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January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN ARB3OR, MICH., SUNDAY, JAXtJ~iY ]Is, 19013 "sit AR. Net. 5k 'BACKBONE" Practice Try-out Meet ROBERTSOELECTED Re 'I'se lfist prelimsiary' iiy- tisit 51t l-bso "tsCh anateristic is Necessary for frtelisrsy rt-iti a' Presdet of Junior Literary Class is sr yot ra afternoon istIthe yms innisAsiisi dung Man Who is to Succeed- ''hrr iwes-ritaisr'-v snitlwrsor'coin Chosen1'Varsity Football Mana- uu ti ftune by Mr. Thomas Di...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…I'l EMICIII(TA N l)\lL) -NEWT , R E 4fF Y F. E C 'y ' Y; 4 F ra 4 _ C4 :' 5n t" , C Il AID E 1 i!(l t in I 1 111 l o {1' Il . iAi'.' m i ) Tile I.(- Bct P r"~ Paoir i'f :' r ' <i1 , ~ ' 1 Im EAIl AN b:l1. otll-' 1N, 1.211.1 1 I1 . IN Il A hl t VcIsA 10 0) A 110iI hI n f \.ia I( f1. X' .iiigor S Dr. \Newell D wight [lulls: BOOKSi 1~ea Tools111 'I,,Li I e co .1 201 I Ii 1 Ir e" rr'r III II l o .. 1 fX I)tci' 111c o t K n;. . . . - c rI III 1111'...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…_. I I!1 if11 16 A D[A I I Y-N F N L I% Pt i ed CokTip. THE RIGHT 1HJNC"S AN ENOUG OF THEM1 fi / Sut. 'rcot-1kt , C 5 113COti xII S.M i' a ~ r - 1i l'l ; r jl t &" 1S1t BHIl i L4- ' _ o 'i 0 01 4ts . F 1 , 1 I', Illli Atliclic Iil 6 44441, L~av i ;ii> 31(jua l lii,,. C 11100e1.. , it 3... A> 0 \ 1 11t"I '":''i ii~ l ' .444A' 4. v , 1f 4 ll I W li r The Schooli 1 ,r Dancing CR N(i 'W Ground Floor. 312 Maynard Street, TUTTLE LOWNFY'S (llO(OLAI[S...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICLI 1(-Ai t)A I1Y-.NE\ (luring this mlonth, all custom mEade. 5p1ecial sale of white and fancy vests. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE CUTrIN~G-., RFYE2-~crI. d, G. J BUS, Maager109 and 111 East Washington Street GLOVES 'G E N D I2tTi~L 2 .I1')rt1f i~t 1IT1iITI( kI'1IAM1HENG ;111vt .0.M. MARTIN... A 1OIOt11h11.TN(ItA i FUNERAL tveII's Corner Store Cot.'MainFnd Huron St;. gllra 3Y), 3 rio'gs. DIRECTOR Ofle215. 4th Ave. 'Phone3. Ites'- 342 S. State St....…

March 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…THE 1.01: N. DAILY. tilL' X IIT. ANN ARBIOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1S, 1903 NO. 124 A STUDENT ROMANCE Young Hoosier Couple Wed-In Spite of Obstacles-They Co to California There is a very pretty romance Conniected with the Taylor-Strom nup tials, noticed in yesterday's Daily. It seems that the young isady in the case, Miss Edna Laverne Taylor, was sent htere under protest just after the hli- days by her parents in order to sepr- Ae44 r fromn ...…

March 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. Sp i gTHE U. OF M. DAILY MICIGAN NOTES. 'FI'le (nil ni 1110t i cii' E ttr( (ssr- 0 ~11. ccii i' Alm iii'i i* :i . it li..' l t' ii- i i i. cole' a iii ii ,b ii-they a FiIi;i t le In r tili f ili MANAGING EDITiOR, i i cc Itltll ii>I iii tiC' 411:1cciii ci()fi Thii cig'i'ci13ciiiii tciEARLE I. RiIUS'TOiN i W)c:tlii 0c. liii' ~in W ("l~~ coiiiiplei ~iii f iiBlUSINESS ciANAUFR, ,ove r. ' 11'1ii os(I i ' ii iiair: o...…

