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February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…While Ann Arbor City Councilmember Larry Hunter's use of an official city car to attend last month's inauguration did not necessarily break any city rules, it did break the spirit of them. ARTS 9 The Academy Award nominations were released and there were a few surprises. Check out Aaron Hamburger and Michael John Wilson's analysis and predictions for this year's Oscars. SPORTS 1 Chris Webber and Jalen Rose led the Michigan basketball team pa...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February 18, 1993 ICEBERG Coptinued from page 1 roam. Supreme Court justices, members of Congress, Cabinent of- ficials, Joint Chiefs of Staff and foreign diplomats attend the speech. One member of the Cabinent does not attend the speech so that someone is ready to assume the presidency in case of disaster. U Minutes before the address, a Clinton aide faxes a copy of the president's speech to the House Te...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 18, 1993 - Page 3 'U' to renovate East Engineering, UGLI, Randall Lab by Nate Hurley Daily Administration Reporter Three University buildings will be getting face lifts and implants to hide their age. East Engineering will be reno- vated, the Randall Laboratory ex- panded, and the Undergraduate Library (UGLi) both renovated and expanded. Construction will begin in the spring, said Paul Spradlin, Univers...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…" Page 4--The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February 18,1993 ti r- cbe £ibitiau ailui 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Josn DuBow Editor in Chief YAEL M. CITRO ERIN LIZA EINHORN Opinion Editors I Unsigned editorials represent the mjority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. I ...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 18, 1993- Page 5 Forum .tackles isues o battery by Michelle Fricke 0 Sixty percent of men will batter women at some point in their lives. Faced with this frightening statistic, about 40 men and women gathered last night to confront the nature and consequences of violence through battery. The discussion was led by Mike Jackson and David Garvin, social workers who founded Alternatives to omestic Aggressi...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 6

…Page 6--The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February,18, 1993 " LOST PRESCRIPTION GLASSES on 1bompson St. or near Big Cty Bakery. 663- .396. BASEBALL Sports & non-sports cards for sale. Must sell! Call John 764-8992. COMPUTERS FOR SALE "'Mac SE w/68030 Accelerator, 2.5 MB RAM, ,52 MB HD, Keyboard, Mouse, $749. -IBM PS2 Model 70 386DX w/387, 4MB RAM, 160 MB. HD, VGA card, Ethernet ,$799. Mac SE/30 Motherboard, 4MB RAM, $399: 160MB SCSI HD. $749...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 18,1993- Pagel -I . ,_ . CLASSIFIED AIDS FOfl RENT STUDENT . AlE HUGE 6 BDRM. HOUSE near Packard & E. University. Furnished, 2 baths, parking, laundry, Oakland Mgmt. 761-7491. provides HUGE 6 BEDROOM HOUSE, parking, EXCELpr laundry, & 3 baths. Near Power Center. clear instruction Room for 7. Oakland Mgmt. 761-7491. HURRY & MISS THE RUSH - S. Fourth, 5 focusing upon bdrm. Furn. house., Pkng., Lndry.,...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 8

…. Page 8- The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February 18, 1993 " 0 V - 'V. I-n case yjou aren't aware, or hav'en't time to spare, y~ecarlyj some men dare to express themselves with lair. Some come in sneakers, others pumps; some add hips andL aU* cddt Lumps. 'Lt's clear that as theyj wordL their rumps these supernoctes are no f rumps. With long redt press-on nails' andt every9thing that entails, the gown andt makeup v'eils that they are re...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 9

… -4 ARTS, newSouth sound by Andrew J Cahn________ CurrentMagazine raves, "ANew South sound nestled between ZZ Top and R.E.M." Prism Production's calendar declares, "ANew South sound nestled between ZZ Top and R.E.M." Widespread Panic singer John Bell's first reaction to this was a quick spurt of cynical laughter. Then he made a hacking sound.When I told him this line did not originate from their record label, Capricorn, he was relieved, and...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 10

…" Women's Swimming and Diving Hockey at Big Ten Championships vs. Ferris State Today, Tomorrow and Saturday Tomorrow, 7 p.m. Canham Natatorium Yost Ice Arena The Michigan Daily Thursday, February 18, 1993 Page 10 Blue roars past Nittany Lions *.FULL COURT. PRESS 'M'fits right in t ~ at PS U's circus by Andy De Korte Daily Basketball Writer STATE COLLEGE - Last night, a circus-type atmosphere prevailed in the land of the Nittany Lions. ...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 11

…The Michiqan Daily- Thursday, February 18,1993 - Page 11 Andrew Levy- WOMEN'S SWIMMING BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIPS 'M' ready to claim seventh title by Charlie Breitrose >ad D ve raf Daily Sports Writers_ Other athletes need input in AD searc The University's athletic department is currently at a crossroads. With the retirement of Athletic Director Jack Weidenbach looming at the end of August, the University stands poised to appoint his successor...…

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, February 18,1993 Hitters swing into Florida Consistent pitching key for Wolverines as season begins by Brett Johnson Daily Sports Writer Freshly cut grass. Pine tar. Resin. These are the smells that return to the air tomorrow as spring train- ing begins for major league baseball. Saturday, these aromas will cap- ture the attention of the Michigan baseball team for the first time this season. The Wolveri...…

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