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February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…While Ann Arbor City Councilmember Larry Hunter's use of an official city car to attend last month's inauguration did not necessarily break any city rules, it did break the spirit of them. ARTS 9 The Academy Award nominations were released and there were a few surprises. Check out Aaron Hamburger and Michael John Wilson's analysis and predictions for this year's Oscars. SPORTS 1 Chris Webber and Jalen Rose led the Michigan basketball team pa...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February 18, 1993 ICEBERG Coptinued from page 1 roam. Supreme Court justices, members of Congress, Cabinent of- ficials, Joint Chiefs of Staff and foreign diplomats attend the speech. One member of the Cabinent does not attend the speech so that someone is ready to assume the presidency in case of disaster. U Minutes before the address, a Clinton aide faxes a copy of the president's speech to the House Te...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 18, 1993 - Page 3 'U' to renovate East Engineering, UGLI, Randall Lab by Nate Hurley Daily Administration Reporter Three University buildings will be getting face lifts and implants to hide their age. East Engineering will be reno- vated, the Randall Laboratory ex- panded, and the Undergraduate Library (UGLi) both renovated and expanded. Construction will begin in the spring, said Paul Spradlin, Univers...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…" Page 4--The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February 18,1993 ti r- cbe £ibitiau ailui 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Josn DuBow Editor in Chief YAEL M. CITRO ERIN LIZA EINHORN Opinion Editors I Unsigned editorials represent the mjority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. I ...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 18, 1993- Page 5 Forum .tackles isues o battery by Michelle Fricke 0 Sixty percent of men will batter women at some point in their lives. Faced with this frightening statistic, about 40 men and women gathered last night to confront the nature and consequences of violence through battery. The discussion was led by Mike Jackson and David Garvin, social workers who founded Alternatives to omestic Aggressi...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 6

…Page 6--The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February,18, 1993 " LOST PRESCRIPTION GLASSES on 1bompson St. or near Big Cty Bakery. 663- .396. BASEBALL Sports & non-sports cards for sale. Must sell! Call John 764-8992. COMPUTERS FOR SALE "'Mac SE w/68030 Accelerator, 2.5 MB RAM, ,52 MB HD, Keyboard, Mouse, $749. -IBM PS2 Model 70 386DX w/387, 4MB RAM, 160 MB. HD, VGA card, Ethernet ,$799. Mac SE/30 Motherboard, 4MB RAM, $399: 160MB SCSI HD. $749...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 18,1993- Pagel -I . ,_ . CLASSIFIED AIDS FOfl RENT STUDENT . AlE HUGE 6 BDRM. HOUSE near Packard & E. University. Furnished, 2 baths, parking, laundry, Oakland Mgmt. 761-7491. provides HUGE 6 BEDROOM HOUSE, parking, EXCELpr laundry, & 3 baths. Near Power Center. clear instruction Room for 7. Oakland Mgmt. 761-7491. HURRY & MISS THE RUSH - S. Fourth, 5 focusing upon bdrm. Furn. house., Pkng., Lndry.,...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 8

…. Page 8- The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February 18, 1993 " 0 V - 'V. I-n case yjou aren't aware, or hav'en't time to spare, y~ecarlyj some men dare to express themselves with lair. Some come in sneakers, others pumps; some add hips andL aU* cddt Lumps. 'Lt's clear that as theyj wordL their rumps these supernoctes are no f rumps. With long redt press-on nails' andt every9thing that entails, the gown andt makeup v'eils that they are re...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 9

… -4 ARTS, newSouth sound by Andrew J Cahn________ CurrentMagazine raves, "ANew South sound nestled between ZZ Top and R.E.M." Prism Production's calendar declares, "ANew South sound nestled between ZZ Top and R.E.M." Widespread Panic singer John Bell's first reaction to this was a quick spurt of cynical laughter. Then he made a hacking sound.When I told him this line did not originate from their record label, Capricorn, he was relieved, and...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 10

…" Women's Swimming and Diving Hockey at Big Ten Championships vs. Ferris State Today, Tomorrow and Saturday Tomorrow, 7 p.m. Canham Natatorium Yost Ice Arena The Michigan Daily Thursday, February 18, 1993 Page 10 Blue roars past Nittany Lions *.FULL COURT. PRESS 'M'fits right in t ~ at PS U's circus by Andy De Korte Daily Basketball Writer STATE COLLEGE - Last night, a circus-type atmosphere prevailed in the land of the Nittany Lions. ...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 11

