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January 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…~JcIZof n. Wailjj. VOZ"----No. 75. U POLITICAL ECONOMY. A Letter From Dr. Adams. oEM .' 0A- hi c EE: It gives me pleasure tate ply with your request, and the nature of the work which will be Undertaken in Political Eco- he suring the Second Semester. ht usual courses will be offered, betai wthsome slight inodilication in First ' ey are as follow s: Eico - Unsettled questions in Po- hipr' E unomy." This course will prise three lectures a week. ...…

January 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…'1f ofPutlshed iyit (Sundays nxcptd) duringi the Clleg er, by THE U te M. INDEPENDENT ASOGATION. iubeititnice $t' 2,5te yarinvriabl in advune.. Sntgle pies 3 cents.ontsalue'at Shusiin 'uanut lst Oisuso ine".stand every eveningtt 0 u'etusk. Sbscrip tinmay be leftt its fices Oftthe DAInY, 0psrsii blck, att Shehanti's, tit Stlie's, uwth abnuy ithe fitstitus. Comun nicuatns so F ulrehthlbsoffice by 10 A. Ti. it thy anitoliappear 55the sumesday. An...…

January 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…TI-IF. IT OFlPM.vDAILY ]-"4 OFF SALE 25 PER CENT SAVED, OVc1RgA$ AUD UI$ A&T OTE-:FOTTJIRT1-- (;F ALL GLOVES. ALL UNII)EIWEAII A ttendl this Sale, for a few dlays only. Comec at once, (loo't delay. AT THE TWO SAMS. IL_ B3LITZ. EEST WORK IN THE CITY, TT T TI!70 $CALEFRadDELIVERED. FRTCAS'OK 0fFRTCLSfOK.tpSEIcAL D~aRATES TO STUIDENTS. D\LADDE f,;,_3South Fourth Ave. ALAN SE U, Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices l...…

January 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…ThE U CE' M. DAILY DINING AND) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, $2.50 per wek. Lunches at all hours. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Confections, Cigars, etc. NEW BOOK STORES, NOBLE, ThE ---IS OFFERING- Clothier, pecial aaeu®zUnderwer BLACK UNDERWEAR AT $1.50 $2.00 AND c3.00. BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR AT 7tc AND 9SC. 6 South Mairq Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, - -- ,- G- H.-WILD, Medical Books, Law...…

January 20, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…j e . of n. W1ai1p. VOI,. It.-No. 7(;. UNIVERSITY O1? MICHIGA-N, WVEDNESDAY, JANUARIY 20, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. University Extension. sa rotlher, it would be difficult tothnswlbeouedihann- sa.It may still tie (andI this is pise to kntoss something else than is nieeitye~ensolla ii- cone of the nmost cherished purposes the pnrchasing power of the dollar "fad, which is destinedi to in easrly of the proimoters of Uivsersits ex- and siimet...…

January 20, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THE .U. OF M. DAILY. '~C 2J( i from those of other athletic clulsis ____r l nerespect. The clause which gov- 4t; f 3~ utti ul ri~tmap I GA P erilc his (ifference is as folltosss: tinltisheitDlty (ASndays excepted) durng5 the Collegseyear, byi THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ccthcrpinprice iV50i iper ytr, invariably itsEt(v.ller inglecolie 3 a is. (Otstale at it.m's antdaYost titti itnesstandsitisi t I'.' o'Cloknoon suscritioso' ti e left...…

January 20, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Y' v x.x x, z , ..x. x .. NOTICEve Oii 'll i~iuitllii l On t1 iL stiio Osal nil Oi i0'o~utii ol' on tsin' > (Ilt s this 'A '('k .'1 III _WO S M I,. 1i 't GREA T CL EA RING 8A LE Of OvercoatS and UJsters. We iaveimadi tremendousii(iillic(lt in prices aill along;e'tile i'of ('ose tiiiiiinout Soonl. 1\11(241u LA Gu IP(Fhis o'i prevaleint", o 1 .0 Iit ( siitlilgo ()lit1 lt ii" heii lhis fillOvericouatutn1. I Last Ye'ar'w clo...…

