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December 02, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…__ ich i an_ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, iiiiC ixi11CFR2, 191. XNo. g vol. XX 1. SECOND INVITATION INTENSIFIES CALL Minnesota Daily Joins Wi h Illini in Hoping for Adjustment NOTED GERMAN TOD~f COME FOR LECTIIRE e~i~t~lil ilisiiiilol ix- o~iil o il' Deutscher Verein Secures von nmlc L lceili le(il l Wolzogen for Speech on 'rn(-1 iOf telxi 0)11,CI5 li ilxix h STheaters 10foo hl l toom 111 xiii ~- 1'r1I IWILL APPEAR ON DECEMBER 19 unixioii o...…

November 02, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…TeANN ARBOR, IHIa lly NS'A, OIifBI 11.No.';6. Vol. XXI. NOTRE DACE WILL TU DENTS OF 1 . Lil WILL HAVEVIIIUC i WILLATES MLY 1REALB ALL Coach Yost Does Not Believe In All of "Shorty" Longman's Bear Stories VARSITY MUST BUCK A SYSTEM" 'To full elesens rcasstrough the Varsity signals 'Itiecsla evscilt"undser ('oach Nsts direction. Onesof the teamsawsas that swhicl faces Sracuse, rued tt' se55the cr c ithu whilhtis hsiey hassdlel the set tigski...…

August 02, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVERI2NE VARSITY tAf [ 612 E. Liberty Only one block from the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c min r week,-I f ANN ARBOR TPH IE Condition of Ann At Is Unchanged an Germs Are Nun FRATERNITY MEN SE] ANN ARBOR. MICH IGANA US g. 'ACING s~I htghlv it-sated BAC> PIDE1YIICPolan kll(1101 vilpwllso R fitstu( t romthts- susocsanid pitfaills of;A 1 h eroois to the bolsom of out- family.-ftilogical flItlin. rbor Water -...…

July 02, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVERINE Vm.IL AGENCY FOR Martha Washington CANDIES Gilbert's Chocolates Tice's Drug Store t1; S. Main Both Phones VARSIIY tAFF 612 E. LIBERTY Open for Summer School Board single week - $3.50 Four weeks - $13.00 Hours Week Days Breakfast - - - 6:45 to 8:30 Dinner - - 12:00 to 1:00 Luncheon - - - 5:00 to 6:30 Sundays Breakfast - - - 8:00 to 9:30 Dinner - - 12:30 to 2:00 Luncheon - - - 5:30 to 6:30 Regular meals 25c. Sunday Dinners 35c W....…

June 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…VO.XX NN ARBORt,(MICHIGAN, 7ITrOCSAY, JlNID,:s ssfo. N._p No. r71. VOL. XX. WESTIGINANS~ SENIOR GIRLS PREPARE WES ~FOR COMMAENCEI E;NT PLAY. PLAY HERE TODAY. Continued Wet Weather -Pre- a vents Preparations for g the Contest YOUNGSTERS WILL GET CHANCE Persisitnt ict water has tire tell I, Coatch Ricey pttingtt. the Varsity hal men tiro It terpcsi reparationl hi for the ital gamtes of the 910 sestont the first o f twhitch is schedultled for...…

April 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The VOL. XX. SCHOOL ATHLETES TO GET FINE CUPS Interscholastic Management Of- fers Prizes Donated by Organ- izations--Good Meet Assured. Preparations for the thirteenth an- nual Interscholastic track meet, to be held at Ferry Field May 20 and 21, are almost completed. From present indi- cations the meet will be the most suc- cessful that has ever been held at Ann Arbor. A new feature of the meet and one that will undoubtedly attract a large ...…

March 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…The i 0iDal =,\ \ AhBO,- R, ii' -tGAls', \hhIIN\ESDAhYV, ARICHi 2 .1. Vol'. XX. UNION OPENS CAMPAIGN I FOR $500,000 CLUB HOUSE Plans for Half-Million Dollar Home for Michigan's Sole Representative Organization Are Complete---3 Active Campaign for Funds Soon to Begin in Earnest. REBUKES UNAPPRECIATION N I"hh soulirt H I FI Thinks Negro Athlete Failed to Re- flilxs are ne arly a 'asplcclxif,) ceive Just Treatment. lxx sac t(>xe 'uilt itstixc...…

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