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April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 'Of 94 Paili VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1900. No. 140. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Tlop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We in...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 211 (~April Outing. U .60ftU 'p at1Aj* Outing, which has passed into the Publised Daily (Sundays exeepted) durng the hands of a strong company of enthusi- College year, at astic sportsmen, comes to us in April THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. in a hiandlsome new cover. It is a num- ber like the bourgeoning spring, buarst- Ossis: The Ialand Press, Henning Bloch. leadtepoieo Loath Phonse141. lug with new lf n h1 p...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 H ILDEBRA MICHIGAN C0ENTRALJ I 1The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD 'IME. I Taking ]!btIrtNoembear'19, 0899. AtaticttExpes.............. 34ce N Y. Boston peia............. 45', FattEatrn. . . .115 Mail andttExpress... 940 , . Bastw,.t r n I% rs...... . .. 113s' .3 G.11. tatd iKal . prss ,....... 5 4, Chicao g thl l~re.. .9lit.' Pacinic E p t N ............ .15d30 A. it. tnthot con' ii at ill, a G.i...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF M1CHLGA1~ DAILY. POPULAR BOOKS .4,1 4 44 44...... 4.. tsA CUT PRICES "Fled now the eutlen mumr of the north The splendtet raiment of the Sparing peeps ,forth." It. is with a- feeling Of peide which we think pardonable that we invite year earty tnspetion ot our newtlineof Sprtng and SumnanaOferinge jastrcotsed,"tesh and tempt- iag an the ancu eaofatNatutresetialetney. Gae 3tt00patteensef...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o I r Sol O r VOL. X I. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUES JA Y, APRI L 2, 1901. No . 14{} ..Our Special Line of.. Foreign and Domesti FABRICS FOR SPRING f0a% arrived ad is a- ranged for inspection. We have the largest a.- ior-regentilliithe cote G. Ii. WILD CO. 1o8 1. Washington St. ADAMS' SALTED PEANUTS received fresh every day.... WILDER'S PHIARMACY YOU KNOW wer toigt.... A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE it 1? J oly, :30S S su de steee. -,w CAREFU $A...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG3AN DAILY. It'~ q he faculty of the medical depart- r o~tnthel decided to ask pet mssiou s L .C U S Pblse l i tv( o wseptddaing tt 1l Ihtit an lw tep rtmiiet. It isl it r ge Ye(10a xie 1 that the fis xit ii 1)0bti TH Uj INIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN xoiiiiei ostatig-about .lute 24 and lAO FFIDCEor BRANCHOFFCE;ct ottin : tafr six xiweks. lii alprob- *s tittn t Nw5.Sae tee. e lt- hmrqirdpE..~lnwilb Ph ne1 1Bidew 36StoStoer8. ...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…; {: rTHlE UNIVERSITY :OF .l1;CWRGANt DAILY BAI BIJYERS AlR[ (OMIN-i OUR WAY N4ot because we ourselves are better than the other fellowis, but becatuse our hats are better styles, and more of them. We partieulavi'. pride ourselves on our "Varsity" Hat. This hat has gained its present popularttv thro' sheer force of merit. Wouldn't it be well to get in ahead of theEaster rush? G OODSPEED'S B~ .t~it it t it. i117t Alt iNT REET Michizan Centra...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 011 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS N 0 T I C EAgns get 'Unvt Stic a .S to)ry of th ", 31,01liWe have our most excellent line of 'seasonable 140 students wanted to canvass ,ntfl :1 ) li a ' W OES SREIVRT drsgvacation for the <"A. A. d Barbour and CH EVIOTS Improved" gasoline lams. Sells Tse ifs i ( Sll/tlxetfi. b li n fior on the table wasting your inspection. on Siaht. Glyn.i We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouserings...…

April 02, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…z 1 ' ' ry, ,F . _ _ p ; n __. _ - ... 'f; - ''I .'-. _. r _ r: _._ J ._ _.. . _ a v ... ._!. 1 c-. I Y r "E i t iK Wit{ h s E i I r J Lea i I r Y { I f . ! :s ;i 7! i !, W-d ,. ! 1 6 'j } n { < ,Y { Or ' _7t i; . r ! -- . _ _ . _ r .fir - "% %. _ . .. y _ i-. r .. __ , , j .f, y _ - 1. _ - t. ... ti _ "_. .._. t 1' - 'L "" '_ l / ..N ° _-. rr Y n-e e -1 .. r. . _ _.._ °!. r .. f .._ ... .f.. :I _ !, _ r,. N ° ' - S- ' ti w ;,, "' at _ : H L ....…