January 20, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, A NVcs r e o tiiiiti.. ociic.o i lain ld Liherty Streets. I trill "Openi the tAll' by placin a ide stock of Guitars, it nos etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find =amr~zs- M S-c S-ro-F, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. #TE4N FOR ONE."- 5 10.00( for 1 Overcoat. Guirmcents. worth $12.00t to S t.0 Pure ='SINILJ t ~~lJ~~t Fres(; O:IltSE, onie year. Three full terms, ehrequired. 3Ter...…

January 20, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III.-No. 73. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN RIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. v, FR ELOCUTION AND ORATORY- PrOf, Trueblood's Untiringand: Suc- cessful Efforts to Perfect This Department. The subject of elocution and ora- tory is fast gaining prominent place in college work. It has an especi- ally strong position in the U. of U. curriculum. The Board of Regents, realizing the rapid growth of the de- partient, and the great interest t...…

January 20, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…THE. U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Stbscriptiontpriceml2.50 per year invariably i advane egle opitees :rens. Subsrip- ttons may ie left at the ottiee of the DAILY, at Stottet's, wit anty ot the editors or athorized solicitor. Ctmmunicatins should reach the otfice by 7 o'cltuck P. . if they are to appear ele net day. Addres all mastter intended for public- tlea...…

January 20, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 73) • Page Image 3


January 20, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY HOTEL ' EPWORT FOIR H ~A A great bi (AT CHICAGO), Will be but 400 feet from an en- DXTRA L JDRT :IJ 5 fVIRRR. trance to the WORLD'S FAIR, And. offers low rates and superior accom odations. Inquire about it at CALKINS 7 1.034 S. State. Mahogany, Celluloid hound edges, ONLY $14.00. LITTLE B ELLOWS IN PRIOPORTION. W ILS Y, 34 South State Sireet, - - UP STAIRS. FPANTALOON SALE Prices $.2.00, $2.48, x2.78 and $3.28. Styles ...…

January 20, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…c l. fit.i-c~in VOL. I. -NIL. 78. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 189 4. PRICE, THREE CENTS. NORTHWESTERN CHALLENGED The Article consisted of several To an Inter-University Debate, and pages a elwitnadatat =2W ill Probablyt Accept.-M 'chi- ed considerable attention among the gan's Propositions. legal fraternity of Michigan. In Thle following challenge clipped the last issue of the London (Log.) from the Northwestern, has been...…

January 20, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. cc. of .T Taty Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, toy THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION out script too prtce t5.50 per year, invariably in asdrace single copies 3 teats. Subscrip- ioat may be left at the ofice of the DttY, at Stottlet's, witth soy of the eatrs oe authorized solicitors. tCtmmunicatiotns shold reach the oboe by 7 o'cloc. x. it theyrrto appear theenext lay. Address all mtter intend...…

January 20, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…____ ____ ___THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. ~ . I J~ LEIW . LEMENT, 33 51 So. MAIN S. Director and Manger. --AGENT FOR THE- Christy Hat. London. L. L & A. Hat, warranted. Roeof's Hat. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Dent's Kid Gloves. '0 EAST IRTKION STREET.Sls Dealer 1a Menine liashin,,, SilC:ra. s'i~uland Goad wark Guaranteede. Goods called fr Store Fornnherly Occuplied by TWO Ali . and delivererd. A. F. COVERT, Prop. _____________________...…

January 20, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…T TF U.T0OFNM. D A T T "Y. __ ___ _____ LoWfqe 's Lighlt C hocolates, Re(odrun frooc. Calkins' Pharmacy *1- m4OF SLE, OFF 1-4.+ l~I( 100 (11( li (o 1 Iii'i I I I SAT" $ oo, n,)w (3 o0 IME 1, 1,Al z .z ')o ALL s.,1 (ISHOESo non'$3 75, '4 1:ve403tlinii ReduI~ced Ik15in Pootionl at TEIlE ()UT;'lFITT E"ILS, :M:ocxEi~,:E~ & WIEYTI~I©E~FE NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. UINVVIE T( rN' IC) 1 TO IIli - CALL AND SUN",t 1...…

