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August 18, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…THE WOL0VER.-dIN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TI URSD)AY, AUGUSTPj8, igio. VOL. I. NO. 23. VARSITY LA[C 612 E. Liberty Only one block from the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3.50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c CONSTITUTION IS ALWAYS CHANGING Supreme Court Decisions Fig- ure Largely in its Develop- ment, by Prof. Corwin trine of dti process of xcw' wherebiy, to onnexig the doctriiir of natural rights to the wistten onstit...…

August 18, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…TPHE WOLVERINbt .I $25.00 4 x 5 Cartridge Kodak (Shopworn) Price, reduced 50c each day beginning Aug. 5th at $19.00 Neit in our1 JWindw E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S ptical' y Dept. Fine Watch and Jeelery Reparigt HIALLER1'S JIIWILIIRY S10ORE 2t6 south Main St. Prites ot:-The wolerrine. The DSitu ti,ntaDaily The Al attais,Th aw et en~. iTeiargaprTe Ti 11h- iean 'Tehnic,High ShoolOm...…

August 18, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVS~fclNYt In AR... *Players are particular about rues. We have good cues; light or heavy, plain, corded, or ebony to suit. Find what you like aod we reserve it for you in private drawer without charge. HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. i STORIES OF THE CAMPUS~ H N IE R T C M Uuder this captioe short stories per- taieieg to the campus witl be published. Auytlhiug of tocal interest wilt be con- sidered. Ev.eryone who sees somethiog...…

August 18, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…v1WO V I White Swan Laundry We do the Finest Laundry Work in the city. Phone us an order and be convinced Junction of Catherine and Detroit Streets and Fourth Avenue Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152-White WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY We are showing an especially fine assortment of W. WOOLENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep Cool. Come where all legs lead to. I F. A. MYLES (Secornd Floor) 607 N. William St. p C DETROIT UNITED LINES...…

August 18, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EH EA WEEK, 75L SUMMER PUBLCATION Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1914. No. 24. RECORD SHOWS HOSPITAL HAS RAPID GROWTH Total of 8,883 for Year Ending June 30, 1913, Indicates Eclipse of 1,107 er Preceding Year IlElaslTERl IStS 791 FROM PLACES OUTSIDE OF STATE Resources Surpass Those of Before By 'otal of $26,7>7 Year According to figures recently com- piled, during the year ending ...…

August 18, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…T HE WO LV ER IN E ORPHEUM MON.-TtUES. Aug. 17.8--Cartyte Stock' welt in "Spit-F'irs" by Edward Pepto. WED., Aug. 19 -"The Candidate for Mayor" THUR., Aug. 20 '-C. M. Anderson in "The Good for Nothing" FRID., Aug. 21 - "The Terror of the Ntaht" - SAT., Aug. 22- The Moonestone of Foz' "Complete Line" OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS VARSITY TO G.GER Y S HO0P 1107 South University Ave. T7H E 'WV0L VER IN E g it of i abttit is w it apeculiar I Th ffca uen...…

August 18, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…THE W O LV E R INE ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S 11i ;a]ll ii i c;an it ,. lo t71'Is':' to 05:. it::;l 1le;''eo~gt fl<ry,'ealod iu ll aai", o say "11,41.'' 11 III. o I(I iX1 1i_; To find what is best. Just glee him a test; And after that trial, We'll wager you'l smite. So after you finish the "fuss" or a "Hop,' Follow the sign boards; ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S. IT'S THE STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE WHO HAS THE Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies ...…

August 18, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE FOR RENT Four and live room flats. Will be ready September 15. J. K. MALCtOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW U, of MK BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillien Orchestra Sunday Afternoons and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. IIOSP IAL II(A X TI (Continued from page 1.) The new contagious psavilion is n0ow completed. This buildiug has been erected at a cost of $25,000.00. This suns having been given by...…

August 18, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…AYURDOOR w 3TIMES A WEEK w THE ONLY OFFICIAL SUMMER NEWSPAPERl VOL. VIII. No. 23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAi, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18. 1917 fltICE FIVE CENTS ... .... . _.w. ., j ( f EAMIINS 10 SIAHI WEDNESDAY Students Seeking Diplomas Must Fill Out Blanks Before Paying Fees TESTS WILL LAST THREE DAYS A complete schedule for the final summer session examinations has been posted in all the University buildings. The finals begin on Wednesday morn- i...…

