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January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 1


January 20, 1924 • Page Image 1

…sirign#aI 4 4r SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SU NDAY, ~ JANUAY 20 l9+2 T h ''r at ne'tt gtue jettis prea d'ane at I liter iii ixtlt' apx~ ista rsh bectti ilarious, Laughing T n L ia y trteise ltve' tmore inaee laou shais uit ,inuiiiAsate ellerfialls at intervals, I kneiw that y l ii d n ca.. -re an ca tue 'ind fron eeil t ", ''t ize'in t ifii tice would mtigiate a antr et'sti hayt *i")t't t ah event consideredt the utot ~IifA n drcr ti-...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JA PLAN TO GIVE 481 SUMMER Dean Kraus Says That Tendency Is Toward Attending Extra Sessionis WIlL STRESS PUBLI CIIEAITiI INSTRIWCTION BY AiTHORITIES Four hundred and ninety-one reg- ular courses, excluding those special courses in public health instruction, will be given in the Summer session of 1924, it was announced yesterday by Dean Edward H. Kraus of the summer session. 'This is an increase of about 30 course...…

January 20, 1924 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY T'N DAY. JANUARY 2t . lq 24- course, A is ntotC1t ala ys. par t t ':in'.i Ttho.tF'itt e to dy4, D( llV t iit esat 7a?9 i't'''ytlfet'tii4t 21t forti:jIt t5 titti. it v ' at 1t 11t : f j r 2 1....-1L2 t i; to .t } I' ti:? it'c13; ii { _ ' .t, an-th \e\.ROBERT TL R-O' RB N HENDERSON .7 iNt".CYl 4 !- critits it i YUl cisg itis. ar,"ittod t: ltart:: ,)nt, .. tt 1 litt I o Z it iiii 'tn tii ookIIItheninteat. .nIi tn...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…_Y 20, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY f9c l n'Pinchot's Wife's VAGUE SEuRES a "Bwetter Man" On 3990 A~!!!!. StumHSy 100MEMBERSHIS -- " ollenl Collect _lMore Than $700 From First Payments on Sub- J scriptions, CHAIRMAN TO COMPILE CHART RELATIVE RATING OF HOUSES) More than 200 memberships wer secured for the University of Michi gan Leaue in the campaign of tha organization which closed on Frida3 of last week and approximately $70 was collected on fi...…

January 20, 1924 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, JAM'.A iY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGANFDAII 'Y rarer morns. "Di Waheheit ist vonhanden ts,-r den :a revoltionarys' tatrting Molst oastd L itle Weisen, th.e capacity to live." t ~ $ en1 I Din Schonheit for eio futitend Herzo -tErnet e,"tfco e .'~~~ As7.''i l .L C Sie beide gehonren fur cinander."t j (Wisom s fr te 'se;"Indeed, it would be more fonda- (Wisom i forthe ise;mentally accurate to say that a char- Beauty is for a feeting heart, ...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .__- the Taos colony now on exhibition in! Alumni Memorial hall. The collection -~ of oils depicting mountain and ocean [ci 1 NEWSA1EL OF TILE scenes, Indian subjects, and several' f TC I2 N striking portraits establishes a dis- tinctive type of work for this colony liahed e r, t ning except Monday I of western artists, quite different from g : t1 ..;t year by the Board in ol of S tet Publications. that of the Russian ...…

January 20, 1924 • Page Image 4

…PAEzOUR THE MICHIGAN DAi. SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 the oet boed had."Ifno one pletely insane. Will no one believe D inner else wants it, may I have that ether me? I am ad! I say, I am, I am, j Tie philosopher continued to stare * . * A ur atv S tieat lbe center-piece with absent- Now they will, they must believe DOLLY SANDERS i ied eyes, me. When George Winston called --- just now I shrieked at him that I I sat eat(dinner with a philosopher po...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

…T L MiCI 5UGAN DAILY .. . ,. ...Y..W,.,...., 1. Jit people o see Norma Ta/mna dge in Y.. kIf f r4!Loo' -Z4 r \ :..a. h :11 , o f: ......... M '}ih {:} t:} tn . * . :,t , y... . u..00,V0VM 0,000V hea /' rts would .. .s.s : "..' . , ,~5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..."L1 YL 4':.. . . . ..}: :., 4\ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. . . \ . . . . :x ' * * ~ "'.....…

