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August 02, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…TINITED WARM XPERATURE. itrat I ~I~j I ASSOCIAT PRES Dmy A aNairHTWIRE SERVICE . XIV. No. 86 HR FOOD0 RIOT [EN AS FARMERS JUON PAPER MARKS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1923 PRICE FIVE President COn road To Gp'od Health i . 3 DATES -FOR -StMMER EXAMS A9N NOUN CED TeMts to be riven on Ann. 12. 16 and, 17-Must be Taken ini Courses For Credit COMPLETE SCHEDULE MADE LAST 'CLASSES 'WEDINESDAY Ann ual Summer Choral Uni...…

August 02, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…eing an authoritive and interE wide. The only requirement nowledge of buildings, theirf ions and their theories, and :a esting is a func- good MICHIGAN measure of hospitality. SION except Monday Have, yeu ever seen a fellow who was so anxious to square things up d Press. The As- With his lady love that he' told some y entitled top the 1 news dispatches other girl all about his little spat erwise creditedan "with the love one and then later w...…

August 02, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…Battle To Overcome Illness v :c.: * b ....v,...... State Prison And Pov Objects Of (By Carlton F. Wells) The State Prison' and the properties of the Consumers' Power company in Jackson will .be the double-objective df the final excursion of the Summer session next Saturday morning, Aug. 4. The afternoon will be entirely de- voted to inspecting the State prison proper, and also the 4,000 acre farms three miles from the city, at which there ...…

August 02, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…it 'fi __________________________________________________________ 1 VY TO EQUIP U. S. SUBMARINES WITH. AIRPLANES FOR OBSERVATION HISTORY OF MATHMATICS Is TOPIC ,OF LECTURE[ KARPINSKI WILL TALK ON MATH IN AMERICA BEFORE 19TH CENTURY Prof. L. C. Karpinski, of the math- fish text by William Hlodder, of Bos-1 ton in 1719. Isaac Gr.,enwood, of Boston, wa~ the first American au- athor- The third arithmetic in the no ited States, which is among ...…

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