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November 19, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Mic iganD aily__ -N ARDOR, M N I hAX, CR1DA). X\/RVEMBR t.40t N .O Vol'. XX. GOPHIERS LOOK FOR AN -AY VICTORY Great Confidence Abounds on Minnesota Camnpus--Mc~iovernt May Play. NII11it-bap N\litt.. N,\. 18.- ( Spe- vilto ichigant )ail-.) A --lthoiugh !t clmoasitig ail) cotlitta-ta ill thteir ability to defait Ntimteta , tis ihalfo midat the Pl aza IhIte in the home ofttit the 'oo hcr at ! 'clclITh No a ii monig.11(_ ,clc Coula Yosiiit h...…

November 19, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…Tr14 E MII C I A N'D)AlLY G. H. Wild Comfpally eMERCHANT TAILORS ; We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- UL gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fusl Dress Su~its a Specialty CALL, AND SEEF US 311 SO. STATE STREET At lee. 'ew Stor G. H. Wild Comfpaly Oeeat the most pplar shapes at preset TRADE MAR tARPl =k' LINEN COLAR & CUFFS. 2L2- FOR I FOR 2K ;25 DA LA FRNT025 NBAK I% IN. Warranted linen WAGCN...…

November 19, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

… I This Space CASfi OVlISN nmic anb Oraila 1OS.1S The different Store i zeservea .I I FOR Sam Burchfiekl ., z C o . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huront St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watcala Repokl-irg aSpecisty nT FARMERS AND MEICHlANICS DANK MAIN AND "URON STREETS S Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100.0t0 General Banking tBus...…

November 19, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…1T1E MICHIGAN DAILY Without Wool -Nothing is Worse Clothes to keep their shape, to wear, must be made of pure wool. A few clothes-labels are sewed honestly into pure wool clothes, not many. STEIN- Btoen's label is, and each piece of cloth is tested for it. SmeizN -BLocn offers you what no other makers can: A fif thaf is r-ighf, a sfyle fhaf is world-wide, fin- ings a'ad the hidden parsathat are fhe besf fhaf mioney can bray. We are proud to b...…

November 19, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Micigan.D \i. 7 N I X. CNN CRBOR, MIIIC\MN, TI-ICSI)CN N)VC\IIICK ioii. tli. BOTH 'VARSITY S9UADS I~ hit\llax i Football Team Will Bfe Given Great Send=Off as They Start For 11- I U CSKCl .I l FN 1'l ', \StS Ill Ifi Ct C LII i - t Syracuse Tonight-Cross For Princeton T lit ial if the tacl. ii"iss tu liiini. F 1 i-ti 14111ave Ctiigtt for Syra iic T ehad wilmet ilfot o S ll ii i-w ih hn o lad th chc t i in. Th n t l r tionxiiill 1 't ...…

November 19, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…G. ILWild Compally The Largest Stok i the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemlen's Wear Liverythinug required foi Suits Ovrcoreats, any Vestigs, and Trousersogs, and of high '1ls fahrics and speial Stylies. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON HIgh Neck SWEATERS For a few days only PENNANTS Full line at Shieehian & Co. Students' Bookstore A, G. Spalding & Bros. 'rits iarest Mianft i...…

November 19, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…~, 1u1 MICHfGA D ABLY Sweeten Up with GILBERI'S NUNN[Y'S Chocolates AT Quarry's Money Loaned or !l te jIsl j Ia 11:" WaVcfio aindf.1lIP fy repaliired. 11110011 IIIin l blioelS &IDiamnonds ()M ie oi dn oo 331 I+;.1'Liberty St. Aim Arhor. lor: oll :30a ).1 to 41:301 ni to1 JOSE-11ti (C. WATTS JOLLY'S OYSTEMS, STEAKS. Popular Price CHOPS o-ahrd Coffee t0c InsohA p tt i 1-k 1'i , I1-13-13 bli of I ii; t In Id. l Pi ar t i I~w I V.iIil ~y ...…

November 19, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…ri ti-"ItIB 4 1GAN bAiLV1 11 IlCDL ORAtIORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITHl TII A LT .! .\ID MOST1Ut ='-10I)AI' WALL PAPER, PLATE ANI)TINDSt :iLXES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS iA L HI ES,5013 ASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. ( (11- r i-tt is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- il;g, iou i:end exterior),'Gal-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- 1 ~ ~ < e4 t l toloY o11n skilled workmen and guarantee 011l- Denvetr-dI511 to tll parts of the cit...…

