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May 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. INN ARB3OR, 11ICI., S ATURDNY, IY 19, 1900. No. 172. MME. SHUMANN HEINK. a social significance, and so- TO PLAY THE BADGERS. Sp igciety leadera vied with eact other in - p ~g Wins a Bri''iantTriumnph, The Great their array. The profusion of fle owns Teami Now il Grand Rapids Readgl Announcement Contralto Captivates a Large with a 1redoniace of bright colo, the for the Game. Audience-The Afternoon flawers aworo eerywhere ad the ligit To...…

May 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…wpp 2 I ilL UN iVEsA'ill I UVI IGHIGAN DAILY i Publish ed Day (Sudy'exceptd) during the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrpicE: The Inatd Pee", iening ttls's. Bth Pheese1t2. MANAGING EDITOR. F. Eeevassss, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0.. H eS.'00 L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, G0.. Rcues. T'St E. r.R. Woeorow. L. A.t1,.MDu.'ALL,'tlE J,.B.WOD, 't, W L, ItCEEY,'0M, L. J.MssssttsnERttt'00, R. H. JtssEtttt.s'0L WA. ENtGHT '1tL V. T. EANSs'0. ...…

May 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 YCOUNTS when you boy-See that you get it-If we can- ' not show you better styles and quality for the moneyr',1 L J A& wheu you buy neckwear, don't huy-Null se-5c to $- GOODSPEIED'S 1117 South Main Street. MICHIGAN CENTRAL 1 ',The Niagara Falls Route" CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect April 59, 1899. Detroit Night Expre...........5 55 A.. Atlantic Expesc........7 45 erand Rapi ds Express.........1l 10"...…

May 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…:: THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. __H NVEST F IHGI' AL " OUTFITS If you want.... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, ECLEEKS,_MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... You can find them at Sheehan's ;ecary the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Or clerks are up to dlate Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pu- chase of outfits. We are Auu Arbor Agents for the following well-known c...…

May 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…be U AL-1T/) . . ,.> i I i 's . VOL. X1, ANN ARBOR, MiNC.., SUN )AY, A 19 1901 No. 172 ....Our Special Line of.... CHICAGO DEFEATED ' hoil shine 'print ot the finish, Henry of THE FESTIVAL CLOSES I____Ch 'Iicaohad l0ititlie (tore, andeS woo ont Foreign and omesicI Moloney Defeats Hayes-Record for 10;mfolt liabenewoo sfilt tory much l With an ItmneAde~ea as PA BDjc Half Milo Brolien-Rocoids Made ililie ofhot antis loit. 00it le could "F I Ni...…

May 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…Z THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' DAILY. .._. * ~L, ( ~ t THE FESTIVAL CLOSES f continued from ifirst iPage.] Antother chaster itsasbeen ad~dedlto "Tie nanyss;;nests from out of town r the 11 i -s-Aoloni ser ial sto~rk- asd tillndthe real critics are a unit in their thistsine Ditin t oie in-rs.rhese meis seasr-s of th1e excellesnce of the eon- e-aljsiss olf11h(ir teamis, inie met on renls. The festiv-al wasonoe of the four dliffers-nt oreasions...…

May 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…~IHLIJE 7VISA Y OF ANIlGAIN DAILY i4, St raw '"Bonnets" Our summer display of Men's "M and attractive as a Paris showin; Only what it laclis in color, it n ~4, You're invited to looll. o o p~ w' iii Eillinery" is as p of picture mnes up ins :. 5' s L' . 3 M Il roe new, hats. Style. AP4© )DSP"S .7 MAI STREE AlarlmlCluo 4, new M'hiP0ct $.0. Fn ts Dental Gol ty l. eta ol ndsldr Wepycp o l oda silver. F MINSET 4 .4 RIGS 3 s33 ? : 3: : :3 3: 3...…

