February 18, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 91) • Page Image 1
…114 e eS 4 ' . 1- . . :\ I II Ii L Phones :--Iditorial 2414 Bus'liaess 960 TfELEG.RAPHl SERVICE BY THEI NEIV YORK SUN VOL. XX RELE l s ANN' I-{B{)it, 1XICIIGAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916. PRICE FIVE~ CENTS T , , - ,- ici ;:d.i , .i CASH B9X E bi~ 'nOIh el :t ~. i'e Cilia ~ ah-Iino,'' :. I ~ o-rccl -. i A1o~ of a modern Al ~n ~:. lVAl)'~ I rooi tllQ I ~ b~S ~~siginnent I bist form and the 1 ho* ~wnr, will be~ ho ~-re lOOfli Ut t...…