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December 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

….0o Service- ...... THE WEATHER PROBABLY SNOW FLUR. RIES TODAY r 5k i!3ron VOL. XXXI. No. 64. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1920. PROPOSE ISSUING ,EarthquakeSHecu.SENATE APPROVES LITAUNON TODAY PRESIDENT M. 1. BURTON PRESENTS I sr HH e reo'n1 . B N D SnF ORn0I 0T g U niversity students w ill pay hom -VI TO 0 Uii r One of the most serious earthquakes U age to the Goddess of Terpsichore, in recent years was recorded on the ...…

December 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…a EMICHIGAN E __ . _... ._.. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer- sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repuli lication of all news 'dispatches credited to it ors not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffi...…

December 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

… -- . / ,." . ' : . . . . .. .. , + . e . ., * . ...' L. .ter tY : -t . : ". .. " a .. " * , .. . *, .. . ,,. .. .. .. "* . .^ .. .. ... "' r ,.: ." . . . , . .. , t , .. .' ,_ .: "; * *... . . #. 1 owefI _ ., . __ " -- VARSITY PREPARED FOR NORHMAL FIVE Mather Anticipates Hardest Kind of Game with Strong Team from Kalamazoo WHITLOCK TO BE IN SHAPE, I ERY SHOWS 1 FRACTURE When the Varsity five clashes with Western State Normal tonight ...…

December 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…I TEACHERS' PENSWN BILL 0 PRESENT IMPROVED SYSTEM TO LEGISLATURE IN 1921 Prof. James W. Glover, of the math- natics department, spoke before the hool teachers of Grand Rapids yes- irday on the proposed new teachers' etirement bill which will be present- I to th6 legislature in 1921. Last eek Professor Glover spoke before ie Saginaw County Teachers' asso- ation where ,the new bill met with pproval. The old teachers' retirement law had >ur faul...…

December 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

… WESLEYAN GUILD TO HOLD lors. The plan is for the members and CHRISTMAS SOCIAL TONIGHT their friends each tobring some ar- ticle of clothing or toy which can be Wesleyan Guild, an organization of used by a small child. The collection members of the Methodist church, will of gifts will later be sent to the chil- give its annual Christmas social this dren in one of the hospitals with a evening at 8 o'clock in the church par- "Merry Christmas." r...…

December 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…7ICHIG 4 " 1 ... . .....Y.... .....r._ .TTEND CHICAGO MEETING ng the Christmas vacation all of the zoological staff, ac- hied by many assistants and te students, will attend the gs of the biological societies sago. Prof. A. F. Shull will pre- paper on "Chromosomes and fe Cycle of Hydatina Senta," the American Society of Na- ts. Prof. P. S. Welch will read r before the American Society nlogistS. nize Daily Adverters.-Adv. Copper Count...…

December 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 64) • Page Image 7

…SECTIONAL CLUBS ORGANIZE '~. a%.aS-L~ L.JAlAa I AT THE THEATRES. TODAY Screen Majestic--Wallace Reid in his latest, "Always Audacious." Pathe News. Paramount mag- azine, and a Mack Sennett comedy, "It's a Boy." Arcade--Enid Bennett in a de- lightful comedy, "Silk Hosi- ery." Also "Dry Cleaned," "Fine Feathers," and a Bray comic. Wuerth - Joseph Dowling in "The Kentucky Colonel," Opie Reed's famous story. Van- ity Fair comedy and Pathe Rev...…

December 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 64) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL I ----rr- be held from 9 to 10 o'clock Satur- day, in room 221, School of Music. Freshman lit dues must be paid this week. They will be collected in University hall from 11 to 12 o'clock today. CREOLE PRALINES-Grunewald's from New Orleans; at Tice's, 117 Main St., South --Adv. MAC DIARIMID'S CHOCOLATES for Xmas. All kinds and sizes at Cushing's Pharmacy. Only agent in the city.-Adv. ! I MAN WANTED A REAL OPPORTUNITY A c...…

November 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 39) • Page Image 1


November 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…tr Itigau ttlj OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER O THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer. year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "TheAsiciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for ublicatin of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise lited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secon...…

November 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…MICHIGAN DAlI ,. .... Y : , . : :. , . rii .., W , T 5 t '",. V .i . "'1 i REACH FINALS IN FALL NET TOURNEY Bowers and Borich Fight for Campus Title When Weather Will Permit Play in the fall tennis tournament has been temporarily but effectively stopped by the recent heavy fall of snow, but not before the final round in btoh singles ;and doubles had beenI reached.I As soon as the weather permits, the singles champ'onship will be decided ...…

November 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .. a .... .. .., .. For live progressive up-to-date ad- vertising use The Michigan, Daily.- Adv. J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction 113 South Main Street ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resources .........$5,000...…

