ew hiltneyThar 8 EAST ~ P LI RYI -ALA )51r 11 111(00 000e justtt111111i(t1e100 Soillo conc'bck on "o la l .i rt 11110llecllielo thebi d otat so1v110orc...…

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