…The Michiqan Daily- Thursday, February 18,1993 - Page 11 Andrew Levy- WOMEN'S SWIMMING BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIPS 'M' ready to claim seventh title by Charlie Breitrose >ad D ve raf Daily Sports Writers_ Other athletes need input in AD searc The University's athletic department is currently at a crossroads. With the retirement of Athletic Director Jack Weidenbach looming at the end of August, the University stands poised to appoint his successor...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February 18,1993 Hitters swing into Florida Consistent pitching key for Wolverines as season begins by Brett Johnson Daily Sports Writer Freshly cut grass. Pine tar. Resin. These are the smells that return to the air tomorrow as spring train- ing begins for major league baseball. Saturday, these aromas will cap- ture the attention of the Michigan baseball team for the first time this season. The Wolveri...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…Today is the final day of Ann Arbor voter registration for the March 17 Michigan Primary. "Hello, I'm Wilfred Brimley for Tampax." Is this an advertising campaign from Hell or a little gender-bending humor from Carol Leifer? When the Michigan ice hockey team enters Ohio State's Ice Rink tonight, the Wolverines will be playing for a tie for first place in the Central Collegiate Hockey Association. Today Coudy, rain later; High: 40, Low: 34 T...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, February 18, 1992 PRIMARY Continued from page 1 Buchanan said in a Manchester news conference. Buchanan's message seems to be winning over some voters. The most receit Boston Globe tracking poll has Bush's percentage down to 53, with Buchanan's 29 percent and 11 percent still undecided. The same polls show that, despite Bush's whirlwind tour of the state over the weekend, his popularity and job ap- proval r...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 18, 1992 - Page 3 I Dahmer sentenced flS~n0 to lifem Pn MILWAUKEE (AP) - Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced to life in prison yesterday after some relatives of his 15 victims called him a devil and Dahmer told the judge, "I know society will never be able to forgive me." "I take all the blame for what I did," he said. Nine relatives of Dahmer's vic- tims described the painthey have suffered beca...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…*I Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, February 18,1992 (Iitor:in Chief (M~AWIV,,11 s IHO'-ECLINT6N45 15P! e- MAKES ME ~Slick!t I-rHsE -rA S'i De5 E~X ST Sol-Et.y-r a APP-9-45 r- - $IGc k E t-E M ErNTc- of:So CIgE-y/ 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764 - 0552 MA I'HIEW I).R1ENNIE; Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAiUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials repres...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 5

….) a ae w -ARTS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, February 18, 1992 Page 5 Comedy doesn't Leifer behind There's more than Tampax jokes to Carol Leifer. She's not just a "woman comedian," but a biting, gender-bending wit. Carol Leifer Mainstreet Comedy Showcase February 13, 1992 Who is Carol Leifer? "I know she does Caroline's Co- medy Hour ... I should've seen her," said Eric Kurit. "I just know her from the Ca- roline's thing on A&E. And I saw he...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 6

…0 Page 6-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, February 18, 1992 FOUND: WATCH in front of Art Museum on Wed. 1/8. Joanna. 764-6415. LOST-DALE NORWAY WOOL SWEATER-Wht., blue, grey, snowflk. pttn Reward 665-7496. FOR SA LE A WINTER ANTIQUES MARKET. Ann Arbor. Feb.22, 23. U M Coliseum. Featuring Jewelry, Clocks, Radios, Coca Cola. Sat. 7-6; Sun. 8-4. 1-94 Exit #175, follow signs. (517) 456-6153. BIC SKI/BIKE RACK. Holds 4pr. skis/2 bikes. $60/best offer...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, February 18, 1992-Page7. Faculty members ask for input into staff benefits changes _ _ _ _ ..., . . .....n l- G ,, .,..t .......... ..... 19,,.:a Af T A ,.nm r M a4Aa"1 by Robin Litwin Daily Staff Reporter Faculty members want to be con- suited before the administration makes changes in staff benefits, they said during the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) meeting yesterday. SACUA continued i...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, February 18,1992 Thulani Davis creates an artistic memorial with 1959 by John Morgan in her recently released novel, 1959, Thulani Davis attempted to describe a period of recent American history that she feels has been ne- glected by other writers - the Civil Rights movement of the '50s and '60s. Today at 4 p.m. in the Robert E. Hayden Lounge, room 111 of West Engineering, Davis will read from 1959. Based ...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 9