November 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…The MiL Vr.. XVIII. AN-N \Rll()R. 51 l'I 1IliA , t, i1-I' 5A ,-,\c NEW CHEMISTRY BUILDING VOTED Board of Regents Decides to Be- gin Work Soon--Money Not Yet Appropriated. -X new emteistry building il the ne Itttire i assured by actin taken by the Bloardl of Reget at last Frida'simee- tug. It was then tdecitet to goah d with plans firsthte poipsediilbuilig The architect hus not yet been coeni-. Wito this will le or low-e will hi ettoset, is ...…

November 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE MVICHIIGAN DAILY. ntissisicsticysreitirti t t Ritls t vm r n't s-itc'ittitsy iliosittc it to tietiitc tooI H i7ld]- . ti itci.anycc-al tibject. rensain's coi-l . Mnagig Edttor-PAUL, SCOTT MOtsFRstottttls i7the ssaic lacitpasssy 'Soon G. II. vvliu ~~JUBusiness MaaManager-C. E. WINSTFAD. cecinu-i actl ti ThDITORstSSocksottitinot. fBat it his n o Ineatsing;at itNews ...gc...Sto.k.N..s....A. F. Ritchie of teCiyAthletics ....William F. Gradoipi...…

November 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…?UE )(ICR!C6AW At Ly Before and after the gatme buy G ilbets and L owneys Chocolates, QUARRY'S Carner -ta - a:t t dN. sr.At St Money Loaned On Watcties, Diamaon ds, LawaBooksa or other personal proprty. Watches ad Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watchea & Diamonds Office at resiteace 331 Ei. Liberty Si Ann Arbsar. Hours: t11:30a. m.,Ito 1:30iand 7 t 5 p.. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE LATEST LEATHE-R Watch JFob weih Feaot[tali lis-hats in P'rice 25 cnts ...…

November 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…Tlft M}GIECYGAN DAILY opecial her Ten full size packages of For Only $1.00 This is the Assotment. Samtol Tooth Pow.der .25a Ssnit'sl Face Creo. . 25c Sanini Toni . Pi .25ci - Ii OiloC i - -re , .250 e aiali.. Aaiaic 2 is SaaiS.PMar., , 25c Sa tiBs, s .35c anl Face Powde 35c ulaor retil pice, $2.70 c 1 txouristoretoday we ali tell y. ettaoftheiSaniti iCom.i.i y's pres tenstadar ol et preparaios In using'- Sanitol coupons cut from magazines, ...…

November 19, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

… The Michigan Daily Vol'. XXTT. ANN \A.RlIi, MICFIIGAN ' MICHIGAN, 12; _'\1).A1". Af) '1?:1If 1 . Z icy, its 7;. No c. 48. WISCONSIN, 0. Wcolverines Make Two Touchdown~s Against Badgers-..West Bleachers Colliapse But No One Is Seriously Inj'ured-Over Seventeen Thousand People in Attendance Michigan Team Comes Out of Game in Good Shape. 'free to e\ teettois, the anneual Wis- colsill-'Xi ci i'm foothill game yester- day resulted ini one of...…

November 19, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…TII~ MICHIGA NDAIYit THE MICHIGAN-- DAILY. G o 11.0IW ild Entredstscod clastterat the'sAnn C Pubishe.1d daily (Mondayseisepted) duinrg the college year, at 117 bant Washingtonr strest. Bell phoners892. tIoine phoner 76. Leading Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS MERCHANT TAILORS EDITORS. At thletic.. .... .....Clarr e 1.Eldridge l Nrsr...s..............l Inst 1). Sssrkrser ______________________ xc haec.............…

November 19, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…THE 1MICHfGAN DAIL _ for Art arnd Skill ii Iiloring~ MONEY LOAN[D Student Room Decorations A Fine Collection of Call, on~ i'50 - XI ate s, D. lassons. Jewelr aniloll Iih1is ls Chattel Stein~s, Smoking Sets, V. of M. souvenirs ini Pyro- sod el Ossslssssli.graephic Work, Pictuires, Posters, Photo SAM BURCRFIEL D I& co. N.J OV I rets, Japanese Vfbelas, 04thAve poieCut os Dishes The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City OFFICE toErso 8:0t 1...…

November 19, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…7 THEIN MICHIGAN DAILY BR ING YOR UsFRAMitPit r17eS WIURILS ART STORE andihaenthem framedi with Choice Moculdings Only the Best French (ilas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. dBuy a 1 ., - :, .# .d , Y : . ,1 ,\ / ^r Y \ Qe G The Wise Ones kitowt when thien ire oii to a good liii it:I i thtist wliiiir ti-omsers td byili its Thent lose given otur woirk a fai trial ai we have prov- tin(liii aliitylvto dli Itle best and iiitosicareful I iiiidry work ...…