August 18, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Wuerth Theatre Matthnee z, 33. Night 6:3t, 8, 9:30 Sat rdys-Sndaysd ontynuouss f St-8Wmt. Rssell it "Msked Heels." Alst "The Mystery of the Double Cross." Episode 14. Sun-Mon-9-o-Mae Murray in "At Fit Sight." Ato Triangle Komedy. Tuet-Wed-2tr-z2-Bryant *Wasbni "The Golden Idiot." Also O'lenry. Thur-Fri-23-a.4-Wallace Reid and Kat- lyn Wiliams i "Big Timber." Al- o K eysteCo edy, SotSome- - ileinTeDog Ctcthe's Lo." Orpheum Theatr...…

August 18, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

… P AT-C HES Have You a P EVERY EVENING Now exam week is approaching At a very rapid rate, So I think I ought to study And not have another date. But the dance is so attractive That I ought to go once more; And the Huron sure is pretty From the wooded western shore, And the room's too hot for working, And the stars are shining bright- Oh, gee whiz, boys, what's the differ- ence If I go out just tonight? A COOL ONE FROM A NICE BERGER "What is t...…

August 18, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…SAYS RUSSIA IS READY FOR DEMOCRATIC REGIME (Continued fron. Page One) Germany with Russia in commercial relations in the future. Discusses Russia's Future 'The questions which people are now considering most concerning the Russian situation are: (1) Will the revolution bring permanent results, or will there be a return to the old regime? (2) What effect will the revolution have on the war?" Profes- sor Meader continued. "To those who do not kn...…

August 18, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…r 'U , ,LY twr .ZW ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1921. PRII ,._- , CUT ROAD FUND, IS LODGE PLE A i ' PROF. DAVID FRIDAY, OF THE ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT, WHO WILL SUCCEED DR. J(EDZIE. BKR DUS I ELCRO HER ks Also of Disintegration Iradlum Into Alpha and Beta Particles of PRINCIPLES EXPLAIN CHEMICAL COMBINATIONS recent visitor to the United , Mme. Curie, has aroused our, it about the structure of mat- particularly the struct...…

August 18, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…o ±vi KJ1 AN. eet. .....Managing Editor P. Dawson, Jr. ...Hugh W. Hitchcock .James B. Young ...Harry B. Grundy ...Virginia V. Tryon ......Clement Smith remedies. It has also been suggested that, if class presidents and secretaries were to have desks reg- ulalry assigned them in the student activities rooms of the building, and were to establish definite hours at certain times each week when they might be found at their posts, the other stude...…

August 18, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…c Of Sports | , I /t t II 1 i (By Harry B. Grundy) New Sweaters for Grid Team Big Ten teams will appear on the gridiron this fall with sweaters which will not confuse the spectators or the members of the respective teams in their play, particularly in the pass. Hitherto many of the teams have worn sweaters which were almost identical in color, and confusion has often re- sulted. Michigan wears bluf; Wis- consin wears cardinal; Minnesot...…

August 18, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…,atI not take on in which It is suggested that students who ) working are self-supporting come to Anm Ar- given out bor with money enough to pay theirl A. Bursley. tuition, buy their books and.tidy theml work was over the first month. While the stu- g a total dent may be'fortunate enough to se- month. cure work immediately upon arrival, re are no it is better for him to be sure of idents but enough to last at least the first month, ,. obtain...…

August 18, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…eather cloudy and coaler Y; Friday fair' and L Official Publication of The Summer Session Editorials Taking The Final Summer Inlv en toriy, -.m-m-j . ....... . .. ............. . [I No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUG. 18, 1932 PRICE FIVE CENT Operative >nse Planned >r 18 Co-Eds On Way to New Endurance Flight Mark Socialist Club Will Open Living Quarters Soon For Women Students Expenses Placed At 3 Per Week Matron Will Be S...…

August 18, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…) THE MICHIGAN DAII.Y T Daily _.. - .. i MMr'LGPN N AAgdq 1 M+erorwnlfD gar~uii nrY Published every morning except Monday during the Un i4rsity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MeAzber of the Western Conference Editorial Assocla- iofi and the Big Ten News Service. M1EMnER OF TE ASSOCIATED P!ESS 4he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited t...…

August 18, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

… House Clerk May Rlae 11 U. . C iIata Pu~bcafioit Is Mandatory Under R elief Laws, He Declares its Statement WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.-(/P)- The clerk of the house is ready to over-rule President Hoover and make public the details of loans by the $3,800,000,000 Reconstruction Finance Corporation since July 21. The corporation's first report on the loans is due to be submitted to congress this week. South Trimble, house clerk, has written an eight- ...…

