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November 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…- THE WEATHER ANN ARBOR- THURSDAY FAIR Y o ., > o x IGAN DAII . I . VOL. XXVII. No. 27.' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS BRITISH TROPOPS 1 S OF TH M DEFEAT BUGARS DERLIN REPORTS REPULSE OF ENGLISH NORTH OF SOMNE ENTER ROUMANIA 12 MILES London Reports Capture to Northeast Festubert of Trenches of London, Nov. 1.-British troops have defeated the Bulgarians in several en- gagements east of the River Strum...…

November 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T s G. H. Wild Co. Leading Merchant Tailors State St. GRAF STUDEr WH ALLMENDIN rone 1692 I l lltliiiillliillllilttt1 11t1 i1rr i1ll tll ll llllllĀ® A NOLAS FOR NT'S ROOMS 12.50 KY PAY MORE? GER MUSIC SHOP 122 B. Liberty St.: lIltlrlt lillirl i ti1111111111111llil ll" i BVY YOVR LA V N D RY CAS E A T *Slater Book Shop *tat. DETROIT UNITED LINES tween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson rs run on Eastern time, one ho...…

November 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

… INS 85 YARDS FOR SCO .wi PATCHED UP VARSITY HELD TO- 12-0 COUNT Dunne, Drops Four Out of From 50-Yard Line Ten Tries It was a patched up Varsity that scrimmaged against the reserves yes- terday afternoon and they were held to two touchdowns. Goal was not at- tempted after either touchdown and the final score was 12 to 0. The feature play of the afternoon was contributed by the fast traveling Zeiger, who sprinted 85 yards for a tou...…

November 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…RICHARD LE GALLIENNE TO=N IG H T IIIiHl1111111111111111IIIIIIIINI11111111111111111111lllllllllillllll lillllllllll lilllllilllllllllillllllllllillllllllllIINIIN111111111 1111[iU111111E1i1llilllllllllllllllllllllllii CAUSES LOSS HALF' BILLION PLANS FOR VOCATIONAL CONFERENCE COMPLETED Committees Chosen by Elsie Paul, '17, Chairman of AffairI LANDSCAPE DESlSN HAS NEW QUARTERS ,ACTIVITIES LIMITED BY WOMENS'_LEAGUE PLAN range, Cotton and ...…

November 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

… SDEPARTMENI OPENS DS FOR WAR VESSELS Scout Cruisers and Thirty Sub- marines to Be Built ,shington, Nov. 1.-The navy de- nent today opened bids for four ; cruisers and 30 coast defense arines. The scout cruisers, to nown for the present as Nos. 4 inclusive, will be the largest and st vessels of their class built for navy. Their chief characteristics be: Displacement, 7,100 tons; 1, 35 knots; length, 550 feet; beam, et; arnament, eight 6-inch g...…

November 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 27) • Page Image 7

…CHIGAN DAI I mow,, 1.' When a man begins .. to pay attention to his Y clothes he commences to it. improve in other direc- tions. * Z Smart Ciothes set the highest standards for such improvement. Lindenschmidt, Apel & Co. 209 S. flaw S. Calkins Drug Co. Two Stores 324 So. State and 1123 So. University Ave. Our Soda Fountain has always been known for the high quality of the cleanliness. drinks and for Children of fapan Have Desire to L...…

November 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 27) • Page Image 8

…IH [CHIGAN DAILY Il-i CHIAN DAIL - wwwmw Id lb .A 4 Talk-Over "Cordovans" FOR }Men A Leader of Leaders' L Y N D O N 719 N. U niversity Who delivers the Goods and has been delivering them for 12 years right here among Michigan Students i Just lceived if U This per Boot pic most att for Fall. Finest im Deep, I Style No. 939 Walk-Over enuine Shell Cordovan Price $8.oo 115 S. fect and super-stylish ctured is one of the ractive New M...…

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