May 19, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 160) • Page Image 1
…AL of AT. Wai Vol'. I.-ti o. li ). UN\IVEI;SITY OIL MICIIIGAN, TL ESD A, \AY 1,,, 18911. DENNISON NOT AVENGED. The Prosecuting Attorney will not Prosecute. dlhberation or twitht criminal intent. 6. Untier such circunmstanices a Convictiont if any onie of the (deer-j The Seniors' [lie freshmen litsv by the senior lits ye: Prosecutings toriv littinononthsitrrr oureisas coiicicteid it wciuld behriste tosottefi y'esiertlas-esnteredl a n)1, l' i so...…