January 20, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…the . o Al. l ONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No..78. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, M ONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR U. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO S. MAIN ST. For a Stylish FULL DRESS OR...…

January 20, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrrICE: Times building N. Main St., opposite post office. EDITORS C. D. CAnaY, Gr. L. J. F. ToooA, '7. S. E. KNAPEN, 'a. G. i. Sxo '99. R. C. FAUs, '99 M. MANAGING EDITOR G. B. HARRsoN,'96 L. BUSINESS MANAGER L. C. WALKER, '. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L. A. Pratt,'96. G. M. Heath,'96 P. C. A.Houghton,'96D. SusannahtRich'dson,'98 W. W. Hughes, ...…

January 20, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MJG6H IGA NGENThA SKATES, 'KNIVES AND RAZORS TimaTalenRevsedWNoS24T.9 Having purchased ale full line of sonpe skates, knives and razors froms Henry Pa. M wn A. M ears & ton at a discount of 50 per cent, we now offer them at the same discount, Malland a__-_3151Maill -e_____so8 1 0 W W -jm'A Ty F' 0 I NY.Special.---.500 N.Y.CSpecial---- 730J U S T O N TB A LPjapp Eastern Eu---10 12 N. S. Limited.--. 0 25 A. M. P. M. A good p...…

January 20, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SPALDING'S Spring Style Hats '96 C1os " Educational W ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN STIFF HATS, Weha 3 W ETlC FIGUES :r.A L[yRAll NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN FEDORAS.- W Souvenirs of You can buy all this week our tiran EUwhich TWENTY YEARSIIN BUSINESS $1.x0 FBD0RAS A T 980. fl A cemplate set, Comprhing Baseball, loot-MMMTH ball, Tes and Goit player a nda Bicyclist. D A TINKER & SONI.MAMM T 2 il be seat to any adaress in the C ...…

January 20, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…Iih t*0 NESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 76. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WED] r I 1 @CHJAS. A. DANA lesitbine fc&r the War Departmenit. S. C A. AMENDMEN'TS. Wadi 5; asapitdAs~r.n Le d ng T ior The Brilliant New York Sun i eiycit .Wihoh-e e Some Changres Proposed in the hreld neuil nter the snrrender ni Lee. Elitor Speaks Here 'Thursday. lliter tier xvii his servic es werel Board of Directors. AND IMPORTS #ieg0 I ley I i...…

January 20, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Additions to the Library. 1 I THERE'S NOTHING LIKE LEATHER, The followii ipo)trtaoiii~o lokohi:)ve >AjJ, ~lTE. WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER. b"'ell leecci'tly iatddedl Io ihe liicory: <5AI.e____ luithei ~ l oy(u le s eirX pteill dring Is uT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,. VIhni, (eeille M.L'"he tonaizd2i1 %t0eAei Ol gig DOR i/I U SHOES! lrreli,: Times huildisng 79iS.MinoiS t.lie- Niiiili'sl. 31,85. ,--INt- t -- iet i V...…

January 20, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. jXIGHIGANGENThAL ,ooee,,,,0eee*eoe~eR TimeTabliltevisedi Sopt 27, 181M * STYLE IS THE MAN, FASHION P.AS . A. FITSHIM. CHOOSE ACOLLAFR Mail and Ex-----3472PeY. Spcal :FOR! YOUR STYLE LOOK N. Y. Spca --4 :, Slabt______ 84 EasternEx---10717 . S iitd.- 9' :g AT THE MARKA.MPM.0 Atlantic Ex- 7 25 Pacific 'x_-_31 _______________ 0., W. iteoti. 0, 11. 71Wl. iG.P. &T. Ant.,iChicago. Ant.beA in sbee I yy T ° : ~ 'il G...…