November 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 39) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HI M AU1LL Uclt-lI OR CHRISTMAS YOUR PHOTOGRAPH I REE PRIZE ESSAY CONTESTS ANNOUNCED NICELY FRAMED We can furnish both Portraits Quality PHOTOGRAPHY. Through the geenrosity of Hon. Morton Denison Hull of Chicago, the National Municipal League has estab- lished an annual prize of $250 to be given to the authors of the best essays on municipal government. This con- test is open to post-graduate students, who are, or ...…

November 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 39) • Page Image 6

…rHE MICHIGAN DAILY . . ..,,_y ENU*AGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mary Elaine Miller, '20, to Donald Er- AT ALPHA XI DELTA pelding, '22D, was made recently at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Mr. Er- pelding is a member of the Xi Psi Phi Announcement of the engagement of fraternity. I I AT THE THEATERS TODAY NEWBERRY TEA ROOM TO, SERVE DINNERS AND LUNCHES In addition to the luncheon and tea room service the Newberry Tea room from now on will serve regular lun...…

November 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 39) • Page Image 7

…A. H. Woods p resets BILRNEY BERNARD in "ils fHonor, gibe Potash" Prescott Qnub Meets Tonight states E. J. Traut, president of the L All pharmacy students on the cam- club. The speaker of the evening will j pus and all local druggists are urg- be Hugh Craig, former editor of the W WA~7Y ed to attend the meeting of the Pres- National Association of Retail" Drug- cott club at '7:30 o'clock tonight in gists. ikefreshments will be served at *TA r...…

November 18, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 39) • Page Image 8

…:A ..1* 1 rN .+ A d ~.5 I IN L ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ime I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1920. Number 89. The Regents at their meeting Nov. 3 determined to meet hereafter, ex- ; when otherwise specially voted, on the first Friday of each month at D a m The next meeting of the Regents will therefore be held Dec 3. iness for consideration at that meeting must be in the President's hands later than Thursday, Nov. 25. SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secr...…

May 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…pwj r0 #' U . .1 I DAY AND N SEfl1 ' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 18, "1920. FREE MOVIES ON CAP NIGHT BILL In accordance with arrangements made by the committee in charge -ot the Cap Night ceremonies, the doors of the leading Ann Arbor picture hous- es will be opened to the entire student body following the closing of formal- ities at Sleepy Hollow. . Immediately after the, last address, the freshmen will fall in to the rear o...…

May 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…-knows al than s of [; FI Meager as the facilities now are, it nevertheless would be a- good thing if all students interested in swimming would take advantage of using the pool at the Y. M. C. A. It will be open for use each afternoon from 3 to 5, and there will be someone there at this time to instruct those who may need it and want it. Irrespective of conditions, students Biology - Shull AT k * *. et. ned,.the sig- should not let th...…

May 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…^. F "'" " " A" " r . , . ..,i Howr Wolverines Won from Purdue MEET ,e been ,rschol-' 21 and and as ,cted in 't is as Michigan AB Knode, ss.....5 Kirch, if......4 Perrin, rf.......... 4 Van Boven, 2b .... 4 Mraz, 3b .......... 4 Genebach, c ........6 Newell, lb .........;3 Lan'genhan, of ..... 2 Ruzicka, p .. 4 Soheidler, p .......0 H 0 1 1 0_ 0. 0 1 .0 H OA 4 14 2 2 0 1 1 "0 3 51 .0 02 0 71 2 10 0 01 0 10 3 00 0 ntered a list of o...…

May 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…Wtomen d & Co., 311 1 1 7 jIs, TY OF CHICGO SCHOOL' 11 i' 1 ICourses open i sity dur For DEAN OF LAW er- OFI .w will shorten the traditional periods of ,d Colleges. Usually' one faculty of the, same superi'or Michigan Dames will meet at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in Lane hall. A pot-luck supper will be given. All members are requested to bring knife, fork, spoon, cup, and plate. Members of the Junior Girls' play cast may receive ...…

May 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 164) • Page Image 5

…Wedding. Bells," Salisbury Field's anedy which is being produced this ek at the Garrick-Detroit,. opens h the dilemma of one Reggie Cart- who has been divorced, is to re- rry on the morrow, but discovers t he still loves his first wife. When e his former wife's quick wit and n understanding are' brought into y, the knot which Reggie makes his affairs is untangled; but before rescues him, the comedy has run ough three acts of merriment. red," ...…

