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August 19, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 24) • Page Image 1


August 19, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…the~ OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class matter Subscription by carrier or mail, $1.oo Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street Phones: Business-96o; Editorial-2414 )ffice Hours: Managing Editor-r :oo to 2:oo o'clock daily except Saturday; Business Manager-1:oo to 2:00 o'cloc...…

August 19, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…roprietor . df o The RANDALL STUDIO FOR HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS IA E' etrI f 11 Phone 598 121 E. Washington St. rI; Striking Values for the U rr 4a M AJESTIC MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Sunda Aug. 17-18-19-D. W. Griffith presents "True Heart Susie." Lillian Gish, Robert Harron. "When Love is Blind." Sennett Comedy. Aug. 20-21-Charles Ray in "The Sher- if's Son." Bray Pictograph. Selected Comedy. College Woman Season'...…

August 19, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…Take Home ichigan With You by getting i I The New M ichigan Song Book 240 Pages-68 Songs $3.00 SHANTUNG DISPOSAL WILL EMBROIL U.S. WITH lAPS (Continued from Page One) "The president," added the wit- ness, "seemed to be about the only one who did not think this was a pure bluff, on the part of Japan." Chinese delegates told him it was on the advice of the United States that the Chinese did not raise ques- tions of extra territory, futu...…

August 19, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…R" DORFHELY OFFICIALI WEK75c SUMRNEWPAJ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS P CEFVE..PT u Would Have Training Begin In Grades and Continue Through College Years. DO NOT REALIZE IMPORTANCE Systems of .gymnastic exercises be- ginning in grammar school and con- tinuing through high school and the four years of college were recommend- ed by Dr. George A. May, in view of the fact that less than 50% of our male pop...…

August 19, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE INE Straw and Felt per for sumrHats 1-2 Price day af- FACTORY HAT STORE 118 E.Huron NearAllenel Hotel pon ap- inager. I Quar- whistle behind my plough. I hate you, Phar- cold Moon." Then many times did the spring or, 2:00 gild the beeches into green, while Tanager, Tarkov loved the Sun. And many 960 or seasons did his song beat tune to the tripping of hammers and the sweeping SUMMER SCHOOL T EXT B.O.OK S New and Second-Hand Draw...…

August 19, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE , , 1 MPIONS OF THE WES I *** * * * * * FOOTBALL S*PE*MA** ALL-TIME MICHIGAN FOOT-.* BALL TEAM. (Fielding H. Yost.) ) First Eleven- *Great Coach Made Wolverine Team L. E.-Cnrtis Redden, '00-03. * Best In Country-Fifteen Years L. T.-Joe Curtis, '03-06. * at Michigan. L. G.-Dan McGugin, '01-02. * C.-Adolph Schulz, '04-'08. to.* Coach Fielding H. Yost's first ap R. G. Albert Benbrook, '08-10. * pearance in Ann Arbor was for t...…

August 19, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE FEAR TYPHOID EPIDEMIC HERE tines and close watch of personn be- GYNASIUM COURSE CHANGED ing transported from one place to an- other. Hospitals Refuse to Receive Infantile White rats, dogs, cats, animals and Theory and Practice of Coaching to Paralysis Cases pets of all description are especially ie Taught Students dangerous as carriers of the disease. - - Typhoid epidemic is active in Ann The nose is proved to be the easiest Owin...…

August 19, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…PRICE 50c THE ONLY OFFICIAL F THE REMANER I- 3~ WL I~ I ~ NSUMMER NEWSPAPER OFH THELSMMERINE, I I _ Vol. Vt. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915. No. 25. 'nnn-rrnrrbras Staff M~an Selects REPOT I MONeftBest Books On Present War Toa irIInIV 111 as' o the unvriy irr are nu- The second 1)00k soetioned by Mr. 1:30 ocok"h odr fRh eosboso h uropean scar, Gosdricb was, "The Great Wsar," by Schedule For 1915 Comaposed of lonm' World," (ill...…

August 19, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THlE WOLVERINE- Orpheurn"E heatre The (lose oft ici plys by Fmo at tiuvAg '-W . r i th Sv-, Ausg. c'-5i1' aci'ite Cahi I'liceGos' Gi rl.'' Arcade Theatre SHOWS:ATEIINONS 400 EE. 6:15; :45; 915 'nlazlc, :C i in I~evIi n fsairi Fr.,Aug. cc (licciWaricinThei Mau h o Sic n ol di t'ef' isa Clii'~c Capli i "Tng'itangld."' Sa. A g.'c-"Tliii'1 n i I cctnu Path,' feature n hce ai Temple Theatre UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT W~e give you the finest selection ...…

August 19, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE vv ^1.VERINE Amatur Potoraphrs'Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing . We charge youAmtuPhtgahr'iAnAroistVEO nothing for devel- i n ro sa RNSO oping roll films Ift LON r' ~~ nvest Aeu you can find a L NDONS,79NrhUiestAvne 7 LF .L t O ii s i g e e e t T o o r f o ilVu d t r ums t a b is h e d 1 9 0 5 , a n d g r o w in g b ig g e r e v e r y d a yU NEW -Forty-Nine 'Thousand Proclaim Mscltoionnilnn n N Wall iftotical Supplieos a t'(r...…

