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August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…Fortnight Show Will Highlight Special Event (Continued from Page 1) the newly created position of social chairman, directing League House dances and cooperate with Panhel- lenic Association in sponsoring fac- ulty teas. Exchange dinners and teas between houses are also under the direction of the social chairman. New Post Created Phyllis Pettit, Mosher, tas project chairman will supervise the various money raising activities for the Uni- versty...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHiGA N D ATI~ Uommmmmolm 'OLUTION: Difference in College Women, Of Today,'YesterdayMarked by LYNNE FORD If the coke-sipping, prom trotting coed of the class of '35 were to re- turn to her alma mater today, she would find an entirely different spe- cies of college women had descended on the American university. Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd summarized the difference fully in an address to incoming freshman women when she said, "This ...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…MICHIGAN DA Y r 4 To SRA To Hold Rendezvous for Open Lecture Series in Fall CAMPUS CO-OPS: Group Living Provides Great Saving, DevelopsDemocracy Newcomers Churchill, Lochner, Ramey Will Speak Gov. Ellis Arnall of Georgia will open the 1946-47 Oratorical Asso- ciation lecture series here October 17 when he speaks in Hill Auditorium on "The South Looks Forward." Seven other well-known persons will complete the annual series: Randolph Ch...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL Fortnight Show Will Highlight Special Event (Continued from Page 1) the newly created position of social chairman, directing League House dances and cooperate with Panhel- lenic Association in sponsoring fac- ulty teas. Exchange dinners and teas between houses are also under the direction of the social chairman. New Post Created Phyllis Pettit, Mosher, as project chairman will supervise the various money raising activities ...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…THEMICHIGANDAILY Footba jtlI. (Continued from Page 1) dominance over 81 of the 90 foes they have faced. Of the nihe teams having an edge in victories, five have been played only once. Cornell has the best record over the Wolverines with 11 wins to five Michigan triumphs, the last game with the Big Reds occurring in 1933, when the U of M handed them a 40-0 pasting. Big Ten Rivalries Best Michigan's sharpest rivalries have been with three Big T...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY s UXURY LINERS: Ship Owners Plan To Keep War Volume of Lake Travel --MU SI c DETROIT, Aug. 17-W)--The war years brought a travel boom remin- iscent of the golden era on the Great Lakes. And steamship owners, glad to be back in the chips after taking a back seat to the automobile for many years, are making plans to hold that war won volume. I Officials of the Detroit & Cleve- land Navigation Company, operators of the la...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…C ion's Facilities, Functions e Open To All Male Students Conveniences Includes Cafeteria, Dining Room Ballroom, Barber Shop, Billiards, Bowling w Through these portals no woman hall pass -is the unwritten law hat hangs over the front door of he Union, the Michigan men's castle. A daily center of male life, and a ite of social functions on weekends, he Union has faciliti'es for a variety f activities ranging from a quick lip in the swimming...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY tin- r- OLD TRADITION CONTINUES: JGPlay, Senior Night Headline Junior Plans By LYNNE FORD W E HEARD about a rookie infan- tryman making his first amphi- bious landing. The silence roared and the tension was like a tight rub- ber band as the craft approached the beach. No one said a word, until finally in a plaintive little voice, the rookie whispered, "Please, won't somebody say 'This is it!" Well, this IS it. In less than...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UXURY LINERS: Ship Owners Plan To Keep War Volume of Lake Travel -MUSIC DETROIT, Aug. 17-UP)-The war years brought a travel boom remin- iscent of the golden era on the Great Lakes. And steamship owners, glad to be back in the chips after taking a back seat to the automobile for many years, are making plans to hold that war won volume. Officials of the Detroit & Cleve- land Navigation Company, operators of the largest pass...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY nion' s Facilities, Functions re Open To All Male Students Conveniences Includes Cafeteria, Dining Room Ballroom, Barber Shop, Billiards, Bowling Through these portals no woman shall pass -is the unwritten law that hangs over the front door of the Union, the Michigan men's castle. A daily center of male life, and a site of social functions on weekends, the Union has facilities for a variety of 'activities ranging from a qu...