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February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…*ir gan ~~Iait Editorial The Dartmouth College Case, 1939. ANN ARBOR, MICMHGAN, SUNDAY, FEB. 19, 1939 i PRICE FIVE 0 Ticket Sale For Marital TalksOpens Authorities From Vassar, New York And Detroit To GivV,_Lectures Here' e~rar Course Is Closed To Undergraduates Loyalists Will Surrendei If Franco Gives Amnesty New Crisis Arises In Afriei WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.-(P)- Tickets for the second semester rack Firsts Disclosure that a French air...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…___THEMICHIGANDAILY Predicts Chinese Alumna Dictators' Influence In Selection Art Cinema Shows )f Hitler Wants Medkal Of Pope Minimized By Throop Comedies Today "A4 f 0 I "The Comedy and Buster Keaton" is The Cardinals who will meet later this month to elect a successor to Pope Pius XI realize the danger of choosing a figurehead pope, Palmer A. Throop of the history department said in an interview yesterday, and will probably not be influence...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…19, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverines Bally To Tie Buckeye Swimmers Again, 42-4 9 Natators Gain Needed Points In Final Relay Quayle Swims 100 Yards In 52.5 To Better Mark . And Defeat Walt Tomski (Continued from Page 1). was a super swimmer as a result of his 52i1 victory against Yale, went com- pletely haywire. ' If the medley dampened the ardor of the Wolverines, the 220 free style threw all the water in Columbus, Ohio, on them. Capt. T...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI-AN DAILY U SUNDAY, FEB. 19, THE MICHIGAN DAILY I - >1 Ili- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morningexcept Monday during the University year and Sumn r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwis...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 5

…HtD MICHIGANDAILY Ball Committee v7 l f Charlotte Houk States Names Of Chairmen Eligibility Cards Needed; Meeting Of Ticket Group Will Be Held Monday The list of committee members for Assembly Ball, to be held Friday, March 3, in the ballroom of the League, was announced yesterday by Charlotte Houk, '39, general chair- man. The decorations comittee, headed by Frances Burgess, '39A, is com- posed of: Grace Helen Barton, '41; Sally Corcoran...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fussell Denies Divine Belief Before 2,000 rplins Concept Of Space From Four Viewpoints During Morning Lecture (Continued from Page 1) verse, the results are most disap- nting. 'urther, Lord Russell queried, is re anything in the result of evolu- i of which to be particularly proud? )lution produces degenerate ani- Is as well as perfect. When he re- ts that one-quarter of the world's ome is devoted to mass murder, n supposed...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

…$rank meiber and critic of the news- paper jvablishiflg fraternity,WIiaBm Alle White-. It is also the view of George Seldes, author of a long list of books (weapons) for the protracted battle t win a truly free press. His lat- est endeavor, Lords of the Press, al- though lacking a tighter organization of its parts, simply and clearly states the facts which prove that most of the' :)eading American newspaper publish- - ers are mouthpieces for s...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 8

…~4 HEl * d~j z to. 0. 4' ~CD 00' C7 C; CD ~C : :0: CD ca (<CD. x,. ca' Oh'2 t 0 CD I. O QCC: 9o ro c Vi CA cr .a CD CD M.,~ o (* 0 0 CD CD ITJ .I " CD 0 cD ; t 0 ' 0 0~ 1-4 0 n 0 CD ' CD '1 (D y Ch D (D (D 0 C D C 0t c 0 C ~CA (4 07 CD f) 1 1-' CD) 4 S CD00C+ (D 0 0CD 4 p I.." ~H C+1c (4- OCD + c' Cl- 00D 0v 0C.t C C' CD C!, O o r ! CD 1 Ci CD CD in. '0 CD Y" Pw '0 CD I, o~ roCD r ~0 0 00 CD no G 04. CD 0 -. 0W ~0 C+ 0 (4ยข...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 9

…Iii a) 4) U O 44 4l) '00 M.t . 4y '_4) 4; a> ' 01 4H ) H".j r) 1- o4.) ;o-4 o .. . I4 4 p 0 0 o- U) i~ U 4) $4 , s-, 0 .44 4-t c34 '4-r a'4 o' 4' 0 0 $-a 0 '0 10 a~ 174U) i /> rD -" 3 >40' ca. + an -4 ) bD G 3 a ..-ia(4:c . 4) ." . U) 4-+ -'.tn4te OD O)-. a~i h Vt $.4 D - 4 W'<44:'44 3. 0 C0 (4 04)U)4-44 O cu -- 4 (4~ . 0 4) -4J 41 '4- o w bA 4 a o to C44 2O~- .; O H dz In-'4-1 w- d4d,) 4 c Q4 Cd4) -q w cs. 0a O v 02 :"a4) to b o...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 10

…FROM ySPAINs, T ANNe :ARBOR byRobert Cummrrins, A Member Of The International Brigade HE 15th BRIGADE took Quinto late in August and then at- tacked Belchite which fell on September 9. This was severe fighting and so a battalion of replace- ments was sent to the brigade from the training base at Tarazona. We were up and down the Aragon front in reserve positions-Almochuel, Albalate, Senes de Alcubierre, and back to Quinto-and it was a month o...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 11

…I j ------ ...... BLOOD JUSTICE WIR DANKEN UNSER FUEH HerveHaufler . , . by Seymour S. I ,.M ,EPTH entered Drury Montgom- ery's shack as easily as the fingers of wind that poked through the chinks between the logs. Old Drury diee like an animal -without much fuss. He died with a laugh on his fever-cracked lips. "I'm sure I'm goin' to Hell, Lizpeth," he said. "The Devil has already set me on fire." Drury wasn't accustomed to laughin...…

February 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 99) • Page Image 12

…HUMORESQUE.. . by Donald J. Fo mo' y~d wmo & This is the numerous wrath of slanting sleet- the quivering veil, the bitter vapor- incomplete . discrepant landscaper. This is the blazing cat's-head in the fog- the whiskers tremble, the song is silk (a monologue for milk)! from the womb of human inhibitions and complexes emerged this Cyclops,y half-visioned; beat us to passive submission; brooked no lifted hand on pain of banishment; made ea...…

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