January 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 78) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan al "a1,. XX. Ni ARBOR, MIC HIGAN, \VEDNESI)AY, JA.Nb ANY i19, f191 NO. 78, SIGNAL TO PLAY BALL AWAITED Over Eighty Candidates Attend the First Meeting of Baseball Squad- -Rickey Present, Mrihign'stsealShliseason01Joric 101 began last tigt t seithte largest itum- her of cadidate's for tie team1111 known it the bshall histors of tin Untiver silo. Oser icgtytmentt oliM theiritteition o1fttg ot the team, among thent beiasateniuoib...…