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January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…..LML-- Ah 'Or 94 PaIls VOL. X. \NN QtIBlOR, MICH., FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1900 No. 83. t , IHOUSE WAARMlING formation of Trsto o.bohold be ose MEDICAL STU ET SUES Iby legislation. Hn. ) . .. Ferry, ot OLG Expected to be a Success With Detroit, will presde, and ddge JoephCOLG W,. Donovan, of Detroit, te Honorable For Reusing Ito Grant Diploma after TT L 20010 People Present. Davar E. Heineman, ddge George s. ThrqRqie ore Fine ~IIrbrresbv enhos...…

February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…be '*of Srl VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, -RICH., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1900 No 105. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD CO. We hav e just r eceivedl our line of spuing woolens for men' war It includes everything in staples that ar suit'able andI ie- sirable foi the season. We are also shoswing fall ranges in nonv- elis n qualitysort style to soi tshe most exacting taste, consisting of 1Top Coats, Suit- ins ancy V\ests andl Golf Ii osriinns VsWe insvite...…

March 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

… 'or '4 Pailj4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1901 0) No. 128. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received 00r tine of spring woolens for men's wear. tI includes everything in staples that are suitahte andl de- sirable for the season. We are atso shoswing full ranges io nov- elties, isquality and stleteoi suit ttie most exactiiig taste, consisting- of Top Goats, Suit- ingsIFanty \ ests andI Golf T'rouset in...…

May 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. INN ARB3OR, 11ICI., S ATURDNY, IY 19, 1900. No. 172. MME. SHUMANN HEINK. a social significance, and so- TO PLAY THE BADGERS. Sp igciety leadera vied with eact other in - p ~g Wins a Bri''iantTriumnph, The Great their array. The profusion of fle owns Teami Now il Grand Rapids Readgl Announcement Contralto Captivates a Large with a 1redoniace of bright colo, the for the Game. Audience-The Afternoon flawers aworo eerywhere ad the ligit To...…

October 19, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…M NT'...'"M , , Vol,. Xl. ANN ARBOR, MICII. ,1i FR1DAY, OCTOBER6 19, 1900. No. 2s3 FENCING CLUB PLANS Purdue Expects a Hards Game. Musical Clubs Must Spend Their A nnouncemient Ti# g"--tol -W~ rt Nights in Ann Aibur. ITeams of Fulls and Broadowords to Be ket rtp yt-stet-ilay, ando though no Our special line ;Chosen -Intercollegi-ate Fe- sac ts--c t o3 it roellt- lvr foset h urtiy of fo ein n lg las.tha twouldl leadt to "orotstttg, ctisidlet-I...…

December 19, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…;be 4 o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICE!., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 191 1900. No 7T2 Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec-I tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husiness purposes or for full dress y. occasions. G. D. WILD CO, ro8 E. Washington St. DAINTY XMIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane c...…

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