March 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…'THE TNV tIIYOF Mt'tICIIIANDILYit. Ill t y i RACKET BRAN . vi :Z h; - (,AlrS s ~ r~,C~ixc ix t Lioxrt zoo. caL Il~gerg Co THEKOHY T . H ttK 7' Q ; }sxd? ~F'{ i xi o t)1 t? ' I91 VAi ijj --D-- iNL--YN---ELE-- __ __ ~-... ,. . . 7 ne:. ypainted pictur t lks l d I <; ., othe bi-,n.;r is Ltha t 4 O, iaot i~ BURCHFIELD'S FINE roll of tobacco mouch Beto ud I K S b, the colleg~m stud entOuii. N f',lr re thsSU )1 Often takeoott his room, wnhere -ii li...…

March 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…THLE UNVERIT Y 01 MICIIEiN DAILY. WE KNOW 'a il lmnlc 'ttl wt , tincoaarc i 1 1 tit 1 te()e tk til }irtr WHA'r ~IIS MOR5E vl 1kno sai)r Ituls1} tulia iln iiai o I ~r ;sin 1 isi' t~u:tteo a l 1iu ie. Ii ot I tlsnc 1r1 W~E.IKNOW ]f illawill 5 <-, iv( t v urat.nionffr ilii in to int wencall CLEA.RL.Y Il Ii 5iiii I I retceI u tuf)- ad a tti I iiu s 15 1 d-t -t"e ii l i . ei ncitt Cutti~ng, Reyer &Co. GG. .UJ.BUS, 11r. 109-111 EAST WASHINGTON ST. U...…

October 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…'' . ""~e 1,chigan ally VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICI., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1903. No. 18 IIOObURS DF[AT[D .**********************************j PRO. GR[[NE[DEAD. Game With Indiana Results in a Score " R[SUL[TS OF Y[ST[RDAY'S 6AME1S. "Da fteEgneigDprmn of hi to 0-Good Progress Shown ** -One of the Oldest Memers of by Yost's Men. *.e.feeeeeeeeeeeeeee, eeee,*.*,**** the Faculty. lendier fairy tavorabe wealher rote 4+81 (higati........... 51 Ind~iana...…

October 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Alllounlcemfelt,, TPhe Largest and Most Complete Line of : WOOLENS in Ann Arbor wl eifoin' otd at .I. Wild & C o's. 118 ast Wahin gton t( eat [ans hav euii tale i the' setietiots of all sitings. troserintgs &oeea' i,s t for this season. G. H. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. ISHEEHAN'S tliI I s o t jUniiversity SText-Books Agents fotr " Keuffel & Esser's Drawing In- strments " Waterman's Ideal Fontain Pens " -- -'ry Ou f I j...…

October 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. f¢ 'l ic.' i -t r'. . os y l Nve l os o 1. J'1- o 1 1( fi h ilos °j. 'U ;" J >"'' NECKWEAR, UNDERWEARv 01 0< 100 BATH ROBES, SWEATERSi icestu~c-DECORATIONS FOR ROOMS, New Line ofz R'+ AIN COATS The Clothier, IN ELEGANT 81 TIAlN J, 01V AT y; ....tI r°t ra+ ti°ti ra°ts°ts°i s°ai° °f t°r+rs° t°t+°i-'°a +rt°r+taf°a s°a dr o°r i°r ry '°rs rs°a++a°+rs°t+°ar°s+ita°tr°rs°a °r3°+"s°aa°as°<s°rs°i+°r++sr°t+rra°rs°t °r + . + + r + + +...…

October 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. OUR TAILORING. is gaining in popularity, Come and see uis be- . fore placing your ordler.'+ PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. Best kind of workmnship guaranteed. 4 4G. J. BUSSr. Cutifrvii Reyer ft Co., At the sign of the paternal surname there cornea a check. _ At the sign of the fatherly Turk there comes a MOGUL Cigarette. Ender, e the check and get' money. Endorse MOGULS and- get your moeysa worth. Tenteor 1Sc. 4r Plin and ...…

November 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…T he ihianD0 N i VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH.,, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1903. No. 46 OBERLIN COME[S N[XT. IR[SIV1AN [NGLISH1 WORK, FOR THEF C IlCAUMOGAMEI. ' DEPAkRTIfrWNJDBAE. ConregtioalitsWil Ply MchianPresent Evils of the Course-Faculty; Michigan Management Has Completed Lame and Lits Will Comete Friday ConregtioalitsWil Ply Mchian Contemplate Changes, Allowing Arrangements With the Maroons ror Plae On the University Team Next Saturday-Hope...…

