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March 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…Wbe Of ; i i . VOL. XI. ANN AIBOR, MICH., SATURDJAY, MARCH 2, 11201. No. 114 ....our Special Line of.... (CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION OF THE ATH-' Foreign and Domestic LETIC ASSOCIATION FABRICS PROPOSED BY A NUMBER OF STUDENTS PROMINENT INATHLETICS') FOR SPRING ------__- President Verdier Petitioned to Call a Special Meeting to has arrived and is ar- Consider the Adoption of These Changes. ranged for inspection....- We have the largest as...…

March 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OY MICHIGAN DAILY. :._^U[VUIYUEMCIANDIY U.lou~ BATTLE OFTHE FRATS, - reek Letter Men Will Show Their Puiihoed Daily (Mondiays excepted) during PoesT-ih-ln;o x College ver a rwesT-ngtPmn, O x T EUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN citing Contests and Lots More MAINOFFICE BRANCH OFFICE F un Promised Acgas Bdg.Mato St. 336i S. State Street. Both 'Phones 13. Xae State !Phoe 182. ,i1theftrniswlll'1 t MANAGING EDITOR, otl tiittigtlit'titstlt'...…

March 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE ATHLETIC CONS!TITUTION have entire control of raising money for ings of the association shattlJe hed on BY-LAWS OF THE BOARD OF D- Iathlottic purposes; statt regoate and con- tte second Saturday of October and the RECTORS. teosunsued Ifsompoge ,) _ sot atl class and ctpartment games; stal second Saturday after Xmas vacation of . METINGtwS. thhascito ave poswer to make by-os for the gov- each year. (.)...…

March 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. (.) All orders opon te treasurer: WILL PLAY THIS MONTH Pres. Angell Made Vice President of The Big Circus Closes fonight (a) Shllai be oade payble to tieorder Association American Universities h atclrpro owo e rd-~ue ntea' (b) Shall he signed by te fioancial ASlni roato fPief Te tresidentstngelS has jusst beet silette atite armory' indoor circus laf secretary. Magistrate" io Scheduled By eletedi vie p...…

March 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 114) • Page Image 5

…IhE t t:: v ctbl2Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY 5 -ttEFrE11 E f F fEE f ii SEEOF iCRIGAN DAEIY .5rfEFF E'l t~ f F W Are You Thinking About a Spring De We've done our thinking and have some stunning thoughts to show nox aw s a da 1t You can't afford to miss seeing them before buying. Call today. W 1 MAIN ST. pry. -GOOD---PEED---S rb; a .~ 4' 4' 4 4' 4' ±!1 4'f 4' 4' X17 MAIN ST. ' O+ 33 i3 i33ii333 3 3 3" 33333 3 33 3i33i3 33 33E E EFF 333 3 s3 3 3...…