August 19, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…''"ITE l' O 0 i'- , tt'i' I M\[I he Farmers& Mechanics Bank RET'OIraTio Imot ..;,'Ittoo ooo (E' l ''' ~ o' o i atE o m 1.1. o'tt l? F rWla(tI o' "lce i tefo hsto i 0 o oloo Bentolne .tantso tO0 30 S Ra Stee Lu eiiii, igic ii i ar p oved li'~luoe ;, NN'otilt, toere I onolot. aolo or ati00o000 of fooo' 11('00000. , uolS rr G.Ioslo . ost' o t "ii~ nigOt t o 0 fil0000 ual0 ito. 00 00 0 uitve00rsiy o w el00000 igibitolity eker oit / id~w t dWit ...…

August 19, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREEO L V E R1 N ELYIIAiI EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c Ii SUMMER PUBLICATION Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDIAY, AUGUST 19, 1913. No. 24 FOOTBALL OU L O!G11 I l 19111~ERMAN STUDENTS TO VISIT SE M E CELE T UNIVERSITIES OF AMERICA ______g_,__or total 0ratr ils tn liph Tiro 1lnydir, '141, lRel iras Fromt FAight "IP :.ell kvc Eligile Fo I'lis f ii 5membohrt, iid their 111eiOinl o at With iisVarsity, and Others fou~nl hs r ha s, A. E...…

August 19, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVEnITSNU i TRY T RU0BEY'S ICE CREA Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 16 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUS( MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Regular Fall Term Sept. 29- Feb. 7 All Braches of Msc For Cataloge or Informatio, call at ofic or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Captal 'rl,.o srplus, 500Oa THE FARMERS AND MEHANICS BAN ANN ARBOR, MIC. iofelook~ig a11(4 C ourt o' 'o',c~otonoc,,of ou Culle as cis our W orod. 3 p...…

August 19, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE 1 iJ. d ..We are High Flyers in the shoe line. we handle the very finest and newest of footwear though we don't charge high > prices You certainly should see our display of latest model low cut shoes. Their classiness will be apparent at a glance, their comfort at the first "try on Headquarters for S__ -- PINGREE MADE SHOES GILMORE SHOE COMPANY 119 South Main Street WHITE STAR LINE W"ARF FOOT OF GRISWOLD For a Delightful All Da...…

August 19, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…T HE WO L VnnI N E C. I. KIDD Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING THIS WAY you Summer Students-Come around for a LUNCH that is a LUNCH wBAN IR 9 Corner of Monroe and Thnayer Sts. A fanil line of Tobacco and Cigarettes. iifgh Grade Confections and Fruit. a 0 SPECIAL SALE ON LETTER PAPER AND TABLETS We carry All Sizes Loose Leaf Paper 340 S. STATE ST. IRVING F. SCHLEEDE I 0 1 I UNIVERSITY AVENUE, PHARMACY 1GOULDING & WI...…

August 19, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…THE WOVRN Vol II. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1911. VERSAILLES SHOWS TWOFOLD INTEREST Historic and Artistic Aspects Attract Traveller Says Prof. Canfield GIVES STATISTICS OF PALACE "Versaiies offers Iso isnsds of ile- est to tihe trisveler, ihistorical interest andr us artistic intorest"-was the theme t of a lecture given hiy Prof. A. G. Can- field oii Thuirsuiay afternoon o the top- ic "Versailles. "Nowhere else cain one st...…

August 19, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…T ?Ii EWOL VERNI NEN Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWAUKEE Let Us Have a Talk WithYOU FRED'K M. STEINBAUER Dlistrict Agent.,tHammond Building Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK * Local Agent 1210o Washtenaw Ave. Call 373-J LUNCHES BANCILOFTS. PHOTOGRAPHS;R Official Photographer to Michigan Athletics for 10 yearn. Studlio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 961-L' SuetsSupply Store Shtationery, ENGINEErR'S SUPPLIES, CantdyCigars, otc.1111 S.University UNIVER...…

August 19, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE -PHOTOGRAPHERS - Those who wish to take back home the photograph fcr the friend who w tt remember you with peasure each time it is seen, shoud go to Randall & Pack. They bring out att the finer possibi- its and yet do not eliminate that You which you tove to think your friends care for Then, when you go home, give or send her a likeness that she csn converse with. I'll warrant you will receive a smile or letter that is worth th...…

August 19, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…TI11E kk U 1,V IR I NE a and Ftint Hold~t M. M~. NOWLIN, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mngr. Test Rootoo l teSecond tFloor Make o~lr Store Your Shopping Headquar-ters 34 MACK tom,,CO. LAWl Brief Cases () tt '11,sofBoloks. tc. NE0WItl ItSecond Oiold Edwards Brothers 31o)S. State. O(ote lio lo IWE Bel1ieve In Signs AND IIAKE ALL KINDS Let as make you a Sketch-and give you a price on anything lathe Sign lier: Weissigner Sign Co. Phn e 910-L CIUICHETINO...…

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