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January 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…Th~e Mict n - )ily ;\,NN \1{B17R \IIIU\\ i s)Y.f L\iA' ) )) V\%t,. XIX. VARSITY ATHLETES TO HRAVE ADVISERS A\udent Conmmittee Is Organized t to Watch Over the Studies oft Promising Athletes. Nas eoo t the ctIolt- lo Jsi n Nilttlo- da ~ien Fc1111111can the Comtin tt vvil t he tls '.ltiitthe Iame o --leant tiho whosewoikhe ill atch I ad1 rep rt 1o-te ca111( \1t of the1 III tou t ii it Tlli; (it is oped. iad t eil yII ill it 1o lle 1111,,0 1 t ...…

January 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

… G. H. Wild Colipanl THE MICHIGAN DAILY Exolimive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemen's Wear 1 lytiti zi qlel fori tsnI. O)33.coats, IFancy 3.tirigs, anti I iomuserirog, and of high lass fabri.s ond'special Myles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State street ILICIIGAN IC&1ldaf GAN DAILY. (\333'> 3h1333 3o f7 3 Koirlwhi'1h( a bi-c.d\V3rr'r 333Gild3Cultural c ' .ca- 33 313333.3(3331 333.and till 3]lot h(- (''3arcd fl(...…

January 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…TTF NI ChITGAN "DATILY . AT -1. Money Loaned oh'- ooo 1oe niy repairnted. Ilf-rir i n \Vtlnnn10 Diamonds Utfic no at(1 rsdnce 331 tF. Liberty S5t Ann Abo. linnel- oloio t:30. nt.. In to :0 nd to JOSEPH1 C. WATTS JOL-LY'S On Make0, B3EST B1RIAR PIPI&S (N 1 -iao - $1.75 to l $5.00 ! aeco d, - $1.00 to 1.50 PILLOWS and AT Darling & Maleaux V. of M.3 BARBER1; SHOP1 J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. I OB1S GK11010 A s11(0I lI C. ..) CENTS 22 5. State St. A...…

January 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

… LS tc A. l.7 A .CDAILY I f C.Il.MAJOR'a Co. THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH 'FHEa LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC, ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Papzr-haunging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsotmining,.Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen aund guarantee our wor...…

January 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Ann Arlbor, IX! ichigan, wn iidtiv, Jnnnia 19, 1908. Vol-. XVIII. N.S_ RECEIPTS EXCEE DISBURSM] Church, Bundschu, Row+ Whiting Are Chosen a Sciation's New Heads. flitly A. BIMtiseitti twasc finuancial seretiri' of the X.thi( cainat itheiannialtelection11 versity hfl i MauiceICCrCutiipa was BIniiiit'sopponentt Ini t lsou1 bueihenrorest if the canididates o )fic( aitnlilsrt JohntiNihit ICtinguiterot Te reporits...…

January 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…HRE MleftfAff t)AILY 201 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. H. W ild Collpally jMngngEdir-PUe.ScoMrNowxEea The Largest Stock in the City of Excusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear I ry thing required for Suits, {Overcoats, Panics \ estunsi and Trouserings, ad iifligh class fabrics antispecial stylis Foil Dress Suits at Specialty G,.fH. Wild Colupally 311 Sooth State Street Few 50c Calendars F1or 25c Each while they last. These arc the original ...…

January 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…TrHE VIC f tfAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Good Sam Burclifielc Q,.C0 .1 0 &1. EAST HURON ST. II Nt \"S ODrily Ati lMDc s. Tits 'gyniecoloigical. staff lheist its re-ss- lars meeting .Friday tight at the tome of 3)r. lsiest tneteset. T'he paplet' oft the essniiag wsa'readstyisvtr. lFrank Dr. A\Vittian Ht'Itortey has teen visit- ing n i Ania Arbosr dutrintg thtepstnweek. ) i-. \tssslc s fosrmertssvtisnistr...…