May 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…TIE UNI'VERSITY 011 MICHIGAN, DAILY 4 Jerseys NOTICE We have our most -xcellent line of seasonable We have them on all kinds of combination of colors.,, isCmake WOOLE NS, SERGES, WORSTEDS themr to order for class teannis inia HE I T any colors selected, wvith :einer- ala, letters or usomgrs-i at club on the table wailing your inspe( rates.o We wilt show you nearly Soo different styles of trouserir-ga. We 'ct-en. ff-7 yout the finest line ...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…VOL. Xill. lo OF iM ALS. No. 168 ANN ARtBORI. MICII.. TUESDAY, MAY 191, 1903 MICHIGAN WINS AGAIN In a Slagging Match Fronm Wiscon- sin Yesterday Afternoon- Score was 15 to 5 .sc1sot't-: S'lANILNG. .Illinois ...... S -'hsesto....... 4 Wisconsin ,....2 Northwestern .1 ler Inst.LCet. 2 .75 .571 4 .t:!t The t'niv'ersity of 'iiilaui basebaill team .tefeaited tih' Universitysofiifs-555 consin yi'sterdlay by the score of t1 to 5. It Avs5thie seconid ...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…r . ]1i 1 P1 i 108 E Wasingtn St THlE UNIVERSITY 1.11' MICHIGAN DAILY. TH E u. OFAA. DAYILYV fi~l~l,llO u ) ' 1t 1f hi v t';ttt'':l tn .'ft r,-rt oto.orA111 -0,Y.Popular P i e ..r......1......,,.. ^ i I. cf{1Cl '" .i1ttii T ennis i R cket , 'Ii IN Lilt '(IA. 1>111..' N N. 'N N. III '''(I e 7' NN 5. Uk, It '1' I. t' jlli Ill 1 N.t I.:lbi t 1 iz', 1 .iI lin 1-111 11 i 11111 I ' I Iitte. I 1tl' ll i ll"1 Tenni i ls e c ......40c AT WAHR'S BOO K S...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…Ti UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to know W o what smartly dressed ' 1 1 ^ mns will wear this sea- P aau s on ask to see arC nliltive a d Q ttttt &t. _ 1.2.S.tMain t ad32 .ua t PALACE AN'IrDPARISIAN ~N YLAST YAR TXL' 0'10 T lt- SIGM1A :IGtIVA SOUTHER N Liiiili'y1 KNICKERBOCKER That,-,tie place where youne lc e gt up-to-dale work, wih0Pb te lattroublel to your-v1 sevs omestc fiishiiiTht prngSiave youseen thenilW e-tioelsd Dpcat. .F O...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. CUTTING r_,Li L S ~ u EE Two=Piece Suits in Tweeds, ,Serge~s 19-1 E. Washington and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr. RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING You wil a fine assortment of Dark Room C Pr. Tai RAndHR AT RENTSCHLER'S. P IC0TU RE S Abolished_______________________ Suitable for wedding and A o ih dMfCHIGAN NOTES. today, bt on attn tnt of tienhuttdoteifsa Negatives developed and _____snply, ty wll not Inoffiered otDFR...…

May 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1014 No. 164 VOL. XIV.- USUAL ASCENSION SIN[ONIA CONV[NTION "rICHI1IANITECHIC Took Plase in the Eighth Inning Yes-' National Convention of Musical Fra- Engineering Publication is Issued. It! terday-Score 8 to 5 in Chicago's ternity in Session in Ann Arbor. Contains Biographies of Profes. Pthn by Delegates Attend Faculty sors Greene and Cooley. Able f Favor GoodPicngb Concert. Remaining...…

May 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY jG. H, Wild Comfpay SLeadinlg Merchant Tailors SPRNGWOOLENS T SFor Suits, Top Coat, and', ZTrousers. F ull dress suits a specialty. Let us show you *our Loudou Serges, Lodou SCheviots, Scotch Mixtures, ZKiloweus, Blarneys, High Ilauds, Ediuburghs, Drum- tochty's, MGugors, Londou aud St. Audrew Flanels,* Londou Cassimeres or Amer- icsu Serges. Please call aid see 0. HI. Wild Collpally I0 C . WASINGTON STREET. SENIOR STUDEN...…

