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December 02, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…be l3id~iig1 an I 0 Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, December 2, 2009 MSA ELECTIONS . MVP continues election gains Thrnout matches last year's election at around 9 percent By MALLORY JONES and JENNA SKOLLER Daily Staff Reporters The Michigan Vision Party won a majority of open seats in the Michigan Student Assembly's elec- tion that ended at 11:59 p.m. last night. Voter participation in the elec- tion remained steady over ...…

November 02, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…CITY COUNCIL Pn- jh pr u ?x faibi i a1 alusinThe Daily weighs in on netpA us Ma n" is one of tomorrow's City Council elections S^a- ; nt'cipated andbest films.and who deserves your vote. SEE OPINION, PAGE 4A Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, November 2, 2009 Final budget cuts Promise, 'U' fund ing After month-long delay, Granholm signed final six budget bills Friday By MATT AARONSON Daily News Editor Gov. Jennifer Granholm sig...…

October 02, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…PAPER RIVALS Concert c AN Sports writers from the Daily No matter the ty and The State News face-off or~ how o ffensv i in honor of Saturday's game. people have a igI SEE SPORTS, PAGE 8 SEE OPINION, PAGE } Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, October 2, 2009 MIDNTGHT ON THE DTAG FINANCING YOUR E UC ATION 'Promise remains in limbo New House bill may tors have yet to identify a funding source, the bill represents the first breathe ...…

April 02, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…YOUR UMMA Why the University's renovated art 1 museum has something for everyone. U SEE THE B-SIDE, INSIDE ~Ii did~ gan &dIlij ON) -11UNDI hi-NINL' YEARS OF E)ITORIAL FREEDOM Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, April 2, 2009 WHEN A TREE FALLS ON SOUTH FOREST ... WEST QUAD ARSON Officials defend fire response CHANEL VON HABSBURG-LOTHRINGEN/Daily A tree fell on both a parked red SUV and a passing Hospital Security vehicle on ...…

March 02, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…1I E X 1''llt I DRE"E . At-,.S 0 F ED 1 1T fIAL.,F Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, March 2,2009 A FOND FAREWELL IWF' a k I W MMW ' AV A IL TfAT, All 4*0 Y ;. ' r'' . ', "9 .' ° ,. c 3. n ,;, .. :. Pik 'u ¢... . ; F ,.&. ySi MEDICAL SCHOOL TRAINING University ends use of live dogs in courses For a slideshow of the Wolverines' weekend series against Ferris State, go to SAID ALSAL AH/Daly Senior go...…

February 02, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…ie-H MIdEpAn BaiI ON'\ 111.lND! 11) N E1 L\ 1 1,'TEE1E1RS11 E iTI LiE DM Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, February 2,2009 anichigandailycom ANN ARBOR FOLKLORE TRANSFER ADMISSIONS 'U' to take in more transfer applicants JED MOCH/Daily For a slideshow of other moments from this year's Folk legend Pete Seeger performs at Hill Auditorium to close the second night of the 32nd annual Ann Ann Arbor Folk Festival, go to Arbor Folk ...…

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