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October 20, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR 225, DELIVERED OR AILED TO YOU EVERY DAY w h A >VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, AICI, SATURDAY, OCTOBEKt 20, 1900. No. 24 AFTER THREE YEARS coch amniso works n the theory M ichIigan Men in a Football Mixup. An1uncme1 tht(hanlgeof (iet land the iLSIety_____ A nounemem (f waiing ro hardr awn t t4,alm than Th Dener Republian of Ot. 15 ____________________________ IPurdue Teanm Comes Today to Figure at trip tho(ay of thie gn...…

October 20, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…r, i;' .:Y " y ir . ^':': t 4 r ' . ° '' ta f ,x. °:r k . y . '0 0- 0 v z Wz I jW .. " W . W> Gz7 v _ 0 CS -- CIS f Y w ,,,: a ." ^ ,. T v .e , ^" :-. CIO 7: 7. CL, Z: 7: t f _ J. t / f - j J. 14 I _ .., 1. . '_° .._. -" . _ _ _ - v. 71.14 77 :r - _ , , ;. "+ I ;. ^' . , :% ,-- _t. . , J f 1. _ . .,. t ,_ r _.. . _ fit. ; .__ _ '1 _ r, 0 J_.r Zr- - 0~ , C,. D ' ' . v . .. :; ._ _, - 4- -.- fb I - .. ..... .. T .+r - f ,' - _ °% _ _ . =; , c-""...…

October 20, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The 1Vichigan ally VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, ?MICH., )WDY, OCTOBER U4, 1903. No. 19 TO D[[EAT frINN[SOTA. .. 4 ..... ...... .. .. "z. . . ..t... g 'I The "ichian Daily sent @3 jb iNow Yost's single Aim-Michigan's $ 1 D aily tJ o your address for the D adily $ 1 Coach Geatly Impressed By the balance ofstemtr Gopher's Game Against Iowa- Mail in your address tojXhE ichian Daily, or phone 461 Hard Work Now In Order. Whiat wii ci lipenin Niitruexp "...…

October 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dal VOL. XV. ANN ARBO., MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1904. No. 21 RUNAWAY fiAfrl "ACR[S O[ DIAMONDS" [ FOOBIA[ TODAY DINNIRICKIZS American Medics Get Worst Trounc- S. L. A Season opened-First Num-jOpen Practie and Mass Meeting at Information in Rtigjrd to Seats for tng Eser Sees on Ferry Fe~d- er Succesfl- Very Large ( Ferry Field This Afternoon- the .Mich,0an Union Score, 72 to 0-Game Fin- Crowd in Attend- Coach Yost Promises - B...…

October 20, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN'"k\RBOR, MI('IIf} \, FRIIAY ()LE \\ f( ii . yi VOL. XVI. MEMBERS OF FACULTY FAVOR COMPROMISE The Miichigan Union and Memorial. IiSliitltilll'litl Comnittee Should Get Together riniiiiiti tI ht f teLie n t criIeel the Prevailing Sentiment -What latToqetosaestld is Faculty Members Say Tl ~oi of ihe, luni ,sca ni to resuIl itin tatbuildingiii iltil i n clii i - a conp liltliii N ii s t te t tilt ii liii ii ill 1c51an 1the...…

October 20, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL01. XVII. AN N .AR'f( K1 I C II (A N, SA Ti RI)AY, (fLIP t ItIN 2?0, 1pit. IYOST W ILL BE SATISFIED WILL REPRODUCE GAME IN UNIVERSH1Y HALL WITH ONE TOUCHDOWN -- Full Reports of (ian e at Columbus to I lc()(Ill I, Coach Does Not Expect Big Score -Team Goes Through Signal Practice on Secluded Field in Its t Columbus. Byi ( Ca ec C;/. A/ Hfd;", n/c(ur - ri+ spriuil ins C~lii hs (tir Ocuitn t. liiinneitc l a li h riva...…

October 20, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The MNichigan Daily Vol-. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SLI Y, Y. CTOBE R 20. 1907, No. 24. WABASH TROUNCED IN POORLY PLAYED GAME SATURDAY'S FOO'TBALLt SCORES. 'Contest Marred by Frequent Fumbling, Michigan Chief Offender; Forward Passes Fail Completely. ('pedai ro TceIicicr ily.)it tIndianapolis, Oct. i.- n agame marked by freqett ftiiblescan(1 faiur of foriard pass pythe tM 1ichiga foottall temi dfeted tot 'it ii oh220trO Tie Hoseir rr'...…

October 20, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN? ARBOR. Mv-ICHIGAN, T UESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1948. No. is) VARSITY PREPARES FOR OHIO CONTEST Yost Sends Squad Through Stiff Workout in the First Practice After Notre Dame Game. Coach Yost is through worrying-for' a whie. Hie feared the game with No- ire :Dame. and judging from the resist- _oee offered iby the Catholics, his fears were welt foundieud.Trie very fact that he was afraid of the outcome, however, ...…

October 20, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…fie 1C-lain 'llga. l D a.t Vol'. XX. VARSITY SHOWS PATCHED-UP TEAM 1\\ AR1BOR, ,1 I IC 'A, \\ IINIISIAV,'O'O, 108125 20, 1 No, r4. 111:1A ISIV. RI.\1FRESH MUST WEAR l'lic r1C'11S1' i211C <d'1sale11 tit 1'. lno'1 1100 ll' t rsIS ~in i THE OFFICIAL CAP ofs i(ific s n a m oi nabi wereIhil 1111 .ila W , 0 i &1 as1' 1111 o-1 I lard. tinc , I 11 ll loto Ilsay drat the 1a1thor11)f DR. COOK AGAIN; HE'S HERE TODAY Noted Explorer to Speak Befo...…

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