May 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SIRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE In order tat yoo mnay be- come acquainted wtth our ex- cellent lunches, we will seve Strawberry Sorcake, made of tbe best cake, large fresb berries and pure whipped cream, for 10 cents Rolls (aniy kind) with coffee, tea or cocoa, l . Granger's . ANN OffleHosm-S: Mr.i t an et rillit he tttt~y otietron Fomtt9tta. trIn. 10 ot.. ion ttttty 1 reachahim. tt t iN tttttI YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tuatile's, 33...…

May 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY m 0-040 -.-.-.-. 0 -e ..".. + . NOTICIE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in i 1 t .4 Q;rokm' in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. NIMOCIL SMOKE' MAKES EGYPTIAN SMOKLRS Cork Tips orPlini. Se theCoupons. the "New Spud Last." For the benefit of onr cnstomers we wish to say that the Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very muchb stronger by going into ...…

May 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…'I 0 PA Q) CM"l 7V f r .,, ; r- r .... . "" - ,-.. .-. _ .. ...., ,i f. .-.+ f, + " f - _ 'J. J " . ._. J i-. !- _ . ... .... 'r. _ . f 7-u - . . 1. ! i t " J. " %. 'J. _. .l. . f- _.. . ._.. , J - s. - T' - t - w ,r-', . = _ - r 7 - _ (CD. r . - - I -, s n .r 00 fil C - - .. C !- . ' ! %_ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ ""/. r J ' i ",r v , r _ r- "! (}" ; . r . '- a r - ^, r,.-+ f " , , .. u ir.I z2 0 x) x) N 0H pow r. n 00 …

May 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. !*f + +++ + *4 ® ' THIIEfI~tIC HIGAN DAI LY. Spring att . i) Psttice / Manang Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. ' Tailoring BuiesMngrCLUEATHPSN 1100 / ~~~~Atlics------------- CLYDE L. DEW / New~~~~a s--------ATHUR 1). POUND / Wome~~a1n.............Ida M. iBrownrigg THE NEW SPRING AS EDITORIAL ,STAFF: WOOLENSeRE1. Waite Jayne W OEStGeorgeA.DelirneAthurcT. Hugg RED Y flV raeklin C. IPait l'. T. EareeOgle. Jr. 4A. H. Ortmeierc Harold...…

May 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Burch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Gizarantees... You the mnst skillful and artistn',erice ts be had anywhere. We alnwavs camry alare and -eL ogle cof seasonaublel01- ens. We have the a. encl feurIh b&ccN ew'el's Cusctomn Shirts. and can show co a erge. lbst ii l ace exlusive line of 'hirt- , ings ''perfect filting. Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 LI Huron HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer, at -homney Sarin10 Pricees......…

May 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. "eeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeoeeeee ®eeeeeeeeeeeeee* I Sfu~derlts Like Coat I 3.0 Shirts. * They have arrived and just what you want They're so easy to 1lti Ii cv iitt i i oilyth TANS( KING CALF laisidrys (which Ife c tltly i iia '[coat- shirts out of the oilier (PGSKISTfAAXEDCAL 'ort) We offer for quick saile a lot of l ct.5o value coat shirts VA1U1Lt ' his week for ai.oo. PATENT LEATHERS Jt ENAMINAL LEATIHER All Styles an...…

May 19, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The_ Michigan Daily 'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, I 'IiLII)1'I Nt 'IN 9 1906 VOL. XVL. Not:. :(7. FREiSHMEN ARE VICTORS IN FRIDAY'S CONTESTS Tug-of-War Is a Walkaway and Big Rock Is Easily Placed on Campus-Sophomores Are De- termined to Win Today. eil eers fromlI hundriedsiofthei p lrisns 'henaughty-nIie Ilg-f-warl gaito s 111111111tiesohmrstl, ihe ''Ni" ilpennant over111t1111 1111111 1i11 inn scarce1y0linelminute111to1wil111 h Itl''fs'the 1 f1rst...…

May 19, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 165) • Page Image 2

…TEMICHIGAN DAILY THE LEADING 'Tailors *eMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [FULL DRSS SUIS A SEITY 311 S. State it. Ann Arbor, Miol. A Little Early maybe, to talk of Com- mncement, b ut it's not too early to remid you that books make by far the most desir- able gifts for such an occasion and to remind on that an excellent line aswaits your selec- tion Sheehan & GCo's Students' Bookstor...…