January 20, 1924 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVI Review ofteMagazines The Vt to e eview for January hears DOROTi-lY TYLER hufiished (trawing by Seurat. "Le its usual phalanx of well-known ;Cirqe." Roger Fry's "Sp'anish Scene' names en the cover. That over- lted repi esentatives to its non-pouit-, the latter the cutt which sem to ;accomspanies his essay on "Salansan- worked encomium "significant" is ap- jicol work, I make of the artist a...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…#11E MTCHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, own .,.."""'a ,..,.,........ .. . ... Q 11 -, , . - .. . k ;'. 4 II TI zri4 )hl eri e le 1 ~r et he )ng pl se ; Is V he , th ens oe(g it o suc thz scot [ger ,hig of ss, tng ne sto] ,ea bo Nty' 'he hei tens f r d od. det thi af Ba sin tab I t( un od K 1a con )ug. the thei he 'eg w played their opponents throughout Zeta Psi vs. Sigma Nu, Phi Sigma Del- on them the first time he stepped the game. ta vs. ...…

January 20, 1924 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY .9o, 1,924 ----- ±lated there can be no education wor- it necessary to administer to tine Uni- " thy of the name. These principles; versity of today sucth rehuke and ad- O O K S 4II W ri e rs are being forgotten in the compli= ;monition as tay in my poawer through Gated inotitutionat machinery of to-: the withdrawat of thin biography _______________________________________________________ ;day. There...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DFAILY fbe [ autcru sbop TYPE~WRITER REP.AIRIX( ISCELLANEOUJS I SI IE Tod~ ICOLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P4M. A DVIERTI SING LOST TRAVELING bag by Fred ner, 509 Division, name on Reward, phone 371. A~PPA Alpha fraternity pin. engraved oan back. Phone J-HOP ticket number 497. Please call 467-J. Rewardl. A SILVER wrist watch with silver'l links. 'Finder please call 2166-1V. FRIDAY afternoon between 4 and 6. Browvn handbag contai...…

January 20, 1924 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA. CF SEN'r-N i t a I s j i f I ,! I 2. NoSsoin ns injuY toyourclotes. Cn - er' s apha oes he# ork .An Caeu. teto ?. The bibliography is a bit The only means of realizing a dlance thinl.which would be weholly American is .i establish a dance-laboratory where I!tchoregraphies mayire vWorked eut Cfrosiderert from the clase rad! to their highest possible artistic at- inst'sbuttion side, the bo...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIIGAN DAILY ...., ----T DAILY OFCAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received br tl% Asitant tc the 1?esdept until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturr'av.' Voiumie 4 SUNIIAY, JANUA RY 20, 19241 Nunthmer SO 0 The Deans: There wii be a conference of thO Deans, Wednesday, January 23, at 10 in., in the President's office. X. L. Burton. nilversit~y lecture: Professor Raym...…

January 20, 1924 • Page Image 8

…Pditi- EIGHT THE MIC141GAN DAILY SUNDAY, JAINUARY 24, 1924 PA ieumTEMCIAiAL SNAJNAY2,12 Mid-Winter Days Brings Desires for New Costumes That J irt-Blous Combiln ti)ns Fulfill A. the first .emes:e resches "fina urls" a U~-wne L i iht, sunny days tha~ t & o spr og. the Comege Gil1 yearns for ocw crrstumes; yet winter attiro may not be rrntirely discarded fo: several wxeeks. Dame Fashion has provided something new for these particular weeks, ...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 9

… Section Two tY .Ae 4 4 D aiIl Section Two i VOL. XXXIV. No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 PRICE, FIVE CEN REVIEWERS SHOWER~ New York Papers Adndre "Sparkling Show" and "Dazzling Fashion Revue" CRITICS RATE PRODUCTION AMONG BEST PLAYS OF YEAR ."Cotton Stockings," the eighteenthz annual Union opera, swung through the east and middle west and estab- lished itself as "the greatest college opera ever produced,"...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, - - TZ 1 NOED TRONOMR DIES FAKE MEDICAL DIPLOMA EXPOSE MAY GAIN HIM COVETED PRIZE, I St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 20.--When Harry Thompson Brundidge, reporter on the St. Louis Star, exposed the na- tional ring dealing in fraudulent med-. t r f 4 StanfV 4 Canain 'Obsevatonry and Royal Astronomical ical diplomas he achieved the crown- Society ing feat of an adventurous journalis- tic career...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 11