August 18, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…f THE MICHIGAN DAILY ent na eg tr for ol-s 1 Jay her day er- re uist ds- ust at ice, ,nd eh l- er ed rs of ns rk n he n y a- >f 11 g rs a 'S g' e !t L° n ,e f I I 5 } C' 3 1 r Dem ocratic Nominees in Cmnpaign Huddle Michigan Man Was Inventor Of Skyseraper William LeBarmiu Designed First At Chicago J *3flky Towver The world's first skyscraper was designed by a University of Michigan professor. This startling fact was revealed yesterd...…

August 18, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

….Afri" attu Editorials Teacher's Sassy Looks; Dear Cooley Is Well Qualified. Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XIV No. 46 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1933 PRICE FIVE Couzens Says Mills Turned On Bank Plan Senator Accuses Former Bank Heal Of 'Double- Crossing' Group Tells 'Inside Story' Before Grand Jury Claims Approval Of To Chicago Bank 'Political' Move Loan Was -Associated Press Photo A giant manhunt by 300 ...…

August 18, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IGAN DAILY of the Summer Session >9 I elected president of the American Engineering Council of the Federated American Engineering Societies at a time when that position was faced with problems of unemployment, government re- organization, elimination of industrial waste, and other matters equally pressing. Two years later he resigned as Council President of the Board be- cause of ill-health. A month after his resignation...…

August 18, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY manutaciurers Accept Change For Auto Code Open Shop Provision Is Included In Agreement With Administration WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.-(N)-An agreement between the automobile industry and the NRA upon the "open shop" provision of the indus- try's code was reached today with spokesmen for the manufacturers ac- cepting a modification proposed by Robert W. Lea, deputy administrator. The change, which officials indi- cated represente...…

August 18, 1933 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHMAN O TI:Y JL JLJL J" LFJL AL THEMTCTTT(V C-3 1 1. XXA. The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures if CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY After more than a week of political and economic revolts Cuba returned to work under the new government headed by Dr. Carlos Manuel de Cespe dies. Members of the new Cuban cabinet are shown after their installation with President de Cespedes (at head of table). Paul Maxim, 25 (left), O...…

August 18, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Cloudy, occasional rain by tonight and on tomorrow; ris- Ing temperature today. , E4r,, Sir igan ~a j Editorials The Alumni And The University ... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLV No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, AUG. 18, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS 'Chalk Dust,' Closin Play, OpensToday First Presented As W.P.A. Project In New York; Given InChicago Frederic Crandall Directs Production Leading Roles Are Played By...…

August 18, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Generally fair today and to- morrow; cooler today. r. Si ian ~Iait t Editorials Just Watching And Waiting.... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLV No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Louis Wins By Cool ing Gob In 3rd Sharkey Unable To Stop Flying Fists Of Detroit's Bomber In New York Sailor Lands Only One Heavy Punch Ring Career Is Virtually Ended As Negro Slugs Way To Early Vict...…

August 18, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…PAGE t. 1 i1 E M I Ia H 1 TUESDAY, AUG. _18, 193E --- -TW- -- . ---- -AUG.-18,-1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session Publishe every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and She Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled ...…

August 18, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDN- F'SDA , AU G. 19,19-36 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19, 1936 Free Speech~o Your Birthright -Thinkers Are Failures, American Politicians Think- (Gerald W. Johnson in the Baltimore Evening Sun) Publishect every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and "he Big Ten News Service. MEMBE.R OF THE ASS...…

August 18, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…'UESDAY, AUG. 18, 1936 THt MICHIGAN 'h-ATT. V WAGE T _ 8 1 '! Y i~~~b .I l'.SM 1. , V2l 1 1,I 1LT .. R'iA 'i i THRV 141a i i f I Spanish Loyalists Rout Rebels From Somosierra NEWS Of The DAY (From The Associated Press) -3Men Convicted In Bannister Extortion Case NEW YORK, Aug. 17.-(G)-A general sessions court jury con- victed three men today of extort- ing money from Harry Bannister, actor-producer, under threat of making public af...…

August 18, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19, 1936 THE. MICHIGAN DAILY Ii New WPA Biological Laboratory At Lansing NEWS Of The DAY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the mAl1ce of the Summer Session, Room 121. Angell Hall until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (From The Associated Press) M.D.'s Offer Contradictory Views On Braddock Hand NEW YOtK, Aug. 18.-(P)-A battery of ph...…