…Men's Basketball vs. Minnesota Tomorrow, 8 p.m. Crisler Arena SPORTS Ice Hockey vs. Ohio State Tonight, 7:30 p.m. Columbus 1~age9 * The Michigan Daily Tuesday, February 18, 1992 Page 9 Icers look for first-place tie SBuckeyes nextfor Blue in mre Tuesday night affair by Ken Sugiura Daily Hockey Writer If the Michigan hockey team had any more Ohio teams scheduled, it would probably have to call upon the Cleveland Indians to lace up ...…

February 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 79) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, February 18, 1992 Volleyball sweeps through weekend U.S. hockey ties Sweden; wins group by Dan Linna Daily Sports Writer The Michigan men's volleyball team stressed the importance of en- tering its spring-break roadtrip at the peak of its game. They left little doubt this week- end after defeating Ohio State and Notre Dame Saturday and Kentucky Sunday. Michigan (8-3) expected to be challenged by the Buck...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…Wolverines, Spartans brawl to series split. See SPORTSmonday Page 1. 1£40 FE'AT H ER TODAY Mostly cloudy, rainy; High: 42, Low: 34. TOMORROW Cloudy, freezing rain; High: 38, Low: 21. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 98 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, February 18, 1991 C pyg 19 heMhan Daily nU.S. officials .... 9 say date not e y -d'rr AFR set for assault DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia (AP) occur. The U.S. military said yesterday When reporters at the U.S. mii ...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…0 Page 2-The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 18, 1991 Calvin and Hobbes by BillWatterson Bridge Club competes for title by Garrick Wang PAD, 4N O U LtEYIKLNh DCR~ OVEAR SOLVE WE~ PROBEMS? 4. r 4, 0 ' 4 t ' I NRY GRoN-UPS . kJT Daily Staff Reporter m "i ' w1', I I Dooder State College I'M TAKING A GREAT NEW.. COURfl DAVE. MOLECULAR PAR- TIC.LE PHYSICS. c ISN'T THAT WITHI PRO- FESOR KEN LEV? I YAM! HE'S MY ROLE MODEL! A TR...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Monday, February 18, 1991 - Page 3 WCBN kicks off 'vital' fundraiser e Students turn old eyeglasses into new vision by Jenny Adler "We've got everything!" claims WCBN Production Direc- tor and Fundraiser Coordinator Brian Wells. "We are a free-form station," Wells said. "We run the gamut. ,We have Public Affairs shows every evening including shows on Middle East perspectives and Women's Issues. Our music ranges from earl...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 18, 1991 Gbe £irbrCth n 1ail 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan ANDREW GOTTESMAN Editor in Chief STEPHEN HENDERSON DANIEL POUX Opinion Editors Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. {?r. 'r...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily You're stuck in the Monday, February 18, 1991 Page 5 trite, Ward Gaze through the looking glass King Ralph Dir. David S. Ward by Mike Kuniavsky John Goodman is a damn good actor. Let's hope that Hollywood doesn't swallow him up. Rising fast in the pop-cultural world - surprisingly so, considering his "non-traditional appearance" (read that as "fatter than perfect") - he k: has been in some pretty good stuff -4as ...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 -The Michigan Daily- Monday, February 18, 1991 A a " y ThE MKfGANDALY CLASSIFIEDS Line ads:$2.25/lineforfirstday, S$75/line for each additional, consecutive dayl DEADLINE is 11:30 am one business day prior to publication. I Payment Pre-Payment is required when ' plcin anad. Personal checks from Ann ' I Arbor area banks, business checks, cashier's checks & money orders wil be accepted. NOI PERSONA L CHECKS will be acepted from outhek& ...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 18, 1991 - Page 7 I C LASS IFIEDS ...HERB ..AVID U ITAR......STUI .. 3 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 302 E. " AkF NEEDED NUR RESORT HUTEL Mackinac Island includes dining room, kitchen, front desk, night audit, housekeeping, maintenance, grounds, bicycle shop mechanic. Contact Iroquois Hotel 2803 Central Park NE #201 Grand Rapids, MI 49505.616-364-1309 or 313-487-9584 SUMMER CAMP JOBS- North Star Camp for boy...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 8

