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January 19, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…4I i:. of A. Wailn. o -No. 74. U e Athletic Association :New Or- ganization. atheueeting which was held Saturday afternoon in Roon A for Purpose of electing officers andi deors of tte Athletic Associationi was attended by about one hundred at fifty of the members of the asso- was before predicted tie" >e Idependents"and "Fraterni- t casile out with rival tickets well i their forces apparentlyi tel organized. The interest in the tctes...…

January 19, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M.PATTY. c-zi. of 1-RIT. X i . PubtlitshedtDaily (Sundaiys eeepated) during the Coallegee ear, by THEU.U.FDNM. INDEPENDENT LsSOCLATION. inavanca-. Single copiesa:1ienats. ()1 aiellit St ee late andti tt itittatnetasastandaever evein atiaea t - 'lock-I. Subsciptimay b left a titata-a- at Ofthear I a,lrUc oe blocek,at Shecan'st Stillatas, ortwit any CommuneaitaationssholttaIrttaeach t taie byj A.ddresstalaymteta pjtin ten o ulti ...…

January 19, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY ]pm4 O F ~ L Of Old U. of M. should have a T T W University of MichiganGutr 11 /Prices loswest, Quality highest. Guaranteed~ every inch of the road. 25 PER CENT SAVE, Violin anid CGuitar Strings, 1ll ets.; Btanjo and Mandolin Strings, icts. Eveorythiing in plroposrtiont. 4'. s TSTI 2 L l .:TOC ___ unent, ALLENITPIGLL PIAlNO & OLGAI 00. (rll vv OAS ADDy $U1($ AT ONTE-FOU RTH 0 F - ALL (GLOYES. ALL UN I )EIZWEAII 'Atesd this S...…

January 19, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…T-E : DAILY DINING AN!) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, $2.50 per weer. Lunches at all hours. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Confections, Cigars, etc. NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Mair Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, S r, r, -- - E R Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK BooKs, ALL KINDS, All Books used in City Schools. Students Note Books and Pads, Draft- Complete Line of Sporting Goods. ing Instruments...…

January 19, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…iU. o"A. aip Vol,. IIL-No. 7a. UNIVERSITY OF MICHiIGAiN, TUIESD)AY, JANU ARY f19, 1892, PRICE, THREE CET. The Women's Gym. G~riffitn, lass: x. 'T. larrand, nedi- m lent of student organizations is rOF YOUR : - - ciss;OctaE.aKXbinates, phairanc '~ 'y: F' left essentially i te power of lie SOCIzETY BD GET(1, \Irs Octvia l Haes cairmn i.1Prettymn , (ental: and XW. X. students themselves. It has tbeen O 01111tiJLl: of hegymvinasiumfi comitieo shes...…

January 19, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…TlHE U. OF M. DAILY. '~ic.of ~ui'( '~I~ i~.As Others See Us. ______ We guess that Cornell University' Pubnlishedl Daily (sndys ecepted) during has a larger proportion of students tilCeree tear,. by of a religious turn of nind tlaii can THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION be found in any other Anerican in- stitution of learning that is not the- ucrlinprice $:4,5l per year, invariably oloi l. The census of the relig- ennnnnn' Siegie'-leeop e. t...…

January 19, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOTICE On-1all Ijlsteri t l Sis t On a fdl©r ticw atoll & 1s this We . AT 1TIlTWOSM GREA T CLEA RING SAL E i Of OyercoatS and Ulster. We- lave 1)W(1e a tremonedos-cut tn pirices all along the line of MNen's and Boys' Overco)ats and Blisters, which will enable its to close then)ot soon. Wheti LA G(4a iiis so preValenlt, 1no loan110sho1Uld O out 1113leSS hlehas anl Overcoat ott. f Last year we closedl our Overcoats down to ...…

January 19, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…I THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN' COMPANY. Next NN'xrerxxxxtxxs. ( illilIP (f Tlai iid ldLiberty Streets. I xwil''Open thle Blil yqpiacixg ainhe stock iof (Guitars, Banjos tc.t. PRICES THAT WILL 'ASTONISH YOU. [indtl -=Ls Y's tasTsSOE 25 South lFourth Avtne, City. TEN FOR ONE. - ALBANY LAWs SCHOOL. 5bt u )'xext atxxt x i i i'2li o'lxli PureiSAlO txich . T SALZ TITEJ~ Fresh ~ COURSE, onieyexr. 'Thre'ex'full te'rms Cl...…