January 20, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…THlE UN[V RSITY OF M1ICHIAN DAMLY. !r M y W ife s ulletin, : o e a u HA _ 2[ lL J R "TeNwBully Two Step." STORE liked your Beef Tea so'swell "h e last night," sa d a gentle- ' The Bully Song." 46 S. main street. -a men, that she wanted mei mtsm efEtae "You're not the only Pebble on the Bech." PARNZ'OMS IVR so that she could make itf "The Cross of Gold."PARNZ OMSAV Y 0 at home." You'll be scr-ar and get the best service. prised to find what a g...…

January 20, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…t:ic U. of VOL. VIII. No. 79. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS WILD Hasreceived a full line of Novelties for Fall and;Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings 10.108 E WASHiNGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 600 a pound. Lowney'sjif you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. r REVISED RULES. The Committee Recommends Im- portant Changes. Prof. Stagg, of Chicago Universit...…

January 20, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVEELSITYOF+ MICHIGAN DAILY, jI from the player who is to make a H v n o z Whenever a side has tried a drop- ISETTEWR kick for goal from a first dawn in- M ISET HEWR Published Daily (Sundays excepted during - P o o' ak n. .AT.. the olee ear at side the twenty-five yard line and the- - THE UIVERSTY -O MICHGAN, result has ees a. touchback the lineT h F e r m n S u i THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. o kickout shal be te fiften-yard in- OPx1:TmLiber...…

January 20, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…. . THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL'!.- Great ReductionSale - For One Week, Only $.50 for $3.45--$4.00 for $3.00 SWEATERSI $3.50 for $2.85-$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 GLOVES " " $215 for $1.42-$1.00 for 69c E $ 2.25 for $.75-$1.75 for $150 GO FHOSE $1.50 for $.25-$1.00 for 89c PAJAMAS "* IN OUTING FLANNEL......... Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c Fancy Hose, 75c for 63c=s50c for 43c Fancy Shirts--the best 90c COMBINAT...…

January 20, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…I 4 THE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. _ w. J. BOOTH Pres, w. Axo~osst vice-prs The Store W.W.eWettore, 3 aW~z si i T he S ore -JOHN C. WAL.zAst.. Cashier. .mvs1CGs. d Bt., na 42 . s ate Sttate - Savillos- ilk NIVE SIT TEX -BO KS, Transacts a general Banking bsi- i NTT'~EW AND SECOND-HtAND.- i AS FU L LI ES O %N O E O K S a dST U D E N T S ' S U P P L I E S . Cor . a ie and fluon Street s. Capital. $0,OD.Surplus $350,50.Transact a Fountain Pens...…

January 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…;hr AA rr VOL. IX, No. 84. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1899J. TIIEE (CENTS. <VLI T H E T A I 0 R FINE WINTER SUITINGS, 7ns WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A I 0 0 Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. 0On1 Dau anld Niuh Durieg the rest of the college year we will sere luceseeaall hoursedayecr night. Fell lineeof Pipes, Cigarsaned Tebacee. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. Chamois...…

January 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

… 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .4"'4I* Prof McLaughiin's Propheegf. M~usic Studio jor & . P atu4 In a lectuie before his class ili piano, Pipe organ and com~poitian Published Oatly (Sunay eceted) drn ,thoeltei'lo o Prof. A. C. M!.cLaughliniE. H~. TK EIM iP F' Collegeoyear, at in speaking of the purchase of Fa ttec 'noeteOeay THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Louiisina, had occasisti to make sev- eral interestieg remarks on our war 312 S. Dl...…

