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December 02, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Vor.. VI No.' $-4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 186. Fo-R ]PAGS-3 CENTS 7T N IN TERE:STS OF ORATORY. Advisory Bord the sI ran(-e of ti- OUR SHARE 017 RECIPT1.S O . .s ( O Itt't0'ot'5 intHaivr d t'tivet in s_____ 1' li T , nr I Oratorical Association Holds an Ot lloi.(X(01ii10 Not Sufficient to Pt J's Ot of .'.J t irei i tt t i t v i tintl. Iet 1Ji.eeaciiirilg Mass Aetin(. sol tl ue t11o p llltO litrtn Debt. ANI~D IMYPORTER, ii'ii...…

November 02, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…II aI. of Al. VoL. VII. No. 28. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1806. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. L® @ 'WON THE EASTERN GA ME. Hlogg Ferbert, Ilenninger, l'li and SUNDAY MASS MEETING. 7 C~aley. Mo-chigon 12. Lehighl 0. callng L alo Lehie 11Falled to Score on1 the Lillhi 'Unwe flotil poor 1>0 (""0Iton Rev. Graham Taylor Tells of the ,of ieu imit(1 by the etnltl,' whiei Metz From Michigan. 1 e ctry hefote ply «o isotttit- Soiletemns AND IMPORTE...…

June 02, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…c e . o At. WaiIjj. VOL. VI. No. 178. ANN ARBOR, MCHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1696. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. We Must Move The store we now occupy has been sold. We must seek new quarters. We Must Close Out or stock of music goods and bicycles. Weo ursces which wilt sell goods if low prices mean anything to buyers THIS MEANS BUSINESS IC you watlanything in the musicline get our prices this week. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., S. MAIN ST. . BUY BEN-HUB BI...…

May 02, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 153. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1696. FOUR. PAGES-3 CENTS. We M~ust M.~ove The store wenow ocupy has IS ibeen sold. we must seek new IS iH quarters, D~ We We Dust Close Out11 HII our sto 1 of music goods and N ?U ice'sle'. Vietsioo e s S hieh H wilsell goods i loseprilces meen anythigto buyers H 'THIS MEANS BUSINESS .IA If you scot unylhius. in the H musicliue cct or price this I ITHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., (I~ 01 S. MAI...…

April 02, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…tt* f RSDAY, APRII. 1n; . FoLR A(,FS-- CENTS. VOL. V 1. NO. 134. ANN ARBOR, .i I HIGAN, I'll VOL. V I. No. 184. ANN ARIIOR, MIChIGAN, TII URSISAY, APIIIL 2, 112 (3. Fout's l~Aoios- 3 ('tours. = 1 ~ ORAT'IORS 'TO0 FILL.1TILEFCAS. + U BICYCLES. Characters in "Julius Cea1a" I We detire to give notice that we for , biccl bui tssts eaon.wjj Will 1Be Ably Preeted(. haveeretain the a e cy for t he 45' 4144 A T® 14$Ai~~,i ne~s pe grp h 4k t ftt t...…

March 02, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

….VOL. V1. NO. 107. UN\IV EISITY OF MICIJIGAN, MION DAY.,M'Al{Cl 2, N 6. SIX PAGES-) CENTS. nnnun5~ur11Y7n~c Today's Daily is issued entirely under the control of ai tile hlaies eseertet the "mntle ~~ BICYCLES ' women of the University, and is preliminary to aL larger youfti. to tiheir hoaceci " or to the honese ifs ite tic ie sot edihtton to be issued by the samse editors about April 1. The liartieci ar egc fee t iee fueftier Vrp nhk…

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