May 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 164) • Page Image 6

…I I i Tickets for the Dixie club dlance to be held at the Country club Satur- day night are on sale at the billiard room desk at the Union. Junior team:' Pitcher, Alice Beck- a.m; catcher, Eleanor Stephenson ; rst baseman, Alice Hinkson; second aseman, Quinneth Summers; third aseman, Josephine McGuineas; short- op, Phyllis Wiley; center field, Ern- stine Hall; right field, Florence Fox; ft field, Katrina Schermerhorn. Sub- ttutes: Narcena B...…

March 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 120) • Page Image 1


March 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…I" M L NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN rery morning except Monday during the Univer- Board in Control of Student Publications. - BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ted Press is exclusively entitled to the use for all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise paper and the local news published therein. the postofiice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second by carrier or mail, $3.50. Arbor Press building, Maynard street. iness. 960; Editorial...…

March 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

… . + 1. 4 t ., _"' : WGow£F [EN TO MAKE ro EVANSTON Half Milers Leave Today; nedr of Squad Goes Tomorrow ) MAKE JAUNT; :S HIM IN ShAPE track men will make the ranston with Coach Farrell idoor Conference meet on d Saturday. The coach, ohnson, the quarter milers, milers will leave on the 1:16 noon and the rest of the go Friday morning at 8:50 ary heats will be run in r mile and in the half mile ernoon, the finals in these ing place Satur...…

March 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…!A A a A As . AVL" a. * S S.S Lit If ouse UL t in e 'rue, '22, to Rob- Read the Daily advertisements. They True is a mem- will lead you to the best of Ann Ar- irority. Mr. Eno bor's stores.-Adv. FLOWERING PLANTS Cousins & Hall Florists Telegraph Delivery 1002 S. Univ. T , ,T - - -- I. Ci A_- VJ:!_L____ 11 - \- I E_ ,.' ' = , 1 ; , ;1, , _ -_ f f n ' 1 ' a ! : i____ a' _ I - L ' r _ _ 1 FIELDS__OF WORK Vocational Conference Told d Oppo...…

March 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

…THE MICI- IIGAN DAILY. ., ... Fire nepartment Extinguishes Blazes A small roof fire broke out at the Alpha Kappa Kappa house, 102 South TwelfthT street, at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. The fire department put out the blaze in record time. Another small roof fire occurred at 10 o'clock at 508 East Anne street. fuimes ,th nScreen Iicehigan Sqng s Fearing that traditional Michigan' songs, dating from the days when they were sung at Joe's a...…

March 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

…1 1 £4..* £Wla%.*A £Ai A &l V A!&A..d A _.. -_.. .... _ L& a UUI. Lu U1i.; THURSDAY C.-I'r. 3f. B. G~reenough of onal Paving Brick Manufac- assocation, speaks in room ineering building, on "Mod- elopments in the Construc- Brick Pavements." d-for-President league Alin- oom 306, Union. .Lambda Upsilein meets in 2 Chemistry building. Very ss'on Study class be addressed by umi, Grad. eting of Overseas at 'Lane Mr. Nobu club at Former M. A. ...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…WIC 4 I'1 1.1 ;eJ M4 I * ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1920. ,. . _ .. .; Of ENGINEERING CURRICULA CONTEMPLATED Cooley Explains New Five Year Course Planned by Faculty )bable revision of the course of es for Engineers, making an elec- course of five years, after which Master's degree would be con-; 1, is one of the important chang- ntemplated in the discussion now g place among the Engineering ty. Cooley Explains rega...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…,'11 I. .W ing. It welcomes students from every department irrespective of class or previous experience and re- quires only a serious interest in the work and a genuine desire to serve both The Daily and the University. It is not unusual to find students from every department on the campus working on The Daily and cases of medical, law, and engineering students who are working merely for an incidental knowledge of journalism, are far from r...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…U 11 El JI ISSUES BASEB LL I-I L. a _ . . o PRACTICE TARIT TOA INTRAMURAL NO Coach Mitchell, direc tramural athletics, ha into his new quarte 3 of the Press buildin 2268. MTIIE tor of in- aS moved MINNESOTA,21 srs. roam I to an inexperienced quintet. Now that there are three experienced men, Rychener, Wilson, and Karpus, the team should move more smoothly, and make up for the early season set- backs, Close TWO FRATERNITY sb, Pho...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

… ... From The Other Colleges M!ay be Smuck Will See Them Firs t DANCING CLASS Arcade Dance Hall ENROLL THURSDAY 999 TAXI I Pennsylvania- Twenty-eight men,1 who have been in war service, have been given free four-dear scholarships; to the University of Pennsylfania by1 the committee on war activities of the Knights of Columbus. In order to: utilize surplus war funds the commit- tee selected twenty Catholic institu- tions and twenty no...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