January 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 HILDE RANDTHEE NEW TAILOR, 110 E.WashingtonSt ++++++ff+++++++++f+++f++ + **++ * *4++f+ N +**+4+f++++++f++++4+++++f+++4444++30+*4+f4++4+ 444i+++ "The Nigr FPans Route.' CENTRAL STAND)ARD TIME Taking Efet Aug. 14, 1898. Mal id Expetss ...........3 47 P.M. N. Y. & Bosta Spcil ........ 43 Fast lastern .....-E........ 943" Atlantic Expres.......11 .....7 45 A. X. Detroit NibI Ess t......55 Grand Raopids Rxpreso...…

January 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…THE 'UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. } ____ CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS G~ WIL IND) Al OUIR STOVEE LLL A I-SI ' AM) CltOlLCst STOCtKs q i II ' '!rNew Neck Wear, Bath Robes, Niht Robes, "Suit Cases and Trunks. Special prices for the Holidays, D. A. TINKER & SON, Q 334 S. STATE STREET. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TAIIIOR, Has Deceived a Fine Line of New Goods. 214 EstaWsingtona Si., near 5th Ave. - - lntorcolIeuiato Bureau otf fcaIdnirc o tumeo. GOTRELL & LEONA...…

January 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 't.of S4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. 1900. No. 84. W IL T Fine H WINTER and SPRING E Suitincgs, Golf Suits, Fancy Testincgs. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY A eCarry the Largest Stock L In the City 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. R WiLL WILDER'S SPECIAL defece o nes 2v(> Wilder's Pharmacy TH LD F or several weekslwe h RE IB Eboos and nw anrerady w PIP-EhS A tSEIihCAt&Tr"'. R. E. JOLLY & CC A Medical Dictionary Verytomprete ...…

January 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVE SITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILI'. 2 TIlE UNIVEI SITY O~ MICHIGAN DAILY Potlla ed Daily (Sundays excepted) durn g the College yearat THE UNIVERSI Y OF MICHIGAN, Denoso: The Inland Press, Henninog Block. Both P1o10.,147. MANAGING EDITOR. F'. ENGELHARD, '0IL. 1B1US0INSS IIANA0101. 1. HN 00L A.THILETICOS, . . . G. 1) IlooIUoToo, '51 E r. it. IsWooow,.'00 L. A. 1t. MoDoooGoo 101 E' A. 0. BtsoNVNE,. '02. E. J. B.Wooioo '0 L.. J. MooooTGooov, '...…

January 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY O1" MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 rT - r i--- j- rs--tr-- r- r- - -- i- r- - s- =S=r -tr =i- =r--1= = r- r--- r- i-- [-_C-_r._ r--- r- r- r-- i- r- r r- r- r-- r-. RFDUGFED I lVI mistake i styles /1(eCe PRICES-to close out remainder of stock-on the hest line of strictly custom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice 1( and exclusive, and they also have a feature long sought and that you 4 can get nowvhere else. At t...…

January 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. D. 41. TINKER~ & SON~ Holiday wBooks NOT TME CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 Mos. at 25 cents, We are not Selling BIBLES at Half Price We cannot sell you a good 12 Mo. at 15c. But we will give you the best value for your money. The largest Sto k of Illustrated Gift Books, New Fiction, Bibles, Prayer Books, 0 7""TLT'rr airTo a I U UjJJ A l x IHATTERS5 AND FURiNISHERS - Headquarters for remiember th...…

January 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o 4. at , VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUQ f Announcement I~Our specil line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Witer of i900 has arrived and is arrangeui for inspec ton. The same careful attention is given to the styles anti finish of every suit.shes hr to e used for business purposes or for full dress) 'wiasons.p 6. H. WILD C., o8 E. Washington St. WI LDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW whee o get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND) SMOKE It. E....…

January 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…x ~~T HE U N I VE I TY O F , M IC Hm G A N:D A LL Y .S H N S jdate and urging them to be present. RAIN 10k ShINTeEcm helttrfrmJug _______________ Doyles partner, announcing that the The "100" $3.00 Shoe is theshoe Pubishd ail (ondyseceptedduring judge had just een called to New towerwhnth eahr sune Pulihd al (MaaYork and would not likey rturn n in. t wAliwhean h eeat hrt itc College 'rearattime for the debate..ta.Alilerndos'hutt THE UNIVERSITY...…