January 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…T El M ICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES MLO 1-o % o Spieci al Cut Prices Ti1asSoalctl l TAILORS ~ High Class c&1g at 8:3) tomnorrow ngtt HATTERS 1IJIo1 a1 Prices l7ean Vaughan will lctnre t te Diplyrclar meeting of the 4°. \X.C aLatest Styles-Regal Shoes-See O~r $5 Boot see WVindow DsTuy1esday at s o'clockc. Drectly Northa of Law Btdldhg New Masonic organization, tie Cafts- in-i, olus firs reception Monday cevcii 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENU...…

January 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily A\TN A B , I~ ( I 'lt.Ni1( IIK :N S '1IliAY, .\ NI A i rkIt()(,1)-7. VOL. XVII. NIl. iLt. MICHIGAN DE E ~ATERSHOLDS REGULAR SESSION ARE VICTORIOUS5 M1AJORITY OF REGENTS FAVOR WITHDRAWAL Team Is On of the Best That K.1 I Ever Represented Michigan - R\), No Report Received From Con- ) test With Northwestern. .1 I cc --;L I )i HIyilitI Ill tlithe p pr llt in Itt.igthe d - Lo aiPt napn ake o ht Hnt fI in ~rs ill~'c til t...…

January 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THE MlitC~tAN 1DAtLY A Fallcy estillg aild Trollserillg Winidow Display The largest and most corn plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will alto find our prices right. We guar antee perfect satifaction. (i. H. WILD) CO. 311 S. State St. How to Play Basket-Ball hit t get a guide ofi us and tucidentally take a look at thie Spalditng Offitica all at 31.5a d e1 a ti cit1BIal at ~y andifitloul ced Siteacs e ae teui...…

January 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…' i~MICI4IGAN DAILY :_ . . _ . . _ _ - --: _r . Great Inventory Sale FOR. THE MONTH OF JANUVARY All Clothing 1-4 Off i _ SUITS, OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS $25.00, Now $18.75 $22.50, Now $16.90 $20.00, Now $15.00 $18.00, Now '$13.50 $16.00, Now $12.00 $15.00, Now $11.25 $13.50, Now $10.00 $12.50, Now $ 9.50 $10.00, Now $ 7.50 300 Suits of Broken Lots, formerly sold from $10 to $22.50, choice at One-half off. All Trousers at 20t;IDiscount. All ...…

January 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .ic ANOTHER LOT OF Michigan Stationery at 25c aBox Steel Embossed in blue ink on extra good stock. Every student who sees it bys it. E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET . Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY tt A 1 INM A ,)) 4 I !',. V :A, CSS~l I .. :t 0 "4, ' ' tm 1 l I i fp Sp! I.t sI 44004 440)4 :. 1 0txand F 54 5. Fx ' , , I' N E L U N C H ES F 'm~om 1 Y N' . 4IVAIIF1 Ts-.of IasaL at , Arasa. Aabm[,r 'tkdod i i)A% A.aA)4 1' 0...…

January 19, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…The]AChI aI 41XVI ALUIMNI OF MICHIGIAN AR~E HIGHLY I placed Third in Percentage of i i Ilembhers in "Who's Who"-itrsigct First Among Western Colleges 1 a~cs(f ,jlii .Wisconsin Second. tel-ii ii il emll 71 is'iigvii isecialil thu i hl isii 'tuis i' - ibii olleg sa110mm Ci op orun at 1to theif ember (I th ir almi 5 i''i( om :.i f rs 'il rtcl s y r fJseph mmi g areiThe l C lii curl iiliittorough ind Ccmhesive sit f1the1 Ii's o s 1riiisioiiiiiiii...…