August 18, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOTU THE 'MICHIG~AN DAILY i F{La Y N J- s Ja . s..a .-~ Governor Asks Legon Aid In. Upholding Law Addresses War Veterans' Final Banquet At State Convention LANSING, Aug. 17.--()-Festivi- ties of the American Legion's State Convention drew to a close tonight after reaching their peak in the an- nual parade and banquet. State officials and their guests sat in a reviewing stand before the cap- itol through a hot afternoon as gayly unifor...…

August 18, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…f THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19, 1936 First Casualty In War Games Is Army Flier Young Selfridge Officer, Mechanic Fail To Make Jump From Plane ALLEGAN, Aug. 18.-()-A young army pilot and his mechanic, at- tempting to land their blazing pur- suit plane, were killed today when the flames forced them to jump at low altitude. "The drop was too short for their parachutes to open, and they were just out on a string," said a farmer who s...…

August 18, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Generally fair in north, part- ly 'cloudy in south portion to- day; tomorrow partly cloudy. g ~Official Publication O f The Summer Session VOL. XLVI. No. 44 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18, 1937 Editorials Prospective Justice ... PRICE FIVE CENTS Chinese Mobs Riot As Hunger Seizes ShanghaiNatives) Death Toll Reaches 1,400 As Struggle Of Artillery And Planes Continues Foreigners Leave Under Heavy Fire SHANGHAI, Aug. 17....…

August 18, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 19-37 r. ...,. x _ A .. On The Level By STAN SWINTON (Guest Columnist) RECOLLECTIONS OF A REPORTER: It is 4:30 a.m. and we are sitting with Jim Boozer and Bob Fryer high on the side of a hill bordering the -Huron River Valley, the panorama of Ann Arbor huddled below us. Against the light- studded foreground the hospital gleams, forth, a sort of earthly milky way; to its right the carillon a nebulous...…

August 18, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…A ,Y, AUGUS~T 18, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MM- N EW S Of The DAY The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures (By The Associated Press) Ship Head Asks U.S. To Back Vessel Mortgages WASHINQTON, Aug. 17.---)-La- than D. Smith, Chicago steamship and shipbuilding executive, told the House merchant marine committee today proposed federal insurance of vessel mortgages would help revive the shipbuilding industry on the Grea...…

August 18, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN )AILTY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Sino-Japanese War Presents Neutrality Test Neutrality No Longer Moot Question But Definitely Defined Term Paralysis Spray Dr. Peet Developed Is Ready For Use In Next Epidemic DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the UfIversity. Oopy received at the oU ee o the Aistant to tme Presda wi*3"30; 11 :00&in. Saturday. (Continued from Page 3) p...…

August 18, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

… I I and warmer today; to- ow warmer; possible rain g 131k igan~ ~Iatj Editorial The American Newspaper Game . a Official Publication Of The Summer Session . XLVII. No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, AUG. 18, 1938 PRICE-FIVE CENTS i i - wxvmmw Fascist Issue Seen Rocking British Cabinet Rift Between Chamberlain And Halifax Rumored As Fascists Combine Secretary Advocates Stronger Measures LONDON, Aug. 17-()-Italy and Germany h...…

August 18, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY iA -..z: -1 ,' '"'). TI' ' ---- ® FL I . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Contro of Student Publications.n Publishece every morning except Monday during the VUitersty-year and Summer Session. Member 'of the Associated Press Tie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to t t or not otherwise cr...…

August 18, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ndews Of The World As Illustrated In .Associated. Press Pictures Jack Zeller (left) has been elevated from scout and farm system boss to generaal manager of the Detroit Tigers. W. 0. "Spike" Briggs, Jr., assumed the vice-presidency of the club, vacated by the dismissal of Mickey Cochrane, retaining also his post as treasurer. Del Baker (right) succeeds Cochrane as manager of the Tigers. The elevation of Zeller and Briggs we...…

August 18, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Meg"""" . rM~w n r~r i~u .r Tragedy Ends Dodge Honeymoon 1 1 IN THIS CORNER Bridges And Benton Pitch Tigers To Twin Victory Over White Sox I IDl y MEL FINEBER Ay Editor's Note: "Pete" Lisagor; ex-sports editor of the Daily, dropped around the office yesterday and, believing that he hadn't lost the old touch, we pressed him into service to do one last "Aside Lines." ABOUT A MONTH ago this writer saw the Brooklyn Dod...…