January 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…_JTBETJMVIERSITY OF M1CBIOMN DI)LY. 3 DON'T DELAY $25 ,here won't he many days 'cween now and the end of our $25 to order suit sale. If you are going to choose from some of the choicest suit patterns in this store at a bargain price, you must do it NOW. See Patterns In Window;.; * 110 r110 ~WASHINGTON G OODSFEEDW71AS1INiGF'1ON y EAST Ta Trs For Young Men E AST g * 339333?3933?3J3d3333!33133B?331.1$ 3?~~r:iFsf.3+il3. il_33333331? 3'#. 1 M ic ...…

January 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…TH E UNIVERSITY 01 IM CHIC AN DAILY PSTER BOARD SIZE 3o X 40 FOUR COLORS Red 'Gray Green Black 15c a Sheet AT Perfect Tailoring==Shape Retaining Is a quality often wantisg in Mon's Suits, but our tailors have mastered the secret of imparting this characteristic to the garments made for us. Every Garment is made ex- pressly for the man who boys it and if it doesn't satisfy him ne doesn't get it. If that's a fair propositios tome up and let us...…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…__ _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. __ S-tt YA ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, JANUIARlY 20, 1903 No. 83: CHICAGO DEBATE CLOSE tn lii (ottitofthe 1) 1Saw's iFERRY FIELD IMPROVEMENTS ur'tii~ ' c-n a it li ad ews wi~ 1)t i fiv to our ote.The ichianl1e a fittingti ry (i 1iOsin;u- patrit- --alumni N rwht ines e to -at ant r"Ktonfor Ail11 hi n h aSt Ev-enly Fought Debate in dsiit-v~srtt-iI e l~ - feitith the de- To be the Best University Athetic-- hihMichigan H...…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…I'll HN1ICIII(T, AN OAI11) -N N KIWI- trous r DAILYNKNEWS n n"i The t' fM lDAILY It o Thc 'A{l l NEW;I xixZ, 'VI~Ixix l iii x i "f the x l xxx xx lxxx x xx ( . r ir a s i h s xlII i i ' I 1 i i E i .il l ' ' ''i I;I t " i!111:1 a - i i xix x. lor xhi ' f t E 1 I 1 : I ll a I A ' '1 1( lilt ? tlIil t'i i 3' h ich c w lf~t'lt-x II> lixish i , Bli's lixx ItlV 7tt 108 E. Washington St BxxUS x "-xIANxN! 1t t [)l'. 11UEl ''I N liix'il' i ii 'xc. 1''...…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…I1,NAl(1IIIGAIN LA3IIY-NFW:- If you want to know1 Iwhat smar11y dressed as llx erhi a k r.. This is wri 4 /C L 1) K -t ( dl l . r r~ )~ ' 1 , OU. AThNTL - I P Ai I i1I c cc Base B-41, i, tV li Athletic: tici 1 ictcLava ii TIli4, (Its .. }} J{ fo N ck r r 5 Mu Il111.1 I1 I I ,ce H r . t ii,.Si - i AkS A.(i. A!c\1)l\ I c cit The 'S1hool kcr} ttI; c ,..c il~\ liir N W M R BB g gDi ''8 rC : t c l-I hi{ i ij 1 C cl I I _ _: _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ...…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…TIII-.IMI(II(= : LAIII ''A t All Styles for Tien, Women and Woys Our ~ew"Spud" Last THE L ATEST"r OUTl OurNe to see it Large New Line of Patent Leathers Just Received . 1I SOUTH MAIN STREET _ _ _ _ f - 4 'q '" : .' 4.4A ,.3V. -Jl+ + i 11 ' ~. .. .1 " Ft b:"' T :iC.i I, fit, i! I We sell Blicken sderfer Typewriters J ~ PHARMACY, I ' aiky&Le 'm6c f 41 FISH NETS 121 E-ast Liberty St. PORTLANDCF O)Pf-N DAN .%N, tilI'. 1,11 1 O IRA I'llP. It AtrSrI...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The M"ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1905 NO. 79 COUNTY FAIR. Crnva Being Planned for Benefit of Michigan Union and Held Sometime in April. t lle i I t t -1ol i ]ot h - I 10 11 1 o ly a ft1m ni1h Ul irii.' bu1 t at th p iiocs f Wich 0i has 1111 i i t . 44 lil aveth l tirii h\ al1 C ->)'aI0 f t e tt 11 l111 O c~ 11 ctltyf1l all e1 Iliti ob edi h.W iela P 1 1 l 11 " ecIt f hi BIG EBAT TON GHT RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS. Preliminary...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THLE MICHIGAN DAILY H H THE 1IlC H IlGA N DAILY. W EWOULD HAVE 3lter4as1emd l. atera teAn z YOU TO KNOWSi 11.O~oigo 01'tlaitt l i it ay E Y "ite'alttc intt tS Tha w ae ~ig bsies a tOld'i oS92 t' Phle one Thatwe re Coitg bsines a ,t Managing Editor, J. STANLEY RALEY. ft ild. wic ijt iit'..lix(, . yGOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. OUZW TR BusinessaMMnager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. 311 South State Street AN letcs------- s---- i y ,'. PomNi Exchaonges.... ... o...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…HE MICHIGAN DAILY - - -- - -------- ''' } }ri^a +;fi cr , sr4xsc^>cfix_ <" <e - " " cc^ c tx o-r $ ""'j' + '+'++++** I++++ + d++If+I++*+ 14+ + W 147 -41 ~ t 1,,:sS c .c5ARgw+rs x rtS ce r.,<F;t.rc >t x::>ar. > Iimbchfiel d's Fine Tail o-ring Trade Guarantees... z You the mnost skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. WVe always carry a large and complete line of seasonable svool- ens. We have the agency for Beach &. Newel'a Custom Shi...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI OAN DAILY j Hungry "' when you study lte tngt Jtust keepsome ** PETER'S 1 SWISS MILK C HOC uftOLATE . . it yourroorn. Ea~ti when hungry and see how 'muhbtier you'eel and how nuchmoe n u an Nourishing, Sustaining s and "IRRESISTIBLY "~ ( DELICIOUS." J Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near= ly two million men. j , u olBARGAINS! BARGAIN! A R GANS! 4f . i4 4f In Men's...…