April 02, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…t w Liz a., zdlo o-j V, GaALLa. MILI~ A ' P SEWS a ar v6, R USaINiaSS "I'-AAji' 1_fkOTOG, a ! ' ta )!2 }j t.k' ' Ca'a' i 1EIa. :t ' a' )ti' F'Il 1 iIt' E ViI 'i'i tt I 1~ atll- a ,1 a Est' ipU ala 'a Laaalt 'i ~ EI';;TIt l i-. +i ;1r '2; a :a5 j vaa 4eaa a r ' Mitts try.t way. EFxtra we1 jatrfdeitd anid reirrforCc atrel. Laced back, tairaj aad buckle ~at- eD Ila". V'or etles p ~barer,:carnfeler TA ra, slFto $6 a <)1 It t. c,111 ht ad'.1a '111a...…

April 02, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…iu a"4. 1..X__e.. .a... s s . . . . . . . _ . . . . . - - . . r . c..., . t_. f__s. 4-1%++++ ob SRain Coats + Spr ing Suits v~ery artSil(Tofmensf prcn cor~d I> fshioabledres~r~ hs ~ 1 ~Dfl~MS, N&FJP L w . r r " .4 4._._d. _4 -.s .-._f-1 i__s_1 _.Y.. s . . A'r ' -------__ .a. . .. . JOHN OAZOA.DEA 3k ~601TAILORS Cf EAST WILLIAMS STREET EXCELSIOR L4NbRT CFY Y OCRK SPECIPLTY ;,HANDWORK~ mi')W ST' H U liON ST..Vhloa Ii561 This s ace belongs to GIo...…

