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January 18, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…heMichiganfl .N ' ARBOR, 'IICH-IGANI F 1 fSD NY, J iNk RN 8,igi i Vol'. XX. No. -- COMEDY CLUB ADS BURDENTHE MAILS Management Again Assures the Prospective Audiences That' the Actors Are All Stars. th inI-harlioters arit ciot, andiplsei- iciltetititltcy cotalin n pittisCuets efkall lhe pr iialthatl whotweilte pan in"Te Tnsptcto i Fa ihit, to-i iii l- ith lie tcuute'toftei i taeers, ligningin te ave ie t Iate iilet if cswh l ays it tl t ide...…

February 18, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… p rte-., y = J : "' . ; Jam, r r s ri . -c ±n A C -- C: v: ^. , ^- .., r s: u te r.-, n r -- +.... j . J Jam, . r r C' . J r . V y ,. " ^ J Cl (1 -.e co t0 co ' .~ . vi rte 00 i . r^ ( 0. . . n J r ( V+ , . -- r ._ 'J; .! (_ y (An C,' C/ f, ' + r .! l.; ..-.. J. r r-r _ _ 7 '; f J r- 'J r - -. f f r. 7c. ;. J .. r u -2 "' r= 2 r .r 2 2 - J. J "' 2... r - s 7" . rt ,__~ _ J. . r-f !-+- ., r-i fir. F . fem. f,_, ' , .. / ~ J' J f r...…

March 18, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…rN :RBOR, 1MICHIGAN, GRT) I .dl-dIHt rK 7ol.. xx SYRA USEPREPARED Tl'ice ofdaa'saioii iattg a() Condition oral Meet- -u aes in-t Ildicitat lh itstor liasoer) t 5 Coni ti orMell. i*Tet em ~r VlI-tce is a ooatta it itttheiame pfir d iastandle i till 11i ih te, ra t iee.I -tl r a ds e i I ll , sa r d ii - t lo till is st ti ITS PROPOSE PLAY (J o on Sale for Black I-ace Show so Ililga i lcl tadti atth gat1 ail miiiia lilshot' adidiic Jil Tiii...…

May 18, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The ichian Da ily VOiL. XX. MICHIGAN PREPARES , N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \VETNIISDAY. A\PRIL i.S, ro. Ncr. 1,;. INSI'Ct1N tART INIAI' iftI NEW PAPER STARTS .ii ' r~i N ])F(ifMf.ANNUAL MUSICAL 'IIFOR ePREP VISITORS i ci ,i __iaara fal cvo- -a1( i ll t 1 atr~ Annual Interscholastic Games the ha o iia~ dr~tt h al Attract Many Youthful ra~m;rrtcrr ai(Iim Track Stars 1woiy iiiV is iii I fl-()Ill the el hick is cit ; FriciaY, Mav it hc°re it to 1. ...…

August 18, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…THE WOL0VER.-dIN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TI URSD)AY, AUGUSTPj8, igio. VOL. I. NO. 23. VARSITY LA[C 612 E. Liberty Only one block from the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3.50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c CONSTITUTION IS ALWAYS CHANGING Supreme Court Decisions Fig- ure Largely in its Develop- ment, by Prof. Corwin trine of dti process of xcw' wherebiy, to onnexig the doctriiir of natural rights to the wistten onstit...…

October 18, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…The MichigaDil Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, 7IICI iIGAN, TUESDAYX, OCTOBER 18, TgTO. No. r3. VARSITY PREPARES FOR 0. SRU CONTEST Rooters Plan to Accompany the Eleven on its Invasion of Ohio LOW ROUND TRIP RATE SECURED After narrow escapes i the first two strusgg'es the Varsity eevns is settig donin(eadlti earnest to the tasa of prep arig for the game switi repre statises sit Ohii'iState Uiivrsitv sext Satuirday. Alttiough Sattrda's shoinig tirves...…

November 18, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The _ gna Vol XXT. THOMSON'S CASE. LOOKS BRIGHTER;). Michigan Authorities Believe r Fullback Will be Allowed t to Play r YOST IS CONFIDENT OF VICTORYf ITati ~tIt t;" T iomso , star full tas: ,il he a'll iii ad toicomptetagrainttisa th aope s ';ilie tegatla whih taaart sete sells al hampiosips tom rrwa ite opinion;;;'fItei \\olvrie attiori-t tca. limtiltit h;adspayed ta 'salort- ltn ila aitutdte i thitmattttand it ,oa crta intilalt ithtldecisi...…

December 18, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…Vol1.Nxl. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 8181)8, 01 1 ItH Nf , 10)10. No.t(l. A RECORD BREAKER r l,i~t he1'. 0100 toot SJo t wooo a PLANS FOR PEACE hlt l a'agin o1;. W ILL SPEAK HERE Audience at Final Production i,101 1,1l 0 0011'Ol Orators Await the Competition ' .. 1 1 1 00114 , , av Baron Ludwig von Wozogen to of Opera Reaches Limit of 180''))0110 '100000, a010 1 , UI ot t> Which Decides Varsity's ,)il ,0, iiiihrcirv o h Address Deutscher Verein Enth...…

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