January 19, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…l4e El. of It§. Waip. VOL. III.-No. 72. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE REAL EDUCATION. Rev. Lyman Abbott Defines the True End of Education to be Character Building. The usual large audience greeted Rev. Lyman Abbott, the distin- guished preacher of Plymouth church, last evening, in University hall. Mr. Abbott is not of preposes- sing appearance on the platform, but his audience soon loses sight of ...…

January 19, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daly (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sbscription, price*,, 50 per year, invariably in adane in Icacopie ,3 ents. Sborip- tone may -be left at the office of the fLaLY, at Stoftt's, eith ay of the editors or authoriedtsolicitor. Commuonoications shold reach the office by 7 ocloch . ns. it they ae to apper the et day. Abtres all matter intended for publica- tics to...…

January 19, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 72) • Page Image 3


January 19, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY HOTEL EPWORTH 'O QHPIPMAP A great big (AT CHICAGO), Will be but 400 feet from an en-X trance to the Mahogany, Celluloid bound edges, WORLD'S FAIR, ONLY $14.00. And offers low rates and superior LITTLE FELLOWS IN PROPORTION. accomodations. Inquire about it at WLS Y, CALKIN ', - 34 S. State. 31South State Street, - - UP STAIRS. I I PANTALOON SALE Prices $2.00, $2.48, $2.78 and $3.28. Styles are good, qualities excellent, j...…

January 19, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…tt* UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRII)AY, JANUARY 19, 1894. PRICE, THREE CEETS. 'V' O L. I V. -- 'No. 77. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANt ARY 19, 1894. PRICEI THREE CENTS. AN ART1sTIC SUCCESS. rendered an instrumental serenade THE DENTAL JOURNAL. ToG l/aA f The Art Recital Given by Professor fo iz.TeFrs ubrOtTmrow1 o G ~ I~aI foLiz.TeFrtNmeOuToorw Truebictad's Pupils an Enjoy- All the participants are pupils of Dental and Medical Student...…

January 19, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. training need not be delayed much stricted and any studant who feels the ~c~o ~ .longer. Practice has already begun necessity of obtaining the news of his at eastern colleges and there can be institution shosld he willing to pay the Published DsairlySndasexeeptead)Sac im'ea ee f ar- small snot necessary to obtain a copy the coslege ycar.,iby no reason fordeahrei the gyea of the paper. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION n...…

January 19, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. D A11. LY. TH HQIAMEGO0. N ORCHESTRA. ,e L1=W H. CLEMENT,9 51 So.'VMoon S. Diretor and Maaer. -- -AGENT FOR THE- Christy Hlat. London. L" L & A. Hat, warranted. Roelofs Hat. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Dent's Kd Gloves 2 EAST HURON STREET. Also Deaer i Mn's Fin F I loiss, Sil Cases',.Tss,. and lie.. Good Work( Goaranteed. Goods colled for Store Forerly Occupied by TiWO SAXIS. and d eliered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. ______________________________...…

January 19, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…I-; U. 0OF "%M- "DA T T Y7. Chocolates, } 50c. Calkins' Pharmacy S -4Sf "yi F SALE, "'ms I I 0' 0 0' 001 0 t )it /AERMNAN'S IA. $4.00, o11()w C0. AI. $,o)SHIOES 000 $375. U'verytiijiiRe(duced ill PrEoportionl at THlE OUTFOITTERS, BO"tSE&wvso, :M~oo:R7:EJ & WRAHo NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TO I'llEAR 7 t C H " ,I, GOO D $ Including B'001iti, AL H ISIS, FIL'[ I.>, 1'{fit KSTANDS, CALENDARS, Etc, C-i.'Y S i O...…

January 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…~Ij ti.of At 1 Wlailxi VOL. . No.t. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SAT URDAY , EA JAARY-11 85 PllI'E -THREE CENTS. A PLEA FOR INDIVIDUALISM. '95 CASTALIAN. HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES.- The Scholarly Address of Ex-Gov.j Has Encouraging Prospects.--Many A Much Needed Institution.--What Russell of Mass. Before the Good Articles Wili he Con- Or. Vaughn Has to Say Re- S. L. A. Last Evening. tributed. garding the Treatment of Consumption. l'-o.-%cr. i...…

