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May 18, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…ANGRY IMPROVISATIONS Y Latest Deadline in the State i1 CLOUDY, SHOWERS See Page 4 VOL. LIX, No. 162 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Reds Dazed By German Vote Upset Communist Win Below Estimates BERLIN-(IP)-About a third of the Germans voting in the single ticket zonal elections behind the Iron Curtain have upset forecasts and dropped a big "no" in the bal- lot box, official Communist figures disclosed tod...…

May 18, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

…TID ....- ti r AL. X .aT r.S..4 .9TIAV. ALVr to I AAA ... ,r . . ..... i..,:...Yic~aa ar iy, ~uA ..L 4 .. ,.,.r .4/x x £AAJME 5, ui :ir 125, 193 K Brandy Raids Union Kitchen Find Factor' Essential to Fever Virus As a result of research in the University's School of Public Health laboratories, light has been shed for the first time upon a special vitamin necessary for growth of disease-causing virus. Dr. Herbert R. Morgan, associate profe...…

May 18, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…W: ,,N" YI 1 1,' 15, lullu THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,.4 M yl Ne BfLL-ESSION by b. s. brown, sports editor WHO'LL BE CALLING the signals for Michigan's football squad next year? Your guess is as good as mine. It could be any one of the five or six candidates for the position. It could be the versatile Wally Teninga. But as far as the Michigan coaching staff is concerned -now that spring drills have ended-anyone could get the job. Though the qua...…

May 18, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fED N 'D RATHER BE RIGHT: ngry Improvisations By SAMUEL GRAFTON W'E'RE THE GREAT .research kids in this country, and being faced with the big question of what to do about Communism, one might have supposed that we would have hired experts, sifted out all the at- tempted answers of the historic past, and worked out something fresh, creative and streamlined. Instead we have improvised, and, on the whole, we have improvised...…

May 18, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 162) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Students To Bone For Bluebook Bal Blackboards, Small Bluebook Programs To Remind Dancers of Coming Exams <t- - - - - - - - - - - It's time to put aside texts and start boning up on dancing for the Bluebook Ball to be held from 9 to 12 p.m. Friday in the Rain- bow Room of the Union. This is the sentiment expressed by Ned Miles, general chairman, who feels that this spring's version of the traditional dance will be the mos...…

May 18, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 162) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WARNING TO TALK: Shady Trails Camp Aids Boys with Speech Defects Pioneering in the field of speech improvement for over 16 years, Shady Trails; University Speech Improvement Camp offers a summer of training and recreation for dozens of boys with special speech problems. Located on the shores of the Grand Traverse Boy at Northport, Michigan, Shady Trails was founded as a non-profit organiza- tion in 1932 by John N. Clancy, ...…

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