…hAIL UUUILII- 0 MEETING HERE at WILL HAVE CONFERENCE SHORT- LY AFTER COMMENCE- MENT Vid a's ' '' service1 nt to your soci Cegular M 35c and4 I The society for the promotion of' Enginering Education has abcepted food and the invitation offered 'by President Harry B. Hutchins and the Board of will lend Regents, to hold their next annual meeting at Ann Arbor. The meeting, which will take place l chat. shortly after commencement, will brin...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

…i mlti ILIaUL | IN COUNTRY, SlS' THAT'S )I _II I ,_3 I the World of To- k at 8 o'clock this ural Science audi- wt will be "From cracy in Industry." WEDNESDAY GENERAL END ALVARADO PREDICTS OF TROUBLE IN 1921 LANES TAFFIES at Tices' Store, 117 So. Main St. Re- every week.-Adv. I 1 1V 111 t $5.75 per Week, D'HOTE" id Sujplies ing 'ANY V' AVE. MEMMMMWI LINES RALLS, CHEMI- (By Associated Press) New York, Feb. 17. - Disordered...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…,11 { I, 1) 4 rrna r al r f DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE : ... 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1920. PR 'V!. FmN i .. - rna~Ti TC"i-' trtIXD f l,.YC V I I Taft Favors League of Nations; Approves College Referendum - - - DAY II COMPOSE Because e No "I am in favor of the League of Na- tions even if we should have to a6- cept it unamended, but I believe in modifying it to suit myself if I can," Hon. William Howard Taf...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…;' )t Monday during the Univer- )f Student Publications. SOCIATED PRESS sively entitled to the use for' credited to it or not otherwise n ews published therein. in Arbor, Michigan, as second Secondly, there are many who are ready to scoff or to throw stones at a movenept of which they know nothing except what they have inadvertently heard. Needless-to say, the sources of their knowl- edge are usually questionable. This class is ever ready to...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…ar. A he is said to be doing e Rec- to fairly easy picking for the University. In the indoor meet the going was somewhat harder, but nevertheless, the meet resulted in a 44 to 33 verdict in favor of the Maize and Blue. Mich- igan won five of the eight firsts and of these five, Johnson took three. The Varsity scored a slam in the 50 yard dash. The outdoor meet for last year was run off at Ferry field. Again the team was on the long end of th...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…Parties OR, M. 1. BURTON TALKS Of AIS AND MBiTIONS SGIVES REASONS FOR PREFERRING TO CONE TO MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY I Week Furnished By Lyceum Service Finzel's, of Detroit, and others PHONE 783 cers Vand other !Attractions, F I rY i A'rIWY IT RECEIVED. rge shipment of :e collar attach- .S rs bi Ltton down -,g r _ the Arcade 11ItII I 111liili l~illnIIIllIll 11ii';: atI ' R'S GRILL, rifled Porterhouse Steaks x In an interview with L...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 5

…Advertisers.-Adv. ER & SEYFRIED JEWELERS - of - Quality and. Service 113 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mich. To LECTURE HERE Following the lecture of Dr. Wil- liam Roscoe Thayer, two other faM- NEW DANCE SCHEDE ANNOUNCED By UNION /999 1I U a -----/ 99 ous historians are scheduled to ap- pear at the University this month. Prof. Arthur Percival Newton will lecture Jan. 21 on the "British Em- pire," and Dean Charles Haskins Jan. 27 on "The.P...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 6

…I l 1... lV l i £Al 1 YAV(A l VI/ C-11. SS, AY 7:30 o'i new init sium With the beginning of the second y_ on semester, the Union expects to revive a pre-war custom of open houses on hsc g Sunday afternoons, at which Speech- es will be given and a general get- together meeting held. The enter- tainment committee is at work on clock programs for the various gatherings, mega and they expect to offer a variety of bates entertainments. Speeches...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…An entirely new kitchen crew will work in the Union after Friday morn- ing. Dennis Donovan, steward, just returned from Chicago where he suc- ceeded in obtaining the new men to replace the unsatisfactory staff, em- ployed up to Thursday. Tuesday Ld iu :et" ' om o m of eS )CS. A R C ADE Shows at 3:00; 7:00 8:30 Phones: Theatre, ag6-M Mgr's Res., 2316-M. Today-Tomorrow EUGUNE O'BRIEN in f "The Broken Melody'' WUERTH THEATRE Sun-Mon-Tues - 1...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 8

…j d. with interest Mr. Hur- tion of the presence of d "flunkey" in the front the Union. But is Mr. ly frank in what he says, other reasons which he estly refrains from men- ose offered are not en- cing. eeper, we are told, is to Union from becoming "a;. andladies and their re- eep out "shouting child- ," anc thus preserve the "Michigan Men, Everywhere." Now, there are other doors to the Union besides the front door, but the writer has seen n...…

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