April 02, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…r ( ~1 'A '~. 7 .. I ., <,"T ," , < "4, -a m, "=r^. o~ .'"y .,Ay,,. a" ,-4r'ai .,,v I 12,; South ."la tret ov Pr;Kl1GK (il id 11a 10 77 ''N I 1l i I% ., '1 r--- L H v $i as s 1':, THE HOCK ING 1++EY, r~i - :E +1" . if ;+ t+ TOLEDOTOOW31H : A1tI)11A :'l. 'raA Ir i, A. S >t .11 $ 111 CALErNDAR .+ . .' Y'A"ND READ - 1Ci'wt""I S'm+" !- rIW NOT. r.'~riC ...E N t. fq"?'' 11-? II 11 1 1 ! ; j 1,1 ,11 iat S . IA ii t. t1 f r t Cht1. I ^ l1 ! i. ...…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…; v _ _ ° Y ' ' '. s5 - G ' I r" , " . ! - .. .. - e 71z n- G o ? _ . r I _ _ _ E F7C r- S~>i fY CD G cfq :5 e'Y -1 rt fD ft s c°r f. J. cn, m CO m !: _ - i. , -' m li , . c ',l, :r! r ' C'' t N t ..V V " r 1 M°' t--+ F- + F'? r-- .... '=f- r'° 4. M" M ^ -+ V f U ;. I .rte f rt 4 . v rV t^t v " z r-t Ft C 1- i v FHS r ' lUy'c, , ~ r "f. J, ~ _ ~ " tl % t+"t ~- ^ y .-. y ... J .. f J :, 'J. ' 'Yq . " _ J ,... 'f. . V !' "-" , ,,,. .", .'".. ,.....…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…I _ i ltFi"tITY (.) F Ilt IIAN DAILY. 2Y PDLIIC_ 40> L "r C +4 y, . . i i ' } f i T t ." THE U. OFNI. DAILY' ( 1' }illitl('7 l I s tilE't't 7«1 'il! i1 .illy lip t' i Jl' 50 ..'t ) IEngraved Cornmenc~e= IC CC W tCi1i2 +^i ',x'1 (111 -I i ') t°;1t')! I!t '!i1i14 1', :ii7 1 . ;7i'?1( : '"_'llfl 1r) I!4 i 4 a 13 1114 ) , it l'- 1 ,i f <s 111 ,1~ 1 t t Ir)'+r1i E I' 11,11\l l'1' il }( ;i}it 4 1 I stl?' 1('4 Tit- NV _ _.. II a iiie Io ~~i When 11i ...…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE U-NIVxEie'SITY OFi I(lllI(,.x N DAIL.Y. . K. ._ .e . °L- .X -- _ ._ 1 rn ,__ i., .\. If you wntto knlow alt? - suxa<ri r, x s .. ; . , ' .. ...., . m .. ., .. ;i: L .. PALACL PL- , 637. I' p^. _-..7 -ci. ~ -i. R. x. LL' CA YU ANE Ati , pwUnx stv So o. ba,_: S?.-w 1??. I ~I ?,1t r -. e. .. Gaso'iu La ips ', ;; 't -3ii 1 '< BliliaRdSEParlo,, s W. D S..PIPRf3(15 mn t .Ili AI;YXE<<IDt 1'03 F AvLY.\ ns EyesScintiicaly ittd a !' iiU SIt3 T'i 'I"...…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…ro'IIT?- NI~Iii.TITY 017'MICHIGAN IDAILY. a -1+ . JG..h u:r '. ~:.. 7 .. .. . . a ' . . t ... .. ._a . _. y a . .. a]. s. u . u . .. .. . .. . _ . .'4 .~. . Y ] j ~. i. _. . . _ .. . .._ :1'J aIt ,( tLC N WS~IL 1>U IIN O[ 6 . II -I IR [ ~I -, . :t '. ( , d\p. .'~ciMc '3itJ at.' v , T c.P^, ) . Fresh Strawberries iVT lt - 11)«i. A ll t tat i lt rt itl t \i i ALKNS' PHARMACY, 324 S. State St. Bailey & E~dmunds FS H N ETS FOR DIOCORATINUi. 121 Ea...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICLI., SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1904. No. 1I9 3 SENIR LW PA TY. S. W. V. "EASTER BALL ALUMNUS PRACTITIONER. AADf1 oiSIN E Given at Granger's Last Evening- Yorefadrensaeivtdo bnWs kow to .ofM Botany Section Gave Interesting Pm. Quaint Features-Amusing Pro- ated the Annual Faster Monda studnits as "Tug," the star guard o1 gram in University Hal Thursday gram Prepared of the Dances Dancinige Party, gte tnlby...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…' THEMICHIGAN DAILY "+ffff+ +fffff f~f THE MICHIGAN DAILY /U Abo os OicG I W l n nnu Entered as scndelas maste at theAn -_ ___ W ild --. -pG----b- 4 Publishrd daily (Monday ecseed) during the e ~ at Ucollege yea,at11i lt.Watsigton street, Leadillg MeIrchlantLTailors (asmet lioSleide citrane)rlPhoe 912-3 * MANAGING EDITOR: S ESOIY TIHOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: Z ± ROSCOE B.HBOSTON SPRINGi WOO[[NS EDITORS: Athilics. - - - itOnER K. 'iATON For Sui...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DO I T N NOW State Savings' Bank. GEORGE BISOHOFF, W.J otwo . Sh5eehan5 rLORI,5T. l.II. Wade iFiP.\Mills cmoicr 'CUT PLOWTEt5 & PLAN-t,5 Ino. KochProtl tlCrat ai it,btwen lai olasn it. andiller iAve SOME PEOPLE Prefer to pay 6oc a pornwd for factory made CANDY, o0 er utwto months old filled witlb preseivatss es to kepliti fresh. OUR CANDY ts 5isc a pound, Made Fresh Dotlyoo very best materials Before sendiiig your Eaister ...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE M-ICHIGAN DAILY Full line now in at the popular $05 price - - ALL [[ATI1[RS TAN, PATENT COLT, FRENCH CALF AND KID ~ fk; ~ ~ ...~ inada im I MOGUL G;rok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. a' ''MOGUL SMOKE MAKES EGYPTIAN SMOKERS Cork Tpoin ~. Save the Coupons. -- - G, _ 4 1'f it ,. ..' del [ J e 1 V . ++ . tir """.., .. . rc SSE T S "rt - -.... i .. .. __ The W. C. KernlCo, 4t11 E. 57th St., Chtcago. laps and Gowns made...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga_ il n Vt ' + Xv ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, APRIL, 2, 1905 No. 132 EASY FOR FRESHMEN __ YANNIGANS TROUNCED. 'lb XK TEAM BEINS OUTDOOR ____ ___TRAINING. r5 lo II0511 -oil k t w i I han Track Team Walks Away! Varsity earn Wins Score 9to1in I Meth wthHih cho-,'0 rinthtth 4r n e itpatylo ix Innings Pitcher Martin (Onl a fee of the track-msens respond- Meet withllbe he osigii Schooljurd. d osDlirctor lFitzpatrcks call for out- law 1 h c 5...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…'TlE MICHIGAN DAIMP. ***.****.." "" """"* THE fICH iIGAN DAILY. to iiiaingnah ininocent oleepank " _____ _-- ~~-friar real hazing wec lciieir, Spring Enhtrda_ eodi as atitatthe A nalt-o tu i acei o SPRING-FEVER Pulihd alyMonday excepited? duing etat ig er X aiii li, hi ca wll demands j iila~yei. atih . Wahingon stretb if. An ranks a l ,(di l Taiorig ; Mnaging Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. tray,;alilai-raia iinjuryt(Fi i .c.lOUTIDOOR SPORT. act nil...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHI(;,N DAIL'i 3 arch fi el d's Fine Tailoring T rad e Guarantees... You the most skillful and artistic service to he had anywhere. ?We always carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ens. We have the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, * and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of iahirt- ings-"perfect fitting. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 [. Huron "GOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer, at Moiney Savin...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…T HlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 4. !'4.' 4. 4.- - 4.- 4. 4. CUTTING, REYER & CO. ; 3 Q R GA 35 SOLE (iEF S SPRING STYLES NOW IN anand see themNN lbette o u IObuy or not. for the _4 ALL lREo0xL SHOElS SHINED 1FREE1. .j4.j PAUL MEYER 109& 111 E. Washington St. 611 E. WILLIAMS ST. + f t + 1 NHi+ir r 4 r+ rrrrrrrl rrrrrrrr rr"r " a1 Plcakwio~tk BOWLING ALLEY Strictly Vp-tou-dtxtn. S. PR07TENSTE2IN, P.-sm,. 707 N. Vest', A. ' BRIGHTON GARTER PIONFEEI 718 Mar...…

