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April 02, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 - 4, -5fr -~A91 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VoL XXXIX, No. 137. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 April Gargoyle 'P \r QPT|I QTAI AW Heavy Selling Causes Stock LULIiLO, LULLU Is Travel Issue LIL OLIJIU flLULL 111 Slump As Call Rate Climbs This Month's Edition To Appear Declines Reduced In Brisk Rally broker's loan statement which mlr S.eiOnCamps DivlliDg Dn inajshowed a decline ot only $144,000,- W S N CR1C li ia To...…

April 02, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…PAR O~ -T HFE MICHI GAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 I +N FORJUNRSTO ISTIAdd Two New Men MRSTo V jTo Language Stafl N CFor Next Semes iThieme Announces Appointn Of Chales Knudson An Jean Ehrhard f ter ment d i GOVERNOR GREEN MAY COMMUTE Engineers Convene PROHIBITION OFFENDERS' TERMS To Discuss Heating Methods For State Conference Is Designed To Bring °': About Closer Relations GROUP WILL GIVE PROGRAM AT KALAMAZOO COLLEGE CONVOCATION Z...…

April 02, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…T~iS MII-IICA' * tL r ... .._ s.rr.a. . Y cw r ENRLLMENT STARTS, FOR SUMMER GEOLOGY AoGYCM C FORMER PREM BIER CAMPAIGNS V JUNE 18 DATES TO JULY 27 SET AS FOR TENTH ANN~UAL SESSION UNIVERSITYCREDIT GIVEN' Ehlers WAI;j Direct Geology Field Work; Jamies Will Presenit Geography Courses With the publication of, a Uni- versity bulletin tellinig-the' partic- ulars of the geology and geography summer camp in Kentucky, eiroll- mient has beg...…

April 02, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…PACE Fo~ THE MICHIc AN DAILY TVuS15Av, A4L';1 the committee. The Daily main- tains that the person making the Published every morning except Monday accusation should appear to prefer diing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. the charge, or else the whole idea Member of Western Conference Editorial may become nothing but a way to Association. work off personal grudges against The Associated Press is exclus...…

April 02, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 137) • Page Image 5

… T H E'-. M I C H I C Ai N'f3* Al L Y PAOX FIVE *T~r~~, ~~~h , S~9PAE FV4THAMIHWAVE DAILY ftMATM M= b ANNUAL ELECIONS Of WOMEN'S CLUB AND W._ A. TO1BE[HELD WEDNESDAY W. A. A. NOMINEE ' . FOR PRESIDENT TENTTBAVLLER T A. A. FOR NOMINEE T IS OPENTO MAKE PLANS PRESIDENT FOR HORSESHOW Pegasus will hold its regular u0meeting at 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, April 4, in the parlors Tnovn r WrPte News T k A. A. U. WV. Opens Reid Hall For...…

April 02, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 137) • Page Image 6

…P-G.E, tl' -1 1THE M-.C-4-TCAN -DAILY ' AUESDAY, .ARRIL _2, 1920 NINE MEN AWARDED MAJOR LETTERS FOR WRES TLING WOLERNE ORAPPLERS END BRILLIANT YEAR Eight "AMA'S" Given By Coach Keen In Recognition Of Work Done During Season ARE CONFERENCE CHAMPS Nine men were awarded Varsityj "M's" for their work on the Wol- verine mat team during the past season, while eight other grapplers received "AMA's" it was announced yesterday by Coach Clifford Ke...…

April 02, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 137) • Page Image 7

…S ESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 .T H E - 'Iii G AN .A-I.L I WolverinesPlace Second In Swimming Meet_- ADERmDING__-MO SONAL ATTE~NTION LIKE )ME AT :A SAVING OF 100% [TH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, )E LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. SWIM STARS SHATTER EVERY MEET RECORD I Five New National Intercollegiate Recorda Are Also Set At St. Louis NQRThWESTERN IS WINNER Record-breaking performances in every .event featured the national collegiate tank meet at St. Louis la...…

April 02, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 137) • Page Image 8

…?AGE EIGI~ TH E "M I C2A N rATEY =,.hISAY, APRYL 2, 19'2§ - - - - - -- - . - - sea Upperelass Students: 1J LIBRARY RECEIVES andl CI L O LL NIt is suggested that upperciass members, particularly seniors, take| s EDITION OF hOPeaysrsDiary; advantage of their opportunities du:ing the remainder of thc yearc and secure a medical examination. Work Is Ranked With Pepys' Diary; Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all member...…

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