March 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

…s 6 THE UNIVERSITY QI MICHIGAN DAILY POPULAR BI CLOSTH tItNIII 25c E A C 'BLACK ROCK, by Ral Elizabeth and Her Gerr An English Woman's L Books Everybody are Reading About. aQulney Adams Sawyer andl ner Talks Hierod. by Stephen Phillips. LVAigln, English and Freeh Sheehan 320 S. STATE S1 You can get HOT tIM AT 38South State St. ,. - - --- QOKS 0 T IC E Ann Arbor Improved" OOS OTC H We have our moat excellent line of seasonable_ GASOLINE LAM...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o I r Sol O r VOL. X I. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUES JA Y, APRI L 2, 1901. No . 14{} ..Our Special Line of.. Foreign and Domesti FABRICS FOR SPRING f0a% arrived ad is a- ranged for inspection. We have the largest a.- ior-regentilliithe cote G. Ii. WILD CO. 1o8 1. Washington St. ADAMS' SALTED PEANUTS received fresh every day.... WILDER'S PHIARMACY YOU KNOW wer toigt.... A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE it 1? J oly, :30S S su de steee. -,w CAREFU $A...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG3AN DAILY. It'~ q he faculty of the medical depart- r o~tnthel decided to ask pet mssiou s L .C U S Pblse l i tv( o wseptddaing tt 1l Ihtit an lw tep rtmiiet. It isl it r ge Ye(10a xie 1 that the fis xit ii 1)0bti TH Uj INIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN xoiiiiei ostatig-about .lute 24 and lAO FFIDCEor BRANCHOFFCE;ct ottin : tafr six xiweks. lii alprob- *s tittn t Nw5.Sae tee. e lt- hmrqirdpE..~lnwilb Ph ne1 1Bidew 36StoStoer8. ...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…; {: rTHlE UNIVERSITY :OF .l1;CWRGANt DAILY BAI BIJYERS AlR[ (OMIN-i OUR WAY N4ot because we ourselves are better than the other fellowis, but becatuse our hats are better styles, and more of them. We partieulavi'. pride ourselves on our "Varsity" Hat. This hat has gained its present popularttv thro' sheer force of merit. Wouldn't it be well to get in ahead of theEaster rush? G OODSPEED'S B~ .t~it it t it. i117t Alt iNT REET Michizan Centra...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 011 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS N 0 T I C EAgns get 'Unvt Stic a .S to)ry of th ", 31,01liWe have our most excellent line of 'seasonable 140 students wanted to canvass ,ntfl :1 ) li a ' W OES SREIVRT drsgvacation for the <"A. A. d Barbour and CH EVIOTS Improved" gasoline lams. Sells Tse ifs i ( Sll/tlxetfi. b li n fior on the table wasting your inspection. on Siaht. Glyn.i We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouserings...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…' 'I I I j { ? 4 DAY, JUNE 2. 1901 No.1>,> VOL. XI. AN N ARBiOR, Mica., SUN ..Our Special Line of. Eoreign and Domes FABRICS FOR SPRING has aiiied and i ar ranged for inspection. WVe have the lrget1s. soinent iii the it.11' G. IH. WILD C lob E. Washington Si Appelton's l~edical Books A MtL~I Itt WILDER'S PHARMACY x' JOLLX'S x~ \'FOUTAIN FOlIt THE RIGHT DRINKS~ Strawberry Crash l~c QUARRY'S CAMPUSI DRUGi SroR Enclose An Engraved Card With...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSIJTY U(JI MIf CIGADAILY. WISCONSIN WAN EAS1Y P ti si thi 71 ii 2 et".ttkdri ci i t t his-. ('cuii 111 otis tg 1111111iii 011.iIi wher he Silwiie PtA iie ow-, - ..fie viir.ia dEr; } v LI .S a e S r et Ii it ev l'l l.t)ihi111 l 111 ti aAi ii ' il St i.-i.I RAIN OR 4SHINE The '00" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe to wear when the weather ts iuncer- tale. A little rain doesn't hurt itr while it affi s plenty of comfort on - the warnmest of...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 3

…111E ViNIVI-l SITY COFY IICAIN I-I ildlil II I i 00 Ilililli Our Special Case is 24 inches long, is strong and well made, i hllilil ; jl I " I P !Ij !' and covered with the best heavy selected sole leather socK. , 11III nl! Color-russet and tan, with steel frame, heavy bolts, solid ' II brass locKs and catches. Full linen lined,with seL at ment I)l ti!Ill' °in lid for s h irt s. , o a o o o- .a NO . ."_ o 4 ' a I I 'i s 117 MAI'N STII -lT Ilil...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 4

…Jet Ca 4 TBlE U FVE S~IT Y 01 MICIGAN DAILY HIGH ART 1#IY 1~~ CORRECT rseys TAILORING it FIor A TAILORING We av temata intaAT 1PR IES within the reach of ordinary moortais Wehv hmolalntd fcombinationofclsin ak temto frcasstafiiten to order tar cisos teomlsa Your Suit to Your fleasure any colors selocted, snu m tater-n taIrc ht vi ae i rn ala, letters or amonogram at clbA da rc htwl aetifo rates.$5.00 to $15.00 fronm the price charged by the o...…

October 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…: Dv4$IAI jfIG k FIRST XEA R. SCRUBS SCORED. Succeed in Carrying the Ball Over 'Varsity's Goal Line. Practic.o Snappy. I~ tk l. I 1 1111 i ll 1;11 I '''s0l tsi'ols i'o l:1 tl~ i l 1 111:1 i l-:1 1 IsI ssft 11')i 1 1 T l111 11011ff].s l I lin1s1' 11 s 1 11 \i I i tI 4 1 4 l , t 1 i l t 4r ~II 1;4111401.ollf I'1 1 ;i lt)II " 1 )"Ill '11 "41,1 1\ 1 4 ill ]t:v d 1;1.1: k 11, 1 i [[1111 t(, ~ls1:1i1 4111Its ll~lil~cs :11 ANR'AtlBOI , MICII., WELIN ...…