August 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

… LY rers aud slightly cooler. Official Publication Of The Summer Session 4:3att Editorial Exile Of A Paintin ... . ...... No. 46 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUG. 18, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS itestants Kuhn Says Un-American Probe Will Cost Dies Political Future'. in Hopwood 3tion, Essay, 'etry Prizes 1 Of $500 Is Given r Summer Awards; Thous Is Repeater as, Hale Collect p Contest Honors thy Arms and Harriet Hale off top hon...…

August 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, AUG. 18, E MICHIGAN DAILY ami . A' MIt I and managed by students of the University of m under the authority of the Board in Control of SPublicationa. hed every morning except "dy duig the ity year and Summi eession. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All A republication of all ...…

August 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGXN DAILY PAGE 1 British Lads To Wear Tin Hats; In Case Of War They'll Make Some More I'- T u 'Th 4/ 5~* 4 Looking Qiass ;, By ALICE Intended for use o British air raid wardens and others who must be outside during a bombing attack, 1,000,000 tin hats are being produced at plant in Dagenham, Essex. Here are some new colors to accent those beloved basics, black and brown: jelly apple, maple sugar, Baccus grape, green tea, and ...…

August 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY F"IAY, Al ft r' antic coast maneuvers involving 77,000 officers and men proved of interest to army observers countries, shown at Manassas, Va. Left to right, seated: Maj. Felipe Munilla, Cuba; Col. Mexico; Col. Carlos Sanchez, Venezuela; Lieut. Col. Eduardo Leongomez, Colombia. Stand- na Machado, Brazil; Leader Ismael Sarasua, Chile; Col. Richard V. Read, Great Britain; nann, Sweden; and Col. John A. Crane, officia. obser...…

August 18, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…V. Weather Light Snow Jr Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication tlx Editorial After The War- What Is Our Course?.... VOL. LI No. 95 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverine Cagers Take Ragged Tilt; State Road Engineers To Convene Van Wagoner To Speak On Military Highway, At 27th Conference Matmen Lose, 17-9 Stampf Continues Drive UnionlToHol Toward Scoring Lead; Brogan, Sofiak T4lly Witr Snow ...…

August 18, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THF M ICHIGAN DA LY TUESDAY, EBRUARY '18, 1941 Writes For Technic Prof. C. Fries Aids In Work Onictionary Compiled expressy for Americans frorin 12 to 20 yeais old the "Thorn- dike-Century Senior Dictionary" will be published this month in Chicago. Research by Dr. Edward L. Thorn- dike, educational psychologist of Col- I umbia University, who, was assisted by 28 other linguists, phonetics schol- ars and lexicographers, went into the preparati...…

August 18, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…i8R1$41 Ms _~iG N D ~ L I- Cagers Beat Maroons; Matmen Lose' i K.) I, 'I v Ed wards To Coach 1941 Detroit Lions DETROIT, Feb. 17-(P)-William Miller (Bill) Edwards of Cleveland's Western Reserve University will coach the Detroit Lions of the Na- ional Profesional Football League in m941. Graham Smith, general manager of the Lions, today announced the sign- ing of Edwards to succeed George Potsy) Clark, who was released by the Lions in ...…

August 18, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1941 q 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY i Washington Merry-Go-Round - I/ 3-1 sIt ' { f M OV N .A.N., Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for r...…

August 18, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

…ARY 18, 1941 THE MICHIGAN.8. D. U J .. LU..3 LA THE11y!iiM1V'11HT2AN rL"TTV . £ /,y,* y £LV rrvur, r i v n Freshmen Will Hold Meeting At 5 P.M. Today i> " -- - Hospital Scene To Be Theme, For Caduceus Main Decorations For Annual Ball To Be In Form Of Murals And Caricatures of Professors Murals and cartoons will decorate the Union Ballroom Friday for the annual Caduceus ball sponsored by Galens Honorary Medical Society at which Gus Ar...…

August 18, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

…MICHIAN DAILYTs Lasses Named ' For Extension 'Service Here C. A. Fisher Announces 16 Courses Available In Second Semester Sixteen extension courses will be available in Ann Arbor during the second semester of 1940-41, Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of the Un- iversity Extension Service, announced yesterday.. Among the courses will be one in badminton in which both men and women may enroll. It is a noncredit course lasting sixteen weeks under...…

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