November 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., GA TT,-JDAY, -NOVEMBER 19, 1904. No. 47 FINA[ C[ASS, GAMEl[D[BA[ IONI6I1 19,,Law and 1907 Engineers Battlei Good Men in Cotst-Gen. R A f University Championship To- Alger, of Detroit. Will Peside.. oaYFierce Game Promised with Chances Even. Oiuit fithe- ye-illtt int~litia lt h miiusisl of ii the ('Iri l.Iert fro t ie is- t slt lisltntetiut sit L lIll"I iwh ns1wsoit pc isiss- stoils i-a i, -- 'tstlo...…

November 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...........*.....D...., e'' HE ItCH lOAN DAILY spirnt"iiiifii t le lIe w AOULDrHVE . i lnee Actathlc r e lct. tsathe NirtWi W YOU TO KNOW : ..gecid iccttgbween th SOIIYENIR f Iitatit * * dinano lALV. (Continued romt pageol SB. * to M anage, CLAUL) A. I LOMPSON. tie td ii atta itii n-it tl *R 4* tr itiaidFhel titi l t rle a OUR_____NEW_____STORE__ itI'ittt for ii tt tit l uaitomrdlt Uit 311 South S S tree _._l. ve L.ifw ud i ...…

November 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1-Hoag~s Home Supply Store f Corner Main and Washington Streets Flil Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Tossels, Strops and pipe Rac ks at populair prices. This is the place. +4. .4t E. G.HOAG. o -Bturlch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees...t Yortent s ilifal and artistic service to be had anywhcr ...…

November 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THIM MICHIOAN AILT 'd <:: f l + AO I i N N r + +I I N + Ii O gyp******1 Cutting, SOLE AGENTS. A Leading Clothiers, Al U LL C ;riYA. Hatters and Fur- You will FisnPe 11ored Wearcillcc atarej CHUOCOLATE Not i "IV) so railccl. tsar dealer, nses * 45 IIlc'!I W it;:f f ifw i. 'iv!sNot SMisfacisry. 1)9-1 11 Fanst Washiigloi St. Issis8t 111)011 PEul[R'S. '' .LI The imitations anh pp 14i~ Pfitog rapf'av. 4'AN) S CALIFORNIA * F Are Best Reached vise SS...…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan liai l VOL. XIV. Vo XV.ANN ARBOR, MICH-., THURSDAY, NOVEMBE~R IQ, 1903 No. 47 [OUJR "rOREi PRACICES. CI1ICA60OWRIT~E3SOPINION' YOST WILL STAY HEIRE. WSCOSIN PL[ASI1P. On Ferry Field Before the Wolverine Leave For Chicogo-Signal Work Last Night-Large Score Looked For Against Oeri~r Yost's xwhrwinis will tave onl torathe iceIis on Fe(rylield'i before against the Ma'rns nx Mariixsxti Field Ttanksgivig xiiy. t ichian will practic...…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annollleffenl IheLIat cand \lot (ompete Lin of:.. WOOLENS in Ainn Arb oortilliefoutnd at C=. I. Wild & CWS. 181 <st. Wash i tont St.Gr etit palin havi- been taenini ttio Slio or ttl. tttingS, tr itring-, t ot] coti 108 E. Wash. St. SStewart Edward White *THE FORESTf® « Th~or~..n l~t'n.y A i O A oot Itali orithe. charmiiianii o the greasti tie! t hs tueu ' sid Dir i. hl it o that iu."has wod itiia Lathie masttes iif s...…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TUIE SHORUT LINE: ANN ARBOR to " 't ou ~L1 lloaigIV artile IA lii p u)eiO' traeainisthe f; CHICAGOladanalthsyoaseoh-sn krhaebn0' BUFF'AL-O yuin)ttmt w alfori ittay df r tCasof NEW YORK trtittl AND BOSTON 1111E "4K[RS Of COLL[G[ CLOTHEU1S + With drt c I il iitin t CAl (Stun foi, Si. r' Lo is Kan tt i siii Cie it. t.iit iuii' h es: 4. (tlllAAAAAI ("o c((lt os tnL1ty al ii ?'l Forihnoai on a t i to it t Si 5~llonol .t. Ay',11....…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i TII RA' I7I( l I i ,5SOM'II's Ii. } A 017 lILA! TI/ll 1Y/l 0111H I SA $.0 BTNOLES Y...................... (;roten in turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. N Eni6yed in America. "MOuL SMOKE MAIMLS EGYTIiAN SM'OKELRS d ~ Cork Taps or'lain.. L f P The W. C. KernlCo, 41E57ih St., Chicago. (} aps and Gowns nntadc to ori A, 7 der and iented. Pennants for all colleges and ill I - fraternities carried " i _ 'in Stock. cASe /4.& '~tv Cla...…