January 19, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. LeadingMngigEioCYELDW jBusines Maniager, WALTER R. HANS 2 MERCHANT TAILORS EITOiS. .... ... ... ..............ouisD P n Wmn............... Eie J. Arsmstr'tongc F i)iTOilIAL STAFF. The largest stock in Ilitt llSen Franklin C. Parks the City of exclusivecArhuriiiiC. Poundi . styles in Woolens for ASSOCIATES.j Geortge A.tOsbtorn HalntC ..Smith Gentlemen wear. Of i. EirlOgilt, ir. teotge A. Banes t high-class fabrics and Fei'tt...…

January 19, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY jor r i4 The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON "T!T7,EET MenS'Fu 55. Mens' and Boys' Sweaters Mens' Neligee Mens' Underwear Mens' Hosiery ALL AT LARGE DISOUL A MACK ( q ofsrT'TJNCHES ;s I e? !L'S'1t s awlS Is f) I's. A s'soilew ;5Ie. le are igont's 55 ''sK S C t'5A55'EE'SJ 11 5.JOLY. Staste St. ~Aio C~trI ILines DIRECT LINE j~TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains U, : :of M. BARBER SHOP I ...…

January 19, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…IBlit MICHIGAN DAILY Hockifig Valley Ry. 1IRO ATINGI CONTINUES ITS EXCELLEN'T TRAkIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots io Toledo and Co- lumbus US. E. CLARK, 32 ;Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates. 60ce per lb. E. E. CALKINS 320 Souoth ste str...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily V()L.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY i9, 1905 No. 7S1 SCHEDULE ARRANGED. TrCI Team Will Have Eight Indoor Meets This Year-Schenk Shows Well in Sprints. \OI'I'1{11'1 , 'I'l:I:A i l :la. '1'1' '1'? talltll1 rerhate. tl~ ;-r that anyt \lcit at rak ta acc tttrtak aTh reto fo li i t1( Will, deer, all t e a"xi), ien e t c dt tl~ a tr ila ente" a _iat tntin -ataal1, a>toIict i- atid< at h eofvih wilb i taht- a-aataaaa..Pudue...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…' HYG MICHIGAN DAILY JJJ WOULD HAVE n~~r i ~iAi * V YOU TOKNOW*__- * c" $ , ti * rt. I'r i W t r ljn t O S r ~. That we areJoingbusness ats lng-Editori, J. STANLEY hALLS. Bus ies Manager,CLAUS}ELA. HiOSPSON. OUR NEW STORE: 31 3t South State Street & : 1ti(i '. \i--------------- ar.It.Luc* i Ids 11... . 1 3r i ri , That our Nsew Woolens forI A. M. xxUxravexii 1. A x the coming tail tradle arc *. sitix That we make superh gar-: Ohli ll. ments fo...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t In....+..c..clud1+4 1ing HRT, S IIIER12&:MARX.4 Alovercoats maewl ni l olt 5I1 - of reguar ric $22.00 OVERCOATS now~n $16.50 ' $20.00 OVERCOATS ro $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS rnaow $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS .now. $12.00 f $15.00 OVERCOATS mow~n $11.25 $12.00 OVERCOATSno $9.00 LUTZ, Zhe Clothier} 217 So. Mairi t. IMPORTED STEIN The finest collectioin of imoted German nianfac- tored Steins itriob, h ci lon e, uniquoe patterns, are...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGIAN DAILY P H !b 0 T0 Gmow AP HE I Study wthaGood Ight TheeinobtteritlightAlthan TH-E WLSBACH READ)ING DAMP ALL ST1 tIISAT ALL PICESal. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. criII uII' tri'. l TRAINS EVERY HOUR A. IG. APALIi & 1R1S, Inc.s Ne rk C icagot Der r -To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE CREEK, Opaling Otlcea Fotlasi Id KALAMAZOO, and Points East and West Fo 94 On G. T. RY. at BATTLE CREEK E d itby \Valtor (':n1) '. LOW RATES FAST TIME M. on Ne...…