May 19, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TA TUS' 'I'fhTIV "'!M anad ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tapital stok, $5,000. Srpls, $200,(100 Resources., sIiil000 A Grnral Banking Bsnsss Trasactd OFFCRrrrS: Cas. F. lis'rck. res; W. T IIccr rriu Vice Pres; I. llrt, Cshrr Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ae. New I'hone 457 11B11 P one47t W ANTE D Comptetlr oa...…

May 19, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 165) • Page Image 4

…_______________ 'I MICHIGAN DAILY? 1I Hockifig Valley Ry. I New Shoe Styles [or College Men CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars -on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsein Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32"j Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUHI SANITARY PLUMBING Glas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCH-UHf, 207 E. Washington St....…

May 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDal VOL. XVIIL No. 1617. MICHIGAN WINS FROM OHIO STATE Final Score Is 104 1-3 to 57 2-3- Giarrels and French Establish New Records. th 'O 1 t XXIra ';111 h 11111118t 11111818I'la tca XXX\ich load" ;,11111 I\0,;1(1 oneI. 11ml I1 a1111 .}11,1C,1w it 11111al (,t 1C Ca rel11"t 111 broke till-1111 va~ t " 1(1 111:1 1(1 % 8 1 , ill Ill, 220 -1 118' v 1'111111 hit I 3 3, X tll 'XX 11 of Ill"1 \ 1 1 it tll 111rclc 111"O ,11 b 1 c;ri1 h...…

May 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…... V M 11 11 I IIIgI IWII s1 - t W rti cn ra FD to CD tr. a r M J 0 0 - C C O ' o co CS f3 tI) 00 QC) CJH ~C '0 r.~ W 9 v M T lea w-. {* Ct ." 77 c^ lr j. .^ 1. t I r: y r v 1. _ f Oc-- _ v 0R _Clemp o r -~ r77 ~ 0 P" i- 'l - f ' r r ' i ..? l ^ r . ; is : y '! r: r h i .W l _ "!: i -- I P /' .ti - {f u r . . r, ' n .." :f .. "J '-t ... <J; f 7 Ct T, tit F s , r Y y r M W r/ P ' /W4WVVA/1! 71 = ,. ' M: . 7= . i t . :...…

May 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…THE~t MICIGIAN DAILY Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailorinlg Trade AT MACK'S Can Deliver the Goods The Best Dollar Shirt S A URC FILD COIN ANN ARBSOR Every ne ismade f it0 lirdi of rtoidsintt iO i 5ty I it 106 EAST HURON STREET MACK ft. CO. THE FARMERS AND MIEHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREEITS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,001) Dotesa aGeneriliBatkting Busiinessiatit lay 3 perentttnttrest oti Ttieatid taittgs De its. Safety tlepoti t...…

May 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…TjTE MICH1IGAN DAILY Alarm Clocks. ( J B reak o'lDay Signal ?Qc Persian Law n-29c Shandon Bells Toilet Soap S'I ! 19C a Box HOAG'S lloma Supply Store. Occidental Hotel ]Fresh Roasted, 1-0lc We bu.y In, tcar-load lots anad roast daily. D]EAN tom, CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mai St. C'ALENDIAR, 10- h 1'(' F I 11 1t s l t X 3 1 011 ~to \i~< s,.1 i = ti~ i l c 1 1 1i cr 11 il 1 01 rc I t tl ti N~udyulkeo Iean play1 bi 1011115po l O rm 'Il 1 oI l W...…

May 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL,. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -XICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY i9, 1908. Noa. 169. BASEBALL SQUAD DEPARTS FOR EAST Leaves for Ithaca oi M. C. at 2:40-Fresh Lits Place in Final - -Stahl Wins CCC Race. \Vhhe hon11rgilli4rcord ofte1 won11out1of1eleve1n g11110, th ibaseall team lle1a01c090today1to est1the 11etleof thefle east 00. lTheosquad(1l1e(v00o le Mih~igan C('olrl a1 24, (01 Bflo. and 11will go1from11thr 1to Ithaca 1for th first gme...…