November 19, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…TUlE MICUIGAN DXlLY-NEW~ rou~rs D AIL: .EWS h r, 1-e , 31 l.DA LY Crouscr S ;. 1 t ) 1t t , tttt l it AT SA RIICED 'p 3' 1' 1' atlt rt I -1 , i r ( l . ' i 1 2 l Ilt 1 t Si 33) i}C .,t" l E'' . I ' ,. r SHEEHAN & CO.'. t i1. r~ 1{" t U1.1tI ersity Booksellers, 32, 1 S tate Street.i "1 MIANAtiING EDI)11OR, 1'>RI E . llO)UtTt}'. '(;; BUl~SINE~SS .ANAGFRI, 131EDITORSS, Iia 3r 1 h.Ittfr.'K . GElNERIAL NE W' 'l w it)oPr, im ? i ' lt 3 1 i d I 11: ...…

November 19, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…THE IIIIGANDAILY--NEWS Extract from the Laws of the T E H1T[ N TFURNESSIA Si Srate of New York.T ERG TT IG N -, B ENUGUH O*F THEM rtshlxiiit Itili1tt1,i i I ii-lt. u ~t' cxlol } Fr t , l i d ii Y ) t ''' , ' ~llt i Iii x ieIi l U f II 5 i '21 )tt ,t C C , ~1) 1 {i t 1 Ij 1 1311 i C'i 'ii t ) RACKloBAN!)uar essollrs re Sampe Linn t lllllllltl ~ i I tiAlfUAIQ YA &RELE -- . ' lti1 1 1)"I A lxrtii (A),<1110piixr 1'xxe Hxirxxxxiix'. V..1U1I.IVI u i...…

November 19, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICIIIGAN DATLY- NEWS XXtailIi iceto aB i0 Baa a tl_ r N~d ainn - y i n olrs ..c 51<> 1 - ae -.t ' . - iL -+t S ,A L.eI) Lo kILqC { v c S_ w MVSIX l1 __ d a t Ba ii > ia. i t I . i .. _ li.t i._. XX }112' 1 a .'i 1 Y t 21 1 1,,. \V t -hln --t, ill tiE . a tit., Sidai in;~tl lla i= C (RA 2 C..Urfs i Phofle 281-2i. 215 SA Main S#. I fAt 't(tH BY NE a \ N5 I N t Ba Ilot t~ail~ ~a~i ij~ I 111. O1R1. I l 1.4IB JI .1 f: l lIltlL Y SINt Di and 2...…

November 19, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…K5L10T Yks ANN ARBOR, MICL., TUESDJAY, NOVEMB3ER 1 1901. No. 49 PRACTICE WILL BE SECRET. FOOTBALL HISTORY MUSICAL CLUBS OUTING. WEL LECTURE-READING Varsity (tidy Had Fifteen Minutes OfrMihigan, Illstrated, and in Poster Bay City and Fint to ise Visitd cn For 'Benefit o1 the Oratorical Associ "Dress Reheasal" Yesterday-No Form-A Supplement to the Foot- Trip-One Niht Stands in e- tie, Tonight-Mrs. Helen Wel a Iard Work Attemp ted, ball Inlander-...…

November 19, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIUiAN DAILY-NEWS .: .. ... WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever showvn, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a eery fine line of and rouseri ii z in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. t L. washongfo t. TAR SOAPS PACKER'S - 20C SPANISH ROOT 15C Grandpa's Wonder QUARRY'S Campus Druz Store R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches Are Better T han Evert I have uthe lnrgest isto. o ip...…

November 19, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…TfIKE fiLOOK s;A7ced t7 lec) ( .ag ets in 1Ann Arbor I or the cillmitedl YPSILI 200-.202 S. Main Street. JOHNKJ7SCAN ILp CA Tro LADIE'S AND I F,1M TAILORS OA 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREE' Glood Gwrvcnment Club. Ex-( iE M ICH IGAN DAILY-NEWS doevs and then tike a loot inside the store and Sou will see the ]argentand best lock of New Fall Suits and Overcoats be weaPn Detri-ot and Chicagot complet l ine of Men's Furnishings and Hats in the city. The L...…

November 19, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN I)AILY-NEWS SHOT- DRINKS. CANDIES Xr ru :r'' V i'~oral, :u!1,it. Marsh it u31uss 0501A ' IffI N S'- PHARMACY 324 SO.ST T S. WE LEAVE NEXT THURSDAYOuetiesokf PAN-AMNERICAN LA WvvPU"BLICATIONS GOES PLAYING CARDS ve rtirorey by prair ig next Semester and Micelaneonso hooks_____A before our stoek is exhausted. A CALLAGHAN +&.COMPANY, SOALRSB KTRE (Law Publishers, Chicago.) t A L RS B O S O E ANN rxhtltiR'1RXN('11: 340 STATE 5T, Opposi...…

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