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November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan liai l VOL. XIV. Vo XV.ANN ARBOR, MICH-., THURSDAY, NOVEMBE~R IQ, 1903 No. 47 [OUJR "rOREi PRACICES. CI1ICA60OWRIT~E3SOPINION' YOST WILL STAY HEIRE. WSCOSIN PL[ASI1P. On Ferry Field Before the Wolverine Leave For Chicogo-Signal Work Last Night-Large Score Looked For Against Oeri~r Yost's xwhrwinis will tave onl torathe iceIis on Fe(rylield'i before against the Ma'rns nx Mariixsxti Field Ttanksgivig xiiy. t ichian will practic...…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annollleffenl IheLIat cand \lot (ompete Lin of:.. WOOLENS in Ainn Arb oortilliefoutnd at C=. I. Wild & CWS. 181 <st. Wash i tont St.Gr etit palin havi- been taenini ttio Slio or ttl. tttingS, tr itring-, t ot] coti 108 E. Wash. St. SStewart Edward White *THE FORESTf® « Th~or~..n l~t'n.y A i O A oot Itali orithe. charmiiianii o the greasti tie! t hs tueu ' sid Dir i. hl it o that iu."has wod itiia Lathie masttes iif s...…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TUIE SHORUT LINE: ANN ARBOR to " 't ou ~L1 lloaigIV artile IA lii p u)eiO' traeainisthe f; CHICAGOladanalthsyoaseoh-sn krhaebn0' BUFF'AL-O yuin)ttmt w alfori ittay df r tCasof NEW YORK trtittl AND BOSTON 1111E "4K[RS Of COLL[G[ CLOTHEU1S + With drt c I il iitin t CAl (Stun foi, Si. r' Lo is Kan tt i siii Cie it. t.iit iuii' h es: 4. (tlllAAAAAI ("o c((lt os tnL1ty al ii ?'l Forihnoai on a t i to it t Si 5~llonol .t. Ay',11....…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i TII RA' I7I( l I i ,5SOM'II's Ii. } A 017 lILA! TI/ll 1Y/l 0111H I SA $.0 BTNOLES Y...................... (;roten in turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. N Eni6yed in America. "MOuL SMOKE MAIMLS EGYTIiAN SM'OKELRS d ~ Cork Taps or'lain.. L f P The W. C. KernlCo, 41E57ih St., Chicago. (} aps and Gowns nntadc to ori A, 7 der and iented. Pennants for all colleges and ill I - fraternities carried " i _ 'in Stock. cASe /4.& '~tv Cla...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…VOL. Xill. lo OF iM ALS. No. 168 ANN ARtBORI. MICII.. TUESDAY, MAY 191, 1903 MICHIGAN WINS AGAIN In a Slagging Match Fronm Wiscon- sin Yesterday Afternoon- Score was 15 to 5 .sc1sot't-: S'lANILNG. .Illinois ...... S -'hsesto....... 4 Wisconsin ,....2 Northwestern .1 ler Inst.LCet. 2 .75 .571 4 .t:!t The t'niv'ersity of 'iiilaui basebaill team .tefeaited tih' Universitysofiifs-555 consin yi'sterdlay by the score of t1 to 5. It Avs5thie seconid ...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…r . ]1i 1 P1 i 108 E Wasingtn St THlE UNIVERSITY 1.11' MICHIGAN DAILY. TH E u. OFAA. DAYILYV fi~l~l,llO u ) ' 1t 1f hi v t';ttt'':l tn .'ft r,-rt oto.orA111 -0,Y.Popular P i e ..r......1......,,.. ^ i I. cf{1Cl '" .i1ttii T ennis i R cket , 'Ii IN Lilt '(IA. 1>111..' N N. 'N N. III '''(I e 7' NN 5. Uk, It '1' I. t' jlli Ill 1 N.t I.:lbi t 1 iz', 1 .iI lin 1-111 11 i 11111 I ' I Iitte. I 1tl' ll i ll"1 Tenni i ls e c ......40c AT WAHR'S BOO K S...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…Ti UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to know W o what smartly dressed ' 1 1 ^ mns will wear this sea- P aau s on ask to see arC nliltive a d Q ttttt &t. _ 1.2.S.tMain t ad32 .ua t PALACE AN'IrDPARISIAN ~N YLAST YAR TXL' 0'10 T lt- SIGM1A :IGtIVA SOUTHER N Liiiili'y1 KNICKERBOCKER That,-,tie place where youne lc e gt up-to-dale work, wih0Pb te lattroublel to your-v1 sevs omestc fiishiiiTht prngSiave youseen thenilW e-tioelsd Dpcat. .F O...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. CUTTING r_,Li L S ~ u EE Two=Piece Suits in Tweeds, ,Serge~s 19-1 E. Washington and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr. RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING You wil a fine assortment of Dark Room C Pr. Tai RAndHR AT RENTSCHLER'S. P IC0TU RE S Abolished_______________________ Suitable for wedding and A o ih dMfCHIGAN NOTES. today, bt on attn tnt of tienhuttdoteifsa Negatives developed and _____snply, ty wll not Inoffiered otDFR...…

