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January 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan al "a1,. XX. Ni ARBOR, MIC HIGAN, \VEDNESI)AY, JA.Nb ANY i19, f191 NO. 78, SIGNAL TO PLAY BALL AWAITED Over Eighty Candidates Attend the First Meeting of Baseball Squad- -Rickey Present, Mrihign'stsealShliseason01Joric 101 began last tigt t seithte largest itum- her of cadidate's for tie team1111 known it the bshall histors of tin Untiver silo. Oser icgtytmentt oliM theiritteition o1fttg ot the team, among thent beiasateniuoib...…

February 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…( t Vo01. XX. - N ARBlOR, CMICHIGAN, SACIt RI) CY, 'InBR 'CBS isio inn No. g5. LOCAL GIRLS SEEK VOTES FOR WO1YEN'I Speaker 0f Woman's a tBranchl 01 Sufferage Association, is1 Barred from Campus. the C'\ nanII's Letigni ofithis uni- siteichntiiin ofiially ietitfiet intl i thetwomn ii oftragiiiiovemnt is ring l ighere a lprmint iAm'iercan sffea gette itn addlelss theii nint rsti girlst and ton aseople. The women claim1 thatitacting esient ...…

March 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…he Mach i ____'____ A'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA\TURDA\Y, MARCH lii, 1910. No. 18. VOT,. XX. SYRACUSE ATHLETES ARE CONFIDENT OF VICTORY Experienced Methodists Expect to Uphold Hon- or of the East Against Michigan--Leger Un- able to Run--Bohnsack in Poor Condition. THOMAS CAPTURES ORATORY PRIZE Senior Law Speaks Eloquently Before Small Audience--Snyder Takes Second Honors. "Our 9AfriCall loagnla. a discutssioni of the race probltemt, tWat the su...…

May 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…__ _ ig 9an ily NYA \ 1AP 01OR, 11(1110 N 1111. It tS A L I i mi. Vol. XX. cNr. 10o. MAY FESTIVAL OPENS FOR IT"EETENHSAO Earle Killeen Makes Bow as Chorul Conductor ----Series Begins Auspiciously with Thomas Orchestra and Noted Artists RIDER-KELSEY SCORES HUGE SUCCESS TI; N N II'I'I'iS '-I-1LiLII I) IN SPI kC\ I\ITI:\I Illt Teni 11 itoijilt t we0 X III (1111111(1 1an1 adittedto 11hiix'iio'"xx'o.'ioiiooti'ttool at.the: Tarlte and feiasts n...…

July 19, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…TiHE-M WOLVERINE VOL,. I. ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY i~, 1910. No. 8 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1910. No. 8 i VARtSIIYLC[ 612 E. Liberty Only; one block tronm the Canmpus Three good square ,meal s per day Single Meals 25c $3:50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS 0 0 * I 1 6PtAV''I GDL IEIGNI G6 JOORNAL ISOJLOING DETROIT AohrChance A hrFor Those Who Wat IWO MICHIGAN MEN MEE RGUDEATH' Michigan Central Train ...…

October 19, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…The ichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, -MICHIGAN, N(Y I)NESDA1Y, OCTOBER 1Q , 1010 No . 14. Vol. XXI. WILL TEST METAL IN BATTLE TODAY Regulars to Play All-Fresh and Reserves as Preparation for0.S. U. REDDEN REPORTS TEAM~ STRONG liowfat Mchgans grdt(10macie 1has (develioped snce last week's contest with tie Agies ill ie determnedl this aftersoon 1w11(11Captai erook 0111 hsmen face the ,Rsres adth ie All-Frsi. Today's cooest will he the 110 I111 1t ' 0 ...…

November 19, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…TheMich i _ _ Vol XXI. ANN ARBOR, MCFIG GREATEST BATTLE OF YEAR WILL BE CONTESTED TODAY; Northmen and Michiganders Are Evenly Matched for Titanic Struggle Which Will Decide Championship of the West LAWTON WILL START GAME AT FULL ttCttO. is wii xi t '1. tSt'1tt0N'S YR 0 5 50551 t;otsk I(rek....... tobo._2....1.,..2... 178 .........:Fatk Coklin .......8........ 2. T... .2..208 ...... \Walker lion rook ( Capt.)...235.... 3.... 0-.. . to ... 9......…

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