April 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…ri tb (0 -n- _. _ 'r: _ _. ^_ I^ - 1 tC y y / J Q r J _ -' .mss C") n 4 A-i _ c 4 - _ _ - _ - s Onil O 0 ... . ,. w r , ri Omi7 'J r N' r a: -: 'f : .. . .+" .. y,,.. 4^ J. ..... .t'^ /' ... 1 __ J; t. r '1 .. i"'. .-.. - . ._ \.+ n. f .," t: ._. - f, r r r 7=, ~" " J° X, v _ r a ,V . ;/" …

April 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

… N1ew 31 Soutti°,fit cIii Ni s Gol wHFEA N & C OS1d 1,I I'I~ 1)I le N 7fV H II l(I C;.Sm it r ilim A, Muihern liiid I1. Jones G uy PIylie- it -SINE-- -i'At F NN DA P I 111' t w lake Your Choice Spalding and Reach Baseball "NWe r}, he mo1s mipha-e asortmntt NIits as, Masks -mdIothersupplies il -the ix ,, in eiher Prices Always the Lowest ii - C. E. BARTHELL Medice% I OOAKS Text--Iooks Dictiorxaries Statutdes l . Comperds Etc. " CASHI or EXC...…

April 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…What Style Clothes Will1 You Wear Easter Sunday? TIS none ii(tioo) eari}ly i to idec ide itend t xiiicit I ii iwant 110W.x Shaltit be a'inart sack snit? W'hit styleoxvercoat a xtt xii xix tiyorOf course x on xil xxint gax mcnts drtt are tfishiionabty corrcxt in cxcix' detail , xperfect in lit, n t iit: x sif toxitorcul to yxouri ipiciltordetr. N« maxtxiiter ull o fincyxwe canl gixc( onx lx isliv xixit -mwiit in Stsle tria clstiworkmnistiip, an...…