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OLD TRADITION CONTINUES: JGPlay, Senior Night Headline Junior Plans teas call for hats and dressy suits or dresses. After that, it is up to the respective houses. "Informal" means a tailored dress or sweater and skirts and flats. "Formal" is an overstate- ment, for all it means is heels and hose in combo with the same tailored dress or suit. There are no strictly formal rush parties. On the truly practical side, a warm win...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY' POINT-A-MINUTE: Fielding Yost Awaits Michigan Gridiron Tangle with Cadets Sprinter, Hurdler, Halfback, Record I Team Up To Form Fast Mile Relay Qu By BEV BUSSEY Michigan's "Grand Old Man," Fielding H. Yost observed his seven- ty-fifth birthday last April 30th at his home not far from the site where his teams made football history. Although Yost has not been in the best of condition, he maintains that "there's still a lot...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY COLLEGE ROUND-UP: Minnesota 'U' Fights Polio; Purdue Turns Away 5.000 THE OLD ARMY GAME: The University of Minnesota con- tinued its fight on the polio epidemic this week. the biggest epidemic that has occurred in the United States, according to Dr. Donald Cown, assist- ant director of the Minnesota Health Service. Although 21 children be- tween the ages of five and 16 have been treated there, no new cases among Universit...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…I r couiil il Enrollment a1 Cut Due to Faculty Shortage Applications Restricted to Veterans; Influx Forces Tightening of Academic Standards Literary School Curriculum Change Debated Moseley Typewriter & Supply Co. Don't Say Typewriters - Say Moseley's 214 EAST WASHINGTON STREET COMPLETE SERVICE ON ALL OFFICE MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES Harvard Proposals Basis for Discussion Additional enrollment in the Col- lege of Literature, Science and...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , _._ . v..__ WsA Cold Weather Brings Forth New Pastimes Winter Sports, Athletic Events, Traditional Dances, Parties Offer All-Round Entertainment As the campus gathers its beer kegs and insect lotion and moves in- doors, a new recreation problem fol- lows them into the confines of the dormitories and houses. As the Arboretum fans have so often asked, "What is there to do around here in the wintertime?" And that is a q...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY COLLEGE ROUND-UP: Minnesota'U'Fights Polio; Purdue Turns Away 5,000 (.'______________5 ,0 00____________________________ The University of Minnesota con- tinued its fight on the polio epidemic this week, the biggest epidemic that has occurred in the United States, according to Dr. Donald Cown, assist- ant director .of the Minnesota Health Service. Although 21 children be- tween the ages of five and 16 have been treated the...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY iterary School Enrollment gut Due to Faculty Shortage Applications Restricted to Veterans; Influx Forces Tightening of Academic Standards Additional enrollment in the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts is being curtailed because of the shortage of instructors, and only veteran applications are still being accepted for the fall term, according to Arthur Van Duren, head of the Office of Academic Counselors. Wartim...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1946.TH MCHIANDA Cold Weather New Pastimes Winter Sports, Athletic Events Traditional CDances, Parti~s Gaffer All-Round Entertainrment f ^ As the campus gathers its beer kegs and insect lotion and moves in- doors, a new recreation problem fol- lows ;them into the confines of the dormitories and houses. As the Arboretum fans have so often asked, "What is there to do around here in the wintertime?" And that is a question . .....…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SE 1 ght Coaching Staff Compiles Outstanding Athletic Marl VE and, in addition, Fisher-coached squads have brought home 10 Big Ten championship crowns. Develops Major Leaguers An outstanding teacher and devel- oper of individual stars, more than two dozen of his boys have been of sufficient calibre to play Major Lea- gue ball. Dick Wakefield, Detroit Tiger ace, is the most famous, while teams have walked away with 15 ...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…THE -MICHIGAN DAILY ASSOCIATED PRES P UCTURE NEWS M P RE SI1D EN TIAL P0 R T R A!T- President Trumian sits for~ his portrait by Artist John Slavin (right). The r-'rting now hangs in the conference mroo of the White House., A R QOOC HK 1N B 4O0TS^- Lanny, a wire 'haired fox terrier, wears a coupte of pair of Tiding boots and' the cap of his master, Mike Corona, a jockey at Rockingham park, Salemp, N. H. R E P A Y I N G A D E B T - Lt. (ig) ...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…-... ELCO E TO THE E STUDE TS!! Our Shelves are stocked with E USED for Every Course in Every Department E GINEERS- MEDICS - LAWYERS I I Consult our New- and Enlarged Professional Department for your Requiremei nts. Make use of our years of experience in bookselling to ensure yourself of the Best Buy in Town. f 1 1.. TO THE FRESHMAN Make Wahr's your headquar- confusion STUDENT SUPPLIES TO THE VETERA...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 29) • Page Image 8