May 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…~THE MICHIGAN HAIL, w , THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. G.HI Wild Comfpan lfl -ig -_dtr_ z~ al _ _ llastttt 'd'.r C R-1 R I;t. Buin resAt,,anag -C. .WINSTErAo Our Spring iC98 line of fine Imported and Domestic WONES Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Uapto-D~ate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade. Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully' solicited~. G. H. Wild Comfpally 311t South State Street New...…

May 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…Now is the lime - TO- SAVE TIME Shave yourself BEFORE you wait. HOW?. With a Gillette Safety bought at tQUARRY'S Money Loaned On W~atches, iiaeattdo, lat lBoots, or other personoal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds *Office nt residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. 3 Hoars : 8 to 11:30 a. m..oItoo4 :05andi 7 to JOSEPH C. WATTS pring t Po~st Cav-ils THE MICIIICAN DAILY ilFZIAT FAVORS UNITED I)RA'NIA'TI' ORG...…

May 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…TRt MICRIOAN DHAILYS IT'S EASY TO The ladder of social and busine your garments bear evidence of soun refined taste. But a color or a to you, lowers your stock in other pf First we consider your built and then suggest becoming fabrics. NN ments to please your purs-e. Better drop in on your w- AMUSEME+ C LiMBCALENDAR, Mai o--MeNcting of Kansas club, 7:15 1)1 1° J lcton of officers. \I Ii 2- hoech (Chateaund Cil ath- erl,' ilustratedI lectnre ...…

May 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…................. No M. 'a IS 0 0 poo p, A A A y 0 zI i r _ r _ '= '' '= z v" .. o , '~. . ..+ .. ;, , .y - r i r " a %" s m . ~ y r "' -: i 1 J V a' . f; .. M v-: : = v ,; ' % _.. f . r s o . ,. , ,-. ~ ,-- w. r; J: _. J J f' ,,., ,.' r - -' ^i J- 'r .. n r-!" ,, n ! 7 r r; r, Ju - J; Jam, i - 'ti I .- ' I " - - 7= { ., r ' ; ^ r f _ ('' r i / J. ' r .-- _ V . r, J, r rte. , / V, "' , .ti ' ' ^ . 'f _.. - - -. : .. - -^ - .te- - '_ ,...…

May 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY !THE MICHIGAN DAIL) G. ff. Wild Comfpanly AI ERCH7ANT TAIL ORS : Have received a large line of woolens foe SPRING and SUM- MER in (Msleniunm, Light, and Dark Art Leather Silver Drab, Greeian Drab, Light .Mole. Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Combertand, Lhester, Orient, Pet- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Frderal, Empire, Raer, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Woes- teds. Please come early and hav...…

May 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burdilfield's Mliu~ic an rama icn;ldNoll 1:See chiropodist :01d ave omfor. Fa i tassago atnu Fine Tailoring sc.p trerittoottts also gitven1. office pPUPILS' PR'CITAL TODAY. Hour's.q50to I212 . t.. I to 5 p. in. Tra e Apuhic pupils'rcital 0wilhe i. I I, eitg cork door by appointment. atthe Univerosits Sschool oflus(tohins I Plici N\o. (&-yJ HtisP. J. Foosy,,921 afternoonoat 41 5, yhi lo f 1 bstI I01011 St. 42 sOil George ...…

May 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH~IGAN DAILY - Nye hw one thousand different fabricest Our sty lea r as modest as a Jne bride, r as da riig as an Africn liunts- Theiextaapariclar fellow we just dote o p(ciin guwell appreciate the viidt ore if yo'e of the haitd to fit."' J. KARL MALCOLM AfI U5sEMENTS New iw'ltney Theatre BOTH PHONES 480 Safu ay1 anod a;Ni ht May 22 Chare iDillingham's Complete Production By Henry Blossom oand Vcto Hrbrt, Athos o Mit. Moi HEADED BY Wal...…

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