…JANUARY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ICE MEN SUBSCRIBERub-a-dub-dub, T1 :RALY TO MMOL Rocket Will Tr Washington, D. C., Jan. 20.-From little groups of coast guardsmen liv- lng In isolated stations to sun-tanned cavalrymen of the Rio Grande, and from the jaunty blue-jackets of the fighting fleet come contributions to the Harding Memorial Fund.s "At the Marine barracks, ParrisI Island, S. C., 366 men gave $3111.48," - stated Captain Unmacht...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 12

…a ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANU ATTHE THEA TER his best to induce the husband to be ATT E T Esomething better than a good-for- nothing, and to the brilliant actress (Continued from Page One) !he presents the opportunity for her out. This nicture is a comedy with to succeed in her films. a guaranteed laugh in every foot of The added attractions include All film. St. John in "Slow and Sure," and a Grantland Rice Sportlight, "Wild and W...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 Une nuit que j'etais pres d'une af- Yesterday, with the hypothesis that wards he became hilarious, laughing T h ry reuse juive, more inense labour might emancipate cheerfully at intervals. I knew that Comme au long d'un cadavre un ca- the mind from evil thoughts, I began a confidence would mitigate my davre etendu- an 'essay which would require much agony. I even considered the most...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 14

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 and the- -;' ROBERT BARTRON HENDERSON JANUARY 24 1924 carry him to even greater heights. In I have often wondered if Eugene a way, it is almost impossible to ex O'Neil's plays and particularly his plain what I mean, so intangible and first play, "Beyond the Horizon," were unexpected is this element, but per- really as hopelessly depressing as his Laps the best description lies in the cri...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 15

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PATE THREE THE MICHIGAN DAILY lAGE THREE "Dli Waheheit ist v onhanden fur den! a revolutionary starting point and L tl esn tecpct olv. Wi hnh u esen fulen HeCpittole.L lerzI }Asii n'rtiu Di Scobiiu m fbedHr -Ernest Renan, "Life of Jesus." Sie beide gebonren tur einander." ____ (Widomis or he ise ~ .. ~,- Indeed, it would be snore funds- I r s Beauty is for a feeling hesrt, acter is a symbol an...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 16

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAsL £cSUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 the poets bowed head. "If no one petely insane. Will no one believe D inner else wants it,-may I have that other me? I am mad! Isay, I am, I am, cake?" she asked. I- / PS t atThe philosopher continued to stare A Purgative atire 'at the center-piece with bsen Now they will, they must believe DOLLY SANDERS ) minded eyes, j me. When George Winston called just now I shrieked at him that I I sa...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 17

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIB r Review of the Magazines The Yale Review for January bears DOROTHY TYLER finished drawing by Seurat, "Le its usual phalanx of well-known Cirque." Roger Fry's "Spanish Scene" names on the cover. That over- ited representatives to its non-polit-, the latter the cult which seems to accompanies his essay on "Salaman- worked encomium "significant" is ap- ital work. make of the artist a deity ...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 18

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 lated there can be no education wor- it necessary to administer to the Uni- I thy of the name. These principles versity of today such rebuke and ad- B o o k s a n d W r te rs are being forgotten in the compli-monition as lay in ny:power through cated institutional machinery of to- the withdrawal of this biography day There is grave need that we from the University Press on the eve should ...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 19

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE SFVENM SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SICY~N t t i f i f; d i i t a a S P. r Fabrics as clean as new. Lin- ings spotless. The most rod- ern equipment in the world makes it possible. 2. No Gasoline Used So no stickiness, no smell, no injury to your clothes. Clean- er s Naptha does the work. 3. Careful Attention Personal attention to your clothes throughout the pro- ces...…

January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 20

…PALS E~IGHIT S' N DAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 T1---IE MICHIGAN DAILY TH, IHGA.AL .N4 AURY2,12 . - "iI ' a' f * p0 .' 1 :, Q . " . , , , t ,.1. . w r J r ' _. v 5,, .. C. .i: f tt}L t 5j fr " { I {I !'. . Y 1 jf S . M. . f v ' ' 1 i j. , i % i' } f '}; i . . S1 1 t ~ ... ' " ' - - ,_.. . -. ... Mid-Winter Days Brings Desires for New Costumes That Skirt-Blouse Combinations Fulfill As the first semces-er reaches "finals' and mid-winter brings bri...…

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