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April 18, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…r 01 i I AIW" it a',A O11 PRE DAY AND NI SERYI I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1922 PRICE a .., ._ _ ___ _ VARSITY BAND [PORTS INDICATE HTLY MORE THAN $1,400. RECEIVED BY MAIL FROM CANVASSERS IMATE OF RETURNS VAILABLE THURSDAYf aign Extended So Alumni Clubs Will Have Chance to Contribute agre reports from students who ited funds for the completion of Union swimming pool during ig vacation marked the progress he drive' at h...…

April 18, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…onday during the nverasity dent Publicatione. CIATED PRESS ely entitled to the use for ited to it or not o therwis les Pub U411,-4tkertila Arbor,, Michitam. "s secesil street t to exceed 3*o words, if signed, the signs- appear in p rint but as an evidence of faiti, il be published in The Daily at the discre- It at or mailed to The Daily office. Unsigned !ceive no consideration. No manuscript will writer incloses postage. tnecessarily endorse...…

April 18, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…In quenching t irst it leaves nothing to be desired. .. . r ' L ' ' , . Drink Cl P Delicious and Refreshing 7- The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, Ga. BUILDING IN ANN AROR SHOWS MARKED INCREASE A31IBERAY APARTMENTS, MASONIC] TEMPLE, AND 3 NEW SCHOOLS ] UNDER CONSTRUCTION Three new public schools buildings with an aggregate cost of $870,000, a large, apartment house and Masonic temple sare the chief features, of Ann Arbor's present extensive bui...…

April 18, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…AMOND TEAM WHICH INVADED THE SOUTH 11 FOR SPRING F COACH WIEMAN . IN C] PLAYERS; MORE W OUT TODAY I More than 40 candidates reported Coach Tad Wieman at Ferry field ye terday afternoon in answer to his ce for men for the annual spring footbE practice. The men were assign lockers and their equipment was : sued to them, but only a light pia tice was held. This included passin punting and drop kicking. Coach Wieman expects more m to come out ...…

April 18, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…but a. wil e Im; e the week. Prc ein the co, uinary mat( Wd for out. s net s been reg- Squad of 25 Neu nnis As. yet no cut has been made in the nest. squad which numbers more than 25. the various candidates have1 ranged, and it is necessary men who are out for the.. down at the courts every af Weather permitting, gall mate be played on the clay courts, the concrete court will be 'us the other courts are not in c An extensive schedule has"...…

April 18, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…WI IEI WI WW 1U1U1U1 U UUIUP ALUDIT 1150,00 ATION UNIT BEING AGITATED; iTREE SUMMER CAMPS TO BE ORGANIZED uipment for the military unit at University has reached a total e of $150,000. With the exception he isste of uniforms this total rs the cost of 400 Springfield s, the heavy field pieces for the lery corps, two heavy Browning hine guns, two light automatic ining rifles, one three-inch trench ar, one 37 millimeter gun, and dummy Jiandgrenad...…

April 18, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 140) • Page Image 7

…e snp 'ish to sign up their Li must do so at once ard in Barbour gym- sciic Ige ie may Lham's There will be . a rehearsal of the entire cast of "Pomander Walk" at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hail. Members of the cast are to have their lines committed .for this rehearsal4 Michigan Dames will meet $at 8 o'clok tonight in the parlors o ar- bour gymntasium. Relwarsal schedule of "Thie Yel- low Jacket" for this week is...…

April 18, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 140) • Page Image 8

…I AL BULLETI NI 140 TUI APRIL 1, 1922 Number Diploma Fee is pa.yable now. Early settlement is necessary for the Lion of diplomas. In no case will the University confer a degree at coment upon any student who fails to pay this fee before 4 o'clock ay 22. In case the Faculty does not recommend any payor, the fee refunded on surrender of reeipt for payment. The above applies teacher's certificate fee, business administration'certificate fee...…

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