January 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…THE U.' OF M. DAILY. f bctheir nocit wy coil01etioto. a cif(tielit College Songs. " t+ OfJ W . +peitli mtodeofot re'0e0(tI'(etwouldllav t tl'ttitgtot)'iOt(' (11USIC~t, 1111 1011) 1101Parentt(nformed oIf((oor Abhout 50 resontded to to' ntite of (((Ilk on.theto (~lt olf th'r ittren - 1'bisi0 1 to I (y "ot(5 II I (Sudas xcptd)1 it)wul n Idtl~IIlt ll tto'lt 01'0t(Iyestedy tafternoon01. Te''ibe Six LoveSonigs,"' Ill' '11 tl, 1"4l' III to 0111111't ...…

January 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…TH-ie U. OF M. DAILY. VIH G N( RT 1Choral Union Social: NOTICES. TEXAS MXIOAND CALIlFONIA OHIOAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~i OhOiItl li't:~Vit~l iot Iatl s wliliog bots at le: 1x11 MEIO UlllIUa Tie Tbia (Reiead) 'Nosv18,14 P lEilg the 00ocia1it Frieze/Memil iito 1)2 gienl ill1 theUlllllOlulliel. 1 TIltWAD-ASH RAILROAD .M. 1 9 WEST i 5 1(1 t01t. 110 rlyllt a tply not kter tilnliFetb . I In connection with the St ,uiS_ Maiand Ex.-3150 Mail 0 43 pr f...…

January 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…JtI IL [1'. OF 21-. DtINIL. nL,4nr HAF .A POUN D ITHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS M SUITS SchaiIers B oustor, 1 i 7 rrel wt ere Vlr 9sellioexchangonothe principaltiesof the lx Washrington st. Headquarters for' COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP idetfication. Safety dstoit boxes to rent. Jus received a sam~lli eve°rything a Student needs in the AO HaRsrrimanst, 'sirr-Preo.; Irs;Chat. E. lHise(lO t .of Gi7lai Si. 11,(< line of Text-Books, Stationery anti Colg...…

January 19, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. NO. 75. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 (M II ,0 UIESIYOSRAOY Nichigan Coaching Criticised. : NEW COLLEGE PUBLICATION. fil ollow iiig is anlextvoel fioltol it Leanw1TaiorA Short History With Present 'rie reot Ily printedi in the DlUrti Homeopathic Medical College Status of \York. tttidiidaiiAii i'i'(0' Issues a Bulletin AND LJMLORTER .LdXI.,, 1 ii esily I )hei'r'at'cr ilt ti 'Ia...…

January 19, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publisbet Dally (Sundays excepeed) during the Collegec year, at THE !UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. segrecet Times building, 79 S. litl St. be- tweenu Liberty and William Sts. ANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMaAS, 97. 0. HI-I ls, '99. EDIT[ORS E. L. GeZSEst, 'I8 L. F. S. Sessoos, '9. FI. li. Loo.ssis, '98. tH. B. Suet.Loot, '98 L. H. B. COowese, '99. C. li. Does, 99. Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE (EDITORS W. Wy. Hughes, '99. 5...…

January 19, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ILJHIGAN GENmAL _ -- _---- Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 186. x Mal ad Ex--347 N. Y. Specil-_- 7,35 N. Y. Special..._ 4,18 M; il ------ 4 "°.Yt^ta A Y, Ctaster sEx--70 17 N. S. Limited. 95A i .M ' ' .. F Atlantic C~x- 7 13 Pacifc Ex_ __ 12 D.N.Expreis-3. 40 westernE_. 15A G. R. Express .11 t5 (hi. Nt. Pa .. (iS 9 10' G.W. RUOOaSe, . W. HAVS, , y' °( i ,' n t ; G. P. & T. Act.. Chicano. Agt. Ass Arts ' r. tes ...…

January 19, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…'rIHE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. W-1i1sndancept A LE Hot W ater 9 of40o asup A10 nyars Fi:4 : TOR Botle ... 0 nl 46 S. Main Street. 06cBottles ta et " PATRONIZE OLES' LIVERY C Bottles thatariide :IDOES YOUR LAMP SMV'OKE? adgetebsterie $1.2 of the very best of a Office and Stable, 32 Forest i rbbr ad vil waras on iTRY RED STAR OIL-NO SMOKE,I Ave. Telephone 106. o as rubber can wear-oi we re- 0 No (Zlland 'Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Foling...…

January 19, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…Sl c . of . VOL. VHL No. 78. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1898. PRICE- ' CE'NTES. WILDS Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings 110.1lOBE WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A l le g r e t t i ' gs - Choam n Wrer ln Onlytineackages Luchs t l ahoud. prefut Ser et Just recivd d. re h at we o selltad W fla o dWrn2 e ts o olae.L re.le i f they shcity.i Lunchst leos. ie o n...…