March 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…T101 U. OF M. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCh 19, 1903 No. 125 ATHLETC NEWS Indoor Team Busy-Cross Country Club Membership Increasing , Fast-Dickinson of D. C. H. Injured With the advent of :the warm 'weather this week the gymnasium is -becoming much less crowded. Many of the track men are running outdoors now with the Cross Country club, which is increasing in membership by jumps and bounds. The men who are to compete agai...…

March 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN_ DAILY. SpringTIHE U. OF M. DAILY Entered as xesconss- etaaasmatter at Ass Arbor tohelecolileofeUSIeSS tPheL'ANAersi, f ii , CU . IsTON,_54 L EDITORS, Athletics Ro'ber't K. Iattoe ,'04L W O O LE NAssig.nment Editor GENERAL NEWS ina Asnn Arbor will be foound Thomas B. Robe'ts. '04. at G. H. Wild c& Clo.'se 108 5fx Finkelstein, '03. E.Washinsgtonsfit. Great Sylves.terrS. Iiotas.r',O. pains havs been taken in Hsossitia ...…

March 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY CI' 1ICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to knowI wxhat smartly dressed ~ men xwill Nvar thinssea- / son askhtosee VESTSStein= I~tnd fot ur d ualitns «rititi & AM i rinl a r y Analysis EBE PALACE AND PARISIAN That's the plice where you gets up-to-date Nvork, with the least troub~le to your- selves. Domestic finishi a specialty. M. F. BOWLER, Agt. Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. . ,,'1 , : i. F., " ffry _ ;r e 'i 4 FdfioD( We luvite yo...…

March 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…THlE U IVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN DAILY. OXFO RDS FO 5,'=Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY CUStOM $3.150 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $4.00 PURIThN fB0[ 60., III S. MflIN STREET RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's WeSell PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLERSi Blc e sefrCr. Main and Huron SI. Phone 389 3 rings. Watercolor Paints Freshmen Regulation CALENDAR DeFIE '11 Isonn itrfvOr of prulgtino 1ritly, Mr 2-AI)4 trmedic social A T S O E _____________...…

February 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…'NI' Us. OiF N. DAILY. N.Votl. XIII. ANN AtRBORI, MMI., WEDN ESD)AY, FEBIRUAIYYI19, 1903N. 1 0 VIEW BASE BALL COACH Manager Batra Announces Choice of R. C. Roach-Old League Player Michigans new ba)se' hall coach is R. C. Roach. MIanager Btairdi made the official annioun(etmetnt of this fact this morning. Mr. Roachi has heeni a inem- ber of both minor and major leagne tams.. te was formerly pitcher on thle Chicago 'National league team. aFor th...…

February 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S p rillig ' TIAt <lg t x xtit'iiiii & xii's coaiitings folr this seasonx. HIE U. OF M. DAILY lr cttpopcsaeli~. l o 1 x x '' x'tx' 'H lxi x i ii 'xl 'lix xx x'i''xx I ix'xi! I x' ' MIANAIiNOiEDlITORt, EARLE I. fIoiit' . '{)., BiUSINESSH i'ANA6iiR. itxtCxxxilB'. lIt. I ' ','i4t. Alticsii xath i- i. Ia'trlrr a'L .. Assigt Editorx Rolfx a ;'. a'rrr~.( iENER'lAL NEWS ,r a ;. i, ,u r G tllxxrk ooc.6 Mat Fixkcx' J' ...…

February 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…FFURN~ 171-7pT'NlYEtR'lTY OF MICHIGA IN DI LY. /AKl .. , , ",. l ,+ i _ l ii;lE '; t t' 'tt", lt' ? t'r (1(' 1"'. r'tl i ? 1'. . f : At Tic u cfi n "t c IL tun'' trv o aeldOhook n gett nen. Endore 14OCC UL S and got your m0oney's worth. Cigarette co-eduoation- Tcn for 15c. Plain and Cork Tip. oA . S U C FIL ' I+ 1I hlISil.10 E. I tirolli S ~tre BURHFEL'SFINE TAILORING TRADE. _ tis v av c eil d tienumbitler if wortinti. Asn uslaltiv hve HEFINES...…

February 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…S pecial Sale in S;trictly all' oo Custom M ,ade Trousers $3.50, $4.00,$5.00 and $6.o AT ONE-QUARTER OFF. Look Window Display. Cutting, Reyer & Coo lit NTSCIILI3R, ARTISTIC FRANING PHOTOG RAPHER. AT RENTSCHLRL'&S LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Hlurona Sts. j Phoane 359, 3 rings. CORNER STORE. AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR liulxxxxxx 'x ( lxxix xx , thexix xx lx it ixifln n xxiI 111ix 'l ii e:,, 'llxxi iil 1t 14' hexx "iii xii lxi'.. xi i ixii' 'i;x S I d~y 111 ...…

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