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December 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…_______ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.__ ANN AIU 0P,\MICH.. Tt'>1) XX I (rf{: 1I hEl2. 1902 S12:cci NI XvAI1. Ne. GhAMxPIONOF THE"WEST! P I .( 14 l+ (1 ' ti l li, 11I 1 11 11 '1' I '+1 1r l + Ii EfPI iI' i 111 , l-i " 1}t~n1i11:1 ls "111115 5l fi 't' l: ' : + 11 1 I - I311' V lI 1' t 11" t-1: 11 ta i"E 1 k li til l l +t 11 111 i l, ! t ,II 1 1( 14111 trl4I 111 with iiis li: 1121'Ill i 14 ;~ 11t1i1'I .k$ t 'Il t l 'I1"l '1' I I l i 71 1 )11'I'' I IllS...…

December 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…9 6 ' p' . . ,.: _N L ' < . r ;, s, r . AT iH.WILU co. NIANAG(INGt 11)110' BUiSINESS iIANA(WkI, EDOITORS,. GE~NER~AL NEW5S 11' 1 I a I..l rl . itI' ' I y h nK X1 1;oNl i in"I lit1 t I tile :lsl \\ It y im of tlil fin l (11sii i 1:1y d W A IIA " i t 11i r . .. I :!j $1.20 each 1 I AII ss 1'lNal r . . . . iii .I1 1'.'N lI sI)Ira . '1 11v Cris Sam &ii'o. y,1 1. The above prices IW1 HS jOKB RES wiI m, 1ltlt it? 1~ Itliii i v it iwx-'1------ii inII...…

December 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…LitIohfiif& ptlEBERBACII & SON, _____________Branch Store on, PALACE AND 'TheFinesASuit Ell*SOS: and OvercoatsKN ti 1 IMPORTERS 1ANUFACTUR k State St. LAST' YEAR WE 00TUP T~lt i1A IGMA JTHIERN CKRIOCtE . tV i r inr o l c he A 1-W«EstiJ n Teai It wp io 'S1111iei 10 it \ \ ' 1 1 11, 111', I 1 \ (o .r ]."lot Ha l ic rt 1111,110 l~lrl I 1ntoOIi110t +,i1 111oL 'yGA Spalding&W Bros Or) alimore, I i.Vll( l11 110 f~~lltt'alo, t~~i f l t . \\jni <tt ll...…

December 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…Jos s , "en Sit.' i ( " ilk'11!B, X (2 (4(-1\ 0e I I. ITii'.V f-'.si ie X~t. i'iy le 11. 'on le( 0 iii sn ii C ;Vvea . k .. l1 ee r iu lT , 11(DCFRi fEi r to 5ls. at 3tI6. 1 c d _I 15 I ti ;1IIi lY P P'r> ii 1,, mi to 1 . I' 1' " iF i Ivor 11 '14 ' . ol 4 i ll( i lt' .u i. 1 I ' i ._2 I S £ at.Li erty St.1 i1+ III it' si "si ewri'.1 ._Ia 1 I is ( s : sI ii'.s i b+ Pin TLAND FE1)],K F ,'4 I N ,? ls~ i t r4r I 3 i(i IilI'- I14sr! t 1 l...…

December 02, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH.,- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1903. No. 53 TWELVE MEN 6ET "f's." EMICI1GAN WINS PRAIE. Just a Dozen Football Men Receive Member of Mosely Commission Places the Coveted Insignia-Sixteen Men Michigan Among First Five Great Awarded "R's'-Fourteen Fresh- American Universities-In Class menWin the All-Freshman With Harvard and Cornell. Numerals. Hon. William Henry Jones, member The following twelve men ha...…

December 02, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. .., All Alnolno lent.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of :.:: WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all suitings, trouserings & overcoatings for this season. G IIf fILD CO 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White Author of "Conjurers jo e," The Blazed Trail"ec TIT FOREST Illustrated with 1 full-page drawings and with decortsio by T...…

December 02, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THl MICHIGAN DAILY.V 4, ; took for tbej e .8 '~.Label In your coat. It's the greatest s~eurity bond ever issued. We ±havfe : ait, haffner & Marx m1U, &and. Qvercoats FROMUT $1 . 0 to $23 00 The Clothier, In endless variety 217 SOUTH MAIN STRE3ET jSpecial ffe-rviinIf $6.00 All Wool, Fancy Bath Robes, pri'ed at $3.98 ± $4.50 Xen's Finest Lanmb.Wool Ssvetters, $3.0 Box of 6 Fine Linen t3ambricq Handkmrciefs, for _$cI S Newest Styles in Neck Tie...…