April 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…HACK ANIJ CARRIAGE HIRE; __ .. _ . _ _.I, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO AL ARI CLOCKS. Cnapman's Jewelrytore 2016 SO1A H StAt '1511~f 1,lxi'A iii1. . .1r. 1 116 55001151 ;AI ft iir204 South State Street tIE U40 It) ISTI ilCitit - I I E' 'ar - w i l ] \ l1Si t'< I 't. 1. A . A. (tt J I.- 11AIL W AYNC III I I v )Ud I ; ; . It) it l thu'S re s h ' i'nt ii K\ \\II h,)\-.uchcar. w ell tlithestuent1 ra1.1 ° I ur canies1arehr~s aiehprn "o (1I I I stA ...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. No. 138. VOL. XVI1I1. CCC SQUAD MAKES BRIGHIT SHOWING Prospects Look (food for Eastern Cross Countries-D. U. S. Will Meet the All-Fresh Saturday. Though the lg three ;of the distance squad, Rowe, Coe and Dull, will not e attic to cotttetel for Micigan at the eatern cross cousntries next fall, te prospeects for a good team are not dark. lhere are eight CCC' en in college twho ...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…T~rIMM!CHIGAN DAILY . w . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . x Gs HI Wild Oomupany Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic I WOOLENSI Is now ready-. It inclndes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G, H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street Jersey Vest Bittora or V Neck Is list the garmient to wear these days...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY If your hair is a bother, or you have any trouble with it, buy a good flair Brush AT QUARRY'S and get relief. Money Loaned Os Watches, Diamonds. Law Books, or other personal property. Watchoo and Jowoiry ropairod. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at resideoco 331 E. Liberty St Ass Arbor. Hlours 8to 11:30 a. m..i1 to 4 30asd 7Ito ALL BUSINSS iCONFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS 1e4 tOff on all siamped goods, including MICGAN...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY E LOK Est er - - ~ is only four weeks off. Better look at the half thouzsauxd r= : r >t ,patterns we show. Don't wait for Cl ~ / . the last grand rush---and then be dissapoiuited. O rpolicy ofAbsolutlytBest,of instn on a bolt -I derhpin- I !L'l $5.00 W AM1USEiMENTS ocutive Committee OPENS Officee, Room 6, Press Building °' moa rs to6 P. M. Daily CALENDAR. Casa i iGu, thy,' lPricipal . 4xSwai, Bay c iity ighic'isi"Th RomnCm...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…TheMichignDail y \\ \c h, IP (:IkN1. RIAYR)NY 1I'Z,2,R1 tio t .. I. No. 133. WOULD REGULATE STATE ATHLETICS Schoolmnasters' Club Will C.oin- sider Plan For High School Association [his Morning. sloa tc <t ltic 'assX1cition. Ati Xiii "XX te eecin foiii. rii XaXX li ill orXXX''XXX id to the ciom-ti itit X fri ts a~lr<Val I ad ptd.a st )f ols i ll i l~ I C l III )( 11.ii i li t to t e - ti C" - 1ARYI IIM" :,C_,\)IIXX '110 XXSIEiT11S0HN1RXIRL...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…rip U ild PAM. T~HE MICHIGAN DAILY -~1THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' plra l i-Arform ih:u ilc so ia spa rci rie-tit )f 11it YInci 11 lU . ILm11U IUmpally M+ERLIIANI 'TAILORS :a H ave rcived a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM MER in (Aleniumo Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and King's Tan We have the Blarney, Hdsn, Caumberlnd, Chester, Orient, Pel ham Astralia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY Sam:Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Goods Sam Burjclfid & Coo EAST HURON ST. 338 .Sag tteaSteet THlE [AllW, r4'A4I C1ANICS BANK MAIN ANI) HI[ JON STREEaTS Capitait $50~,t000tt fastus antd Profitst$90).000 Genert'aatw laa a'ata<; 3pucrtapaid oTima nd atat psi.: afetytte- posit Boes iao ,at '0 adup ad Ri. KFatty, 1las .S,1vvv; ic(Taet It. A. F.tT S'rt j as A The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ha'ariman, tie re. aM . W. it STATE ...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , I [UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ii 'ii cilginici h']. x'i ii1 } cti Senior lit hi ebal racici(, ick] i 3 o'cii k. ii n( , M, llhadi \u Inittinhg Mii ]wi hi hit{ nii tt7:30, i odofsctx'ix iiniiix n in' III. ('Ac clubxtiihii ri~ salni orsi lt at o'cock hrp.RomaA, m1111t 121v peopl i ll w(ii4afi li ran tirom iiti''n lcl it\ \w r aetcli~ *s ataxi d iclttes. \\''imaxkie -, e7( I"il 1d1s Y U t .i i i ithouit 111nitep- c p xxx e t' I...…

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