January 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1904. No. 79 A DECISIVE VICTORY. Minnesota debaters nor the judges. UTLEY [FOR COACI1. The decision of the latter was accept- Michigan Outpoints Minnesota in De- ed as eminently fair except by a few Decision Made Yesterday-New Dates of the more fervent Gopher partisans, . bate in Every Department-Press who contended that the speror in Schedules-Informal Tryout for Comments -...…

January 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ;THE MICHIGAN DAILY COL[[EGE GOSSIP. Entered as seesnd-clas matter at the Ann R eduction Arbor Post Office. A college paper at Morningside, Ia.,, recently published an editorial saying Published daily (.Monday excepted) daring theterwanoclgesitathen college yearat 1Otr '. IVshington stet hr a ocleesii te in, 9 ~(basement floor, side eatrasce) Phone 002-Or Stitt tion, Just to show that they ap- prediated thte editorial and ...…

January 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHI1GAN D)AILY. IoHIrAN CN F "TheUNaara Fals Route." THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, lCansas ity. St. Paul and ahe West. h or inforniton and throgh ticket cal on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor. COFFEE Our* owns roastinsg Mocha N Alwmays fresh and Java 2aper pouand 214 Man St. DEAN fem. CO. New Brunlswick Tables Ar REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Finn ...…

January 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Puritan Shoes ' l LAYMTAN -~ CICARLTTLS (;rotvn in Turkey. Perfected in £2ypt. Rnjoyed in America. 1 1 For From nO 0 cr TheftC.Kerl co, J ~411E. 57th St., Chicago. 11(1 Caps and Gowns made to or Pennants for all colleges and 1 0 Oi S llltse fraternities carriedin s o k o- Class Pis, Class and Team FS« ECaps. Moll Yoll Snd for Catalogues. +M NEY LOANED ON Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Comlplete [ine of Dress Boots. Watches...…

January 19, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…r= i ym' DAIL .... 'EWS 1I$8T YEAR. ATHLETIC ELECTI ION, Tike eaded by Mr. Potter Wins by Large Majorities-..John Robinson Made Strongest Run on the ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUND~AY. JAMIA R Y 19 1902. No. 82 _\arti 5). Verdier ... .. ... 231 TRACK TEAM, 'University Influence and Student Fosr 1ixFinanil Seci' re -- Will. ixxvd ........ 3Ixx Thought" by Prof. R. M. Wenley. Arthurx' t'xiiir. . . 21) The Squad Under Captain Dvorak is ,\ oxisus gix'iiifo...…

January 19, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THlE NICIIIiAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ORFALL LINE Is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THlE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 60. io8 Ei. Washington St. i I iil 'etG l~?I- )1 'I ' ir vixiis ii' dollusur Ii D I W S tle~at. Mll (txi'xi Ixxiuxsvis, iretvw' to EolltiNlleito ix r xiup Yiraxiftervyear ...…

January 19, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE M1CJL!GAN2DAILY-NEWS The Most GouvinGinU Ihins that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with whicls to tell you how good these clotses are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coal collar of their coats, and they are so proud of their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, i...…

