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April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…Itr t a n j PA r/ D ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922 EWS T ON 5' P LAY C P: ,E Co-education O.K. Says Cornell Dean "It is my impression that women graduating from co-educational col- leges and universities adapt them- selves more immediately to associa- tions in the world of affairs than do those graduating from women's col- leges," said Miss Georgia White, dean of women at Cornell university, yes- terday afternoon. Dean Whit...…

April 02, 1922 • Page Image 1

…5t Mrtiau B&d1y SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922 "The Mind in the Making" By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper and Brothers) have a great stock of scientific knowl- in the same patient and scrupulous ing. The rural mechanic thinks scien- (Copyright, 1921, by Harper and Bros.) edge unknown to our grandfathers manner. tifically; his only aim is to avail him- . with which to operate. So novel are But, the knowle...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…hq e i ......1 rY every morning except 'Monday during the jniVeritY Board in Control of Student Publications. IMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fer of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise is paper and the local sews published thaereis t the postoffize at~Anau Arbor. Michigan, as aeccad' on by carrier or mail, $3.50. Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Business, 96o; FEditori...…

April 02, 1922 • Page Image 2

…2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922 o 449 we are all children of one Heavenly one to earn a livelihood in some more "'T he M ind in the M akin g Father and that we should bear one or less standardized guild or profes- another's burdens with fraternal pa- sin. Both these aims are realized (Continued from Page 1) ,late itself as a result of this examina- tience. Capital is too selfish; Labor fairly well by our present educatio...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…lCs uas 1 k a Soloist 0, -t Lockwood, acting director of cool of Mule and head of the lepartment, will be the soloist final concert on the Faculty series, when he will be heard e University Symphony orches- ts last appearance of the sea- 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in ditorium. ill play two of his own tran- xns for piano and orchestra, the ing the Brahms Waltzes, Opus the second the Don Juan Fan- f Liszt. The former number .y heard in it...…

April 02, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, APRIL ,1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE- Gargoyle-And Other Incidentals (By G. ). E.) is better looking than I am. When I ing. There were three attacks on me,' gleaned, a truth or two, that should When one considers the average receive my next shipment of gin I'll one of them veiled, and two direct. make the book worth reading: I in- "humor" magazines of this country, remember the artist. But the Lord of Hosts was sure y cine to it, no...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…This month they report several inter- esting finds-well dressed stone walls, walls of plaster, a great deal of paint-! ed plaster, a polished stone axe, and evidence of super-imposed buildings. All this was found in the first few lition Sent to Maya o Unearth Cities AN ACTING IUTHE'S ASSISTANT n received from Mrs. fe of',Dr. C. E. Guthe,j is in charge of an out by the Carnegiel ;ribing the life and ef- engaged in the work, tt the expedition w...…

April 02, 1922 • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922, 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922 ~ The Michigan Band Travels (By W. Bernard Butler) l "That Michigan Band," too, is a strongest and most lasting impres- tradition, one that was born twenty- sions of college life are left by the As classes increase and the inter- two years ago, growing up with var- thrills of the band. It has become' vening number of years becomes ied car...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 5

…)' - W, i - ";'" ,p_ , ' r .. i UP WELL THERIN TRIP; formidable style by men to be picked this week, but Fisher finds difficulty in deciding the man to take care of the middle section. There are several applicants for the secondary' line of (Continued on Page Six) IOU I Ull UU1 ick Work good. Schultz, Liverance, and Dixon lers I are the only men who .are sure, to date, of-berths on the southern trip as hurlers. Elliott will in all ...…

April 02, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SU SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 5 Ica-vith Fadraic Colum (By Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) head is unwrinkled, the deep gray- deals with the life of his own genera- because, as he explained, there was Padraic Colum rose quickly as we blue eyes bright and eager under tion is too likely to write of things nothing of the heroic about it. d their straight dark brows. He holds of merely suparficial interest, politic- lie laughed as ...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 6

…wn -"-+ I ts I the I is re- Mails, Morton, and Keefe will form the regular pitching- staff for the Cleve- land Indians this summer, according to Manager Tris Speaker.' In addi- tion one or two recruit pitchers mnay be carried. They will be. selected from Barton, Odenwald, May, Lindsey, Guess, Pott, and Bissonette, with the first two having the inside track. Rainy weather again greeted the Cincinnati Reds at Wichita Kans., and the game sche...…

April 02, 1922 • Page Image 6

…6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1922 too low for, among the people he has Gorky's treatment of the story is, looked up to, there is neither truth on the whole, good. It is true that T N *"nor cleanliness, .he sometimes puts philosophical and Life among the poor is frankly evil I idealistic speeches into the mouths and vile, and Ilia finds the lower "MARIA CHAPDELAINE" conditions under which the poor live, middle class far worse. ...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 7

…ld War, our chief re confined to the onment," said Dr. ector of student n regard to the measures. "The was that germs of rk rooms or filthy sease traveled a igh the air. The i means 'bad air,' ef. Hospitals for were located at against and )ntrol of the ilded much nunicipality, y possessed uld see to its disseminatedf 'HEALTH CONTROL )ECLARES SUNDWALL our American youths return from the world's Olympics wearing the laurels of victory? "Wars h...…

April 02, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 7 The Poets W ho Come to EXCERPTS FROM "TILE MIND prevailing business methods, race an- source of their livelihood-the actual IN THE MAKING" imosities, public elections, and gov- nature of business enterprise as now A nn Arbor ov(Continued from Page 2) ernmental policy are, if they are practised, the prevailing methods of Now education for citizenship vital, necessarily "controversial." legisla...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 8