November 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TrHE MIC21-IIGAN DAILY the two leadig 'Western Univrsitie Fall 1n journalism can scarcely be consid- Enteed s nc clss n~aiellxs'.eAss erd as other than beneficial. a ll u c m e t rt e,, tte dgnla yad GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. itatnl iinsn o Unmlltn an A movement is on foot to obtain I11UtHNAI1U11 O5(iNEhiIO: enughl money from Yae, Harvard, ISusNess MANAGIST ith(colleg clb at Manila, Philip- Ils~o I. II TUN The Largest sod Mo...…

November 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. L~ook for tbe H.oS. C NI. Label SjCiaI Offeringsin +.t security bond ever issued. We[ + have Ilari. Schaffner & Marx o $.0At sFnyBahNbs iiada 39 * Suits and Overcoats $1,50 Adler',s Street rndaL Dress lnes, - $1.00 'FOMs 3 $4.50 JIen-s Finest .Liamb TIool, Swetteis , - $3.00 * $I2.00 to $25.00 T"he Clothier, a Bx t(3 Eitee Linen Uamrrbric ]landlrerelsiefs', fJr 5C In edlesosvariety Neiwcst Sty les iii Neck Tics and Collars ...…

November 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. OUR fAIL RINGAND STEAMSHIP LINES. OUR A 01, T'rains Oleave A nn Arbor by Central Standard . hEDAD ;;. 1 ~Time . /iItiI 1V1L~'NEfete October 26. 1902. T. E AR M N6T.ft4SOUTI NOILRH t o. b 7:0 . M. NO. 1- 9:00A. M. 2 11 33 A. M. No. 5-12:30 nP. M. is gaioing ino poputlarity, Comie and( see 515 be- T.INto. 4 8:25 r. tM. No. 3- 4:53 P. M. fore baeotg yor orer. Trains Not. 5 antd 0 run between Ann Arbor .2. andtlToletdoot...…

December 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dail VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1903. No. 67 CONCERT POSTPONED. "RS. ANGELL DEAD. On Account of Sad Death of Mrs. An- gell-Musical Clubs Concert at Death Came Yesterday Morning-Her Ypsilanti Cancelled-Remain- Life-Her Work in the Univer- der of Itinry Unchanged. sity. Owing to the sad death of Mrs An- Although Mrs. Angell has been ill gell, the concert at Ypsilanti last for several days the news of her dea...…

December 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Fall Entered as second-class matter at the Ann Arbor Post Office. Published daily (Mondayexcepted)during the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, ( baseent loorside entrance) Phone 892-3r A nno oI I MANAGING EDITOR : S. EMORY THOMASON I The Senior Class of the Yale School IFIlY CENT8 [ACH of Forestry left for lumber camps las wee. _heme wll _so__gone , ti___i__- The Largest and Most Complete L...…

December 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. A A l All $9-5 and $24 Overc yats new - - $20 0 O IA IT a SPf~I ale, All 8205and $.2 Ovrcoatsow .- $18 H LD YGF OyT coatJ4LVLU All $18Ovrcoeats now - - - $15 , '11$5sOtercoats now -- 12 [OR "EiN FOR LADIES 5 This sais includes tile femrous H. New Neckwear Fine Silk Umbrellas S. & i11. 52 and 54 inchl long coats. HandFurhefsas andecarefs Black and Oxford. Plain or the Handmres LaceBoasladecrfs U T Dress and Street Gloves Toi...…

December 18, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. + ++++-+4..!..4n.4O 4H"* "4uO244.44 l.4-91 wI+64 Ciuettr Peabody & Co.'s Arrow and Crown Brand 15Sc Collars for 10 CENTS ---AT CUTTING, REYER & CO. F b b F _. 4 4 F ',a . a R F .l F F " F THE. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time Effective October 26,10. 1 SOUTH NORTH No. 6- 7:20 A. X. I No. 1- 9:00 A. MS. No. 2 -,1:33 d. IM. No. 5--1::30 r. m. No. 4-- 8:15 e. sM. I No....…

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