January 19, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…I a 2 THE UNIVERI5ITYUOF MICHIGAN DAILY, _. published Daily (Snays excepted) during theColieg Year at . THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN.Oe[twe. ibryndW2ilm eS.b- ISANAINO EDITOR J.F. TOosAS, '05 L. BUSINESi MANAER~i OilH. HANS, 'it L. EDITORS H. R,. SKLLoAil '98 I., Athletics. E. L .Gxtsasl, '93 L. . D. HDNtuuuv.'i. Busses LAMB, 'i0. T. I.0500000w. 98 L5.CAMnEL.L, 1'. A. Asss'ELI. '99. F. EisNr.OARD. '95. The sbcriptions price of the Daily is ...…

January 19, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…:..: .. THE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL'Y. Great Redviction Sale - For Onle Week Only SWEATERS GLOVES . GOLF HOSE $4.50 for $3.45--$4.00 for $3.00 $3.50 for $2.85--$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $1.87--$1.75 for $1.49 $ 1.50 for $1.42--$1.00 for 6i9c $2.25 for $1.75--$1.75 for $1.50 $1.50 for $1.25-$1.00 for 89c Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c Fancy Hose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for 43+c Fancy Shirts--the biest 94c COMBIN ATIO1N UNDERWEAR PAJA...…

January 19, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…I 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The. Store z Department!. $20-70 The ad joining cuts represent 2 of our many styles of LADIES' WELT SHOES That' we are offering this week at $2.70 These shoes are all of this season's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We have got more than we wish to carry over to next season, hence this great offer $2.70 Smoking Jackets! Ready for You. Best effects for season '97-Black, Blue...…

January 19, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…Sher 'of r o VOL. IX, No. 83. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1899. WIW Dl T H E T FINE WINTER SUITINGS, H N E J WE CARRY THE LARGEST A STOCK IN THE CITY. I 0 R T A I 0 R 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Kellar'S Tar Soap. A good tar soap, at a moder- ate price, has long been sought after. Kellar's Tar Soap just fills the bill. Heal- ing, soothing, antiseptic, sod absolutely pure. iacoa cake. 40c a box. $1.50 a dozen. WILDEiL'S Pfl...…

January 19, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pubished Daiy (Snday ecepted) duig the College THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'bet: The iead Pess eing Blck. Bth Pheyee147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGLHARDo~a, '0t L. lUSINESS MANAGER. 0. IIthIeA s, 'EL. EDITORS. Athletic Editr, T. R. WOOW, '00 L. P. W. JONES, '9, A. U. Mc'titacott, '01 E, F. D. EAttAN,'OO C.t. Leeo,'OOM, G. D.Hcocuee. 'atE. The subsciptio pice of th...…

January 19, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 FOR CASH. ME 'S$ TAN SHOES A n WE CAN'T AFFORD TO' CHARGE M E 5 (CALF LINED) 'EM AT THIS PRICE. (CALF LINED) OooDsrED's. 1 119 S. MAIN ST MIGHliOIIraN G[NIRIL CORRECI AND STYLISH TAILORING. CENTRAL STAND)ARD) TIME Takisng Effect Aug. 04, 0898. Mail and Express . .......3 47 P.M. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 38" Fast Eastern..............9543" Atlantic Express............7 45 A. X_. Detroit. Night Exp...…