January 19, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI-NEWS TROUSERS .. We haves severals hundred pieces of trousering s of new pit- teens on ousr tables-its lietwseen seasenns-ouir liss is Your gain-.just nows we can give ysu bitter values for tess money titan at any other season of the year. WAG N ER & CO. IMPORTING TAILORS 123 South Main Street dMIIM /1/ N V 1 rIGKWiGK Billiard rarlors ad B owling 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!I! That minsnthe schisitfeve...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…Ihe ~ O(94 Pil- VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICJH., SAT(JRPAY, JANUARY 19, 1901. No 85 Announcement PRES. GOMPERS ON LABORI Foot Bal Game at 0. S U. Probable FACULTY DESERVE THANKS Head of the Fedratioo of Labor Gives I Managr Chas. Baird returned frmSnal Pox Danor Past-But for the AL Our special line Columsus yesterday from a conference uwa Vivid Picture of the Working Maoswiths the athletic authorities of Ohio Preventative 14 ea usies, Many Would of...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…TE( F. UNIVERSITY UOF MICHIGAN "AIL Y J iE -t y ss j t i claimed that "The Burgomas- jl'fj J ¢ a 4te"' company announced for Monday, Jan. 21 here, is a veritahle "euty show," fo il addition to Edith Yerr- Published Daily (Mndays exceptddarig ingto, said to e one of the mot Collee eaat. divinely formed women ol th stage, THUNIVERSITFY OF MICHIGAN Ida Hawley, Josehiine Ne-lonan and MAIN OFICE. BoANa OFFIE.e Jnice Lynn, the trio of lovelines tha...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…a TlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W Don'tDea6c uoc iSn S There won't be many days 'tween now and the end of our 63c shirt sale. If you are going to choose from some of the best made shirts and made o fine material, at a bargain prikw you must do it NON. FRit is at these prices it will pay you to lay in 81n extra supply. p 117 G (1S 1(3 le MAINU ST 0U ' S MANS. MAIN ST. read a plater onStant ation ofI- ssiit este[ollrtls. fter a review NIAGA...…

January 19, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…THEB UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN D)AILY NEW BOOKS Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . WORTH READrNG- Te Cardina's snufi-hox, Henry Hfarandi Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state On the Wing o Octions TeetChandier Hri The hearts highway, Mary E. We~is of Michigan, EXCEPvTNe NONE. The Lane theat had naTurnin , ibrtare rloaeFables acrec OerAee ARTI5TICALLX ,.._ NECfANIALLT .Allcef Old iocenns Mauie ho msne Ia the Palace of the King...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…..LML-- Ah 'Or 94 PaIls VOL. X. \NN QtIBlOR, MICH., FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1900 No. 83. t , IHOUSE WAARMlING formation of Trsto o.bohold be ose MEDICAL STU ET SUES Iby legislation. Hn. ) . .. Ferry, ot OLG Expected to be a Success With Detroit, will presde, and ddge JoephCOLG W,. Donovan, of Detroit, te Honorable For Reusing Ito Grant Diploma after TT L 20010 People Present. Davar E. Heineman, ddge George s. ThrqRqie ore Fine ~IIrbrresbv enhos...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AILY Publisheed Diy (Sundysexeceptedcduring the Clege yerat THE UIVERSIIY OF MICHGAN oFFtcr The Inland Pess, Henneing Bich Bth IPhno'-.17. MANAGING EDITOR. R. BEsGEetatt,'1 L. BSINESS MANAGER. it K.IHnws. '0L. ATt tTtICS', . G. D I UTlttee, '01 B r. B A. Woeioee', 'CitL. A. i. tttDtttt-t, 'itt B A. . B CWet.'0. . J. B. WOOD, '5, G. J.Meeeeettettr, 'O, W. 0 ititte:, 'OM, TB hete icptoutict ethe it tta ot $2.50 L ...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 PRE-NVENORY ALEAll Shoes Greatly Reduced i2O00 ICON 0 GOODSPEED'S ON ALL TAN SHOEmS 119 South Main Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Niagara Falls Route. CEN'TRAL STANDARD TIMHE. Taking EIccCNovember11'), t899 Detroit NightE pes.........5 5A 31 Atlacttic Expes.............74 Grn cRapTiscExpres.....c ....t1 Mail and Expes i..........347 r, N. Y. Bostonc Spccecil..........45 Fact Ea'tccc ...............94c Bcstoc...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Holiday Books NOT THlE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 Mos. at 25 cents, We are not Selling BIBLES at Half Price $10.00 In Your Inside Pocket Isrwhat youcane o a ui toroercoat made to yor orderbytus.Wguarateeaperfet fitor no ale. Cal and se enoobigiationto byOr i menseso rtmoent of ovr' 3,00 samiples will pleaeou.o All Wail Shits and Overcants frio $12.00 up. Gorcal elle &YMur py Font Room oer Firs...…

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