January 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The Mic isan Daily dcIT. XVI. ANN ARBOR, A.\iWIGAX, SA'N,'RDiAN, fA>KlARV 20, i1000~. No. 81. FOOTBALL CONFERENCE IN SESSION AT CHICAGO, Professor Pattengill Will Propose the Curtailment of date Receipts. ('h i a . a i--f ii ii) -rI h ',; o tile minorLLiLti 'gincat the spor sILL. ''Citt he ge erl pi nin i it wll bLItdct l refrmed L'oe~ i iii LiLILL ii ili[LLL'. n t ea of whItiheL wl dprooi eL utL ii Li' L iisl LLLI ,inf L LLL[fLraica lchin...…

January 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…MICHIGAN fDAILY ~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. '07 UT's S-lI)l NT G . H W jl .c I cciiocacre ic, nci ('0UNCIL til.INCTIOiN A TIE Xi ccc'ositch 'e. 'The j niorT'its helu thir electioni for c oo Publishd daily ( 07drct excptet)atuvig ConmthelStudent thecoleg. cea, a p17 ast \Vashiig ton rtrccc ateno. it-on L dn treent. Pitlc h ion e 82. Kionce phone p6. C. liver tcity' itchl. ivec nttti(IttC --were ini the fied4 and R . 11. Clanicy wcas LeadingManaging E...…

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