October 19, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 14) • Page Image 1
…The ichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, -MICHIGAN, N(Y I)NESDA1Y, OCTOBER 1Q , 1010 No . 14. Vol. XXI. WILL TEST METAL IN BATTLE TODAY Regulars to Play All-Fresh and Reserves as Preparation for0.S. U. REDDEN REPORTS TEAM~ STRONG liowfat Mchgans grdt(10macie 1has (develioped snce last week's contest with tie Agies ill ie determnedl this aftersoon 1w11(11Captai erook 0111 hsmen face the ,Rsres adth ie All-Frsi. Today's cooest will he the 110 I111 1t ' 0 ...…