January 19, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Intercolloolato Bureau 01fIRcadomioGCostume, CHRISTMAS GOTRELL & LEONARD. Cape, Gowne, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Clases Hats and Cape, Class College Pins. Addres SHOP ERS:W. C. KERN, Western Mnagr., FO.... WILL FIND AT OUR PROMPT SERVICE " STOIRE THlE LAIRGFST AU ANDsCrOICoST PaOCK sadECARIEg~ ~ e ANeaCeOICESTSPOrty andECaingHS o' es Livery 0rdersrnat - ~(i1'~TELEP-IOME 106. 515 E....…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…..LML-- Ah 'Or 94 PaIls VOL. X. \NN QtIBlOR, MICH., FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1900 No. 83. t , IHOUSE WAARMlING formation of Trsto o.bohold be ose MEDICAL STU ET SUES Iby legislation. Hn. ) . .. Ferry, ot OLG Expected to be a Success With Detroit, will presde, and ddge JoephCOLG W,. Donovan, of Detroit, te Honorable For Reusing Ito Grant Diploma after TT L 20010 People Present. Davar E. Heineman, ddge George s. ThrqRqie ore Fine ~IIrbrresbv enhos...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AILY Publisheed Diy (Sundysexeceptedcduring the Clege yerat THE UIVERSIIY OF MICHGAN oFFtcr The Inland Pess, Henneing Bich Bth IPhno'-.17. MANAGING EDITOR. R. BEsGEetatt,'1 L. BSINESS MANAGER. it K.IHnws. '0L. ATt tTtICS', . G. D I UTlttee, '01 B r. B A. Woeioee', 'CitL. A. i. tttDtttt-t, 'itt B A. . B CWet.'0. . J. B. WOOD, '5, G. J.Meeeeettettr, 'O, W. 0 ititte:, 'OM, TB hete icptoutict ethe it tta ot $2.50 L ...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 PRE-NVENORY ALEAll Shoes Greatly Reduced i2O00 ICON 0 GOODSPEED'S ON ALL TAN SHOEmS 119 South Main Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Niagara Falls Route. CEN'TRAL STANDARD TIMHE. Taking EIccCNovember11'), t899 Detroit NightE pes.........5 5A 31 Atlacttic Expes.............74 Grn cRapTiscExpres.....c ....t1 Mail and Expes i..........347 r, N. Y. Bostonc Spccecil..........45 Fact Ea'tccc ...............94c Bcstoc...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Holiday Books NOT THlE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 Mos. at 25 cents, We are not Selling BIBLES at Half Price $10.00 In Your Inside Pocket Isrwhat youcane o a ui toroercoat made to yor orderbytus.Wguarateeaperfet fitor no ale. Cal and se enoobigiationto byOr i menseso rtmoent of ovr' 3,00 samiples will pleaeou.o All Wail Shits and Overcants frio $12.00 up. Gorcal elle &YMur py Font Room oer Firs...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…Ihe ~ O(94 Pil- VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICJH., SAT(JRPAY, JANUARY 19, 1901. No 85 Announcement PRES. GOMPERS ON LABORI Foot Bal Game at 0. S U. Probable FACULTY DESERVE THANKS Head of the Fedratioo of Labor Gives I Managr Chas. Baird returned frmSnal Pox Danor Past-But for the AL Our special line Columsus yesterday from a conference uwa Vivid Picture of the Working Maoswiths the athletic authorities of Ohio Preventative 14 ea usies, Many Would of...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…TE( F. UNIVERSITY UOF MICHIGAN "AIL Y J iE -t y ss j t i claimed that "The Burgomas- jl'fj J ¢ a 4te"' company announced for Monday, Jan. 21 here, is a veritahle "euty show," fo il addition to Edith Yerr- Published Daily (Mndays exceptddarig ingto, said to e one of the mot Collee eaat. divinely formed women ol th stage, THUNIVERSITFY OF MICHIGAN Ida Hawley, Josehiine Ne-lonan and MAIN OFICE. BoANa OFFIE.e Jnice Lynn, the trio of lovelines tha...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…a TlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W Don'tDea6c uoc iSn S There won't be many days 'tween now and the end of our 63c shirt sale. If you are going to choose from some of the best made shirts and made o fine material, at a bargain prikw you must do it NON. FRit is at these prices it will pay you to lay in 81n extra supply. p 117 G (1S 1(3 le MAINU ST 0U ' S MANS. MAIN ST. read a plater onStant ation ofI- ssiit este[ollrtls. fter a review NIAGA...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…THEB UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN D)AILY NEW BOOKS Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . WORTH READrNG- Te Cardina's snufi-hox, Henry Hfarandi Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state On the Wing o Octions TeetChandier Hri The hearts highway, Mary E. We~is of Michigan, EXCEPvTNe NONE. The Lane theat had naTurnin , ibrtare rloaeFables acrec OerAee ARTI5TICALLX ,.._ NECfANIALLT .Allcef Old iocenns Mauie ho msne Ia the Palace of the King...…

January 19, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…r= i ym' DAIL .... 'EWS 1I$8T YEAR. ATHLETIC ELECTI ION, Tike eaded by Mr. Potter Wins by Large Majorities-..John Robinson Made Strongest Run on the ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUND~AY. JAMIA R Y 19 1902. No. 82 _\arti 5). Verdier ... .. ... 231 TRACK TEAM, 'University Influence and Student Fosr 1ixFinanil Seci' re -- Will. ixxvd ........ 3Ixx Thought" by Prof. R. M. Wenley. Arthurx' t'xiiir. . . 21) The Squad Under Captain Dvorak is ,\ oxisus gix'iiifo...…