…THE M THEM'u 'I £JILLI iIVERSITY ting From Time Showemuch of ary Life. of ESON, '9OL, IS DOMO; BTAINED THROUGH KELSEY S.. Anderson, of Detroit, has Led to the University a unique ion of 114 original documents from the time of Christ and the s. The gift is made in the of the Law class of 1800, of 'he was a member. Text lingai documents.. are written on .s. Nearly all are in the Greek ge, a fdw being in Demotic, or reek. They were disc...…

April 02, 1922 • Page Image 8

…8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAYr-APRIL 2. 1922 a THEsMICHIGAN"DAILY AVA"" f ,r r .F .r v i ,n. i i 1 . l 4 t Easter In !lilinery Displaying the newest creations of our Millinery Designers in con- junction with the best models chosen from the foremost Milli- ners of the country. A glance at our new models will quickly convert you. And Prices are Attractive, too. EMMA B. FOGERTY SPECIALTY HAT SHOP East Liberty Street .. - .... . . .....…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 9

…will speak at the r services at 3:30 rnoon in~ New- 7:30 o'clock Alpha Phi Senior Girls' play ock tomorrow aft- swell Angell hall. e Yellow Jacket" follows: Tomor- ct 3. in Newberry to 6 o'clock, act 2 Wednesday from in Newberry hall. WILLIA31S Y. W. SERVICES will have an op- ishop Charles D. ddresses them at ces at 3:30 o'clock wherry hall. the bishop of the for the. Episcopal Factive in social l.r o vann jit.4 ATTNDNNUALLUNCH BURTON EXPR...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 10

…AL BULLETIN m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays.) 1' ,hed i I AY, APRIL 2, 192 " Number 135 s of Engineering and Architecture: ere will be a meeting of the Faculty of these colleges on Monday, i, at 4:15 p. m. room 411, engineering building. I40UIS A. HOPKINS, Secretary. e of Pharmacy Faculty Meeting: ere will be an important meeting April 4 at 4:10 p. m. in Room 212 try building. C. H. STOCKING." dents idents having in their possession books draw...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 11

…SUtr MGan SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922 "The Mind in the Making" By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper and Brothers) have a great stock of scientific knowl- in the same patient and scrupulous ing. The rural mechanic thinks scien- (Copyright, 1921, by Harper and Bros.) edge unknown to our grandfathers manner. tifically; his only aim is to avail him- 1. On the Purpose of This Volume with which to operate. S...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 12

…66 11 9 we are all children of one Heavenly one to earn a livelihood in some more "'T he M ind in the M aking Father and that we should bear one or less standardized guid or profes- another's burdens with fraternal pa- sion. Both these aims are realized (Continued from Page 1) late itself as a result of this examina- tience. Capital is too selfish; Labor fairly well by our present educational hearing Galileo's fate, Descartes burn- tion, inste...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Gargoyle -And Other Incidentals (By G. D. E.). is better looking than I am. When I ing. There were three attacks on me, I gleaned, a truth or two, that should When one considers the average receive my next shipment of gin I'll one of them veiled, and two direct. make the book worth reading. I in- "humor" magazines of this country, remember the artist. But the Lord of Hosts was sure'y cline to it...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGALINE The Michigan Band Travels (By W. Bernard Butler) "That Michigan Band," too, is a strongest and most lasting impres- tradition, one that was born twenty- sions of college life are left by the As classes increase and the inter- two years ago, growing up with var- thrills of the band. It has become vening number of years ,becomes led career until the late nineties an honored institution at Michigan. greater, Michigan's...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 15

…Tea-IviiJ 1 ?adrai ie Cou1m. I-4 7ea-pit# Padra'le Colum, (By Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) head is unwrinkled, the deep gray Padraicf'Colum rose quickly as we blue eyes, bright and eager unde their straight dark brows. He hold entered, and stood, a slight eager flg- his head high and there is something ure, silhouetted against the window in the chin lift that reveals not th in Mr. Frost's living room. His greet- arrogance of youth but its desire....…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 16

…"MARIA CHAPDE (A Review by R. Louis Hemons 'Mar -aine (Macmillan) iso rare novels which ares ten thatthe reader finds ualizing the entire story incident and character 1 as he reads, the printed by ever intruding upon I ness. This effect Hemon a rigid economy in the details, by an unaffected that is not natuialism, a by a clear, concise, an diction. The result of presentation of material: piece of literature. Hemon was a Breton the Lake St. Joh...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 17

…The Poets Who ome to Ann Arbor . (Continued from Page 1) is individual, yet too deeply interest- ed io the whole .social situation to be called ao =individualist. He swings against whatever has eraged him. If sometimes he strikes for the sheer joy of impact, it is none the less true that most of his blows are well-di- rected and have power behind them. Yet he can turn from such a thing as "Killers," a grim, terrible poem of the war, to somethi...…

April 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 135) • Page Image 18

…111".IVIU..II MN LJAIL Y 1VIAUALINt, IUNDAY, APRIL 2, 192 Easter Aliiinery Displaying the newest creations of our Millinery Designers in con- junction with the best models chosen from the foremost Milli- ners of the country. A glance at our new models will, quickly convert you. And Prices are Attractive, too. EMMA B. FOGERTY SPECIALTY HAT SHOP East Liberty Street …

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