December 02, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ..4 se.a THE ANN ARBOQR RAILROAD _* -lIAD STEAMSHIP LIKES. Tris ev Ann Arbor by Central Standa. Time Efeci e tobeN26 I002. . '114 0,,o Y- 20A. MA: & 9:0 ;J. n GNo.i 2.C-11 3e3er( C. TAA. D No15 14:3 LienP.nmCUF 005 s s o. Ta ms . T snioury 3 014::t P s. m. H E L tL 109IllWas~ngon.St.'nTr.ano. 5fan o. anbewe AnweAnd A rb m o a-nd oeonuly adllns 7lpm Bakr ClasrStpd"L e" Dr~ aing 1,o2,3AHrond ,diSet.,Sund an 0ther brad dv ro d...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Ivot,. x~ ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, 012 0EMNBER _ ' 1904. No. .)3 IDIEALS IN JOURNALISM, intersting and Instructiv e Lee te--eie in atUniversitv lidu-I cation for Newspaper Men. Ii It 1111II i t t r'tor ( i li0 ct.t ,\ lln) c\ rc~fk' ,;I-M arch(1b H Ittgli f 0 i fl \ Ii l' 11 c 1 ( )1 I l ( ) 1 11 ' } ) ' )t1 11( ) 11 1 t til l I i I 1 1 k a l 1 ) ~ ' -1 " , I1 aI 10 1 1 . }III :1 1111 11 111111 ii11) 1(d1t1 ~ltI ) 1 11"a1 1...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…1 'rHS MICHIGAN DAILY THE M~CH IGAN DAILY. ilHHtlctbri Hoftihe iii itcetHla E ~ JE WOULD HAVESFbt'a itci ,: iit 4 h ln(il tiH gi1lit Ota v i lttl Ardr YOU TO KNOW wt Hu ' HC ltHH HreedHI, -:eel tH'I'iI Y i t 1 uF. 'Hahl4Hststre. 011Ht f71 hg it i i That we are doing busines at * Manging IEditor', J. STANLiEY ISALiHY. -i XX teir huH igi'5t iicri,. Bsiness Manger, eL LiI)IA. hu~MPS ON hl ilHt'.iiHi .l OUR NEW STORE * 'h ii c ier lit. OfMhiigan, ...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THIS MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag s Home Supply StoreK Fall Fashions are R ip e Corner Main and Washington Streets x *Fish Nets, Padlocks, Wa.ste Bas'kets, Brushes, Card Racks, : ut TpCat ai ot Purses and Pocketbooks, Knivesi, Scissors, 'racks, Pi(Aures, Ash F, rotmte whose itorinoT'houseaof Trays, Paper \Weights, Stmoking Sets, Soaps, Towels; Strop, and L. ADlLER BROS. & CO. Pipe Racks at popuOlar prices. 'Plis is the p~lace,o ~ 5 E. G. HOA.G. .4 x-J'...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…THE MStHIIIAN DAILY _ Cutting, TABE.SCA7LE AGEClTeS, : You will find PETER' MILK INEVY AT Hatters and Fur- cious confection but a nourish- rhliecrtized 0 ltr cl eeoara nshrs ing and sustaining food. asily antyflIat which is Mi tiatisfactory. oI U9-I iEast Wsigo t digested. Does not create thirst.'Wsigo Insist upon Nr fM wf N * The imitations are disappointing r h NT C HL r Pmotg rather iCollegemen 'find a grateful degree of comfort and service...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,,1I I(ITI-IL1N EDNESI)AY DLE'EMBEI{ 2, 1908. Vol'. XIX. No. 54. TWELVE VARSITY M LEN REWARDED Captain Schulz Awards a Dozen Football M's; Twenty-Seven Reserves Receive R's. varsity ind reserve football players iwere rewardsd TueIsrday by the award of thre -MI- red tR" letters twelve var- sits mien reeiv rio the "Al", while tweloty-seveel subs, art members of the reserves were give "R's in ecogitioni if the fai...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. itENtl Ilr Ctt(RIt 1Xi'l.TifS irltt-2B n AS iltipiKS iVH1FN ,'_____A____ _______ V t \ ?OVO Ci iKOb le AY. i Ilffl I ' t l T iiI T il K pICH~jIG AN G. H. W ilfi Comlpally Ma-1 ttoEdior-AttcttERF. RICHo:1Tti. le- prent itiiieof loclI<7 g ittoftn d Voia c lice smit, =I- ttscht irtitrtanct hin tit t i ttrcti itgat- it im lr qet r ions cp ethe iti EDT he Largest S 'otookcint tire ioutide of Xiiii iiriorrJatc,...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…THE MIcI~fdAN IAILY Fn TalrnSam Burchfield's ' Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifiekl & .Co. EAST HURO0N ST. Yas.' CaesOaGt Hot Lunch Aet'T...ttix'x. 338ss. state (awn Make BEST ]BRIARC. PIPES 1'a cra l c ()or kor Burl O Ik - - $1.75 to $5.00 s~wornds0$t00 to $1.50 Ge o(',asPip PILLOWIS and BANNERS AT Darling & Malleaux V. 'of M. BSAR.B1ER. SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. 10T A NI LT01 11 H llELI BATHS' Ladccies and ChildoflairC.. - 32 s. ...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…TCHE MICHIGAN D)AILY p * Anybody(1 ho sb soiies * the styles illnielt's clothlung raiea'lly ( isti tigtttt-tithe r eady-mttadie fromiiithcu- £jtiter wear s clot' es it tlook as if t hesywottld fit an iodys - the tatter s"etis A clitl tll tat 'r ilatle to fit tituselonily-. We are specialists in the latter line, and will make you a sttit or overcoatthiat will give sou a nmost distinguished appear- J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMU5F...…

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