January 19, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THlE NICIIIiAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ORFALL LINE Is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THlE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 60. io8 Ei. Washington St. i I iil 'etG l~?I- )1 'I ' ir vixiis ii' dollusur Ii D I W S tle~at. Mll (txi'xi Ixxiuxsvis, iretvw' to EolltiNlleito ix r xiup Yiraxiftervyear ...…

January 19, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE M1CJL!GAN2DAILY-NEWS The Most GouvinGinU Ihins that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with whicls to tell you how good these clotses are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coal collar of their coats, and they are so proud of their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, i...…

January 19, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI-NEWS TROUSERS .. We haves severals hundred pieces of trousering s of new pit- teens on ousr tables-its lietwseen seasenns-ouir liss is Your gain-.just nows we can give ysu bitter values for tess money titan at any other season of the year. WAG N ER & CO. IMPORTING TAILORS 123 South Main Street dMIIM /1/ N V 1 rIGKWiGK Billiard rarlors ad B owling 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!I! That minsnthe schisitfeve...…

January 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1904. No. 79 A DECISIVE VICTORY. Minnesota debaters nor the judges. UTLEY [FOR COACI1. The decision of the latter was accept- Michigan Outpoints Minnesota in De- ed as eminently fair except by a few Decision Made Yesterday-New Dates of the more fervent Gopher partisans, . bate in Every Department-Press who contended that the speror in Schedules-Informal Tryout for Comments -...…

January 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ;THE MICHIGAN DAILY COL[[EGE GOSSIP. Entered as seesnd-clas matter at the Ann R eduction Arbor Post Office. A college paper at Morningside, Ia.,, recently published an editorial saying Published daily (.Monday excepted) daring theterwanoclgesitathen college yearat 1Otr '. IVshington stet hr a ocleesii te in, 9 ~(basement floor, side eatrasce) Phone 002-Or Stitt tion, Just to show that they ap- prediated thte editorial and ...…

January 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHI1GAN D)AILY. IoHIrAN CN F "TheUNaara Fals Route." THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, lCansas ity. St. Paul and ahe West. h or inforniton and throgh ticket cal on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor. COFFEE Our* owns roastinsg Mocha N Alwmays fresh and Java 2aper pouand 214 Man St. DEAN fem. CO. New Brunlswick Tables Ar REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Finn ...…

January 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Puritan Shoes ' l LAYMTAN -~ CICARLTTLS (;rotvn in Turkey. Perfected in £2ypt. Rnjoyed in America. 1 1 For From nO 0 cr TheftC.Kerl co, J ~411E. 57th St., Chicago. 11(1 Caps and Gowns made to or Pennants for all colleges and 1 0 Oi S llltse fraternities carriedin s o k o- Class Pis, Class and Team FS« ECaps. Moll Yoll Snd for Catalogues. +M NEY LOANED ON Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Comlplete [ine of Dress Boots. Watches...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily V()L.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY i9, 1905 No. 7S1 SCHEDULE ARRANGED. TrCI Team Will Have Eight Indoor Meets This Year-Schenk Shows Well in Sprints. \OI'I'1{11'1 , 'I'l:I:A i l :la. '1'1' '1'? talltll1 rerhate. tl~ ;-r that anyt \lcit at rak ta acc tttrtak aTh reto fo li i t1( Will, deer, all t e a"xi), ien e t c dt tl~ a tr ila ente" a _iat tntin -ataal1, a>toIict i- atid< at h eofvih wilb i taht- a-aataaaa..Pudue...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…' HYG MICHIGAN DAILY JJJ WOULD HAVE n~~r i ~iAi * V YOU TOKNOW*__- * c" $ , ti * rt. I'r i W t r ljn t O S r ~. That we areJoingbusness ats lng-Editori, J. STANLEY hALLS. Bus ies Manager,CLAUS}ELA. HiOSPSON. OUR NEW STORE: 31 3t South State Street & : 1ti(i '. \i--------------- ar.It.Luc* i Ids 11... . 1 3r i ri , That our Nsew Woolens forI A. M. xxUxravexii 1. A x the coming tail tradle arc *. sitix That we make superh gar-: Ohli ll. ments fo...…

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