…The University of Michigan Union North Campus Commons February 18 to February 24, 1991 Inmate Shares His Perspective of Project Community The following was written by an inmate at the conclusion of the Fall 1990 Creative Writing Seminar, held at Cotton Correctional Facility in Jackson, MI. Help Shape Your Student Centers The Michigan Union Board of Representatives (MUBR) is look- ing for students to sit on its Advisory Board. MUBR offers: L...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 9

…Sports Monday Trivia Who was the last frosh to win the MVP award of the NCAA basketball tournament? Inside Sbrts Monday 'M' Sports Calendar 2 AP Basketball Top 25 2 Athlete of the Week 2 Q&A 3 Gill Again 3 Women's Basketball 6 Men's Swimming 7 Track 7 Gymnastics 8 Tennis 8 ' ' , ; ., The Michigan Daily -Sports Monday February 18, 1991 4f , 'M' fightsf to spli*t 1with State 3N ~aC.. ~s by Dan Zoch Daily Hockey Writer After the first peri...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 10

…Page 2--The Michigan Daily-- Sports Monday - February 18, 1991 Michigan Sports Calendar A compilation of Michigan sporting events for the upcoming week. Monday, February 18 Men's Basketball vs. Purdue, 9:30 p.m. (ESPN) Tuesday, February 19 No events scheduled. Wednesday, February 20 No events scheduled. Thursday, February 21 Women's Swimming Big Ten Championships, Minneapolis Women's Gymnastics vs. Eastern Michigan, 7:00 p.m. Men's Basketbal...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - February 18, 1991 - Page 3 Moeller The coach reflects on the signing of some of the nation's finest recruits With his second recruiting sea- son over, Gary Moeller has si- lenced all reservations about a *possible recruiting slump without Bo Schembechler around. This year, after signing 13 of Super- Prep's top 100, most Prep experts ranked his class in the top two in the nation along with Penn St. After h...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 12

…Page 4-The Michigan Daily-Sports Monday- February 18, 1991 Theodore Cox Calip needs to share the wealth EVANSTON - With 50 seconds left in the game against Northwestern, Michigan guard Demetrius Calip drove the lane against Wildcat Charles Howell. As Calip rose in the air, he ex- tended his right arm with the ball firmly set in his palm. He then punched the ball through the net with authority. But the Wolverine captain was not done yet, for ...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday- February 18, 1991 - Page 5 JOSE JUAREZ/Daily Wolverine leftwinger Cam Stewart watches as his linemate, fellow rookie Brian Wiseman, score his second goal of the evening in Michigan's 6-5 victory over Michigan State Friday night. The Wolverines split the series at Joe Louis Arena, losing to the Spartans on Saturday. Rowdy rivals rumble r; ,.by Matt Rennie Daily Hockey Writer DETROIT - All that was miss- i...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 14

…Page 6- The Michigan Daily-Sports Monday- February 18,1991 *F ULL COURT. PRESS- Push finally comes Women earn weekend split VanDeWege pleased as Michigan beats Illinois, fall to Purdue to shove for M' by Matthew Dodge Daily Basketball Writer LaTara Jones has been knockin' boots all season. Nike boots, that is. She loves to crash her body around the lane and lay some hurt on opposing Big Ten forwards. She should know better. As a rookie ro...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday- February 18,1991- Page 7 Ohio State upsets tankers by Adam Miller nd Ken Su iura wily Sports Writers This weekendibrought two great events for the Michigan men's swimming team. The first came Friday night as the seniors, Mike Barrowman, Steve Hamerski, Scott Van Appledorn and Jarret Winter, were honored before their final home meet. Following the ceremony, the *am embarrassed Oakland Uni- versity for the ...…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 16

…Page 8- The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - February 18, 1991 Kass, Brakus come through for netters 'M' gymnasts blown away in Windy City by Charlie Wolfes by Becky WeissT Daily Sports Writer As the Michigan and Wisconsin men's tennis teams lined up on opposite sides of the court to watch the deciding match of their dual meet last Friday, evidence of the Big Ten rivalry increased with every point. "There was even more tension since (Michig...…

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