…____ ___T] IG) D A MISS McCORMICK first came in contact with Michigan coeds when she was a member of the Phy- sical Education Department for Wo- men. At that time, members of the cast of JGPlay rehearsed in Barbour Gym and Miss McCormick was on' hand to answer anyquestions that arose. She also worked with coeds on Lantern Night. When the present Michigan League was completed, President Alexander G. Ruthven asked Miss McCormick to serve as c...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Small Offers Wyatt Authority 14 Michigan For Non-Housing. Building Counties Are Sustaining State OTn By The Associated PressSuaiigttePCUE IEW WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-Produc- ing materials away from veterat's tion boss John D. Small, in response homes, requested Small by letter to Washienaw Included to a new demand for deep cuts in cut it down further. If this is not In Taxpaying Group non-housing construction, has offer- done, h...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY to I ELCO E TO THE E STUDE TS!! I Our Shelves are stocked with I E USED .;' / I for Every Course in Every Department :a ENGINEERS- MEDICS - LAWYERS Consult our New and Enlarged Professional Department for your Requiremei nts. Make use of our years of experience in bookselling to ensure I yourself of the Best Buy in Town. t 4 . TO THE FRESHMAN I Make Wahr's your headqua r- c...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 29) • Page Image 8

…TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Miss Mac' Advises 'U' Coeds., In Extra-Curricular Activities e - ' by JOAN WILK IF YOU don't know where to pro- cure a movie projector for the 'U' Fresh Air Camp movies, if you want to organize a new project for women on campus, or if you are won- dering about the proper procedure for inviting professors to a faculty team, "ask Miss Mac." "Miss Mac" is Miss Ethel A. Mc- Coimick who, as social director of the League, is ...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY Welcome. to All Michigan Students Welcome! F ii to All Michigan Students III w jf f ' ~ , ' di 6" tco~~1e~ §e i dlvyCe U soot* 0 5 Y ' o r s e N u u r e o r l o ur z b r CO .. Qsk {~~~~or ok o h ' 0b C O zoo' suCp ~y r SIS FredyMeetng lac" 11 I 11 Il I 1I1 tt anld 11 _II III SI' I 11 Michigan's Friendly meeting*p " .... ! w w wI' r '". A -" ' i e _ __'"!_ " U -V . Oe v art .rte. iii …

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 9

…°tl rn To Brighten Michigan 's Grid P rospects By DICK KRAUS There'll be plenty of reinforce- ments on the football front this fall for Coach "Fritz" Crisler's 1945 "Baby Wehrmacht," which featured six 17 year olds in the starting line- up that piled up seven victories as against three losses to tap teams in the nation, Army, Navy, and Indiana. In fact, if Crisier chose, he could field an all-ex-GI eleven come next September. He could eve...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY oungest Michigan Grid Squad Rated Sixth Best in 7 iatiion Last Season 's Team Defeated Only- By Best: Indiana, Cadets, Middies Indiana, Army, Navy Hand 'M' Only Losses By DICK BURTON Placing second in the Western Con- ference standings and sixth among the gridiron teams of the nation, Michigan's 1945 football team dis- played a team spirit and fighting heart that stands alone in the foot- ball annals of the school. Frit...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 11

…"I THE MICHIUGAN DAILY iksmen Capture Wolverines' Lone Conference Crown ._ _.; Netters Have' Winning Year But Lose Title Jim Evans captures Number Five Singles By EV ELLIN% With a record of five wins and two defeats to their credit in Big Ten competition, Michigan's tennis squad concluded the 1946 season on June 1 by capturing fifth place honors in the Conference meet at Chicago, which saw Wolverine Jim Evans crowned Big Ten titlist in...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 12

… TiHtMICHIGANDAILY Michigan Stripped of Indoor Track Crown By Record-Breakig Illinois Cinder Squad Place Second, Third In Conference Meets By ARCHIE PARSONS Small as it is, "2/3" is a figure that will live in the minds of Coach Ken Doherty's track squad for many years as the most vivid memory of the 1946 indoor season. By this margin, the Wolverine ag- gregation suffered its only two losses of the season, one a dual meet de- feat at the han...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 13

…THE MICHI AN DAILY I_ Football.. , (Continued from Page 1) dominance over 81 of the 90 foes they have faced. Of the nine teams having an edge in victories, five have been played only once. Cornell has the best record over the Wolverines with 11 wins to five Michigan triumphs, the last game with the Big Reds occurring in 1933, when the U of M handed them a 40-0 pasting. Big Ten Rivalries Best Michigan's sharpest rivalries have been with three...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 14

…j THE MICHIGAN DAILY a na er System of Pre-War ys Revived by Ernie McCoy Sufficient Manpower Available for Renewal; Program Expected To Reach Peak in Fall POINT-A-MINUTE: Fielding Yost Awaits Michigan Gridiron Tangle with Cadets Sprinter, Hurdler, Halfback, Record Holder, Team Up To Form Fast Mile Relay Quartet v. By CLARK BAKER Another of Michigan's pre-war in- stitutiois was revived last Spring with the announcement by Ernie Mc- Coy, a...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 15

…op THE MICHIGAN DAIJLY PAGE S light Coaching Staff Compiles Outstanding Athletic Man EI By HANK KEISER A glance at the record will reveal that Michigan's athletic teams have, on the whole', piled up long strings of victories as against relatively few de- feats. These continuous successes of Maize and Blue sportsmen can be at- tributed to the fact tnat the Wol- verines have.had tine good fortune to be blessed with coaches who are experts in ...…

August 18, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 34) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILYSUDYAGT181 Welcome ', AUGUST 18, 11. "C I iOX I M ry. 0~cx to All Michigan Students at 0~i~tatM COO\er 40111111111111 oonoSIwsb/ ~ve r'L a ~ o tiiu#01 ' w% iw'7OO1 - v~t BIJSW4 ,.S t' dse° UIestbtoOOL e o d tSb a"6 Yu otr C' d c~fl1 GI ou ae cass~'Nabersov U ae ay o csh ecu 11Wij 7 Fredy etngpae , ~Itoi I I$Ouw E I H "Michigan 's Friendly meeting place" cvT'f~rn T l 1 R I 1T TY Ir "N A 7 TON zoo"%l1TT Clm1100"...…

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