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January 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Da il Ann Arbot, MI( icigan, t. oi day, Jtiuarti 1,-1908.. %Vait.. XJJ No. 81. MICHIGAN SCORES a llpomtei nf monand peet i o"I 11.Robrts, for Nortecstern, con- 1~(TIIIF~ VI ~T~RV tnded that public sentiment today hs l canged i(1 ,a tlt frotm that of the past feIars (l, al that the people of each Varsity Debaters Win Decision state ar tmaingi such chage in their OverNortwestrn Wile ol~star lues a they hind the netds of th Ove N...…

February 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Daily NN ARBOR, -MICHI1GA, TUSDAY',FEB1R1 \RY ji1908 \VOL.*XVIII. .tio. loo. KAD LI 'S EC URE eeni' some of her friends, insisted to IIA EIJN'S ECT stch an extent that finally he smitted CA TU ED 11uE RE S anto fe hi ihs and the marriage oids I~hmT nflnsanctified by the pope after the imerial C~r~u~u HE RERScoonat ion sere dssoled. Josphins led a rather adentros Famous Frenchman Delighted life.i iei debts for or year were 1,oo,...…

March 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…TheMichignDail ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANXX T lN DAY XX ARCH 1,igo8 VOL. XVHLI No. 125. FILTHY- HOLE BEARS NAMEOFCOUNTY JAIL Arrested Students Pass Night Amid Revolting Surroundings- Preliminary Examination to be Hield Friday-Bail Fixed at $1,000-Plea for Leniency is Futile. No place to sleep aid hardly to sit A down, dirty companions adc filty sr- roundings-such sere the conditions tnder shich the stdnts arrested dtr- ing the riot at the Star ...…

October 18, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily__ ANNARI'lOI",:MillI I 1\N.SVNI A , OCTrOBIZ tR, i908. VOT,. XIX. No. A8 ALLERDICE'S BOOT IS MICHIGAN'S GAIN Luck Offsets Weakness of Var- sity Line-Coach Yost Praises Earnest Work. lbThanks'-to DI) i ll er11tdic an hi of 1ithesoitti ysterday, and ist able'tot ii 11il:; to the vOrtt ot hblt 'anotertrophy of100 vi tryito lNt itie' fesvly Notre I) itpt o veii st 11)0tor too 'lic u n h atlit ito-ut's dc f is w s it he n A ...…

November 18, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The. Michiga n Daliy \N\ \ROR \I~~l~f \ \\f -NL'CDA', NOfY17\itiR il, i9oS c-44 IVNoL. XTX. (). 44. SCHULZ WILL PLAY AGAINST SYRACUSE Teuton Giant Appears in Fast Signal Practice-Scri mmage Is Scheduled for Today. 'Phoangh net scrinnge tpractice -ias hield yesteiday, thie muc-i hnge I vatr-iit sity w1ent through a tiff signal practice in tin exetliiilh proisiing manner.ii *CPearing fiirthier aggravstiots o existinig injuries, Couch Yotstsw...…

December 18, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XIX. \T' AR1LRiil, :NiICIII CNN\, VRII)AYDI CIR xI 11< xt8,icy;.08 N . t8. WHAT'S WRONG IN 1:xi: 1 cxxxiQ07tac. teami, with th eGMN'IYOT OUR ATHLETICS? a feuxiat I td tvngfot te o - ASSURE SG'S ix iiiiiiihasiresultdTi eatldcreas Not Due to Conference or to Yost, rt'Cl st Fstril.Th aeal;Ilany Compete for Parts in the But to Dearth of Material-1 xiii xxxx ix German Play; -'Le Barbier"' alta] series w ihIllini s, w iei...…

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