October 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60.DAIL: LEADING MERCHANT ; -"4"" I OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shossol, containfng ALL THE Black and BlueN4)I . Styles,11, t ; l and a cery fine line of ti Fancy Su ' tr , .iti ngs l1' ltt tll! and Trouserings (! it 1 1iii 'lli in the latest pasterns and color= i ings. The largest assortment in1 the state. ioS E. Washngto it. IEWS th '1"i r S 11 11111 ai Ao t ~ ttIll u S icliyo '1'II < .i. 1t* i - ^ l i...…

October 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…1)11E M 1ClIG.AN IAILY-NEWS K~F I~w II oI H l ii lldowiaiaa .111dLI li) ik(L>a aa l i L - iwid' li~ storla iLl .1a4)t1 ai lo laathe aaai th 1 eta +4 + , ; K -a-la ad ( oaT. of New r allSuits and Overcoats h a a e1I)4 Lroit-WId hiaaaa .II~~aI ~ a oiLl Ia Iao Mien's Fun i shings and Hats iahe iy 'The+ 4. + S200-202 S. Main Street. 4 ++++++++++4+++++++.++++ ++4+++.++++++++ ++++",1.++ ++++++ +++ JOHN J. SOHANZ CHAS. DIETAS g T 1 601s TAILORS 1 601...…

October 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGANt DAILY-NEWS IS' H A AO(1. 5 FTIt- )R(i NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN NECK DRESSINGS WAG N ER & CO. ir A; T1(xH A WES $3.00 HATS 123 South main street LAW STU DEN TS if you want LAW BOOKS, new or SECOND HAND we can supply you at.... FAIR PRICES Ask for Our Catalogue of Law [looks....- CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, CHICAXGO 9A'4N:A[~R1RtiNCHI 340 STATE ST., llppoitc Lawhliildiri' IlL I 7 (l)R ILE. RED SIGN. Iulde's N EE...…

November 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…quLAS fag Tr 4 y ,t*' ;,r 1. Ati.1 7C A .NN ARBOR, MKI'l ., SATtTRUAY. NOVEMBER 2 11-401. FlRijrYx x Ca. " y LAST PRACTICE LIGHT. Senior Laws Win.WU TING-FANG. Sophomore Medics Strog- Oll alxxinil l, 'I i' x''i5 xi ii i lxx xxxf, 11 he11 iii 'xx 'xx'xxi ii.' xxi'l"xibiy xixfxxlinxg Yosh et Puts the TeamThrougoh iuuv c sI,,es f1 oo h i ire t Mnister Frm China Spoke lxi xx ixi x'rxxi i'xx' xxxx hrt Sip nal Prrostiexand Then Th ji ors01 w' l~xi ...…

November 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…THE MICLLHUKN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT TfIL0R~ OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 60. ioS E. Washington St. Tutti Frutti One of our famous Fountain beverages, served in origin- al style at QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORE, R. E. OLLY' R. . JOLL ' ; ;o...…

November 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…'THE MICHIGAN DAILX-SEWS A K E A L'V'AV K l~iti our window s nd then take a look: inside the, ;toro and .on will see the la rgestinhets'1eedfi(koN w Fal uitsa dO e c asKt e e i- a d 'iieet The most tomplete line of Men's Furnishings and Hats ivi the cily. 't' he j ~le', Wets in Ann Arlei r for the celelbratedl YPSl A.N i1' NDERWEAIR. - NIIA 1'ITAN HIit'I Landl 1OWARDHTS4 S200-.202 S. Main Street. HASIYN E JOHN J. SCHANZ CA.DEA 'l ni n'i ALORS ...…

November 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -NfEWS 4 IL7! AILckar 5i-thy mat Tooth Pasty - 20C+ 4,t Y 'r Packers's Tar Soap - 2oc 4 S tuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 85c +4 4-Today 1lie -- - - 485 Peraa80C 4CALKLNvS'PHAB-MACY 324 S50. STATE ST. 4 MILLER'S A11IDtE11MET COMPILED"'LAWS MICHIGAN LINEN PAPER fI ct ssshots yousathe .. slit s ell at t c 0and 2 a a e t 4(i t las'o t i t se o s tt iort a t stAttes artist 0sd aal ' A N1ti{TAT D fr te u ofStuent. tsaur 'laying Cards a...…

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